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EARLY DERBY PREPARATIONS I Plans Under Way to Accommodate Largest Crowd in Churchill Downs History. LOUISVILLE, Ky.. Jaaaarj B. laaonacentent that the Keiilu k] Jockcj I lub woah] add Soil. Hill to the Kentucky Derby, t be run on May 7. Making ii- gi -- mine in excess of 100.000. is taken by I race followers a- asanranre thai all of the best i two year obis of 1020 will be entered for the 1021 i i nulling of thai fan: as rac The Kentucky Derby Ion? has ranked aa tbe i ■ premier turf event of I lie Anu-iieaii i lit I frOBB a sentimental standpoint. It- nnhroken record of I rtj -i years place- ii at the forefront of historic • American laces. Nee, thai its financial piesi-y.. is in keeping il i vscnts a tioabte appeal to tin- i aa mi- of t noronghbn ds. Iniii pre-eni Indications ike rich! Ihal will st ive for the l.iil Derby will lie of ii!- greateat that i bis tret trad the Churchill Downs rse. Many 1 briilianl .|u on il -- were developed l-i year ami • many tilers :;ii- promise of coating into their own when -eiit isrer a longer distance iii a is asked of IWO-J ear-old-. Already Mat I. Winh, ice -president and general manager of iii Kcntacky Jockej club, i- isreparing for iii;|iro emeiii- io th,- l*hnrchill jlowns coarse that will keep step wiM, i In- Increase in attendance that has been shown annually sine" Ihe track was taken eer by the Kentacky Jockey Club. lli-predietion is that th.- next Derby Day will be tbe greatest in the hag history of Cbarchlll Dowaa. A.