Tijuana Form Chart, Daily Racing Form, 1921-01-08


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TIJUANA FORM CHART TIJUANA, Mexico. Thursday. January 6. 1921. — Thirly-sev.ntli day. Lswei California JoCkej Club. Winter Meeting of 12.1 Or mure days. Weather drizzling. Presiding Steward. Francis Nelson. Associate Stewards. J. AY. Ceffreth and Leon Wing. Starter, Harry Morrtssey. Racbsg Becrerary, Leon Wing. Rachsg s|:irt .11 i:5f ,,. ,„. CMcaaM time 8:90. t,*,*,c, OOK7 First Race— 3-8 Mile. Jan. 8. 1916— 3535— 2— 105. Purse 00. 2-year- olds. Special weights. Net value to winner 50: second. 00; third. 0. Bqaiv. Odds. Ind. Horse. Wt. Fin. Jockey. Straight. 52167 Pepper Tea 11.1 1* H Sahidin BMM Photoplay 116 2- E Denny B"fl-1M 58101 Little Florceii.l :p I: Pinnegar 58s*-MO 5216V- Nellie Harperll.1 k x Fod.n 1180-100 Polly WsdB 111 .1 J Clements SMO-100 .12 167 Km. Willms 11.1 ti C Orosa 7960-100 S2 mutuels paid. Pepper Tea. .S2.40 Straight, 82J90 place, S2.20 show; Photoplay, X2.20 place. S2.40 show: Little Fl.iten.e. 88.08 show. Basrivaleat bsskhsg adds- Pepper Tea, 30 to 100 straight, 10 to Bhi place. io to 100 show; Photoplay, 10 io 100 place, 80 to 10 show: Little ftmnmtt, .11 to 1HI show. Time. 3545. Track fast. AV inner — C. T. Worthiagtoas b. f. by Iet.r Quince — Sreen Pepper, by Buskin 1 trained by C. t. Worthiagtoa; bred by Messrs. a. R. Baaley .v Soul. - Went to ]»ost at 1:56. At post 1 minute Start good and slow for all but Polly Wale. Won easily: I second and third driving. Scratched Dark Aires, 11.1. 5998 Second Race — 1 Mile. June 17. 1916 — u*4isu 1:38—3—95. Prase 00. 3-year-olds and upward. Claiming. Net value to winner 50: second. 00: third, 0. Dquiv. Odds. lad. Horse. Wt. Fin. Jockey. Straight. 58O01*OUs 107 I» Rowe 630-100 52212 -T. F. McMnlll 2, C Duggan 130-100 52210 Blazer 105 V C Y.argin HO 108 51642 Argento 112 4- C Gross t13S-Ms 52106 Caardona 115 s** B Marinelll t 521»0H;ift 112 c p Martinez :::oo-ioi» .12170 Go Oa 112 7 K McCrann t 52020 French NurseLO S J Robertson 163J-1M 58108 Firo 1K . -! A /..igler 790-103 52148 Hyadla 111 M4 R Carter 14890-100 52060 Dears 1M 11 N Poden 1830-100 52l6H»Kath. Carey I :. i_ J Cleneata SOUS-IM tMlltll.l field. S2 mutuels paid. Gila, fli.80 straight. 80.80 place. 84.40 show: Taos. F. McMahoa, 83.00 place, 82. m show; Biaaer, .. 110 s|i„w. Lniiivaleiit b..o king odds— Oila. 880 10 100 straight, 210 p. Km place, 120 to 10o show : Then. F. McMahoa, 50 to IO11 place, .to Io 100 show: K ■/■ r, 108 to 100 show . Time. 1:88%. Track fast. Winner Watte V UUeys b. g, .. by Red Ralghl - -lloopa. by Keailworth trained by A. White; bred by Mr. fl. W. Skate. Went Is nasi at 2:17. At post 1 minute. St;ir: good and slow. Wmi driving: second and third the same. Overweights — Hyadla, l pound; Preach Nurse. 2. ROOFvQ Third Race — 5 1-2 Furlongs. June 28. uuitM 1916— 1:05 4— 3— 118. Purse 00. 3-year-olds and upward. Claiming. Net value to winnrr 50: second. 00: third. 0. Bqaiv. o.ids. lad. Horse. Wt. Fin. loekey. strain d 52062 Clr the Wayl07 lie Cross W-109 5I7K4 Prtnee DirectllO 2 B McCrann 2889-1011 80861 Rosellls llu :: A Zeigler tlOBO-RM .12106 .Mas KuUlin II" I Kl-ator 36M-1O0 51898 F.-li. itor 11" :."!■ .1 Class 36230-100 51ST40 l.:i/y Ben 111 V R Carter 12160-100 .12034 li.v. Janus II.. 7 P Cliiiv.tta 820-100 K1O08 PIsythlMK 105 KJ C V.argin 50-100 51018 ship Hquirrel »5 :•_. .1 ci.ni.nts 746H It 1 SIMDDO Admit 113 in J I .Martin./. 50305 Moiulani. 10C il- Poden 12045 Bobby Fib 11" 12 B Dority i •Mutliel field. S2 mutuels paid, bar the Way. .08 straight. 82.88 place. 82.40 slum : Prince Direct. 8.00 place, .si. Hi s|i„x ; Rosellls, .00 show. L|iiivalent. booking odds-Tbar the Way, So to 100 Straight, 4 » to BX place. 20 to 100 show . Prince Direct. 830 to 100 place. 170 to 100 show. RoseYUs, so to 100 sbou . Time, 1:08 5. Track fast. Winner-.! ■cherts Dr. c. 4, by Von Tiomp--Directa, by Vasrtor I trained by L Eckert; .red by-Mr. Bdward Cearsaa Went to post at 2:43. At post 2 minutes. Start gaad and SMW. Won easily; second and third driving Oval a eights- Rseeltis, 2 pounds; sharp BasJrrel, I 3; Luzy Ben, 1; Bobby 1Mb, 1. fi22fi0 "VV Fo»»th Race— 5 1-2 Furlongs. June 28. 1916— 1:05 s— 3— 118. Purse 00. 3-year-olds. Claiming. Net value to winner 50: second. 00; third. 0. IXiuiv. Odds. Ind. Hotsp. Wt. Fin. Jockev. Straight. 52109 MiKS llnoiick IOC, lJ Roiv 189-100 52107 Busy Bird 101 2 O Teargln SSO-100 521 l« »Ftil! II inn 104 ::? K Tayb.r 1000-10.1 521 Hi Lady Lovitt 108 V C Whittgton 2S80-100 52061 * *P.rolaski 101 .. M Msughter 300-100 52061 Mi. Holland] ! B Marimdli IOW-1O0 52002 * Mi s bunbar 92 7 P Hum 1 9 ■■•■ MM 50341 Ku gen in K. 106 t X Po«l n 62%-IO0 520SO John Lake 107 9 Dug»;an S8000*Mak«l Rul. K la] L Hunt 52001*Old Squirrel 97 11 P Ooettllc BO9O-1O0 tMutoel field. mutuels paid. Miss Meelick, .08 straight, .vX.ihi place, 83.00 show; Bnsj Bird, 84.00 place, .00 show: Full Moon. .00 show. Bqalvaleal iMoktag odds Mi~s Meelick, 138 la loo straight, 08 to 100 place. 80 to loo show: Baa Bird. 138 to Km place, SO to loo show; Pall Moon. Ml to 100 show. Time, 1 :08ai. Track fast. Winner .1. oddis 1,. f. :i. by Meelick— -Lacky Catch, by Trap Rock trained by W. M. Casslty; bred by Mr. Issses OdeR. Went to post at 3:07. At p..-t I minutes. Start good and slow. Won easily; second and third driving. Seratehed 10887 Ornee Miu.nd. 105. Overweights— Miss Meelick, 3 pounds: 1uH M 2: John Lake, 2: Lug. nia K . 1. v**vjj. .99 61 Fllth Race— 5-8 Mile. May 20. 1920— 5C_4_107. Purse 00. 3-year-old:; and upward. Claiming. Net value to winner 50: second. 00; third. 0. Bqaiv. Odds. Ind. Horse. Wt. Fin. Jockey. Straight. 50209 -c.A.conVkyp.7 1*1 B Marmelli JOO-Wfl .11064 Dod» Adam US fj G reargin 52*8 MXI 52020 Lewis P.. C7 3» F.I Baker C 2ii-Pl" 52020 Ringleader 117 l, * Duggsn r,7" ]■. .12060 Apple Jack 12 :. W Hinphy I22O-100 5I! 78 1 St.mle 11:12 6» C WMttgton 19 10 52126 Col. Murphy 110 71- I-" Clii.n - 1 1.1 4250 1" 520H5 Hans Topasll2 s- X F.xl. 11 53081 Mild. Kurettallfl 9s B Taylor 680 100 51fM»! s.I..s.-nia IH Wj J Clemen ta ,:•" 10*1 51695 Elj M9 II J Gins :•"• IOC tMlltUel field. muiiieis paid. C. .. Cpmiskey, .00 straight, 1921.sh.20 place, .80 sliow; Dode Adam*, 4.00 place, . in s],ou ; I. a is I... s2l .00 shoa Bqnivaleal booking odds c. a. Comlsksy. 888 to UMi straight. 210 to 100 place, 230 t. BMt show: Dode Adams. 800 to 100 place, 17u to 100 show; Lewis I... !■• to Kin show. Time. l.Oli. Track fast. Winner-F. tiet. hells blk. g. 8, by Dick Welle* - Sw.ei Sell, by F.sher trained by E. QetcheU; bred by Mr. Thos. Piatt 1. Went Io post at 3:34. A bosl 3 minutes. Start gaad and slow. Won easily, ■ecand and third driving Scratched— 52170 Peggy Martin. lo7. Overweights -Cel. Murphy, l pound. 592fi9 Sixth Race— 1 1-10 Miles. June 24. u *"" 1916—1:45—3—110. Purse 00. 3-year-olds and upward. Handicap. Net value to winner 90- second. S140; third, 0. Rqaiv. Odd . Ind. Horse. Wt. Lin. loekey, straiglit. 52150 M A. Nnan K 1 J c Vearsrin IT 100 52065 I.iol.i ISO 2 1: Marinelll tOO-KW 52130 Sailor 113 W J OBrien 2.V-loo c"»2 130 Pi. .It:! vtl 4. M Matthews !*a-1W .12191 iPYaaklin 112 ■• BFatet 510-100 52130 Thrift S I Hiiro tSi mutuels paid, Martin A. Kooaaa. 1.40 straight. .00 place. .00 show; Lioia. .40 place, S3. Ml sliow: S.i ilo r. ,811 show. Fi|iiivali nl booking odds Martin A. Noonan, 17n t fl ion straight. Kill to 1O0 place, .to to loo shou : I.ioi.i. 120 to 100 place, DO to loo show; Bailor, Ml to too show. Time. 1:4C. Track fast. Winner C. Koehlers h. r. 3. by Aeronaut —Anon Sain, by sain tralaed by D. Kearney; bred bv Mr, 1:. B. cassatt. Went 10 P si al 1.03. -l nasi 1 minute. Still I good and slow. Won easily; second and third drh ing. Scratched — .1221:1 Ham. iy. 90; .12212 Peerless One. 105; 52084 Mister Mark, 107; 3021358ilvery Lighl, 100. Overweights Bailo . :: pounds; Piedra, I. ►OOfiQ Seventh Race — 1 1-1C Miles. June 24. ui. ju 1916—1-45—3—110. Purse S500. 3-year-olds and upward. Claiming. Net value to winner 50: second. 00; third. 0. RqulV. Odd-. Ind. Hot-.-. Wt. Pin. Jockey. Straight. 52196 CMiimi H. W8 l«! B Marinelll l»-100 521 12 Termak llfl 2 .1 GlaJ JfilO-lft 52173 Cork 110 n O Willis 94H-10ii .12 196 "Visa Cuba 1 " ; C C Whlttgton HO-MXi .12211 Th- C.ill:. m IIS •" I Mar tinea M80-K 52060 -lit. I: 1 si , ,, i; T:,y|,,r 1610-100 S2 niiiiiels paid. Minnie II.. ,441 straight, ,011 place, .08 shew; iermak, 88.30 place, .20 sin n : Cork, .00 si ov . Equivalent booking od.is Minnie n.. 120 to |i 0 straight. .10 to 100 place, 811 In 100 show: Sermak 310 to KM place, 110 to In shou: Cork, mi to lOtls show. Time. 1:48. Track fast. Winner W. . vVeaats ■ h. 111. .1. by llarrican Minnoi.-tie. by Mindora trained by W c. Weaat; bred by Mr. Beajamin A. Joaes. Went to post al 1:38. At iiosi 1 miaate. Start Z 1 and slow. Won easily, second sad third driving. Overweights- Vlra Caba, 3 poll ads

Persistent Link: https://drf.uky.edu/catalog/1920s/drf1921010801/drf1921010801_2_6
Local Identifier: drf1921010801_2_6
Library of Congress Record: https://lccn.loc.gov/unk82075800