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HAVANA FORM CHART HAVANA, .CUBA, SATURDAY, DECEMBER 18, 1920. Oriental Park. Eighteenth day. Cuba-American Jockey arid Auto CUib. AAiriter Meeting of 100 or more days. "Weather clear; temperature 90. Stewards, J. Haelimeister, C. II. Ldnsdale and F. J. Bruen. Starter, James F. Milton. Racing Secretary, M. Nathanson. Racing starts ;at 2:30 p. In. Chicago time 1:57 p. m.. Indicates apprentice allowance. CH -ft FIRST. RACE-t-S-B Mile. Jan. 10, 1920593100. Purso 00. 2-year-olds. O, JL J JL V Maidens. Special Weights. Net value to winner 50; second, 00; third, 0;. Index Hoges A WtPPSt Vt Vz Str Fin Jockeys Owners O II O P S 51830 KATHLEEN K. 105 2 1 li 1 1 l3 J Hoffler T Hoffler 2 -2 2 4-5 2-5 51830 SCOTTY wn 105 4 3 2?. 2s 2 2s A PickensO" C Ferriss 5 5 5 2 1 518 li2 MISTER JIGGS 108 1 2 3l SS 3 .".a R McDottAV Ar Thraves Si 5 5 2 1 51789 SCINTILLATE w 107 G G G1 Gi 53 4i J CarmdyG Holmes .. 10 10 10 4 2 51789 AVISHnsG wr. 105 5 5 4i 41 4 5s H Garner K Spence 5 5 5 2 1 51830 MARICUSA w 103 7 7 , 7 7 - 7 6 -B KenndyL M Jribarren 1 ,1 1 1-2J-4 51830 VERA TAAYFORD av 105 -3 4 . 5k5J 6K,"7 H rBfob?S01lR Scully 15 15 13 G and Time. 24, 49, 1:03. Track fast. mutuels paid, Kathleen K., .S0 straiglit, .40 place, .10 show; Scotty, 2.00 place, .60 . show; Mister Jiggs. .10 show. , t Equivalent booking odds Kathleen K.. 190 to 100 straight. 70 to 100 place, 55 to 100 show; Scotty, 530 to 100 place, ISO to 100 Show; Mister Jiggs, 155 to 100 show. AVinner Ch. f, by Martinet Iucitation, by Hilarious trained by AA". Call; bred by Messrs. Williams Bros.. AVent to -post at -2:30. At post 1 minute. Start good and slow. Won easily; second and third driving. KATHLEEN K. outran the others from the start and won in a canter. SCOTTY raced into second place in the thst eighth und easily reriiained there. MISTER JIGGS finished gamely. SCINTILLATE came through on the inside on the stretch turn arid would have been third :in another" stride. MARIOCSA began slowly and vas; rushed up to the others on the turn out of the backstretch, where she appeared to have jinn ped ou SCINTILLATES heels and Was pulled up sharply. . .-Overweights Scintillate,, 2..pomds. . -"fcT0-l "f SECOND RACE 5-8 Mile. Jan. 10, 1920593100. Purso 00. 2-year-olds. J -jL?--1-.JL Maidens. Special Weights. Net value to winner 50; second, 00; third, 0-. Index Horses AWtPPSt Str Fih Jockeys Owners O H C P S 51871 PERHAPS w 105 4 2 iu iu ink lj J McCoy J O Keene 111 1-21-5 51830 FLEAVillGir w 103 2 G 4 4s 4 2" C KenndyL Curran 2i 2 2J 1 1-2 51810 BERTHA MlNIX w 105 1 1 3 3s 3s 3J A Pickens AA J Daly 5 5 5 8-5 4-3 51830 LOTTA SPEED w 108J 5 3 2J 2s 2? 4H AV Kelsay J Lowe 2J 2J 2 4-5 2-3 50619 SEVEN SEAS w IPS 6 5 5 5l 53 5 C Eamts T Hodge 8 S S 3 S-5 51709 HELEN LUCAS w 105 3 4 6 G G 6 C OMahyL Crist 10 10 10 4 2 "Tinie; 24, 50, 1:03. Track fast. mutuels paid, Perhaps, straight, .80 place, .00 show; Flewhlgh, .10 place, :10r sliow; Bertha Minix. .80 show. Equivnleht booking odds Perhaps. 215 to 100 straight. 90 to 100 place, 50 to 100 show; Flewhigh, 105 to 100 xilace, 55 to 100 show; Bertha Miftix, 40 to 100 show. Winner-s-Ch. c, by Luke McLuke Miss Georgia, by Star Shoot trained by E. Brewster; bred by Mr. J. N. Markey. Went to ifost at 2:52, At post 4 minutes. Start good and slow. AVon driving; second and third the sanie. PERHAPS took the lead quickly, iaceM LOTTA SPEED iiito defeat in therst half and outstayed FEEWHlGH at the end. FLEWHIGH caiue through fast next to the inside rail and almost ladtup to win. BERTHA MINIX ran well, arid ""finished -gamely on the outside of the two leaders. SEATEN SEAS finished with a belated rush. LOTT-V SPEED raced gamely, but tired. . Overweights :Lotta,;.-Sp.ced. . 3 pouifds. . . . :"K-Ci:i" THIRD -RACE 3-4 Mile. Jan. 8, lS20-lilW6 102; .Purso. 00. 3-year.61fls .and tj A.xf JL"mi -upward. Claiming; ,-jNet value, to winner 50; - second, i06; third, .0. index Horses A WtPPSt Vt Str Fin Jockeys Owners X H ;C -P S 51.754 ASSIGN wit 5 109 1 "2 li 1- 1- IS S Boyle Marlanao Stable 8 8 8 -21 6-5 51811 SEN". JAMES wn 10 109 5 1 2 "24 21 2 J DomiclcH AV Plant 24 24 24 1 l-2 5172LTSGOTaL. w 4 101 4 G 3 3 3 S4 B KehndyM Goldblatt G-5 G-5f6i5 1-21-4 ul52AAA. R. vr 3 "99 G 7 6J 44 4 4s F AVilson J Lowe 2 24 "25 rl 1-2 5 1771 MAJOR FISK w 3 107 3 5 7 C4 5 5 AV Jamil O L Foster 10 10 10 4 2 51852 SAIN ROSE wn 3 107 2 3 4t 3 G G1 C vEames- T Hodge 12 12 12 6 3 51851 KAAENSEA w 3 103 7 4 5l 7 7 7 A Pickens I. M Iribarren 10 10 10 4 2 Time, 23, 48, 1:15. Track fast. mutuels paid. Assign, 9.30 straight, :40 place, :40 Show; Senator James, .S0 place, .80 show; Legotal, .50 show. Equivalent bookirig odds Assign, 1365 to 100 straight, 320 to 100 place, 70 to 100 show; Senator Janies. OO to 100 place, .40" to 100 sliow;- Legotal, 25 to 100 show. Winner B. g, by Superman Award, by Strathinore trained by J. Armstrong; bred by Mr. "Henry T. Oxnard. AAcrit to post at 3:20. At post 1 inirinte. Start good and slow. AVon driving; second -arid third the same. ASSIGN tired in the final drive after settirir a fast early pace, but outstayed SENATOR JAMES in a game finish. SENATOR JAMES raced in closest pursuit and finished resolutely. LEGOTAL began slowly and ran a pdor race, but appeared to be a trifle sore. AAA R. ran fairly well. Overweights Sain -Rose, 3 p0urids; r:Ravehse"a, 1. BT- Q- Q FOURTH RACF 3-4 Mile. Jan. 8, 19201:116-102. Purse ;00. 3.year.oldS and Q JLO upward. Claiming. -Net value. to winner 60; second, 00; third; "0. Index Horses AWtPPSt V h a Str Fin Jockeys Owners O H. 0 :P S 51835 HDCN1R w 9 112 2 7 7 7 3l ll R McDottAV B Finnegan 5 5-5 2 1 517S2BLAZEAAVAY Wis S 110 3 4 in it 14 2i F Hunt Armonia Stable 7-5 7-3 7-5 121-4 51.792 MAlt. HOLLINS w 4 107 5 2 2S 2J 2 34 B Kenn 1AA H Hall 7-5 7-5 7-5 1-21-4 518523KEAVESSA wsr. 10 101 C 5 G 6" 54 4 L Penman AV L Oliver 6-6 6 24 G-5 51832, QY MERRICK wn 9 109 4 G 3fc 33 4 5i C Eamcs Bside and Devre 20 20 20 8 4 3i7533FRASCUELO V5 115 1 3 54 5nt G 6 J Butwell E Alvarez 4 4 4 7-5 7-10 51G10 -DOCTOR D. w S 109 7 1. 4 4h 7 7 J CarmodyG K Allen 15 15 15 6 3 Time, "23, 48, 1:14. Track fast. mutuels paid, Hocnir, 9.S0 straight, .00 place, .40 show; Blazeaway, .80 place, .10 show; Marlon Hollins, .20 Show. Equivalent hooking odds Hocnir. 890 to 100 straight, 350 to 100 place, 120 to 100 show; Blazeaway, SO to 100 place, 55 to 100 show; Marion Holliiis, 00 to 100 show. Winner P.. g, by Aooriices Emir, by Ducat trained by AV. B. Finnegan; bred by Mr. AdolphrB. Spreekels . Went to post at 3:40. At post 2 minutes. Start good and slow. AVon handily; second arid third driving. HOCNIR was outrun to the stretch turn, from where he moved up rapidly and, wearing BLAZEAAVAY down, passed him and won going away. BLAZE AAV AY set a fast pace, but tired in the stretch drive. MARION HOLLINS finished gamely and was catching BLAZEAWAY with every stride. KEAAESSA raced wide on the far turn and -when entering the stretch, but was going fastest of all at the finish.. CY MERRICK showed speed. :Krt.Jri A FIFTH RACE 5 1-2 Furlongs. Jan. 24, 1917 1:05 5 102. Purse 00. 3year-:J JL? jLTb olds and Tipward. Claiming. ;Net value to winner 50; second, 00;-third, 0. Index Horses A WtPPSt A W Str Fin Jockeys Owners O H C P S 05!811SISTER SUSIE 7 110 1 1 l3 l3 1 In J ConnOrsAV R Padgett G-5 7-5 7-5 3-5 1-3 518543BLACK PRINCE w 3 102 3 6 54 43 43 21 F Hunt Armdhia Stable 3J 34 34 6-3 3-5 518733DISCUSSION w 4 104 5 4 33 3l 2l 33 B ICerindyM Goldblatt 7 2 2 4-3 2-5 518543THE BELGN II. wit 6 109 2 3 G 5 54 4 S Boyle J R Skiriker 3 3 24 1 1-2 496813KORAN w 5 104 4 2 4 G G 5s L PenmanH Hbrdel 10 10 10 4 2 50455 INA AVOOD w 3 105 G 5 21 23 3k -3 "R MCDnttAV F Kncbelkampl3 15 13 G 3 Time, 22, 47, 1:01, 1:08. Track fast. mutuels paid. Sister Susie, .10 straight, :90 place, .50 show; Black Prince, .50 place, .60 sliow; Discussion, .30 show. Equivalent booking odds Sister Siisle. 255 to 100 straight. 95 to 100 place, 25 to 100 show; Black Prince. 123 to 100 place, 30 to 100 show; Discussion, 15 to 100 show. AVinner B. in, by Galveston Sweet Lavender, by Goldfinch trained by W. R. Padgett; bred by Mr. James B. llaggiu. AVent to. post at 4:11. At post 2 minutes. Start good and slow. AVon driving; second arid third the same. SISTER SUSIE set a fast early pace and AVon all the way, but tired"badly in the last" eighth. BLACK PRINCE closed a gap and finished with a rush. DISCUSSION raced forwardly, but tired in the final drive. THE BELGIAN II. was shut off on the turn out of the backstretch arid was pulled up, but finished fast on the inside. INA AVOOD ran a fast half mile and tired badly. Scratched 51853 Drapery. 104. .Overweights Ina, AVood, j . pound; Sis.ter Susje.l. fcTTl , SIXTH H ACE 1 Mile and 50 Yards. March 6. 1918 1:41 5 117. Purse 00. tJ J.t Xu 3-ycar-olds arid upward. Claiming. Net value to winner 60; second, 00; third, 0. Iridex Horses A AVtPPSt Vt .; j-Str Kin Jockeys Owners" QH O P S 51.83 1 KOL GILSIOY wr. G 103 3 7 G 6 7- 4 li J McCoy P 13 Graham r, 7 7- 2. G-5 51809--ALLSM6kE w G 103 7 5 1 li li 2 2nt F "Hunt G lrvin 15 7 7 "26-3 5J835LE BALAFRE wn 4 108 S 3 2i 2 24 lk ? B KeuiidyB Mock 2 2 2 -4 2-5 5 1875 s BLAZONRY wn 5 113 4 4 5 4- ."4 43 C Eatnts T Hbllge 2 2 2 l"-5t2-5 51855 PLANTAREDE w 4 110 2 2 4 5 53 C 5 I Dornickll W- Pl?nt 8 10 10 i 2 -10547 RHYMER w 6 1014 C 6 3 3 4 5 G4 E Francis II T Bangs 3 3 V 24 7-5 7-10 51872 3MISS SAAEEP w 5 10S 1 1 7 7 Ci 7 7 J CarmodyG K Allen 3?. " 3 3 Time, 25. 49, 1:16, lu.42; 1:45. Track fast. " inutuels paid, Sol Gilsey, 5.40 straight, 0.30 place, 3:50 shoiv; Allsmoke, .50 place, .90 show; Le Dalafre, .00 show. Equivalent hooking odds Sol Gilsey. 2170 to 100 straight. 915 to 100 place, 575 to 100 show; All-smoke,. 325 to 100 place. 145 to 100 .show; Le Halafre, 80 to 100 show. AVinner--Br. g, fiy. Plaudit Dixolcfte, by Sir Dixon trained by H. Spargus.; bred by Mr. A. Aogeler. Went to post at 4:35. At- post 4 miiintes. Start good and slow. AAon easily; second arid third driving. SOL GILSEY began slowly, but worked his way tip on the outside and, coming through the stretch with a. rush, was going away at the end. ALLSMOKE set a good pace and outstayed" LE BALAFRE for second place. The latter ran u goodvrace, but trod in the last sixteenth. BLAZON It V ran weil, but can do mtich better. Overweights Rhymer, V pounds. Cr-g Ql g SEVENTH RACE 1 Mile and. 50 Yards. March 6, 19181 :41 5 irjft Pureo"Jand. J.JTJdb jjF. ,3-year-olds and,,upw4rd. Claiming.-Net valne to winner 50; "slcond; 00; third, 0. Index Horses AWtPPSt " W Str Fin Jockeys Owners O H G. P S . 51751 DEW1TT w 3 in:! 3 4 41 4 31 11 1 H Garner W R Padgett 2 2 2 4-5 2-5 51421CONSTANTINE wn 4 106 6 C 7 5 5 3k 23 F WJlson J C Ferrlss 3 4 4 8-5 4-5 A1851 EL CORONEL vf 4 108 8 5 :2 2- 2 53 3? e OMahyO Tuggle 8-5 2 2. 4-5 2-5 51855DON GRAFjXON w 5 10Q. 4 8 6h 6" 01 6 4 L Per.manE W Moore 4 4 4 8-5 4-5 5188.4IOTTLE BUSS w C 100 5 2 33 3 43 4b 5 J McLhllnT Cheek S 8 8 3 8-5 51870 JACK DAWSON wn G 103 1 3 51 71 8. 8. CJ I Fletcher G P Sherman 12 12 12 5 2i 51711 CADILLAC w G 111 2 7 8 8- 7 7l 7 A Tryon A Tempest 12 12 12 5 2 51851 LADY HESTER ws 4 108 7 1 11 ll 1! f S1 S Boyle M E Thompson 10 10 10 4 2 Time. 24, 48, 1:16, 1:44, 1:47. Track fast. mutuels paid, Dewitt, straight, ."00 " place, .00 show; Constantine, .80 place, .80 show: El Coronel, .20 show. Equivalent booking odds Dewitt, 235 to 100 straight, 100 to 100 place, 30 to 100 show; Constantine, 140 to lOO place, 90 to 100 show; El Coronel, GO to 100 show. Winner-Cb. g, by Everett Miss Paumure, by Panmure trained by W R. Padgett; bred by Mr. I. E. Clark. Went to post at 5:0G. At post 1 minute. Start good and slow. Won handily; second and third driving. DEWITT was outpaced until, after passing the far turn, from where he moved up steadily and, taking the lead, outstayed CONSTANTINE. The latter tired after making a threatening challenge at the eighth post, where he came fast on the outside. EL CORONEL tired after forcing the pace for three-quarters. LADY HESTER set a good pace and was eased up when she tired. DOItfNA GRAFTON finished fast. Overweights Dewitt, 2 pounds.