Tijuana Form Chart, Daily Racing Form, 1921-01-01


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1 . . . i : TIJUANA FORM CHART TIJUANA. Mexico. Thursday. December 30. 1920. Thirty-first day. Lower California Jockey Club. Winter Meeting of 123 or more day*. Weather clear. Presiding Steward. Francis Nelson. Associate Stewards. J. W. of froth and Leon Wing. Starter, Harry Mortissey. Racing Secretary. Leon Wing. Racing starts at 1:50 p. in. Chteaga time 8:56. KOI OC Fir«t Race — 5 1-2 Furlon rs. June 28, CI4J..SU 1916— 1:05%— 3— 118. Purse 00. 3-year-olds and upward. Claiming. Net value to i I j winner 50: second, 00; third, 0. Equiv. Odds. I Ind. Horse. Wt. Fin. Jockpy. Strnisht. 51862*Divlanil 10: V K Taylor 220-M4 52660 Pink Tenny 113 E| B Hayward tlO-C 100 51 ! ." »* Welga 161 :::! Howe MB8 161 , 51999 K. of PythalM 4 c Graaa . 51958 Pastime 110 5*5 1 Yeargin 1740-lfln 52001 .Miss HrmnnliD V A Eoigier 1880-100 51958 Old HomesfdUn 71 P Martinez aM6-108 51999 Col. Murphy 161 V B Marinelli 140-100 , 51959 Muriels Pet 110 ! -! W Perry 2M6-M6 t . 51836 Arietta 110 10- .1 Callahan 51958 Lavaga 108 11 H Rettig 1848-169 ■ I tMutuel field. . hB2 mutuels paid. Divland. 1921.sh.40 straight, .40 | ptaee, .88 akea : Pink Tenny. 83.86 place. .00 I slow: Welga. *."..00 show". I Kiptivaleni hookins odds— Divland. 220 to 168 , straight. 120 to 100 place, 86 to 100 show: Pink Tenny, 186 to UK place, SO to 100 show: Welga, . 150 to 100 show. j Time. 1:08. Track fast. Winner— J. Humbrechts b. g. 5. by Deutsch- | I land-Divina. by Hassetlaw trained by O. H. Bolar.d: bred by Mr. Oeorge Winsfield. Went to i ost at 1:52. At post 1 minute. Start good and slow. Woa easily; second and third driv- j | ins. Scratched— 5193S Ispham. 107. Overweishts — Pink Tenny. 3 pounds; Lavaga. 1. 19197 Second Race — 3-4 Mile. Dec. 20, 1916 » U4J.4I 1;11% g *BL Purse 00. All 1 j Ages. Claiming. ■ Net value to winner 50: second, 00; third, 0. Equiv. Odd*. 1 Tnd. Horse. Wt. Fin. Jockey. Straight. 520: 4-.lolin Jr. lit V. B Graves B6-100 52034*Miss Parnell 10? 8" B Marinelli iP,0-piu t : Bi748*Miaa Bedalfai KB H B Taylor 176-160 52060 An. Jackson 10* «1 R Carter S6KVM6 68688 Coronado Hi H P Martinez 14S6-100 ! 5 1999 Mineral JinilT. ti A Belgter K6B-160 5-034*.liee Carr 1;". 7! W Perry 7«1BI "mi BBBBS Sweet Tooth 113 81 Willis B656 164 , 52668 Berrdea K. «,u *.» W Hlnphy t : T.Mutuel field. S2 mutuels paid. John Jr.. .s::.t,0 straight. .80 I place, .68 show: Mis-, Parnell. .Sls.so place, odd , show : Miss Sedali.i. .SL.SO show. Baal i air at aaoktag adda loha Jr.. so to loo , straight. 86 to KM ptaee, 86 to DlO show: Mis-Parnell , sjo to DM place. 150 to 166 show: Miss Seilaiia. 40 to 100 show. Time. 1:14%. Track fast. Winner — W. 1". PoDons b. s. 7. by Malta Santa , — Meade Paaly, by Ben Btraaau trained by W. P. Pds.n: bred by Mr. Walter S. Payne. Went to post at 2:19. At pool 4 minutes. Start good and slow Won handily; second and third 1 driving. Bcratched 52681 Doctor Kendall, no; 4t;7ls - Maud Bacon. 110: 61666 Mi roan. 116. Overweights Anna Jacksc n. 1 pound. ■ 91 9ft Third Race — 1 Mile and 70 Yards. Feb. U4J.40 2 1920— l:43l5— C— 122. Purse 00. 4-year-olds and upward. Claiming. Net value to winner 50: second. 00; third. 0. Kcpiiv. Odds. • Ind. Bona. Wt. Pia. Jockey. Straisht. ..:08«*Audr. v K. 198 I ! I Hum ICO-Mfl ■ S8BBS*Huaama in - Howe ir.C-100 519«li. Mhlebhios :•" l; Marinelli fW-MO J 52633 Treowen M8 I" C Grosa S390-16B 58648 Bbamr*k Gr*all3 E H Rettig JIW-108 51938 Boreaa M8 BlJ ■ Burns 1S206-160 52019*Too BkridgetM 7; B Taylor M6-108 5 1898* Bobolink ios B4 V Pen, . :■-«0 51960 Ben Levy 113 f B Dority PMe-rM 51763 Califnia Jack0;i 10 It Carter 51742 Ardencia 109 11 LGaug.l .Mutllid tield. tNo tickets s.dd. 88 mutuels paid. Audrey K.. 838.46 straisht. . S5.40 place. S4.40 show: Humma s:.so place, .26 show: George Moohlebach, .20 show. Kiiuivaletit booking odds - Audrey K., 920 to 100 I I j straight. 170 to 100 place, 120 to 100 show: Humma. !o to 100 place, oo to 166 show, George Uoehlebach, to KM show Time. l:45«i. Track fast. Winnci O. B. Irwins b. m. •". by Ballot- Cap tivilv, by Goldfinch or St ir Ruby trained by C. B. Irwin: bred by estate of Mr. James I. Baggia. Weat la post at 2:50. At post 1 minute. Start fair and slow. Won easily, s M,l aiol third driv lag. Bcratched 52666 Dehra, 168 ui.xj fi919Q Fourth Race— 5 1-2 Furlong.;. Jaa 2;,. 191C— 1;05 ,— 3— 118. Purse 00. 3-year-olds and upward. Claiming. Net value to winner 50; second. 00: third, 0. K.piiv. Odda. lad. Horse. Vt. pta. Jockey. Straight. 5.o-; s t-;, i aiuho ■!• i W Hlnphy ; !■»• 51941 I.|aii,.y 115 _;". !■: Hayward 36D-160 52038-.Milla IIS ::, N Poden aW-Mti 47579 Orchid Kins H4 4 B Pirtnegar tfi2S0-100 BlB1B*Chantreaa m; 5 Rowe 2126B l 51767*1. w. Harperl64 6« B Taylor S0U-«W 52684*Cri»pi 107 V D Hurr I86-1« 50346 Dimitri 1!0 s1 B Graves 726-M Roate Rogen IM :» .v Zelgli r tMataeJ Ii.ld. J mutuels paid, Cacaaabe, 84-B8 straisht. .46 place. 82.68 show; Delate ev, 85.66 place. .66 show: Milda. 83.66 show. Kaalraleal booking odds Caeaaaho. 146 to 166 straisht. 7o to 166 plaii-. .".I to lull show; Dolaneey. 106 to 166 place. :ii la loo ahew; Mil. la. 56 to 166 ahow. Time, 1:07. Track fast. Winner — G. 15. Warrens eh. s. 4, by Pre* Lonce Boaaie Kate, by Loyalist trained by J. Caraey; bred by Mr. George J. I nag i lit to post at 8:14. At post 1 minute. St.i.t Read and slow. Won eaailj : tecaad and third drains. S latch, ,1- 52682 fireplace, 112: S18S4 Lady I Small. 168. Overweights — Rosie Rogoa, 1 lioiind: Orchid Kins. " ; Dimitri. 1. uj.uj 9130 Fiftl1 Race— 1 1-16 Miles. Jun« 24. 1910—1:45—3—110. Fortuna Claiming Handicap. Purse 00. All Ages. Net value to winner S0: ::econd. 40; third, 0. lapiiv. Odds. Did. Horse. Wt. Fill. Jockey. Straight. 52110 Piedr.i Kit 1» M Matthews 1168-10* 51982 Peerieai Nae ; 6 83 B Pator 58666 Horace Lerch 92 :: 1 Hun. 1460 Wl 52022 • a ;.y H3 4 Perry 1120-10 52037 Sailor 117 S* W 1 OBrien o l-o 52084 -Jake Sclias DO I P Mart in. Z t 5 2003 Thrift lot 7 L Gavgel 5126-M ■ t Oaplcd in bettiag as C. B, Irwin entry niiitii.is paid, Pledra, 8.26 straisht. .60 place. .So.lH show: PeerlCM One. s..sil place. s:|.sii show: c. B. Irwin entry. 88.68 show. Bqairaleat booking odds Pledra. 1866 to did straight. 3SO to 166 place. 150 to 100 show: Peerle** one. 186 to loo place, 88 to 166 ahew; . B. Irwin entry, so to loo ahow. Time. 1:46"5. Track fast. Winner C. Nails b. j, .",. by Magellan Premier! March, by Childwick trained by N. S. Vail: hred Frame by Mr. T. P. Thornei. Weni to part at 3:88, t post i ailaate. st bad and slow. Won driving : second and third same. Orei weigh! — Pledra. i peaal; Bailor, 3. Uil,n R91 11 Sixth Race— 3-4 Mile. Dec. 20. 19 1:11-,— 3— 110. Purse 00. 3-y. olds and upward. Ctaimiag. Net value to wir 50; second, 00: third, |S6. K.piiv. Odu Ind. Horse. Wt tin. locfccy. Straight 5198.". K Chei IhnmloS i I Callahaa 176 51983 Dob i:.ii.. r 113 J11 i: Hayward 350 I 52823* Ike Mills Wl V B Taylor B6- 51900 Deckhand III I] i Willis 463 52038 ; -i-baiei.il" r 167 Rowe 1486-1 52686 Ba by lonii n 168 I P Martinez LP.n-l i 52002 i Hoov r 161 7 Q Veorgln M6 1 52080ili/.arro 118 P R Carter ■!" 51787 W. MtgomylOf ■•■ II Rettig 46848 Ben Payne . MM I* N Poden 51983 Buckborn 11.163 11 R Poet tMatae] field. , SL BIBtaela paid, Kitty Cheatham. 1.40 straight .86 place, 1 1 so ahow; Boh Baher, 84.46 pbK .26 ahow; Ike Milla, 83.66 show. Bqairaleat bookina odd Kill y Cheatham. 170 166 Htraight, l"iii to 166 place, 146 to Phi ahot Boli Baker, 120 to loo place, llo to loo ahow; I Mills, so to 168 show. Time. ITS3.. Track fast. U h.lier W. A. Rucks eh Id, 0. by Me.-li. 1: V, Reach, by Bobby Beack trained hj W A. Ruck. bred by Mr. ft. :. Parke. Went to post at 1:63. AI pawl 1 minulo. Slut SiKid ami slow. Won driving; ii nd and third the same. Bcratched -51864 Midia. 166. Overweights Bob Baker. ; pounds; Y Montgomery, 2. KOIOO Seventh Race — i dig Miles. June 24. U£*±iJ£ 1910—1:45—3—110. Purse 00. 3-year-old:-. and upward. Claiming. Net value to winner 50; serond. 00; third, 0. Iljuiv. fhlda. Ind. Horse. Wt. Fin. Jockey. Straight. 52001 Minnie if. 101 1 I: Harinelli I 51981 I.: b. i vi in 2" V cbiav. tta IP -UNI 52666 Judge De.vid KB V B Taylor tW-lflfl 521 ll*» Bont Belle m; 43 Rowe 124 lOfl 52112 The Gallant 111 :. ■ P Martlnea I1S0-16 52K Kentky Boy MC fi ; Vcuntln i . niutiiels ,,ai,|. .Minnie II . .66 straighi. .40 place, .66 abow; Baoji I*al, xm place, .60 show: lodge David, 83.66 show. Bqalraleni 1mm, kins odds Minnie H.. 1 lo t, 166 straight, 7u to loo place, 88 to Dmi show; Baby al, 186 to 166 place, 56 to 168 abow; Jadge David. 58 to 166 ahow. Time. 1:48. Track fast. Winner c K. BrowaN oh. f. 4. by Harrigan Minnileile. by Mindora trained by C. K. Brow n bred by Mr. Benjamin A. Jeaea. Went to p -t at 1:27. At poat 1 miniife. Slar goad ami slow. Woa easily: aecoad and thil driving. Bcratched -52663 Rutland Arms

Persistent Link: https://drf.uky.edu/catalog/1920s/drf1921010101/drf1921010101_2_6
Local Identifier: drf1921010101_2_6
Library of Congress Record: https://lccn.loc.gov/unk82075800