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ENGLISH MARES ARRIVE IN KENTUCKY U:I .T Kv. .laiinai.v 7. The Engl bill 1 mares Baraaoea. Kaatlnsima. tollette. Bathing tJirl, .•ini.v liambanla ami h- Ktarligbt. par chased lij Ueaarw. Kaaiael D. Itiddle and Walter A. Jell.. nl-. to he- mated with M War. r.iv arrived at .Mi— Ellaabeth Baiagerfieldi Haylaad 1 stud. In the rat with them •am. Cbacolel patrfaaaed ! by Kredcri k Johaaoo ami Hal Price HeaUley; Bem-bra :in«l star Bpaagle pun-hasedl by A. B. Han "ck: Slo Mtssje. |;im c.f Colonel ciiiiiv. and Kaaara, parr bear d by BioaraeU, and Lacaa B. i oinhs unci ii Chaaaaane. parckaaed by Gadfrey Ileece. Chacolet went to Meaiiinont Kami: Soinbia i and Star Rpaagle lo Claihorae Stud: Shy Mi--sie anil I Kaaara to Milan- Farm and La fhaamaaae to Short I ;rass Slml. Iheie were also iii the car two males hdeagiag to K. Ambrose- Clark, which weni In Taitmrne Stud, and flwatirm ami Uandivere, la leafing lo , tfWfa . loft, which went lv ldi ; Hour ratm.