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FAIR GROUNDS FORM CHART NEW ORLEANS. LA.. FRIDAY. JANUARY 7. 1921. Fair Grounds. Sixth day. It—if aa .Mens Racing Association. Winter .Meeting .of 33 days. Weather clear: temperature 75". Stewards, ]•:. C. Smith. M. Macfarlan and A. . M. hlc. Judges. J. I!. Campbell and J. McLennan. Starter. A. B. Dade. Baring Secretary. Joseph Milx-nimn. Lacing starts at 2:18 p. in. Chicago time 2:16 p. m.l. Indicates apprentice allowance. SLQQTA FIRST RACE— 3-8 Mile. Jan. 7. 1916— 35— 2— 115. Purse ,000. 2-year-olds. OaS4 1/ Maidens. Claiming-. Net value to winner 00; second. 00: third, 00. Index Horses AWtPPSt 4 % % Str Fin Jockeys Owners O H O P S ."■1217 STAR TIME a US I 2 2 f T Murray A Palat. r- i ; .". S-5 7-10 52317*ONE PIN w 11- t 1 I* -4 M Buxton .J Dundee 2 4 4 d-5 1-2 52173 BIO NOISE w 116 1 3 " * V F CltilettiS A Clopton 7-3 8-5, 6-5 2-5 1-5 5tl97*LOTTA :. at 107 .". 4 4] 4- H Bros. 38 :t0 :I0 10 G G8917 RED WINOFTELD w 116 I 7 6" 61 G Stack MA J Lowstein I 7 S-5 7 H ."• 197 BABY EVELYN w 112 I I ••! •"» E Martin T Doyle ■ 9 M 10 :. KING B. w US 4 .". 71 V .1 KodsrezK O Denny 10 1". l." I ;; LAND SAIL « 112 7 s I I 1. MeAtee C Aan Sobelck ti 13 1- .- - Time. 12-:,. 25. 37. Track good. Winner — Ill. g. by Star Shoot - Anytime, by Yankee trained by .1. ltandolph: bred by Mr. John E. M.lddelll. Went to post at L:D . At post - minutes. Start good and slow. Won driving: second and third the s.mie. STAR TIME, close up from the start, made a fast and uanie linish and outstayed ONE PIN. The latter was away fast and. showing the most earlj speed, only succaaabed right at the end. BIO NOISE ran well and linish. d resolutely. J.OTTA •■ and BED WINOEIKI.I ran fairly well. JT OOPf-fl SECOND RACE— 3-4 Mile. Feb. 9, 1918— 1:1115 — 6— ilG. Purse SI, 000. 3-year-olds Dil I 1 Claiming. Net value to winner 00: second. 00: third. 00. Index Horses AWtPPSt % % % Str Pin Jockeys Owners O H C P S .M«88-;ROLO w 101 !1 ." li 1" 1- Va McGrawF Roracr :;* aj «| S-5 4-5 r 19«« OMBR K am M0 310 Ul***! 0] M Buxton C Buxton x M « q h-". S209S LOUISE WVNNH v 10J: E - 6* 7*. SI ::- J Hewpel T H Wilson .". E 4. 1-5 1-.". C1M0I TlTl" w Ml 4 x 11 :!" 4 4 F Lux Fry ft Dahnken M 60 ."* M M 51«J45TSS IT w 108 K -1 3 4* 5 5= F CltilettiS A Clopton 1 V:,-i l 4-5 .-,". R202«*IaADY QRANPTE w H 7 13 v.- 3 s1 ,- J. Mil; ottJ H Loucheim I VI 12 I U B1045*HIOH WAVE wa MOj I t th •■ .1 71 H OreajoryM Kelly B| M M -M pi .".!!«« TOM ROACH W» 103 »; 1 P -"l- t;1 f K Smitli t !•: Conley M 1J i : r-iiit/i RUNMIC WB M0 1 6 V» *1 N l* 1 Staci. M Lowenstein 16 Si S3 I 1 SHSSMOXTLLLO w MO 13 13 13 11 Ml If W Wrightti .1 Long 21 Bj V0 8 1 SQ0Q1»8KA MIMIC w M6 :: 11 10» UUl1 11 M HarsonC N Drake 63 NO MO 01 M SIMSAMERICAN MAID w 10J 11 9 s 2- ]2- ■.■ L MeAtee Crown Stable I 13 12 E . TON1 BUTTON W MO 13 7 31 M1 13 11 H King W Alford 20 S3 15 ii ■; Time. 245, 49. 1:1535. Track good. Winner -It. f, by Sweep- Santa Maria, by .olden Maxim trained by . Sanford; bred by Mr. .1. S. Barbae. Went to post at :J:4:!. At post 2 minutes, start good and slow. Won driving: second and third the same. ROI.O. showing fine speed, raced Into a Ion:; lead at once, but began tiring ill the last eighth and hart to be ridden hard or a time near the end. OMBR K. ran a good race and liuished fast after closing a big gap. LOUISE WYNNE held to her task gamely, but was tiring at the end. Tl lT raced prominently most ..f the way. TOSS IT was done after going a half mile. LADY GRANITE made Bp much 1 ground. Scratched— rjl5! :Explosive, 107: DulIM Margueiito Dixon. 100; 52106 Undine, 10S; 4«233 Tommie .., 100. Orel weights Omer K.. 2 pounds; Louise Wynne. 4U: High Wave. IV.; American Maid. 1. Er«~ e- P7«-1 THIRD RACE— 3-4 Mile. Feb. 9, 1918— lills— 6— 116. Purr© ,000. 4-year-olds tj£d£i 4 At and upward. Claiming. Net value to winner 00: second. 00: third. 00. Index Horses AWtPPStH Vt V Str Kin Jockeys Owners O H C P 8 52153*H. BURGOYNB wi ■; IOC 11 1 1= 11 l1 1- T Jarvia S CJ Baker E ti 4i 9-i 3-10 * .".172« r.LAISE w 7 111 1 1J !•• £" V » U Oarnec W L Drake :,. 4 4 2 1 52153 TEACHERS PET WB i 104 I 21 PI 21 V H King C. V Denny 10 15 12 t SJ .-•153 COBALT I. ASS WB « M0 S 7 7- 7 0* # L MeAtee A Paletare 3 1 10 4 2 BS218 OIK P.IRTHDAY a n 4 M0 13 I 5- .". 3" B* H Lun-fdFlorisnnt Stable 4 5 4 2 1 4963! MAOIKON a r3 111 4 3 i*| I] 61 SS W Wright J L Pontius 100 100 lOu 40 -0 5166-i DAVID CRAIG v 10 111 12 s B» Si 7 71 W H. inch.f M..sterson 15 20 20 S i "»- 15» DAL.WOOD wOHl 7 11 ll4 11- 11- P i Walls Pelican Stable 100 100 ioo 40 20 52007 AMIOKICAX ROSE W 5 103 g 9 10- 10ilO- P C Ponce M R Por.s 16 la 15 I 1 3 14M*PHIUPPIC wn 7 106 2 10 12*12* PUP .1 BbalepetaBi K Dryson M 4a 40 18 3 BS020 MORMON watlll E E 3 P 11- B Smitn .1 L Coyle ti 10 S :; 3-5 52218 C. LBYDBCKBB ami I 111 C ti a* 61 12"°12"" L Morris . Arthur 4 7 4i 2 1 5202H GENERAL w 11 111 U 13 13 13 13 13 J Hew p. 1 J D Wilson 10 13 12 I 2 Time, 24. 482/5, 1:15. Track good. Winner— R. g. by Peep oDay— Farley, by Frankfort trained by J. H. Raker; bred by Mr. . M. Corbin. Went to post at ?,:ts. At post 2 minutes. Start good and slow. Won easily; second and third driving. HARRY l.lROOYXE raced into the had at aaee and always held sway to will going away. BLAISE began slowly, but was running Castesl at the end after closing a big gap. TEACHERS LET raced in nearest pursuit to the last eighth. COBALT LASS nude up groaad and finished fast. OUR BIRTHDAY had no atiabapB. MORMON qait. CHARLIE LEYDECKER dropped back after reaching the stretch. GENERAL was away slowly and far back all the way. MAOIKON ran well. Scratched— -12231 Sammy Kelly. Ill; I42.M .Mandarins Coal. 111: .",22:tl Sir John Yorgiie, 111; 52232 Donna Roma, lliti. 997° FOURTH RACE— 1 Mile and 70 Yards. Feb. 12. 1916— l:42»i— 4— 113. Rookie Purse. Oaii 4 O Purse ,000. 3-year-olds and upward. Maidens. Allowances. Net value to winner ; 00: second, 00: third. 00. Index" Horses ~~ AWtlISt y« % *4 8trFin_ Jockeys Owners O H C P 8 52009 PLMI.KO W* 3 M3 G E 11 4 Ill I II King W i: Marshall 11-521 2 7-1*1-4 51530 RICHELIBU «n 1 111 I 1 P PJ 3 1" P t; .Martin hi Hblolda 3| 4 13-66-6 1-3 B17t3*NORMANDlE WB 5 114 l 2 1» l P :;■ :;• Q Stack M a J Low* stein 2 41 4 7.1-2 r-ilui hIANDALAl wa 4 114 E I :.■ ■[ i1! i» f .1 Heopel E Ariiairton 2 :: 21 4-:.:-:: ."•170:* HAND SWEEP wa 3 101 2 5 «: ti i; :. • 6" B Wtda P Dunne 23 03 :. I ! BttM WIUTTli: WB3 •-•.i I 4 :."..". El I ■ P Long w C Overton 30 EO 2o |0 5 Time, 24V 49=3. 1:15. 1:43. 1:47V Track good. Winner B. P, by Zen- Boris, bj Hearj of Navarre trained bj It. Stifhiny; hied by Mr. E. Rea-■haw i. Went to |.osi nt 3:3S. At post 1 minute. Start good and slow. Won handily: second and third driving. llMi.lio was away slowly .and ran out oa the lirst tarn, bat raced late the i m i with a rush on the last 1 urn and oatetayed RICHELIEU. The latter raced in closest parwail and Halliard gamely. NOBMANDIE *el a good pace but tired after leading to the far turn. MANDAI.AV also tired after Betas: a half mile. HrerweightM Pimlico, :: pounds; Whittle. 4. : prQrtPf/i FIFTH RACE— 1 Mile. Jan. 11, 1916— 1:37V— 5— 10G.1 Joan of Arc Purse. Purse *yjml3 4 ~t SI 5C0. 3-ycar-olds and upward. Fillies and Mares. Allowances. Net value to winner ,000: second. 00: third. 50: fourth. 0. . "inTi-x Horses AWtPPOt 14 M: % Btr I*1b Jockeys Owners O H 0~P S " - «I3MM TAL1HMAN WB ! M - 1 Ill* 1" 1J P L McDottA L Kirby 4 .. :! 1 1-2 r,ii:v.i DANCING SPRAY a E 101 1 ; 2 P 2-1 !•• t,# T Jarvis Traaey «c Walkert:-". 3-3 *l-6 1-2 1-6 5-.»l7!» INQUIRY w 4 lol .", 2 ."■ 4j 4: "_ 3* 8 Wlda hhek Stable .". 7 ti 2 1 : : I3SCARPOLETTE a 4 IP E 1 . P E 41 !L H LiiufdL I. Moote B 7 7 3 littSl TAILOR MAID wb S 607 1 ti psk P :;; 61 P* C Paace O W Atkinson ". ti ti 2 l". 52223 FLUZEY w 6 M6| 4 5 4 3 El ti »; t; Btack M AL- J Low .stein i: 33 15 5 2 Time. 24V 47«6. 1:13V 1:39V Track good. Winner -B. f. by Colin--locketpiece. by Hanover trained b] A. L. Kirby: bred by Mr. James W. larricaa 1 . Weal to liost nt 3:59. At post 1 minute. Start good and slow. Won driving: second and third the 1 ■ante. TALISMAN, showing high sliced from the start, took a .|tiiek lead and. making the pace last. won all tin- Way, but just lasted laag enough after b .sing much ground by coming wide into the stretch, HAM INC SPRAY raced in closest paraait and appeared to have the race wen in the last sixteenth, but j tried Dually. INQUIRY raced gaaaejy, but was 1 distant third. ESCAEIOLETTE liuished with a rush. TAILOR MAID unit Overweights Ini|iiiry. 2 pounds; Eacatpolette, 2: Eluzey. 4V . e«- * syCT SIXTH RACE— 1 1-4 Miles. March 7. 1916— 2:04V— and— 101. Purse ,000. 4-year-Om/O • olds and upward. Claiming. Net value to winner 00; second. 00; third. 00. Index ~~H~orse7~~ A WtTlSt *A~Vb 8tr Fin Jockeys Owners O HOPS - 6tS3I DAHABIAH II. WB MO I 1 P D 1- lJ 1= C Pone.- Q G 1do .1 41 3J ti-5 2-,r 5*181 -CAPITAL CITY w 7 M0 1 : 4 4 2 P 21H King .1 Kennedy I BJ 1 n 6*181 AUSTRAL WB ti MO ti C ti h P .i-1 3* L Morris A Swenka. JjC;- 52*36 WARLIKE W I lOti 2 2 P 0J 61 4 4 K Smith T J Pendergayt 1* 20 20 | "*158 SANDY MAC W 4 M0 E 4 P| 0 ti P .S- 8 Wlda I J Miles :■. ■; ti 1-5 1-2 633T3 OOLDCRB8T BOY w 0 M0 4 E P 2* 1- ti •; . Klen, PaObtaa stable r. .0 31 | 2 Time. 25. 49V 1:1*%. L42. 2:08V Track good. Winnti — l.r. m. by Helmet - Allioia. b. Laiapttsbter trained, by C, Houhre; bred by Estate of Mr. L. I. Israeli. Went t.. post at 1:24. At po-t 1 minute, start good and slow. Won easily; second and third driving PAHABIA1I IL. well ridden, was taken into the lead on the bai ■kstreteh and easily held sway to the end 1 AP1TAL CITY raced lorwardty and Qalabrd gamely, but tired ■ rrtOe la the stretch driVe. AUSTRAL •an, Hoin far back and aalsbed fast and gamely. SANDY MAC was always far back. WARLIKE • 1 11 i t alter goii three qaarter*. GOLDCREST BOY -i the early pace brieiy. Overweights — Dahabiah II.. 2 pounds. | "j ; j , j ! .*. . ROQTaQ SEVENTH RACE— 1 Mile ami 70 Yards. CFeb. 12. 1916— l:42ys— 4— 113. Purse ,000. tlfMAaf 4 O 3-year-olds and upward. Claiming. Net value to winner 00; second, 00; third, 00. Index Horses AWtPPSt 4 Str Fin Jocteeys Owners O H 0 P 8 52094 ON HIGH w 4 105 12 0 6 ti" a"k 1£ V C Ponce J Robertson S 15 8 4 2 5t 184** SALUTE wn ". PftJ G 1 P| 21 ll 21 21 C, B.ibin Farnuni tk Fizer S 7 5 2 1 45156*McADOO wa 0 M0 11 9 P 4 3 SJ :: M Garner "R L Baker 31 lC-;lti-5ti-0 3-.r. 515!»-HANK DAY w H 114 It 9 7; f* 4] t J* A Collins W Lock 4 7 ti H C-i 5-J181 NOMINEE "ill 7 11 IP 8" 7 71 S» I ltode ••rNusent Pror. I E ti-" r 5 40010*GRANDEE wn 6 103 12 7 P "• ti ti1 1;- II ThurbefK T Bollicoffer n 15 1J ti I !l3»-Al.HK. WB910S B 10 tf* 10 PJ 8" 7- I, MfdDotCJ MePtBlltlOW ti I | 2 7-. .iiiis CIRCULATE WB ! 113 I i V l» -" ■■ V -l W Mh; .1 BtOHh M 2.. IS I 5*164 MOLLS O u sin: - E 11 ■■ BJS* :• II King K 0*Connell ■ Co 63 10 .-...Mil ALEXANDER WB 7 10s ! 11 1: ll o- IP IP r Martin l Yiiito. I M If • R : »I00 WTLLDO w S 113 3 12 14 IP llJllS 11»J W 1 » k" ii 1 1 llrroi: ag 40 40 1.7 I .-■.07-; LUCIUS wn 7 110 1 1 P 12" 1. i- .1 Henpel 1: B Dwyer M 4o 40 |6 8 ri7*4*ANN*TE TELLER wa 1 :l I »1 1 Mitchell m !■ rlirwh M 10 ;o IS 11071 TRANSPORTATN a PMisioii nil 11 14 I : Stoic- 1. Ooacgrt " M M M Time, 25. 4S.-,. 1:155.,. l:0t%, L4G1,. Track fcod. Winner Br. f. by lens Rascal, bj Saia ftraiaed bj J. Robert oa; bred by Messrs. Williams ft Radford. Went to pest at ;:! . At peat :• Bliaates. Start R 1 and alow. Won easily; second and third driving. o. HIGH begaa seaaewbat akawiy, but mored bp steadily and. raciag into a loan lead in the stretch, won In n center. SALUTE was proariaeml from the start and raced into the lead, but tired in the last sixteenth. McADOO began slowly, bat cloned a gap and also tired a trile near the end. HANK oDAV raced arell. CIRCULATE showed speed, bat tired in the strecth. NOMINEE raa 1 good race from a alow beginning. MOLLY o. was dene before goiag a half mile. Scratched--521. ~.s Ionia. 88; 51500 Oahinda. 01; 5*2390 Loreaa Maaa, 100; 58SSS Bhtebanneefc, 1ifi; .-.Kill Roisterer. 00; 52010 Light Wine. i i. Overweights— On High. 2 pounds; Salute. 3%; h-.ulato. 2: Molly O. 1.; Alexander, f, Wllldo. 3; Transportation, 2j.