Third Race [3rd Hamilton, Daily Racing Form, 1920-06-29

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THIRD RACE 1 Mile 3yearolds Maidens Allowances June 29 1909 139 3 96 96CALLER CALLER OddfellowTrainer HERRIN blk f 3 M 110 Sy Luke McLukc Caller Ou by Oddfellow Trainer J W McNaught Owner G A Wallace Wallace4S227 4S227 ConKht 34 l15iislpv 7 103 5 7 C 3 3 E Fator 9 Musito VivcMcGeoMissMillions VivcMcGeoMissMillions47Gi ICoselyon475KJ 47Gi Wdbine 34 l15fast 5Sf 103 9 87 CJ r 5 F Murphy 11 Vapliank Azrael ICoselyon 475KJ Wdbine 34 l14fast 26 9S 9 9 G 73 G R RoinellllO Somme Vapliank Rnnnyven RnnnyvenSOSCOL SOSCOL ch f 3 M 110 By Dr Leggo Saccharate by Brutus BrutusTrainer Trainer G B Cochran Owner G B Cochran Cochran47S41 47S41 Thncllffe 34115 fast 2A 100 3 1 R Romelli fi Yphank TBllnnt W tlieGreat tlieGreat4V7S4 4V7S4 Thncliffc 34 l15fast 193 103 2U R Romelli 7 Shilling Mark West i Moody Moody4C035 4C035 Jefson 34 l15slow 15 103 7 79 S G J Judge 13 FChoie Tomphiint Mitch MaV 41128 FGnds 3S 39Jhvy 20 114 8 S1 S J Metcalf 11 RedKedKose MMIiiks Oleaster OleasterCOLONEL COLONEL LIT b c 3 M 107 107Trainer By Granite Sweet Marjorie by Goldfinch Trainer C F Clark Owner J H Loucheim 479K BBonnets 34 1 lrifast ft 107 7 77 Glft J Williams S Who Cares Pokey Jane Hush 47SG2 Dorval 1 151 hvy 52 I03J G 5 5 5 o13 J Heupel r rotlieltoost FConsul MyDea 4iZ4 Wdbine 34 l15fast 43 106 11 10 9 S1 G J Wllllamsll Yaphank Azrael Roselyoii 47140 Pimllco 1 116 l49fast 212 104 9 5 5 4 5U G2 J Heupel 9 Dorcas King John Kilts II II470S4 470S4 Pimllco 1 l42fast 52f 108 81010 10 Il 11 H Ham fn2 Dr Joe Foodor Royal Jester 44818 Bowie 34 l15good 20 115 2 44 G1 710 M Rowan 1 BelQiiuen Moroni DorthysP MARK WEST ch c 3 M Ey Squire Jack Santa Malta by Sanctuary Trainer R A Smith Owner Sunnyland Stable 4S337 Hamtn 19 1P7 3 G C G 1 CR L Morris 0 Kepp Iliisli Goldino Goldino3J 477S4 Thneliffe 34 l15fast 11 110 3J L Morris 7 Shilliiig Soscol P Moody 47GJJ AVdbine 34 llrifast 14 10S 7 74G9U3 547 it 9 L Morris 11 Yapliank Azrael Ko vlyon 4G9U3 Pimllco 1 143 fast 95 115 4 44G8S1 G 7 7 G 7 L Morris 10 Kairxvay Royiil Jester Feodor 4G8S1 JIdnGce 34 115 fast 17f 116 S S4G144 10 9 71 9 L Morris 10 A of Aces LiuGirl Royal Jester 4G144 Jefson GJ f lOS good 7 110 11 11GALAMORE 11 10 71 71 L Morris H War Club Salami Repeater GALAMORE br c 3 M 103 By Galtine Irish Witch by Blairfined BlairfinedG Trainer F W Colina Owner J W Colina I ConKht 1 143 fast 3S flS V Lost rider G Yeargin 8 Azrael OldPop BritainsAlly 4SCU2 ConKht 1 l43 slov 1CI 101 3 5 G 7 7 7 R Duggan 8 Woodbine CofGoId GlowWorm GlowWorm4S1GS 4S1GS ConElit 34 l14fast 1 S 1C U 11 il 11 H = = C Dugiran 11 Stmdeo Mallowumt ISritAllv ISritAllv47S13 47S13 Thncllffe 34 l15fast 51 101 4 R Duggaii 7 Allcu InWonder Yowell Ostara f708 Ostaraf708 Thneliffe 51 f l03faat 2C 103 4 C DuBBan J Cvasback CvasbackvUTlent vUTlent PowFlask MELODRAME b c 3 M 107 107Trainer By Rabelais Melody by Meddler MeddlerJ Trainer M Lowcnstcin Owner M J Ziowenstoiu 43337 Hamfn 1 11G l4Sffast 35 WO G 1 14U22 5 55 K McUott i Keep Hush Guldiiiq 4U22 Latonia 1 11G l17fast E 107 9 S 5 5 S10 S10 G Stack 9 Musiyan FrccStatu PirateMGcc I2U2S Aiiduct 5S liJl = 4fast 40 115 H 8 S Sl 919 A Campblll llaHtenOn Alias Giiiiie Chick 42348 Belmont 41f st 53fast 30 115 13 12 12GREAT 12 13l 13 B Campb114 Upset ServiceStar KChauipldn KChauipldnBy GREAT SCOTT b g 3 M 112 By Great Britain Flora Basset ty Bassetlaw Owner J Walters v rirat start

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Local Identifier: drf1920062901_7_3
Library of Congress Record: