Third Race [3rd Latonia, Daily Racing Form, 1920-06-29

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THIRD RACE 5 12 Furlongs Sain Purse 2yearolds Fillies Allowances June 7 1909 105 3 93 APHIE DEAR ch f 2 116 By Ivan the Terrible Armilda by Bryn Mawr MawrTrainer Trainer A Baker Owner E L Bakorl Bakorl4KM4 4KM4 Latonia 5 f lOSgood 32 110 2 43 1 = I3 II J Burke S MJBaker MoMine Lastltose Lastltose4S158 4S158 Latonia 58 l00iast 40 111 7 76 6t 31 D Connlly 7 BcIIdloIIour MMuffins Betta 48117 Latonia 5S 59fast 24 112 5 7 51 310 D Connllyll MissMuffins GossipAv JuliaN 47875 Latonia 41 f G3fast 13 113 2 5 4l 35i D Connlly 7 LMadcapGossipAv My oMine 47379 Churchl 4 f 56hvy 5 113 8 6 5 2s D Connlly 9 Helium Cimarron Quick View 47131 Churchl 12 47fast 24 119 1 4 51 4 1 D Connlly C BofWhite MMfflns MFtaine MFtaineMARY MARY GAFFNEY b f 2 113 113Trainer By Jim Gaffney Grand Mary by Florist Trainer F Brooks Owner W J Young Young4S2G9 4S2G9 Latonia 51 f 109 fast 7 112 7 5 i 2J I1 C Robsonl2 GoldAntumn Homaid Dromore 48217 Latonia 58 l04hvy 24 108 9 87 4J 3 = W Heincill JuliaN PepPolly Glendoveer 45006 Latonia 58 l01fast 105 115 6 3 31 5 3SJ S Wida 11 JuliaN Present Alberta S 47819 Latonia 41 f 56mud 28 115 11 11 1 11 H35 S Wida 11 Glendoveer My Rose Julia N 47000 Lexton 41 f 57 fast 18 109 3 7 6 32 3 C VanUun 7 Ringltose BerthaSFrankMoody MARY JANE BAKER b f 2 110 110Trainer By Wrack Ellerslie by Charaxui Trainer W Perkins Owner M C Xoore Xoore4F2J4 4F2J4 Latonia 51 f lOSgood 24 110 1 5 55 5 31 23 H Lunsfd 8 AphieDear MoMine LastRose 48188 Latonia 58 l02hvy 1 112 2 5 53 3 11 1 II Lunsfd 8 Loveliness Sarazade L Maiden 47894 Latonia 58 l01fast 14 112 3 3 33 3 4 3J II Lunsfd MyRose EleanorS Cozette 47316 Churchl 41 f 5Gmud 9 115 1 5 31 3 i B Pool 12 Pekoe Miss Fontaine My Rose 47172 Churchl 12 50y5mud 125 115 6 3 31 21 B Pool 10 Frivol Natural Tawascntha 47043 Lexton 41 f 55 fast 135 112 4 5 3 3 H Lunsfd 7 AphieDear MissFontneForlcaf PEKOE ch f 2 113 113Trainer By Light Brigade One Step by Oddfellow Trainer J C Milam Owner J N Camden 47450 Churchl 41 f 54fast 9 110J 4 2 2i 45i D ConnllylO BenValet NorElkhorn RunzaC 47316 Churchl 41 f 5GV5mud 5 115 4 1 1 I1 M Garner 12 MFntaine MJ Baker MyRose 47131 Churchl 12 47fast 9 114 5 5 41 5 C Robson 0 BofWhite MMtlins MFtaine 47114 Churchl 12 49slow 7 112 2 2ANUNDA 7 7 3 1 L Ensor 12 IJofWhite Tawatha Lveliuesa LveliuesaBy ANUNDA gr f 2 M 105 105Trainer By Chuctanunda Fair Oris by Orison OrisonS Trainer S Berry Owner S Berry 48188 Latonia 58 l02hvy 70 112 S S S G1 G Gs = s F Morimee 8 MJBaker Loveliness Sarazade 47921 Latonia 41 f 54fast 3SC 112 11 10 J J F Merlneel2 YclBlossom BeSure PepPolly 47000 Lexton 41 f 57 fast 14 107 7 4 4 G G1 B Kenndy 7 RigKose BerthaSMaryGaffney 46972 Lexton 12 51 hvy 54 112 7 6 62 61 B Kenndy 7 Helium BofGreen MryJBaker 46930 Lexton 12 53hvy 17 112 6 64G8S8 64G8S8 4 4 = 5l N Barrett 0 Quick View Fourleaf Niobe 4G8S8 Lexton 12 50mud 28 112 8 8First 8 8 82 F Smith 8 AiuBlack D Loriotle Q View ViewBy First start for the following followingGRACE GRACE MINARD br f 2 M 105 By Frontcnac Roses by Wagner Trainer W C Goodloe Owner W C Goodloo MARGARET MURNAN br f 2 112 By Dick Finncll Scattercash by Spendthrift SpendthriftM M Owner M P Murnan

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Local Identifier: drf1920062901_4_4
Library of Congress Record: