Havana Form Chart, Daily Racing Form, 1921-01-01


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i I j I , . , t . ■ I . | I , I . j | I j | » 1 j 1 t : ! , t : I , , , , 1 - ■ • ■ J . HAVANA FORM CHART HAVANATCUBA. FRIDAY, DECEMBER 31. 192CK Oriental Park. Thirtieth day. Cuba American Jockey and Auto Club. Winter Meeting of 100 or mere days. Weather clear: temperature 90 . stewards. .1. Hachmeiater, C. II. Laaadale and F. J. Br eta. Starter. James 1. Milton. Racing Secretary. M. Bathaaaaa. Racins starts at 2:30 p. in. Chicago time 1:57 p. mi. Indicates appreaHce allowance. CTQ-g A £ FIRST RACE— 5-8 Mile. Jan. 10. 1920—59—3—100. Purse 0L All Ages. DaVlU Claiming. Net value to winner 50; second. S10J: third, 0. Index HorseH ~ AWtPPSt V~%~ Cstr Fin Jockey* Ownera O H C P 8 5197 7 WATKRFOR1 • 161 - :i :- P* i 1 E Barnea J II Moody 2J 21 2 1 1-2 52049 DOCTOR I. waa 8 11.". fi 7 6»1 4* 2| 2* 11 Garner i Dereaaet 21 1 1-: 52674* • JUANITA III. w MM 1 I 1- 2J 31 SJ 1. penman O Toggle I I 2] 8-1 52100 DIFFIDENCE v 2 !7 4 E 9 V 41 •» F Wilson P J K. arns s M 16 4 t 52100 *KA"A..A WW 2 :" 7 l P* 6* 81 6»1 8 BaHmanE l Bpriager 8 I I :: S-r. 6SltS*MI8S BRUSH w lo kit 1 . 4 7: i: •; N .1 BarneaH E Darta 5 t; ti 8] «-.". 5210Ji LUCIE MAT WB 3 M6 1 I I * 7 7 A Pick, us B Btonehridge 1 21 2] 1 1-2 52075 BLGA w 1167 "• I B« I I I J Prancfa O 1. Poeter 16 12 12 5 ii Time. 27. 54, 1:08. Track heavy. sj mutuels paid, Watcrford. S7.20 straight. :::,. 70 place, S3. 20 show: Doctor D . .26 place. !4.30 show: Juanita III.. .*."i.." 0 show. Kiuivab nt lookins Odda Wat.Ttord. 200 to 166 straight, 86 to 166 place, 88 to 100 show: Doctor D.. 166 to loo place, 115 to hid shew: Juanita III., 175 to DM show. Winner — B. g. by Waterbox Midrica. by Midlothian trained by J. W. Baylor; bred by Estate of James B. Haggia. Went to post at 2:31. At post 2 minutes. Start good and slow for all but HCIK MAY. Woe easily: second and third driving. WATKKFORD moved up easily int.. the lead while roundins the last turn and was under restraint through the last eighth. DOCTOR D. began slowly and finished fast. JIANTTA III. ran well, but linished in the deep going on the inside and Hred. LUCIE MAY was stand-ins aldewaya when the barrier was apraag. Scratched — 52074 Marty Lou. 112; 52120 Coombs. 0 ; 4!l7s| Saga, 109. Overweishts--Ravanna. 4 pounds. •a-g.-g A -g SECOND RACE— 5 1-2 Furlongs. I Jan. 24. 1S17— 1:05D,— 5— 102. Purse 00. 3-ycc.r O-LTli olds and upward. Claiming. Net value to winner 50: second. S100; third, 0. "index" ~ Horses " AWtPPSt M. Vz %■ slrFuT" .looke.v i~ Owners ~ O H C P 8 52105 SEMP. BTALWARTw 7 116 4 2* 7 i 4* 4 1 | N Collins .[ c Baton :i :; :i 8-68-5 52 102 SHORT CHANGE wa 148 I I 4«1 4» V :- .1 Pitz B Beifert 2 2 J 4-: :-.". 53 161 MAJOR F18K a 1161 2 .". V - V J Francis i L Boater :: :: 52051 WILLIE Woods wlllt S 1 1 2 i J1 I1 J DemickF Delbarrio 10 16 16 4 2 52101 PAB KAST « I MB I 3 - H V ■■ C Hirst y. Williams 7 s s | .-." 52101 *OKEMUS WPS 16] 7 4 6" 7 ; 8* .1 Smith A Mitchell 28 -■". ■ M S 5SW74*RAVENSEA WB 8 M6 i 7 i* ." - 7 "7" Q Dulcroftl. M Iriharren :. II 8 7-5 7-10 520H7 GOLDEN RED w " IB 1 I I s • 8* A Tryon J J hfeore 12 12 1 ." Q S1892 SAYETH w B no ." I 8* I I :• J Dawaoa An., de Noe Bta M 30 :io 10 5 Time. 26. 57%. 1:08, 1:152/,. Track heavy. mutuels paid, Semper Stalwart. 88.68 straight. -66 place, sl.sii show: Short Change, .00 place .76 show; Major Fisk. .*2.i0 show. Ki|itivalent bookiag odds Beaaper Stalwart. 886 to 100 straisht. 115 to 100 plan.. 40 to 100 show ; Sh.it Change. 166 t DM place, 88 to 166 show: Major Phdc, 45 to KM show. Winner — B. g, by Stalwart -Semper Vict. Ire, bp Logic trained by D. Montour; bred by Mr. Charles W. Moore I. Went to post at 3:00. At peat 1 minute. Start good and slow. Won easily; aecoad and third driv- ins. SEMPER STALWART was brought on the outside when entering the stretch, where be finished with a rush and WOB getag away. SHORT CHANGE ran a good race and finished fast. MAJOR FISK raced into the lead, but tired and finished in the middle of the track. WII.1.1K WOODS set the paea briefly and tired. Scratched -51072 Fasten Glow, 160. Overweishts - Uavensea. :i pounds; Major Fisk 2. JTrt-g i« THIRD RACE— 5 1-2 Furlongs. Jan. 24. 1917—1:05—5—102. Purse 00. 3-year-tjPM JLKdlB olds and upward. Claiming. Net value to winner 50: second. 00: third. 0. Index Horses AWtPPBt % H % Btr Pin" Jockeys Owners O H C P 8 ~ »8618sFIREWORTH wa 3 M6 2 2 1 S 1- I • « H Mill.Vli E Da via s s 4 2 I 52102- *LK BALAFRE WB I MB 1 I 8 1 W - 6" Hunt I : Mock N-5 2 2 7 lol-: 62667 *B. D. JOHNSON* wa 5 MC fi 5 P I : :l 8* R Barnea 1 Doyle IS IS IS C 3 52104 -SCARPIA II. « I U6 7 1 t 8*4* I] H Caller W II Hall 1 1 1 1-3 1 52687" HATRACK v : bH 1 :: .".- .". • :. ■ :.- P Wilson J .1 Keyea .". 5 I 8-3 t. 56656 SIR WM. JHN8*Nwb 9 HI •. S 6» • 7 i. N Cellina i: Utterback 16 15 IS •; 3 50507 KIMTH K. a 3 161 17 7 7 e -7 .1 Smitli S Louis :. I .; _ I Time, 2626. 53. 1:07*"5. 1:18%. Track heavy. S2 mutuels paid, Fireworth. 4.66 straisht. 86.66 place. .86 show: Le P.alafre. SI. Id place. .66 show: B. B. Johiwou. .spl.tiii abow. K|uivalenr I kins adda Kin-worth. 000 to 166 straisht. 210 to 166 place. 111 to 100 show: Le Ral- afro, llo to loo place. 166 to 166 abow; B. B. Johnson, 566 to DM show. Winner— -Br. g, by Fireman Roaeworth, by Wadawerth trained by J. W. Plaakett; bred by Mr. J. P.. Clark. Went to post at 3:22. At post : minutes. Start good and slow. Won driving: second and third the same. FIREWORTH was kept in the best poiag all the way, bal was tiring at the end and had te.be ridden out to outstay l.K BALAPBE. The latter linished fast ami sanielv oo the extreme outside. P.. K. JOHNSON was taken to the middle of the track an. I was qalttiag at the end. SCARPIA II. stumbled soon after the start, but would have been third in another abide. Scratched 52014 - Plantagenet . 111. Overweights Fireworth. 4 Boaada. CTO-| JO FOURTH RACE— 3-4 Mile. Jan. 8. 1920—1:11—6—102. Purse 00. 3 -year -olds and *J JmA JL"-4:«! upward. Claiming. Net value to winner 50; second. 00; third, 0. Index Horses ~ A Wt PI St hi. Vi % Str Fiii Jockeys Owners d"~H C P S~~ 5816S*CHIMERA w 4 1U5 i. 1 * 1 1- l - l - 1- R LeaaterP A Heroid i; 7 7 : ■ r-; 821M*REDLA1VD wu s id:; 2 " Z1 V 2 ■ E Barnea i Holaaea I t I -.". I .". 1*2 1-1 5I»!»7 AMBRN EAGLE w 8 111 : I D 41 V F .1 Bntwell B Mock 7 8 8 3 7-S 52678* IX LPH W 8 M I 1 V ."." V 4*1 F Wilson W II Hall 4 I ! 7-.". 7 b 52077 BLACK PRINCE w :: io:: :, t; 4*6* P Hunt Armenia Stable 1 l 1 1-3 1-4 526449*FOSTER KM DRY wa I 168 •. 7 7 I I l. Penmaa J Kaerner IS IS 16 ii 3 61786 TREADWE1 I. a I 161 II IS i 1 7 II Garner Williams Bros. 16 16 M 4 2 Time. 26. 52"5. 1:88%. Track heavy. S2 niutn.K paid. Chimera. 7.66 atraigbt, 5.46 place. .68 ahow; Bedlaad, .36 place. .26 sh,.u : American Bagb , .86 show. Iviuivahnt booking odds Chimera. 2786 to loo atraight, 1170 to 166 place. 886 to 100 show: Bedlaad. !". to KM place. 66 to 101 ahow; American Bogle, 168 to tOO show. Winner- Ch. f, b] Roy Hind.... Illusion. b. Mesmerist trained b F. A. HeroM; bred bf Mr. Edward I ebrian. Went to i.ijsi it 3:48. At post 2 minutes. Start sood and slow. Won reaHy; ai ml and thud drivms. CHIMERA outran the others from the start and won in a cantt. RBHLAjtD moved an s-imtl.v in the |ral aaarter, bal tired when be sot lo the leader. AMERICAN EAGLE linished fast an. I would have been secud in a lew Mere stii.i.s black PRIMS began slowly, bat ma a bad ru.e. DOLPH aDo ran poorly. i. weights — American Baele, 2 pouutln . i. ■ " — -——-——-— . »_ — fr«J -| A A FIFTH RACE— 1 1-10 Miles. Feb. 3. 1913— l:441j— C— 92. Ferae 00. 3-year-olds *3 sid AHc and upward. Claiming. Net value to winner 50: second. 00: third, 0. Index Horaea AWtPPSt % *, Str Km Jockey* Owners O H C P « Rt678"SOL GIL8ET w»«l I I I i: Lca.tterl Graham 1-5 8-5 1-2 1-4 5205! PLANTAREDE * Mil E I 2 "• U 2i 2* C Eamea II W Plant 4 S .". hB5 4-5 1 52101 r*BiLL H UNLET w S M6 I I B Barnea T Doyle 1 1 1 l-:: l-t; 52 105 LLLNsJTER WB 1 W i 7 j~ 6* 6s* 8] 1*18 Bulliiian. D BafhOlOBaao 10 12 IS 0 -i 079*HOMAM w I M 7 I V v. » * r. " b PenmanO Tuggle I I c _ St 089 TIUANT v 1107 1 1 B» ]h 3* «=» 6" K Wilson J XoMMf II IT. .". I I 95f*8TAB SHOOTER wr S 102 1*77777 N J BrnesW A Veasey M .0 ::o 1 I Time, 27. 55. 1:26, 1:54*. 2.01«i- Track heavy. mutuels paid, Sol GUsey, 17.46 -traigl.t, |4.00 place. .*2 50 -how: Plantarede. .50 place. .40 ow: Bill Hauler, .50 alte w. Equivalent bonking odd-;— Sol Oilsoy. 270 to 100 straight. 100 to 100 place. 25 to 100 thaw; Plantarede, "» to 100 place. 70 to loo Mho* : Bill Hniiley. 23 W 104 show. Winner— Rr. g. by Plaudit — DKolette, by Sir Dfxori trained hy H. Spnrgur: lired by Mr. A. Vngclor. . Went to post :it 4:10, At l m I 3 minutes. Start good and *l»v. Won easily; second Bad third driv- SOl. CIBSIV was brought ,.n tl ateide, where ihe footing was beat, v.leii i nt. -ring Ike stretch, a raced lata a t : lead In ih. la I eighth. PLANTABEBE ran well, hut Hied and .ju-t lasted long augb I.. ..ut taj Bill. Hi llY The latter began slowly, t.m taiahed fast and gaining. TRUANT hit in the l.i-i . in. n nr alter ». tting the early pace. •TO-f AW SIXTH RACE— 1 Mile and 00 Yards. March 23. 1919— 1 :38L,— 5— 100. Pur-e 00. iii-10 3-yeai-olds and upwaid. Claiming-. Net value to winner 60: second, 00: third. 0. adei Horses ~3____Z AWtllSt , H •% Str Km .to, keys Oinsia 0 HOP* 199", LITTLE ED wh t Ml 5 7 1" F Hunt R T el- rson .". C K 2 1 12123**HEML0 K wi: 6 109 i . ■ l - : 2 R L"caaterW II Hall 2 2. :" I 2-5 52059HARBi GLOVER SMS 1 i 1*1 I» :: H WakbffW P Knebkamp 1 I 8 I 8-5 t689~* BLAZONRY «nSM 2 :; ::" 4. ,VI ■ - P Wilaon T Hodgi 8-5 8-5 6-5 3-6 1-4 1794 J ELLISON w 5 MS 1 4 4* .".• 4 •"•, .•• .1 PranciaO I. Poster - 2 2 4-5 1-3 JO!! DUKE OF SHLBTWB » 114 4 f. 7 7 i 6* | V XudsoiH" Bills S S S 3 g-fi B987 GREY RUMP wr. :: 104 7 I 5** 6* 7 7 7 R Ball Arnionin Stable :: M N M i Time, M%, 53. ld_r%, 1:68%, l:8t%. Track heavy. *2 mutneis paid, Little Bd, iio straight. .96 place, 58.86 -imw; Hemlock, .10 place, .70 how: Harry Clever. 54.60 ■feaw. Bqairaleai i kia_ odd*- Little Bd, "20 to loo straight. 330 to KM place, 90 to loo show; Hom- ,ock. 2." r. to loo place, 13.". to loo show: Harry Qtever, 1M to loo show. Winner Br. g. by Norford — Parse Rase, by Orslal trained by A. P. Day tea; bred by Mr. A. .•alt. W.-nt to I".--; al I M. At ponl 2 minutes. Start food and slow. Won easily; leeoad and third driv- ig. LITTLE ED beaaa flatfooted, bat ctoeed a bi ess and. raciog into ■ leag lead after eater- nt; the Rtretcb, wen palllag op. HEMLOCK passed I1AKHY GLOVEB after goiac a half mile and made a came finish. The latt.r Ret the early pace, but tired and finished in the middle of the track la the deep Koine. .1 KI.I.ISON was never prominent. BLAZONRY wis badly untpa.ed. Overweight*- Grey Barap, 1 pooad; JeUMoa, -.

Persistent Link: https://drf.uky.edu/catalog/1920s/drf1921010101/drf1921010101_2_7
Local Identifier: drf1921010101_2_7
Library of Congress Record: https://lccn.loc.gov/unk82075800