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IT VKARS SATISI VINO V D 1 S !4 I M I N AT I J PUBLIC. NOT BEST BECAUSE BIGGEST BUT BIGGEST BECAUSE BEST THE TURF REPORTER, the oldest publication in existence today. ORIGINATOR of disaesainatiag track inf.iinat:. 11 weekly, la beoklel fann, 1 —Mil taansaada to obtain EXPERTS" preferred track reports REFLECTIONS and COMMENTS aa the conditions of aareea in training at all track-. WORKOUTS, CONTEMPLATED COUPS, bones form, of which public knows aathif , at but a fraction or its east WHY WE MAKE GOOD. WE BUILT UPON /* PERMANENT PRINCIPLES Our editor. H. tt J. t c-a Seideneck. o 1 +i,„ the «rio-lnal original X partner, still in complete charge, many M* -A Wc never misrepresent. Guarantee and years raced a laree stable of thoroughbreds, rSuHroaf promises kept inviolate. Advertiso losers at various times training them himself. Ac- KjS as n as winners. Past 17 years our ad-rount his other numerous track interests, Zjs/ ... - - vertisements appeared in tins paper from horse of the he knows fully 75 per cent owners and trainers on the turf today. three to six times each week. THAT YOU MAY KNOW US BETTER rnMPARE REPORTER WITH ANY OF 101 IMITATIONS. THERE ARE NO EXCEPTIONS. Special New Year Edition No. *:;;i. i*o4 all next week, aa sale everywhere RACING FORM is. :c,c In ease newKdeiiler m M oat, send RUbscriptloB to a4fce. Mailed plain scaled envelop.-. : weeks, 41; 6 weeks, si "in 10 weeks 4S. Lets .-t acquainted. What we have daae far our clients the past 17 years is at least 1 fair criterion of what we can do for yen. Use the same cue selecting the concern you intenc l.nvhv- information of as von would Starting B bank account. Take no chance .01 ly-hy-ahrhl concerns. here today there next week nude,- mm other nam. . WE WISH YOU A HAPPY AND PROSPEROUS NEW YEAR. TODAYS SPECIAL: Do - Tuesday - Bed- Put -Run- Run. THE TURF REPORTER. CREATED TO SURPASS NOT TO PARALLEL ...» a» st uiiiiiev Street Kst. I!M»4 Ineauo. Illinois WE ORIGINATE OTHERS IMITATE STABLE BOY 00 WORTH OF INFORMATION FOR ONLY 50c DAILY. THIS INFORMATION IS WIRED DOWN TO US FROM JEFFERSON PARK TRACK BY A STABLE BOY. FOR SALE AT ALL NEWS-STANDS— 50c DAILY. WEDNESDAY S EXTRA SPECIAL WON. TUESDAYS EXTRA SPECIAL ALSO WON. STABLE TIP WON. MONDAYS EXTRA SPECIAL WON. ONE BEST TODAY. Our man has been waiting for quite some time for this horse to start. Today they have found the proper spot to place him. Here is a chance to win some easy money, so get down strong. EXTRA SPECIAL has a world of speed and should easily throw off his contender;. STABLE TIP— Watch this one go. SOLD AT Cincinnati. 0. — Fountain News Co., 5th and Walnut Streets. St. Louis. Mo.— Win. Laser s 705 Market Street Lobb,-.. and Fosters, 410 Washington Street. Louisville. Ky.— Eiler and Goodmans 224 4th Avenue. and Hudsons. Main and Limestone Streets. The Chief dockers WEEKLY REPORT SOLD AT ALL NEWS-STANDS— 25c COPY. NEW ISSUE OUT TODAY. LAST WEEKS ONE BEST WON. CAPITAL CITY 7-1 WON was one of the GOOD PRICED winners given in last weeks issue. Many other winners were given. Todays issue contains some LONG SHOTS. Don t miss them. LONG SHOT OCCASIONAL TODAY. Our "dockers" advice is to GO THE LIMIT to this one. as they have kept this one under cover for some time. The others have no SHOW IN. Get it at your newsdealer lor only . THE WINNING POST YESTERADYS FREE CODE: SUNDIAL II 11-10 WON YESTERDAYS BOX SPECIAL: BROWN CHECK ..8-1 SECOND THURSDAYS SPECIAL: GRAYSON 20-1 WON SATURDAY S FREE CODE: Desoto-Than-Making-Code -Some THE WINNING POST 101 West 41st Street New York per year. 15 cents. Worth fifteen times as much SUNNYSIDE HOTEL Magnolia Springs Baldwin County - - Alabama In tho heart of the Ponce de Leon country, be-tweon Mobile Bay and the Gulf of Mexico. Open all tho year round. Fine fishing. The Springs furnish a certain cure for kidney diseases. RATES: 5 PER WEEK. JACK FIELD "THE WESTERN WIZARD" THE MAN WHO KNOWS. I GIVE ONLY ONE SPECIAL A DAY. SOLD ON ALL NEWS-STANDS DAILY. WEDNESDAYS SPECIAL WON. TUESDAYS SPECIAL WON. 00 free Special Today ! If you want to get in on a GOOD THING that is worth much more than 00, then get my ONE HORSE SPECIAL of today and GO TO IT GOOD and STRONG, as I know that this one is a SURE THING and no horse in this race will ever come near him. This onos works have been wonderful. Read what I have to say about this one on my sheet. Mailed overnight in plain scaled envelope, j Received first mail. a week. JACK FIELD. Room 701. 501 South Dearborn Street. Chicago. 111. NEWSDEALERS WANTED WRITE AT ONCE. NATIONAL 0. K. RACING LETTER OUR NEW YEARS BEST BET GOES IN THE 6TH RACE SHOULD BE 5-1 OR BETTER DON T FAIL TO GET TODAYS LETTER 50c DAILY 50c AT ALL NEWS-STANDS AND OFFICE National 0. K. Racing Letter I Room 411, Baltimore Bldg. Chicago, Illinois . j TIJUANA i Only Real, Live Information Terms: Winnings Straight Play 547 West 34th Street NEW YORK CITY You All Know OTTO HILDRETH A:: when I r.ay thai I can place in your hands ten of the best advertised systems containing real dope on systematic turf speculation, operative in pool rooms, hand book or track, worth many hundreds of dollars to any horse player. I mean every word I say. By sending me a .00 money order I will mail you this booklet in plain sealed envelope by return Otto Hildreth NEW3URCH KENTUCKY SUBSCRIBE for DAILY BAC1NG FOBM ; WESTCHESTER RACING ASSOCIATION BELMONT PARK, QUEENS. LONG ISLAND Office, 18 East Forty-first Street, New York THE FUTURITY Enter Your Mares and Increase the Value of the Foal 500 Per Cent. For Fillies and Entire Colts 0,000 ADDED OF WHICH ,750 TO THE NOMINATORS For the Autumn Meeting of I923 To Close Monday, January 3, 1921 BY SUBSCRIPTION of 0 each, OR ONLY 0 IF THE MONEY BE SENT WITH ENTRY, for mares covered in 1920. and a further subscription of 550 each for the produce of such mares unless struck out by NOVEMBER 1, 1922, and a further subscription of 00 each unless struck out by July 1, 1923. Each starter to pay ?250 additional. THE WESTCHESTER RACING ASSOCIATION TO ADD TEN THOUSAND DOLLARS 0,000: the second to receive ,500 of the added money and two-thirds of the starting fees; the third 50 of the added money and one-third of the starting fees. The nominators of the winner, of the second horse and of the third horse, namely, the nominator of the marc, to receive ,000. ,250 and 00 of the added money, respectively, whether they are the owners of the horse when the race takes place or not. Colts, 122 lbs. : fillies, 119 lbs. Winners of two races of the value of ,000 each, or one of ,000, to carry 3 lbs. extra: of two of ,000, or one of ,000, 5 lbs. extra; of three of ,500, or two of ,000, or one of 0,000, 8 lbs. extra. If mare or stallion has not produced a winner prior to January 1. 1921, the produce will be allowed 3 lbs. for either or 5 lbs. for both, said allowance to be claimed at time of entry. Maidens allowed 5 lbs., which allowance shall not be cumulative. If a maro nominated for this event drops her foal before the first of January. 1921, or if she has a dead or more than one foal, or is barren, the entry of such mare is VOID, and the subscription, if paid, will be returned. By filing on or before November 1, 1922. with THE WESTCHESTER RACING ASSOCIATION an accepted transfer of the produce with its engagement in this event, the original subscriber will be released from any further liability as to the engagement of the produce. SIX FURLONGS STRAIGHT. Allowances for untried mares and stallions must be claimed at time of entry AUGUST BELMONT, President. A. McL EARLOCKER, Racing Secretary ! CAN YOU— —DO YOU "BEAT THE RACES" The only way to win consistently is to play in a business-like, systematic manner, the same as you would run a bank, store or factory or other business. Haphazard play, guesswork, tips and "racing luck cannot be relied upon, where business methods may win. THE .NKAV SI CCB88 MANUAL OF TURF SPECULATION ll HMSHKI l IvKXTl CKV WMKRB THOUOl CillHHIOUS GROW Teaches complete, systematic, business -like methods of play — Successful turf speculation at track or handbook — Selection of winners — Long-chot specials — Pro.r.; t recovery of losses — Modern methods of fiat and progressive play, looking to safety and success. FORTY-FOUR APPROVED SYSTEMS of play, many of which have never been published before: also page after page of valuable information on handicapping, weights, time, track conditions, etc., making it one of the most valuable treatises on turf speculation ever published. FREE— SEND NO MONEY We want every race follower to have our new booklet. It describes in detail what we believe to be the most complete and valuable set of systems and methods of play ever published. Send no money — its FREE. Simply send us your name and address and we will send you this valuable book free of cliargo by return mail in a plain sealed envelope. The edition is limited and delay may mean disappointment. SEND FOR IT TODAY— ITS FREE ADDUKSS SUCCESS PUBLISHING CO., LOUISVILLE :: KENTUCKY . Your Money Back If Thoroughbred Doesnt Make Good JUST TO PROVE TO YOU HERE S OUR EXTRAORDINARY OUR CONFIDENCE r~ ■■■ — -m ■ OFFER. _ in Thoroughbred, originator of the MPMjPft , ■ tf*i Ser-d i°r rcxt 3 issues of THOR- KjTJ-WV*: OUGHBRED No. 485. 496. 497, mailed c Scientific *•*• x. Ratings « „- .„i and Turt T„,r r„-,u truicle. IljSH Zandt*$£M£ H 5232 v,,u lliM class, plain aaalad enTslaps, enables to tell class of horses, HR a**"**, t: , , cna.u j you via T»- t ..i j .• o * i_- v*"**"* It, at the end of 3 weeks for which consistent from in-ar.d-outers, good Hfc "****" books are issued, you don t think we platers from bad ones, ones staling :JbKm* fSSfc* gave y0U the M=andest S1 s worth vou ,, .. . . . .: W-~T ClSi* evcr Bfot. send back the 3 books and we „ distances ,.„„„„„ BHL . UflP off. those rounding to. Age. -. ■ :Hm£m~ return your at once. What imi- and kind of track each horse prefers, L_ #E*fai tatQr or competitor of XHOROUGH- and their scientific rating. BRED will do likewise? Our ads. have appeared in Racing Form, week after week, telling you to get THOR- i OUGHBRED. handicap the card daily yourself instead of paving ,-Dopesters" that sit 14 YEARS - in an °mc~ s0 °"nts t0 S5 a dav- Many of them use our RATINGS WITH SUCCESS. | So can you. Takes but 15 minutes a day. Latest good all next week, on sale every- V where Racing Form is. S5 cent . A trial is all we ask. SATURDAYS SPECIAL: Come-South -It-Tar-End-End. THi: AJUKRICAH THOROUGHBRED. Oritiiuutors Scion! if ! • Ksitiim* and Gui lt . Baltimore KuililiiiK - Established lJOT. I - CliieaKo. Illiiiuf* THE BOOK OF TODAY AND TOMORROW NOT THE CHEAPEST. BUT THE BEST ; " HANDICAP I 517 Temple Court Bldg.. Chicago. 111. Thursdays ONE BEST WON Long Shot Special Lost Fridays ONE BEST WON Long Shot Special Scratched CHIEF OBSERVER 25 WEST 42nd St.. Room 515. NEW YORK CITY TODAYS FREE CODES: NEW ORLEANS: Georgia-4-16-23. HAVANA: Maine-17-20-23. GET NEW BOOK TODAY! Contains Code of Todays, Fret- Form Special. Which is: October-Oiange-14-44-77-21 For Sale at All News-Stands— 35c PER COPY Good for One Week Standard Turf Guide, 22 W. Quincy St., Chicago, 111.