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KENTUCKY DERBY RAISED i . Big Louisville Race Given the Fine Endowment of 0,000. . Kentucky Oaks and Latonia Oaks Each Increased to 0,000 Added -Purses Advanced. LLXINC.TON K. December 21. -A Ht-oml session f tlic Slali- Racing Commission was held after luncheon :it the Lafayette Hotel yesterday afternoon, at which the Kentucky Jockey Clubs proimsal. presented by Col. Matt J. Winn, following a round-table discussion with Messrs. Kcene and McDowell during the luncheon, was adopted as follows: "The Kentucky Jockey Club agrees to increase the stakes and purses for its spring meeting to the extent of 8O1.0OO. which is an increase of 00 per day. this amount to be distributed equally between stakes anil purses; the Kentucky Derby tu lw increased to 0,000 added: the Kentucky Oaks to 0,000 and the Latonia Oaks to 810,000: Lexington to have no purse less than ,000 and Louisville purses to be increased 8,000 over last spring." Colonel Winn, after it nferring with Mr. A. It. Hancock and others, stated that the Kentucky Jockey Club would appropriate 5,000 for the purpose of providing thoroughbred horses for the endurance test for 11121. The State Racing Commission voted ,500 for the same purpose and the members of tin? Thoroughbred Horse Association, who were present, stated that rresident. Hal Price lleadley had already announced-"Unit lle"wrmtd -Ttilt-tr tHoolllig of the directors of that organization, to 1k; held during the hdidays, and -were of the opinion that the Thoroughbred Horsemens Association would devote 5,000 to the endurance test.