First Race [1st Latonia, Daily Racing Form, 1920-06-29

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FIRST RACE 1 Mile 4yearolds and upward Claiming July 3 1919 136 4 106 106Indnx Indnx Course Dist TimeTckOddi Wt St Btr Fin Jockeys Started Order of Flnlik JACK HARE JR or h 5 113 By Marathon Moonet by Donald A ATrainer Trainer K Spence Owner W E Applegate 5 211 Latonia Ii4 l13Vigood 25 117 4 3 S I1 Il F Wilson 5 BonJour GreenGrass Qu Blonde Blonde4SOS7 4SOS7 Latonia 34 l12fast 21 107 S 43 Z l t p Wilson 10 DavidCraig DrCarmen Hadrian Hadrian4S007 4S007 Uatonia 34 l12fast 35 110 3 22 21 3 1 F Wilson G Green Grass Bullion Basil Basil43CG9 43CG9 FGnds 3J l14hvy 45 128 5 44 41 53 W Wright 7 CLeydecker GStarr DuchLace 45361 FGnds 34 119 hvy 45 129 3 3 3 2l 2 W Wright 4 Enmity The Boy Druinmond 45254 FGnds 1 11G 3fast 4 127 6 G 4 4 81 8 G Molesthll Korbly Slip Elm S of Pleasure LERRANT b g 5 By Magellan Gaya by Son o Mine Trainer L Gentry Owner Beach Stable 47S49 Latonia 4 lllfast 123112 3 4 3 41 41 L Mink 5 ScwellCcnibs BDaw MarIIynes 47G02 Church 1 6 l45fast 45 103 1 1 1 1 11 1 M Garner 0 Kikii Wickford Herald Heraldll3Sfast 474S7 Church 1 ll3Sfast 165 ICG 2 11 1 1i 2 = R McCrnn S Woodtrap Zijlcika GalliCurci GalliCurciS 47319 Churchl 7S S l29Mmud 11 112 8 G 4 5 6l 5 R McCrnn S Converse Fly Welshman Alula 42GS Saratoga 34 4 lllfast 10 116 9 5 S 5 3 = 1 G Burns 15 Ilnutleclge Startling Mid Sun 4313G Aqduct 34 4 112 good 1S5 981 1 11 I2 3 = 2 G W Car1 4 Itoawer SunBriar DuchessLace MATINEE IDOL b i g 5 101 101Trainer By All Gold Matinee by Broomstick Trainer M Goldblatt Owner H Goldblatt 47847 Latonia 1 115 l45fast 1C 10S 3 4 G 5 o3 49 M Garner C MintoII Leocharcs Baigneur 4744S Churchl 1 l37fast 13 112 5 4 5 7 6 617 C Robson 8 JStuart Pastoureau Leochares 47276 Churchl 1 I40slow 4310 113 2332 23324G9SS 3 2 2 2k C Robson 5 Uoutledge Vickford WarPrize 4G9SS Lexton 1 139 fast 2710 115 2 3 3 3 34G9G1 3J 3 = 1 E Ambrse 5 Zuleika Rouiledge Woodtrap 4G9G1 Lexton 1 11G 150 hvy 13 10S 3 2 2 2 5s G18 T Murray 7 General Haig Regalo Pictor 4GS7G Lexton 1 139 fast 14 110 3 52 i 2 2TROILUScn li 2 B Ambrsell Minto II Kiku Woodtrap WoodtrapBy TROILUScn e 6 iQg iQgTrainer By Broomstick BelTo of Troy by Fonso Trainer E Trotter Owner Florisant Stable table 4S119 Latonia 1 116 l49fast 145112 224 4 5 3 34J M Garner S Woodtrap SofPsureHoiiolBoy 4G309 Jefson 34115 hvy 4 113 4 4 44 4 42 414 o Willis 5 Ticklish Toe the Mark Trusty 40215 Jefson 34 l12fast 2 111 1 1 11 1 1s I5 O Willis 0 Legotal ChLeydecker Tattle 4G043 Jcfson Im70y l44fast 3 110 3 1 1 1 2J 22 O Willis 5 War Mask Sof Pleasure Lively 4G017 Jofson 34 l12fast 7 110 3 2i 2i Q Willis 11 Apple Jack II Legotal Assur 45791 FGnds 34 l12fast G 110 2 6l 62 O Willis 12 Tacola American Ace Arnold BULLION ch e 6 109 By All Gold Jinks by Albert Trainer J B Respess Owner J B Respess 1S007 Latonia 34 l12fast 115115 5 5 3 3s 2i W Morscy 0 GreeuGrass JackllareJr Basil 47893 Latonia 34 l12fast 5 113 3 2 I1 W Morseyll DrCarmen BonJour Docod Docod2i 4IG22 Churchl 34 l13 good 45 105 3 2i 2l J Kederis 0 BBJnson Bon Tromp Rafferty 44285 Latonia 1 l42mud 32 112 2 2 2 2 21 22 J Kederis 7 Herald Breeze Spearlene 44234 Latonia 1 116 l45fast 3710 112 211 1 1 I5 J Kwleris S Kcw ONeil Arravan Exhortep 43007 Latoria 34 l12fast 10 103 4 10 10 72 7 J J Mooney 12 A N Akin Pullux Star Baby GALLICTTRCI ch f 4 101 101Trainer By Ivan tho Terrible Foyer by Masetto Trainer H Louden Owner W W Darden 48299 Latonia 1 l3Sfast 5i IOC G 5 3 5 4 42 E Pool 7 Iwin FeniHandley DancSpray DancSpray4S15C 4S15C Latonia 1 116 l45fast 7 10G 2 2 2 2 l 2 B Pool S MystGirl StGermain Cormran Cormran4S119 4S119 Latonia 1 11G l49fast 21 100 7 7 5 6 C G = G Stack 8 Woodtrap SofPleasure Troilus Troilus4SOCO 4SOCO Latonia 34 l13good 5 110 7 7 7 6J 4si H Lunsfa S Fernllandley MMaxim BonJour 47923 Latonia 34 lllfast 50 109 5 5 5 51 6 J II Lunsfd G Distinction AmAce BParadisu 47659 Churchl 78 l26fast 8 98 7 7 7 8 72 75i S Wida 8 BlackieJJaw SirenMaid Brookht SANDS OF PLEASURE b g 7 113 By Fair Play Golden Sand by Rock Saad SaadTrainer Trainer J M Goode Owner J M Goode Goode4S119 4S119 Latonia 1 116 l49fast 10 112 556 3 2 = 2s F Merimee S Woodtrap Troilus HonoliiluBoy 47897 Latonia 1 18 l50fast S 107 2 3 3 4 6 633 F Mcrimee 0 HeFrank PeacePcn Pastoureau 47548 Churchl 1 116 l45fast 2710 109 133 4 312 32 F Merimcs 4 Atta Boy II Drastic Courtship Courtship4744S 4744S Churchl 1 l37fast 195 110 677 G 52 5 2 F Merimee S JStuart Pastoureau Leochares Leochares4Y060 4Y060 Lexton 1 14 203fast 12 IOC 2 6 5 4 2 1J F Merimee G Zuleika Drastic Pictor

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Local Identifier: drf1920062901_4_2
Library of Congress Record: