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I — —— — AMERICAN TRACK RECORDS AT ALL DISTANCES d Aincri.-an time records arc now so fast thai the registry of ni v ones i- seldom made, unless a horse t| of tnhscaasjenl speed appear- in racing. Buck a horse graced the racing of 1SSI in the peerleaa .Man o ,, War. This wonderful throe-year old established a new record tor a mile in a race when be ran that i • j in distance at Belasoai Park May j:i in l::J..-i1-.. Ai the same track on June 12. In winning the Belmont a Slake-, he ran a mile and three-eighths in the new record tin I" JiH1.-.. Agaia, at Itelmont Park in - the fall, he -it a new mark when he ran a mile and a half in L:Ls-,. and another when he traversed the f mile and live -eighths of the Lawrence Rca Haatioa Stakes in the reinarkahle time of 2:-HH.-,. There seemed to in- no limit to hi- abilitj to do things without precedent. Two other horse- of exalted clas f assisted in record breaking. Taking up US pounds at Saratoga on August 28, sir Barton ran a mile and a tbree-stxteentbs in she new time of 1:53%. At the same track on Aagast U the great gelding Kx- s S. terminator won the barafoga up at a mile and three ejaarlris in S:Sa%, and at Uehmoal Park on Sep- of " temlicr IS covered two miles in the new and astounding time of S:2t%. it will thus he ohaerred that ; the new records of HO were mule at distance- from and between the two extremes of one mile and two mih- and are to he mote highly esteemed than if they had h.-cn over sprinting distance*. The 1 American records revised to date arc now a- follow-: t IMst. Horae. A. Wt. Track. Dale. lime. 1+ Hub Wade 4 llL Butte. Men- Vttgust 20. 1s mi m i , _ 1-2 r Nash Cash 2 112 Charleston, S C. I Palmetto Park : Idiruary 5, 1!»V2 it»*n 3-8 Atoka i; Kir. Mutt". Mont September 7. MM ::::i.. 8 12 i lo- Blair B 112 Juarea. htex Pebruary », lMd :8a 1-2 Ponau 2 Ho Ijoe Angeles, al. Santa Anita Marc* i:i. IBM :Ui., ; Anion 2 113 Juarez. Mo Pebruary ! . Mil :4i-. 4 1-2 f 2 107 nia. Ky luue 10, MM :"i2-, 5-8 Pan Zarcta .". 120 Juarex, Mex Pebruary lo. MIS :57Mi 1 5 1-2 f Iron Mask ii 1.MI Juarez, lies March s. 1 I14 1:03? ! old Futurity Course 171 feel less than :: 1 mile. Kingston 7 139 Sheep-head Bay. N. V lime 22. 1801 1 :IIS M I n Mask I ii:. Juarea, Mex laawan *. l! l-l 1:00% 6 1 1 f Montanic 4 li«» Chicago, III. Waahingtoa Park July 20, M01 1:13% I I. 12 f Mroilidale Nymph .. 4 121 Belmont Park. . V October 14. 19U7 1:17-- Sweep On :i 112 Belmont Park. N. V May- 31, 191!» 1:17% 7-s n.-ei.en r. 12i; p.elmont Park. . V October 111. MM 122 7 1-2 f Bestbroache :! H 7 Belaaonl Park. N. V May 29. IMS 1:31% l •hammer 7 110 Saratoga Springs, N. Y legaal 21. mis 1:34% 1 Man o War :t lis Belmoul Park. . V Mav 2!l. 1920 1:35% lm20y Proglega 4 107 Uounrvllb?. Ky. I Churchill Down- May 13. Mil 1 ::9 Senator .lam.- . .. s log Oriental Park i Havana » February IS. 1018 1:39 laadOy Preen l lot Buffalo, X. v. iKenilworth Park June id. I9m; i :42 Maini-iianoe . Ill Buffalo, N. V. iKenilworth Park June 29. P.HI7 142 Harry Shaw I Hit Baltimore, Md. Pimlicoi November 0, MIS 1.42 Mioiot 4 ni Baltimore, Md. PimHco November V, inn; l : 12 lrnSO] " Popull 4 104 Seattle, Wash. The Meadows .. September -V 1908 1:40% itn.-.-.y first Whip :t 1nl Saratoga Springs, N. V iagus! 22. 1M0 1 . i:!!, 1 IniiHiy Wntenalo :! »H Italiii . Mil. Pimlicoi May 9. 1911 I.I.-, • Im70j Pif .lr K 120 Loufarrille. Ky. Douglas Park. May 29. 1818 1:41% • The Porter 4 11" Umlsville, Ky. Churchill Downs May 30, 1919 1:41% "■ ImlOOj i:.,pii| Watei ii ill Oakland. Cal November M, 19« 7 1:44% i i 16 rdesta i los Byracaae, N. Y Septembers. 1911 1: 2% • 1 1-8 Man o* War A 12»i Aqueduct. X. V .Inly IK. 1929 1:49-. 1 3 Hi sm- Barton l i:w Saratoga Springs, . V tugust 28. 1920 1 ■: :. ■ ■ 1 I t Whisk II... ti 1:19 P.elmoni Park. V Y June 28, MIS 2 :00 ImSOOj Swiftwing .". 1M Latoaia, Ky July 8, IMS 2:10% 1 .".-if, Ballot I 134 sin, p-h -ad Bay, . Y luly I. MM 2:00% : 1 1-8 Man o War A 12e, P.ilmoni Park . Y lune 12. 1920 2:14% J 1 1-2 Mm o War A lis Park. N. Y September 11. 1020 2:28% 1 5-8 Man . War A 138 Itelmonl Park. N . Y September I. 1920 2:4rl "• 1 3-4 Exterminator "• 128 Saratoga Springs, N. Y tuguat 31, 1820 2:56* ■• 1 7-s. Orcagna 1 M Oakland, Vm March 2. 18M 3:17% 2 Exterminator •". 128 Brlmoat Park. N. Y September 15, 1920 8:21% J 2i,i7i . irosgrain I mi New Orleans. I.a. Oily Park . . .1 anuar.v 27. MM 3:35% 2 1 M War Whoop i 91 Toronto, Oat. Woodbine Park.. September 23. IMS 3:S4V4 1 2 1-8 .1,., • tlnrph] I 99 Chicago. 111. Harlem Vumist 30, 1884 3:43 2 1 I Bthetberl 1 121 Brighton Peach. N. Y lagaat I. 18M 1:48% 2 12 K.rai :s ss Newport Ky November 18, I8M 4:24% S 5-8 Ten Brueek t mi Lexington. Ky September 16, ls7 4:r,si". - 2 8-4 H ahhard I 107 Saratoga Sprhigs, N. Vugusl 9. 1873 1 . Mamie Algol ■", 103 New Orleans. 1st. City Park . . . Februarj Hi. 1887 r.:l!i 4 •l.iici-eti.i Borgis ...4 S3 Oakland. Cal May 20 1S97 7:11 Bo tern la •"■ 118 LownrrBle. Ky . Churchill Downs October 7. 1912 7:10% str.-iiulit C«»iirMf. l ist. Horse. A Wt. TaAck. Date. lime. 1-2 ileraldine I 122 Morris Park N. Y uust :tO. 1888 :4i 4 1-2 f Preceptor 2 112 Betanont Park. N. Y May 19. MM :.-,! S B Pen Rons 2 llo P.elmont Park, N Y September 12. 191s :33% :. 12 I Plater 2 1II7 Morris Park. N. Y October 21. 1902 112 o I An till 2 Dhl Morris Park. N". Y October 15. 19M Ins 8 1-2 f Lady Vera 2 9 l Itelmonl Park. N Y Oct.. her IP. MM 1:18% 7S Paris 2 lilt P.elmoni Park, N Y September 12, 1914 1:22% -., 1 * 8a Ira tor 1 IM bkmmouth Park. N . .1 uust 28, 18M l:3T % _. Nildeer 4 91 Minmoiilh Park. N. .1 luguat 18, 1S92 1:37% 1 1 1 1 Bapaaei 3 ins lioaatsath Park. N. .1 July 17, lsyo 2:03% 4 •Against time.