Havana Form Chart, Daily Racing Form, 1921-01-08


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HAVANA FORM CHART HAVANA, CUBA. FRIDAY. JANUAKY 7. ~19ai. Oriental Park. Thirty-sixth day. Cuba -America 11 Jockey and Auto Club. Winter Meeting of Km d:.ys ,,r mote. Weather clear: temperature 90 . Stewards, .1 HaeJusteister, C. il LaasdaM and K. J. Braen. Starter, James P. Milton. Raciag St-.--r.t.iry. M. Nathaasoa. Bacing starts at 2:3o p. m. Chicago time 1:37 p. m.i. Indicates appc ntice allovrance, FT nQOi FIRST RACE— 3-4 Mile. Jan. 8. 1920—1:11—6—102. Purse 00. 3-year-olds. OflOX: Maidens. Allowances. Net value to winner 50: second. 00: third. 0. Index Horses AWtPFStV % Str Fin Jockeys Owners O H C B 8 .--I5K5-PANSY «Fn 103 2 i PI ii 41! 1- 11 Lcasterl A Herold S s :; v.;, .12226 THE ENQUIRES wa MB I 1 2 i» P* 2» IV Jarre 11 Williams Bros. 3 2 4-3 E-S .11131 SHY ANN WB 107 7 I 7"- P SJ " F Wilson W R Co* 7 I I I E-l r.2057 CUBANTTA m MR 8* 7: P ,J A Picfccas Armonia Stable 1 7-.". 7 -.1 :-.". 1-:: .12182 Il.KUllic.H wa PC 1 7 1 •"! V ■■ • Frim in c I Smith 8 7 7 2! -" .--2012 l.OTTA SPEED a MO] 5 2 2 I* W KeJsay .1 Lowe 1 I s | 8-i BtlOOTUANOREA a Ml SI s 7- 7- I". Barnes I Monahnn 1 I I 23 6-5 ri7H! JOSEPHINE K. w Ml Ii 5 1- 2* 8 8 J Hofflr T Holfl 1 .0 28 21 K 1 Time. 2335, 49. ITSj. Track fast. S2 mutuels paid Paasy, 828288 straight, 811.40 place. 87.08 show; The Baqairer, s:; .10 place. 82.80 ■haw; Shy Ann. S3. 70 show. Bqalvaleal booking adds- Paasy, LSM to 100 straight, -f7o to kmi place, 280 ta 1"0 show; The Baqairer. 7.1 to BMt place. 40 to Kki show ; Shy Ann. 85 to loo show. Winner B. f. by Kriir Back Disparity, by Singleton tralaed by K. A. Herold; bred by Mr. John E. Mn. idem. Went to post at 2:30. At post 2 minutes. Start good and slow. Won easily; second and third driving. PANSY was far back Io the stretch turn, where sin- slipped through oa the inside and. finishing with a rush, wan going away. THK KNtTTKLB took the had on the last turn, but was nsach used ill racing JOSBPHIXB K. and l.OTTA SPEED into defeat and tired. SHY ANN began slowly and tin anil a bin gap int.. a close-up third. CUBAN ITA was outrun for the rifsf half, but was going fast ut the end. Overweight* Lotto Speed. 4% pounds; Plewhlgh. 2. PT O «f dT» CT SECOND RACE— 3-4 Mile. Jan. 8. 1920—1:11 — 6—102. Purse 00. 4-year-olds and OsasilOO upward. Claiming. Net value to winner 50: second. 00: third. 0. Index Horses AWtPB«t»4 Ms % Str Fin Jockeys Owners O H C P M 52183-D1NTY MOORE W 1 35 2 4 2 2* in T W Kelsay W 3 Sh.e.ly 3 3 6-.1 :;-.. .12I25- HR NEPHEW a-C 107 1 7 8* 9| 7- 2" P Wilson J Cengler I 1 I fi-7. 2-.1 .12204»T!KK BLOOM wit 7 110 1 1 l1 I" 2* J1 S BWThaanrl W Plant I I I I M .72 1X3 SI. NX PEINER wit 1 11.7 7 W 8] 7:1 ii 4i J Butw.-ll W L Oliver S E E 2 1 51185 AFRICAN ARROW w 6 ill 1 l 5*1 4 .". ", a Pickens Armonia stable 2 I 2 4-.", 2 :. 31832 "ROlXDKL wills : I :i" P" t P* J CarmdyH shields 12 12 12 E 2; .12225*VI.M WB 4 117 ,S E • 8* : 7«* P Smith .1 C Mays 18 10 10 A . ."■2204 - o.M.il.LKY v, c lpi in - 1 1 10 :r- B* R AtklnsnPogolottI Stable 8 s I I M 62000 ULSTER QUEEN wb i 110 9 7- 6" v- : y A MeehanW Sims M 10 H 4 2 .11.700 EDDIE HENRY vi: - 112 f 2 ».■ Vf» 10 W Crump 1; C Mlsell 12 12 12 E ." Time. 24. 49. 1:13V5. Track last. s2 mutuels paid. Maty Moore. 810. 50 straight, 84.80 place. 84220 sliow: lur Nepli.W. 84.10 place. s:;.li sliow: Thorn Illoom. S7.30 show. K iniv.-ileiit bOOkJag ."Ids Kint.v Moore. 42.1 to 100 straight. 11.1 to KM place, 110 to 100 show: 4ur Nephew. 10.1 to tOO place. .1.1 to 100 show: Thorn Bloom, 203 to loo show. Winner 1.. g, by afeSJet -Psfjj .rant, b.v Sir Dtxaa tralaed by L. W. r.ulelford: bred by Mr. Charles W. Mast*. Went to post at 2:1i . At post 3 minutes. Start gaad and slow. Won driving: second and third the aame. DINTY MOORE forced the pace to the stretch turn, then won goiag away after sairsiat THORN BLOOM. OPR NEPHEvV was far back until in the Baa eighth, then closed ap with a belated rush next to the inside rail. THORN BLOOM set a fast pace to the stretch and tired. SINN PEINER dosed S Dig yap. AI-KICAN ARROW began from the extreme outside post position ami was in the middle of the track for the entire race. Scratched — 52188 Frank Barke, 115; .12227 Ilomam. 110. fr OOaCJsQ THIRD RACE— 5 1-2 Furlongs. Jan. 24. 1817 — 1:05 Vs— 5 — 102. J Purse 00. 4-year-tPaiifMOU olds and upward. Claiming1. Net value to winner 50; second, 00: third. 0. index Horses AWtPPSt % _% J%~Str_Pin Joelceya ""Owners O H C P 8~ 52087 m;is RC11KKK w 6 ill 1 1 I* • ** I I Bati ell E . Crawford 4 4 4 s-.i 4-.1 .71911--* SISTER SU8IE v. v b - 4 : 2- 1" 2i P* P Mutu W R Padgett 1.-.", c-.i c-.i 1 -2 1-4 S8528*THE BELGIAN !I.wt- 7 lot E G • tJ 1 I- E Barnes .1 R Pklcker ii 2i 2J 1 12 PI814 KORAN w S 188 :. 1 lJ 1 1- 8" Ih-lcher 1 1 ibid ! 1.1 1.1 1.1 i. : 52228 itlN.WVKN we 1 MM 2 1 1 " .1 -!• N Collins A I. Aastln 1 i 1 8-5 4-S .12143*1:1. ack PRINCE a I MM 18 H II 7 ■■ A McLhlinArmonia Stable I C 2 I ". P.I970 DRAPERS a is 4 it:: 1 ". 8» 71 8« 7 E AtklnsnEI .Metro Stable 38 ::n M IS 5 .12143 CHIMERA a 5101 7 7 7- M i r LcasterV A Herold I 7 7 2] 8-S Time, 23«5. 48V l:tt%. IM%. Track fast. 82 mntaels paid, liih s.-lu.-r. si::. imi straight, 84.4U place, 82.80 Know; Sister Basle, 83.20 place, 82.40 show: The Betgiau II.. s.l. 10 shoa Cpiiv.il.nt 1 kiu odds ,ii- Sillier. .Isil to Km straight, 140 to lliil place, 1.1 to 1H show; Sis|,-r Susie. 80 to loo place. 2n to lHi show; The Belgian IL. .1.1 to 104 shew. Winner — Ch. g, bj The Msnagei JScqnemiBot, by liar.-biii trained bj E, J. Crawford; bred bj Estate of Mr. lames ]:. Haggln. Weal to post at 3:21. ,i post 8 minutes, start good nad l-w. Won driving; second and third Hie same, cl s KCHEER. .lose np !r the start, saved gronnd when entering tin- bomeMtretrh and, in a fast linish. won becaase best ridden al Hie end. SISTER srsn; was nest and ran 1 g I race, but tired urt.r disposing of KORAN. * i ill: I.KI.c IAN II. Bnixbed fssl on the outside of the leadeni and cover, d more ground than the other tw... KORAN tired bad; after setting a fas pace to the test eighth. Kl NNVVK.N ran well. Scratched 52108 Discussion, 107: 51814 Jn.i Wood, 80, Overweights Drapery, 5 pounds: The P-elgian II . 2: Bnnnyven, 1: ens Bcheer, 2. CT QO£P7 FOURTH RACE— 3-4 Mile. Jan. 8. 1920—1:11—6—102. Purse 00. 3-year-olds and OslU i upward. Allowances. Net value to winner 00: second, S125: third, 5. 7nd Horses AWtPP8t U - % Str Fin Jockeys Owners o H C P 0 "20.11 M IM CO JUMBO w 7 HK 7 1 1: - ! 1. R M I ol I ": Doyl. ! 21 1 1-2 ;20!0-l:. OF KLIZTWNwu 6 104 S 3 1 1- P 2] .1 Hofrl.r T Hotfl- r 2] i 8-S 1-5 1 52207 PENELOPE wb I 101 1 i 2 J»l .- . F WBson .1 Oeasier 2 . 2 4-.1 2-.. 52040VIC IIUNOZ wa 3 H 2 I :: -« . I 1!- A McLhlinArmonlr Stable H 10 I 4 2 "2207 - IT Ui:i:i. W w 4 187 N i S| E1 5 5* W Kclsoy hi Ooldblatl - S S 2 1 ! 40088 RANCHER w :• II" i 7 B»* C 6 - .1 1 ran. is fj M Mendrie 1 4 1 8-S 4-6 ."•2220 -LAl.LY w 7 111 .. v s s 7S W Cramp R Doll 8 R « 3 8 .72207 HARAN WB 11": ;. s 7 7 7- B .1 McMahni: « Griffith 0 W 8 18 0 Time, 23, *I%, 1:13. Track last. 82 mntaels paid. Mnasho Jumbo, 810.80 straight, ss ;n place, 84.30 show; Bette at Blisahethtawa, 85.80 place, 82.8H show: Penelope, 82.81 show. Lipiiv.ileui booklag odds Mum1-, iumho. 7H to 100 straight. 3li to ion place, 12.1 to 11111 show; Belle .t i:ii/.ab -thtown Liu to Kid place. 1.1 to loo -how: Penelope, 11 to liui show. Winn. 1 1: g, iy iidrim MuLlikin. i. Gigaateaai [tralaed by B. R. slice; bred by Mrs. L. A. Liv-ingstoa 1 . I Weal to post at 3:.io. At pool 1 minute, start 1 1 Bad slaw. Won driviag: as road and third the same. MIMIJD JUMBO worked lis way up on the outside and. linishing with s game rush, won draw - ing clear. BELLE OP BLIZABET4HTOWN scl a fast pan- until in the last sixteenth, where she tiled. i PENELOPE saved ground on ill the turns and mad. ■ ta t and game tinisli. K MIN4IZ ran SB excellent race. FURBELOW and RANCHES ran well. Overweights— BaHy, 2 pounds. PrOQ-CJO FIFTH RWVCE— 1 1-16 Miles,. Feb. 3, 1918— 1:44-.,—3—92. i Purse" i S70o! 4-year-oUls OslsdUO and apward. Claimlna;, Net value to winner 50: second. 00: third, 0. Index Horses AWtPPSt i,, 1.. , str Im Jo. -keys Owners O _H_ C P S * ~ 58070XBUNCRANA "w B 188 « .. C Kanies K vj Plant 7-, s-0~s-: 1]- i .12059 "KL1 HOME a 881 7 .: 7 4 S* 4 ."_ K Hlti. A L Tavl.-r v K-, r.2225*JAME8 a 7 *Pi : - 2- 2] I :; K Barnes 1 Doyl " .. 2 1 52187 -"JACK HK.W.KY « " 180 . : C ! .".- Pj A McLlillnJ Everesl E E E 2 1 r.810a-*MANOKIN w 1: 7 hM E •■ I 1- l| l»| V .1 Prancm C K All.n 8-E s-7 »-.". ::-., 1 I ."2114 TRUANT w 5 111 4 7 B»J 6s» I 8* 1 W .lorr-ll .: Ko rasnr 20 20 24 4 ,"•2208 FRANK KfOCH a I IM 1 1 !■ 7 7 7 7 J Ill/. J de Ksirampes 1.1 1.7 1,", U Time, 25, 50. 1:16%. 1:42s;,. 150. Track fast. | niutncls paid, liuncrana. : 7.20 t might. Jf40O phi ft. 62JH show; Fly BMK, .49 place. .«2.90 show: Immp, .29 show. Equivalent boebrhnj odds— Kuncraiin. 20.0 to 100 straight. 100 to MO place, 45 to 100 show: Fly "j Home. 70 to 100 place. 45 to 10t show; .lame*. «0 to HKt show. ; Winner— B. c. I y Helmet— Tower of Candles, by Candlemas trained by .T. .T. Alt: bred by Mr. Ed- j ward R. Bradley i . , Went to post at 4:1*. At pott 2 minutes. Start poor anil slow. Won driving: second and third j the same. BlNCUANA was la :i jam nt the -tart and was pulled up. but gradually improved his position and won iii the la-t »trlde, fly HOME closed ■ cap and finished with a rush. JAMBS ram a good race, bat was tiring at tic end. JACK UEA1.EY finished f.i-t. MANOKIN tired in the ! .*. lust eighth aft.r racing int.. a good lend. FRANK KFOC.H quit after leading briefly. . Scratched- 51t 77-Ikwitt. hi:,; 52225 White Crown. Idji. RT OODQ SIXTH RACE— 1 Mile and 50 Yards. March C. 1918—1:41—5—117. Purse 00. UMidDt/ 4-year-olds and upward. Claiming. Net value to winner St.50 : .-.etond. !tl00 third, S50. Index Horses" A Wt 11St % _% % itr Fin _ Jockeys Owners 0 II P ■ 58889 8TKPHON Man S 112 52 I I ! 1 . I RWourC Middleton 20 S3 .:. l" 5 51997 "CANDLE l.HT iraSM 1x4 B E i.u-ns i: p Baxter 1 3 3 i 1-2 52128 MATHER a CMS 3 ! ! c i R tn tepj S Bartholomeo7-5 1-5 7-3 1-2 I t 59928 NIK PIRATE wn i » . I S* I •: 4 ] K Hunt 3 Lowi 3 33 3 7-5 7-10 .V188 *s PEUR II. « i 11 ."• 6* «♦ P Will n 1 A Davtea 3 3 3 1 1-2 69899 ZOIE vSIM l I 7- 7" 7 6* 6 II Wako I M E Tboanpaon I I I 8-3 59199 AMEBN SOLDIER n I Ml s : a i. jn ji ji .i pfta CK Moore M i 25 M B 59999 LITTLE ED am 6167 i l I R I I s ; UanganW ii Ball 7 I 8 3 i S Time, 24. 49 „, 1:18%, 1:42, 1:54 V Track fast. 33 luutuils paid, steps.m. 73.00 straight. 0.80 place, Nt . i w » show; Candle Light, .i.sii place, .70 show; Mather. .70 show. Equivalent booking odds stepson. 18606 to kni straight. 4:,:» to 100 place, 360 to 100 show; Candle Light. 00 to kmi place, :!."■ to 100 show: Mather. :r. to 100 show. Winner Chu Ii. I.v Uncle Katrine, bv Mortemor trained by C. Middletea; heed by Messrs. Head-ley and Miller. Went to post at 4:41. At post 2 minutes, start poor and slow. Won driving: second anil third the same. STEPSON raced Into the lead on the baekstreteh and showed much the ssoat speed until in the last eighth, where he began to tire. CANDLE LIGHT finished resolutely and gaining on the winner with PTerjr stride, MATHER was going fastest of the three :it the and and finished on the outside of the leaders. THE PIRATE ran well. BANS PEUR II was aeaaed about for the entire nee and was repeatedly shut »ff. Overweights -Zoio, l Jiolllld.

Persistent Link: https://drf.uky.edu/catalog/1920s/drf1921010801/drf1921010801_2_7
Local Identifier: drf1921010801_2_7
Library of Congress Record: https://lccn.loc.gov/unk82075800