Fair Grounds Entries and Past Performances for Saturday, January 1, Daily Racing Form, 1921-01-01


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FAIR GROUNDS ENTRIES AND PAST PERFORMANCES FOR SATURDAY, JANUARY 1 WEATHER CLEAR. TRACK FAST. Racing Starts at 2:15 S, m. Chicago time 2:15. _ @ Superior mud runner. x Ossd mud runner. ::: Fair mud runner. Al Alaidens. •Apareatice allowance, b Blinkers. First Race— 3-8 Mile. Rightway Bnise. 3 year-olds. ,,lt- and Geldiaga. Special Weights. Track record: Jan. 7. bib; nr.1 . 2 115.1 Todavs lad. Horse. wt. R.e. A.Wt.Haa. JBig Noise, cli. ,-. by Bick Welles Edaa Shannon, by Onondaga . |JJ iStamo, b. c. by Ormondalc Post Mark, by Star Shoot nc Bred Kinney, l.r. g. by Tww- ton Field Maud McKee, by Bake Ward 110. tUttle Patsy, br. c, by His Majesty .Madeira, by Star si lie, I.oid All.-n. b. c. by Frizzle -- Mary King, by Fath.rlcs- no A.B.iiture. b. c. by Jack A t kin Bessie Simp--on. l.y Deeeirer no Bevonite. br. c. by Granite Bevollsliire B o 1 1 y. by Itro instick in; Sundo. b. g. by Waldo — Hester Zona, by Cesarion 110 Teddy P... ii. ,.. by Delhi Aiiss Martha, hy Gerolstela 115 Johnny Daadee, b. g, by Brnmmell — Cylfi. by Br. Leggo ut; Aliles S.. ch. c. by i.ruinmell —LB Mode, by Beep oBa.v 115 fT. II. Cross and Wat, Daniel entry. ;s. A. Clopton entry. Second Race — 3-4 Mile. Jovial Pmse. 3-year -olds. Track lecord: Feb. 5, IMS — 1:11-. — 5— 110. 519271 bMUSKALLONGE .110 1:12-. lis. .750 "2117 Rising Rack 110 1:12_ 104X74o 521K;- Bolythia 117 1:12--. 1BB;:710 51949- White Star no 1:14% 104x740 519S7 Ttantula 115 1:14 104. .733 52115 Tharaa 165 1:13 _ 100X735 51.1071 Sandalwood Ill 1:15--. Mt. .750 .".2042 bMaster Jack no 1:14% 100.725 51612 The Foreigner ... 101X725 Third Race— 3-4 Mile. Inaugural Bash. 4-year-olds and upward. Allowances. Track record: Feb. 9, 1918— 1:11%— •— 110. 52071 lAngou 1111:11-. 4 117x750 52117 Eddie Rickenbacherl20 1:11% 4 119.. 745 51S27 b Bullet Broof Km 1:12--. 4 BISX740 •".1014" bWyoralag 102 1:11. 0 Bi4i_3740 51488* Bads Bove 115 1:124r. 5 102X740 52136 Captain Hershler. . 114 1:12% 4 104X7:S5 51229 hSt. Allan 10:4 1:12-, 4 102X785 51463 bUttra Oold 11641:12 t; 108. .730 52040 bVouneed 110 1:12--, 5 102X730 51408* bBr. Carmen 115 1:12 i 1040730 52117 bSt. Uuentin 116 1:12% 5 114x725 50893 Kd Stone 110 1:13-,-, 5 102.. 720 51052 Lucky B 104 1:14s 0 102X715 52130 Ilcioisme 112 1:18% 5 1OS0715 49001 bSir Graftoa M ..11111:13% 5 166x7150 Fourth Race — 1 1-16 Miles. Fourth Running New Years Handicap. ,500 Added. 8-year-olds and upward. • Track record: Feb. 13, 1915-1:44*2—3—104. 51428*tbCaptaia Mac 158 1:44% 4 113x750 51397"- iPicfrr 112 1 : 19" .-. 5 1 12 X 740 51928 Tippity Witebet .121 1:51% 0 1280740 521371 Sterling 168 1:44% 4 117. .740 .12029 1 Columbia Tenn 5 101x740 ~i2116ttPar_der 3 97x74o 51989 bVeto 10311:40% 5 114. .735 51014" bWyoming 108 1:46% 0 1120735 51759 bCcneral Haig 110 1:15-. 5 114x735 .I9601 I. Pickwick Ill 1:40 0 7 1120735 5-136 jbBam ing Spray ...105 1:45 5 101x730 52011 bl.or.l Herbert .. .105 1:46% 0 9 x730 -"-"l:i : rl.Mast, r Bill 106 1:47% 4 BKx730 r._l57* tDaydae 119 l:5Sh 5 104 x 725 5BI50- b ,ain de Caase.... 98 1:47% 4 99X725 51989 I.Fiz.-r 92 1:45- 7Bmx725 51411 bPalr Orient 118 1:46% 8 166x725 1 5191s 1 1 -bVi. e-Chairman ... 4 168X720 52lls bRaMer ill 1:46% 7 101x720 52029 bVeteran 115 1:46% 5 69x720 51907 S.a Sinner 1611:47% I 88x730 til. Plsber and 1: Piraeaa entry. j . W. Clark entry. r. II. Baker and Treacy and Walker entry ::s . leaden ami J. Mnrii atry. Fifth Race— 1 Mile and 70 Yards. 3 year olds and upward. Claiming. Trad; r.eord: Feb. 12. 1910 1:42%— 4— lit. i.52ll8i*l,Bark Hill 16fiil;48% 5BM..725 51338* »Biipiiry 98 1:45"-, 4 164X720 51888 *bPastoral Swain ...169 1:44% 5 110 715 52043 Brotherly Lore . . 1 12 l:44-_ 4 113.. 715 51028 Troilus 112 1:43 7 109.. 715 51412* LB P. stone 109 1:46% 8 Ii3v710 51548 b.M.uk West 111 1:47% 4 107.. 710 52048 bMast r Bill 108 l:47%h 4 111X710 52186 bTom ABTaggart .117 1:43-.-. 7 1170710 52010 Ktlklux 0 104X710 51989 I.Fizer 110 1 :44-, 7 123x705 .-.1989s bihe Wit KM 1:45% 4 115x705 51908 hDrummond 97 1:48% 5 117x705 52071" bCoek o the Raoat.. 4 113x705 5215s Chesty Ml 0 107.. 700 52118 »i.rtaider 100 l:49!.-,m 7 104X700 Sixth Race— 1 1-16 Miles. 4 year-olds and upward. Claiming. Track record: Feb. 13. 1915— 1:44 _— 3— 104. 52029- bCround-Swell . . . . 97 1 :47 5 108x725 51869*b8peedeter 114 1:46% 0 10s x 720 515S9- Deckasate 107 1:40 7 109x715 51990 Harvest King 1191:52% 7 113X710 51869* bBerlia 103 1:4and% 7 1130710 51545* Benevolent 1971:45% 9 104x710 52138 *AIadrono 107 1 :42% 4 106. .705 52115 Pinaacial R/ oster M 4 107.. 700 52029 Johnny Overton ..1111:48% 4 107. .700 40943 bOrove A 4 107X700 Seventh Race — 1 1-8 Miles. 4-year-olds and upward. Claiming. Track record: March 14. 1908— 1 :51 _— 3— 122. l52l72»»bMe,lusa 107 1:542-, 0 98x725 52138 •b-spltsl City 100 1:52, 7 109X720 52045 bNominee 109 1:511-. 0 114x715 521,99- bAustral 85 1:53 _ 0 111X715 52099 bfory don 108 1:52% 0 104X715 5209! Lottery 169 1:62% 7 99x715 52073 bKing Neptune ...108 1:56% 8 1040710 52139 Cockroach 5103*710 52011 •I.Bond 106 1:55% 7 103x710 51408 ilandfull 119 1:52% 8 108X705 51971 Kccurgeman 107 2:00. -,h 0 104.. 705 52159 :»boloiul Lit 98 1:52.-, 4 191.. 796 52031 bBlilebannock 119 2:08%h 7 104X700 52045 *Solid Rock 109 1:52-. 8 100*700 52119 Judge Price 100 2:06%k 7 103X700 51439 b.Vrbitra.or 106 1:54li 7 108x700

Persistent Link: https://drf.uky.edu/catalog/1920s/drf1921010101/drf1921010101_3_2
Local Identifier: drf1921010101_3_2
Library of Congress Record: https://lccn.loc.gov/unk82075800