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I • REFORMERS AFTER MORE AMMUNITION l:LTIMOKL Md .. .lanii.iiy 8. Iublb a lioq of the fact that -one 1921.sh0,000,000 passed tbrOBgh the pari in nt nii Btachiaea at the Maryland tracks dnriag th raciag season last year, has attracted the attention of -ome of tie- militant reform organisations with he.-idqiiai tei - in Wash lag ton. A repceaentatire of one of the-e called yesterday at the offices of the Marylaad Bacing Coatsaissioa with a request for the coinmis-aon- report. This report has not yet been published, but when il appeals the request will be honored. That a drive, through national kcgialation, will be made agalast raciag seems Inevitable. Thai tin- Biatter will agaia come up before the next BCSSlea of the stale llfkdalBII seems equally assured.