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LATEST WORK-OUTS AT NEW ORLEANS 502 Ni:V OKI. HANS l.a.. .lanuai.i 8. Todays training gaUapa at the i-air Grooada included the f 1-lowiag: FAIR GROUNDS. Weather clear: track fast Three-Eighths Mile. Alice At kill . .:«l:;.-. -JilO-Sea Court ■. ■ .•■ ". ! . . .;- r-l Si;b sniaii ... .41 oIO- oiinterbalanee :t!» -l!lj Tiaekstar 4n -littl-Iincelot 88% Teddy H :7 -I oj Mabel «J 41--. 4M-The Poitte_uese:jii:: .-, 180-Old Hroom m% William A. ...41% Half Mile. 300 Approval ."t -Cl.i-Murphy SO 4K Hotheiatieii ...30% IM-Mytbology ....30% 400-Balarosa 31% 497-Mary Poaao ..•".4 Oontliot -" 1 4il7-Kiseeiiff 58% l!is Kpi-ode 53% •" : •- Uhinestone ...51 300-Galiot 32 I!i4-Maddle King ...30 IBB Ionia 32% 474-SYh Ugbt 111.32% 108 .lulia N 30% 400-Taa Sou 30% IBB-Keaiah 54% 178-TiHgling .".:; I.i7- Machine Gi r52% tOO-Wireless :,s. Five-Eighths Mile. 104-Ar. Alexanderl :0S% BaVPaal Connelly 10% till -Coiaite— . . . .1 :o..-0 4K7-Prunes 1:10 I.lo Doric IMC, I!ll-Pii/./b- 1:07 400-Prirol 1:05% 30H-ltaiabow cirll :«::-. 496-J. E. Herts.. 1:04% 107-Koscoe Goose 1 : ir. 183-Jas. Goebel 1:ii4::-. 440-Kbillalegh .. 1 o---. Iim;-.I.i.v Thiinimeii :0B% SOO-Toai Dr ....1:04% Ci -.1. B. Koch-.l :t4 -.-. 490-Tharon .....1.-03% 500-Locarao 1:03 4tH 1 ndiie- l-oi-, IIMI-I.ouise V. .1:111--. 400-WedgW 1 ,l:0r, Three-Quarters Mile. !■!•:: A p. .lack 111:17. llHiNoiih Shore .130% Itiit-Am.iekassiii .1:22% 404-Xiobe 1:18 301-Au Kevoir ...1:18% IKT-Oreaso 1:20 Mil-Hrooklaiid ...1:18 474-Orlora 1:17 108-Bobby Allen. 1 :ls-.-. 500-Perplexity ..1:17% 480-4arline 8. ...1:10% 401-Pneblo 1:18 l!»S-Dr. Carmen .1:17 487-PhiIanderer .1:20 501-Doaaingo ....1:17 300-Plato 1:18 106 -Cud Man . . . 1 :_o 4*7-Pep. Cnllv IMr--, BM-Esabeth May 1: IS 103-Kelactanl ...1:18 301-Fred. the Gt.l:l«% lOO-BoiBterer ...1:18% 324-Kiaan. Booster 1:17 00-Boyal Dock 1:15% 500-GroTe A 1:10 501-Kadk 1:18 488-Hnen 1:10 ISS-sterling ....1:27 WO-Hand sweep 1:10% 404-8pcrt. Chancel -.20 408-Ivanmist ....1:21 107-Bir J. Vergne 1:17 301 -Jeweler 1:10% 501-8. Greetings. 1:18% 108-Joe Whipple. 1:17% 497-Tarascoa ...1:18% Kts Ke-pi,. ONeill :18% tOO-Tab. dHonr.l:18 .-Id Kashmir ....1:1 .-.Ci-Tless Heauty 1 :ls--. oihi -Liquid Fire .1:22 472-Tlngttag ....1:10% 501-Lady Frapp- .1:18 OBO-Cae.a Lassiel:22 lOO-Uberator ....1:18% 500-Voonael ....1:20 108-Little Nb-c, ..1 :21 183-Veto 1 :1s I07-M*key Moon- 1:17% 102-Taonair 1:20 lOO-Moaataia Dewl:18% 500 -West wood 1-23 Mi— Minks . .1:17% Seven-Eighths Mile. I.I7 I,ouis A 1:84% lOUSamh II 1:24 One Mile. 180-Aaram 1:47% 480-Magt Laad..l:45% 500-BerIla 1:44% 480-Mand.a Coat. 1:45% 500-Bestboff ...1:4.. 407-Mag. Castle. .1:52 liCl.qmr 1:47 401 -Petrarch ....1:4f. B* IN ckmach .1:11.-. Itomanv 1:48% 500-Crystal Pord.l:48% 501 Bedmoa 1:40 ins. D.iinimoud ..1:45 l!*s Selm.i G. ...1:48 M8-Dr. Bae 1:47% 402-Ruperb 1:47 500-Progtown ...1:40 I!t7-s-imm Kelly 1:4S MO-Paatocbe 1:47% 404-The Archer.. 1:48% 188 Cn-at Cull ..1:42 404-T. Porrigaer.l:46% ■T-Geo. Duncan. 1 : M 108 riiuiidbird ..1:40% lb.". Harr. Kiag..l:44% 427 Verbotea ....1:51 r.iKi Heroism.- ....1:40% 501 - Wad. s l.a-t 1:11 r.ol Lord Herbertl:47% 501 -Wyoming ...1:40 107-Light Wine.. 1:47 186-White K tar... 1:45 ••i hi .Mali 1:40 500-Yang Ckiag..l:44