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TIJUANA ENTRIES AND PAST PERFORMANCES FOR SATURDAY, JANUARY 1 WEATHER CLEAR. TRACK FAST. Barms starts at 1:38 p, m. Chicago time 3:.",0i. ® Baprrior mud runner. x Good mud runner. :!: Iair mud runner. M Maidens. •Appieniicc allowance, b Hlinkers. First Race— 3-8 Mile. ! rear-oMa. Fillies. Special Weiglits. Track r.nnil: .Ian. s. BM K- 2 -HI.".. Todays Ind. Horse. Wt. Rec. A.Wt.Han. Fiesta. Ii. f, l.y Kock View-Pi irril l*a laaase, i v Ber- rill 117. Dora T.. ch. f. by Lnclc INIimale. by Sir Dixon ... 117. Pepper Tea, b. f. l.y Peter Quince iron Pepper, by Uuskin 117. F/nima Williams, b. f. Iiy Liclit o Jly Life -Imprint. by Knijrht of the Thistle.. 11.1 Nellie Harper, b. f. by Hairi- faa — Beatrice Baade, by Peep o Day . 117. Little Florence, ch. f liv Cen. Kol.eits -- Lori Nita. l.y Itcformation 11." Masrncsia. t . f. l.y Jim iaff- aey Whats Left, by Wadsworlh 117, Second Race — 5-8 Mile. :; year aSda and aparard. claiming. Trarfc record: May 20. 1P28 — QB— 4— 187. 51978* I. Mistake Ml 112 l:ii2-. .". 113.. 72." 51880* Dots 4 100x721 52081 Lrmitana 110 1:02"i 8 188X71S ."in."i.s Caavaanaefc holds 4 110X715 52QS8 Poeitano 118 IKBfa 7 113x715 51878 Ann S. Ml 1111:02*4 5 108.. 718 50088 Capers 808, .709 51081 Tlics. P. Mahon ..113 1:08*611 5 118X703 50303 Mondaine ♦» 1 :03 « 111.. 70", 51058 Madam Harry Mlo3 1:02% •* 10SL.708 51804 Sane. Girl iMi »!loo..7oo 7,1! 7S Katberiae Carey Mi . 112 LO.j 8 111. .700 Third Race — 5-8 Mile. 3-year-olds and upward. Claiminp. Track record: May 20, I81w Ii8 4 If. 52081 bAaaabelle 93 1:01 4 10«x725 51858* Sad Sam 112 1:02 7 113.. 720 7.2032 Oklahoma Irish ..113 1:01-, !» 111.. 717. 51888* Kd Le Van 114 1 :02*-. 13 11:;.. 717. 52082 Bncliah Lady 105 1:01 1-. 7 111.. 718 51804 Ideal 112 1:01-;; 0 111X711 7.1S77 Pleat M 1041:05 S 07. .705 51888 M.illy Joa 113 1:02-,-, i* 1090705 52107 Maud M. M 112 1:02-, 7 111.. 71.1 52108 Ooaaa loii L03 10 111x701 51058 bBea Beach 112 1 :03-f, 8 113X705 51853 Iron Queen 10 M8. .70S Fourth Race— 3-4 Mile. S-year-alda and upward. Claiaslnc, record: He,-. O. 1910-1:11-,-, S— 110. 52084 aweadola Ml 180 1:14% a 85.. 725 52152 bWalter Macfc iOS 1:12% o 112X720 52152 BiK Smoke 112 1:12 8 112.. 715 7,2131- Boh Baker 101 1:1B% .". 112:;:717, 6213T hDeckhaad 113 1:12 7 115x715 52081 Helen Hayes M. 180 1:18% 5 105. .710 51*065 War Winner Mi .10! 1:18% 4 112. .710 47971* Baby Faust M... 104 1:14% 5 IIS.. 710 519831 Robert L. Owea .1011:13-. o 115x710 52108 Ike Harvey Ml... 3 108. .702 52147 Chattau Court Ml 5 110 .707. 51857 C" On Ml 110 1:15% till",. .705 52080 Klaaer iMi 180 1:18% 4 105. .700 52080 Last Chance M. .103 1:10% 8 107. .700 ",i!i7. Bill Blackwell JIi 1 110.. 700 52001 l.Madiid Ml 100 1:10% S 11. .700 IciSS.v Martin, br. f, by Mar tinct Pegar, ay Or. Mae- I-iih 4 110 Fifth Race— 1 Mile. .".year olds and upward. Claiming. Track record: June 17. 1915 — 1:88—3—80. 7.J111I Zamlo,h 114 1:41% 10 110. .128 7.2147- Hehincey s 110x730 52084 christi.. Bolters ..100 1:40% 5 108x715 52128 Audrey K 105 1:42% 8 105X715 7,2127- li-~s Parnell .... 1 100x710 7,2107 Merry I„-i- 1; 11:4. .710 7,2140 Baixy 9 ii.. 700 52108 Na !iotah 4 lo5. . 7m 52128 Treowen 104 1:41% 7 110x700 51508 Maraepi too 1HS% 10 110. .700 Sixth Race— 5 1-2 FurIon?s. New Tears Handicap. 8-year-etda and upward Track recard: June 28, lBtO— 1:05.-, — 3—118.1 5JHO IKKV T 88 1:00% 3 103X750 521KI bWynandewood 110 1:08% 5 108. .740 52085 Phrone Ward 08 1:00% 5 114.. 740 7.1390 bEdwiaa 4 115. .748 5l11ii Wallace L 113 1:07% 4 HO. .748 52038* Roy Dewey 110 1 :08% S 80.. 735 7,l |i- Shifty 1011:07 S 90. .735 52003 Judge Ellsworth... 117 1:03% 3 94.. 735 521KI- l,Top o* the MorniiiKlOS 1:0B% 8 114X735 51978 De Iind 95 1:18 7 104. .730 51921 Kpiphanes 100 1:07".-, 4 90.. 720 Seventh Race— 1 3-16 Miles. 3-year-ohls and upward. Claiming. Track record: April 1. 1917—2:01*5—4 — 103. 52088 Perfect Lady 4 98x725 520X4- They Shall Not Pass 4 107. .720 52008 Cork 105 2:004i 1101x715 52060 h.Miss Orh 5 108.. 715 5213CH 1, Horace Lcrch .... 4 101..7M 52088 Sam Hill | 100X703 7.2001 Gratttade 7 88X708 Eighth Race— 5 1-2 Furlongs. 3-year-olds and upward. Claiming. Track record: June 28, 1015 — 1:05% — I — US. 52083 Dancing Cirl 112 1:07 5 101,.. 725 51748 Pees Winsr 10« 1 MIS 4 107x720 52082- Vaneaaa Welh-s ...ill L 745 ii 101x715 51914 Midia 112 1:10 4 108x715 52107s Pusy Bird 93 1:00% 3 90.. 710 7.2131 Wnodie Montgomery 105 1 :Mi r, 8 108. . 705 51S7S Tile Cay Favorite. 107 LOs*-, 7 107. .700