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] i . DAY OF EXCELLENT RACING I 0 Fair Grounds Crowded to Capacity with Pleasure Seekers. i 8 1 My Reverie Tics a Track Record — Eddie Rickenbacher First Again — General Haig Wins. ♦ ■ il.V .1. L. DEMP8EY. i SEW nlM.FANS. La.. ny 8. If further evidence was needed of racings p pulaiit. in Ibese parts ii was an pi;, furnished by tlie overflowing attendance b the Fair Groands this aftemaaa. The tlllOUg rivaled that of the opening day anil the ii erved section, in wliirh Xew Orleans social eb-in: :n held forth, was occupied t,, the crowding point. Kntlui-iasni was rampant. Hie visiters from able-id being unsparing in applause for winners ami losers alike, after a particularly tbrilliag drive, culminating in a close finish. The professional element engaged in more stren-ii us activity than is usual, the la-t track and better grade of -tarter- being tbe incentive for the improved -peculation. Secretary McLennan-, racing prarfadaa was an extra good one, with the mile and a sixteenth handicap for a purse of ,500 serving as the feature, with the Johnny Powers Memorial Handicap at three -quarters as a secondary feature. A handsome silver plate, sab-scribed by a number of the dead trainers friend-, al-. weal with tin- must hi this. Tiie weather was attain sasaaaery and. coupled with the fast track, it was a e— llibatlag factor Io the enjoyable racing. Cuod time was the order in a ma.joiity of the nees. tTie opener finding tie-track record of : -.. made by the redoabtabte Westy Hegan January 7. 1910. duplicated by the fa-i filly My Beverie. The stellar race brosarht with it an outstamliug upset ill the defeat of larader. backed extensively and regarded with high favor. Likewise in the victory of General Halg, which has beta racing disappointingly since his arrival in these parts. lie ran something approaching his best form this afternoon, came with a rush through the stretch and won a-il. from Tantalus, which, until the la-t eighth, had appeared the probable winner, but succumbed readily to General Haiga rash, larader waa not evi-ii at ig those placed, for be unit after setting a la-t pace to the stretch tarn. He ai tempted to run out on Ihe first two turns atld hinder was forced to strike him lustily across the head in hi- effort to keep Mm chaser to the inner rail. Graysea alas was a factor in his defeat, for he forced him along at a steady pan- ami tanned him to give up the snuggle before reaching the Stretch. Hadrians shewing in the race was a good em- and. had he made his rush a bit sooner, be might have beaten Tantalus for spread place instead of losing that portion of the purse by a head. The speedy F.ddie Bickeabacher agalB gave evidence of hi- Sterling worth by carrying 12.". potiuil-an.l winning after a hard drive with Columbia Teiin .mi Itaphl Day. He was ii"t away as well as Ii" u-ii illy is :ind il caused him to expend ipiile a Ml of strenuous effort to race into the lead. He accomplished it in the first qnarter an. I held sway t-. ihe end. but wa- farced Ut to keep in advance if Columbia Tenn. which since his arrival here h is devcHM ed great form. BapM Day was tacky to finish io advance of Captain HertdArr in third place, for had the latter been away more forwardly he might hive won. Horses of fair class weii- in the -ith race, a mile and seventy yards dash, which wa- won by Sundial II. from Harry Shannon, with St. Isidore in third place. The highly regarded My Beverie added to her reputation in the opening dash, iii which -he took into camp Lord Allen, the supposed nark of the local two-yea- ed brigade. She beat him home easily after having been put to a hard drive to overcome his big lead, even if it forced her to eqaal the track record to accomplish her Barrens. ihe finish in the second was an intensely exciting one. with Ihe first seven reaching the windup closely greaped, Marie Maxim was favored a- a re -ult of the clear course she enjoyed in the stretch rash am! was enabled to beat Hidden Jewel home by a nOSC. Jerry, backed by a select coterie, proved the winner in the third race, but illy after he had indicated that he -was best, for he had to come from I. n back and got up ill the last stride to beat Scourgeman. Joekej Earl Pool was granted a license by the Fair Cr-mill- -lew. nils tli- afternoon and will begin riding aexl week. lie i- under contract to B. L Laker. District attorney Robert Marr indicated that the lef ersoa Parish decision in the r. E. McBride case w . u 1.1 iii ie. w i-e deter him from proscculing the Orhaii- Parish eases. In hi- decision and writtea opinion in ihe McBride case judge Caiithier held that the u-e of a aril far memoranda parposea by the bettor is no device in lie- meaning of ihe Locke law. Yvaag Adam was claimed by Sayder «V Heine -from the la-l race at a COSt of STOOO. A