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FIFTH RACE — 1 1-16 Miles. Caribbean Slakes. 3-year-olds and upward. Claiming-. Feb. 3, 1918—1:44 1-5—3—92. GRUNDY, ch. g, 7 104 By Roquelaure — Prude, by Meddler. Trainer. W. A. Carter. Owner, Armonia Stable. 522« Havana i 1:43 teal 5 l ,k- 2 12 i l I" v Pickens 7 Kxhorter, Goaraateed, Betty .1. 52165 Havana 1 3-16 2:16%nvy 7 !•»; 5 2 4 G S*s .1 Pita 5 BreadMan, NlghtWind, Cromwl 52961 Havana l 1-1* l:47%faat 10 108 2 14 4 4 4: P Merimee 4 BreadMan. BaUyaaooaey, Baford 61996 Havana B f !:" 4 112 7 7 I I* ««1 r Merlmee B M.Jcmbo, Parfaelow, ft. Angle SIRS! Havana ::-4 1:17 ..slow ! MS 2 ■• .: 2"* 23 !• Merimee 5 BTOwMai -In, F.icnnan, BUFORD. ch. g. 7 114 By Ballot— Ollie Belle, by Chsxaxus. Trainer, W. J. Daly. Owner, E. .A. Alvares. 5222* Havana l 1:42 i ■-■■ 11* :: - 2 2 2s " .1 Batwell 8 American Ace, Bally, Uesa Kil 62981 Havana i 1:45 mud 7-8 115 2 11 1 i" l« .1 Batwell .". II. lenAikiii. Bally, BweepCleaa 52068 Havana 1 1 -16 1 :47%fast 6-5 lis 4 2 2 2 " VI 3 Batwell 4 BreadMan. Ballymooney, Grundy 6196* Havana l l:41%test :. 117 5 4 :: t SI 2" J Batwell ft Cromwell, Cafeanlta, Laekawanoa 51833 Havana S| f 1:M fast 1 in 5 .". . 2* !"k .T Batwell S MessKit, AsaaaiptSon, Cromwell THE PIRATE, blh. c. 4 94 By Von Tromp — Dally, by Giganteum. Trainer, J. Lowe. Owner. J. Lowe. "2269 Havana lm.ioy 1 : 3] M 1 S 5 " 4l F Hunt B Stepson, Candle Light, Mather 52228 Havana 3-4 l:15%a;ood 12 99 3 4 4 :" f V Wilson B J. Fancy, Mather. T.Belglanll. S19S4 Havana :: t 1:15 fast 3 M ! 2 - 2"i :• F "Wilson 7 PatilaV.. 8Up.8DTer, Amer. Eagle 51891 Havana T f 1 :v.".,fast *i-r. : :» I 4 P* 1« F Wilson B Mi-s Wrielit. Huntress. Iruant „1 : 1 Havana .,_. f 1 II ..!.. st I ;, Ml L I I 1- 4-.. W K.. Isay 10 LffaiagByesII., Bntindcl, Vi-imi FURBELOW, b. f. 4 99 By Peter Pan— Frillery, by Trainer. B. Walters. Owner. M. Goldblatt. . ; M. ,, j-4 i i •• jfast 107 •• t 5 C 6s! w Kelsay H U.Jnmbo, B.ofEtown, Penelope 5?20i Havana •" I lWjuood 7-:. l ■:• 3 3 2 - -- W Kelsay S Penelope, WalnntHall, Csawell Havana 3 i 7-." !•• 6 I 1 1* I1 B Kenndy f. Assnrnption, Penelope, Pomene 51995 Havana T, f l:n7sfast 2 H5 8 i 4 8| 2*1 B Kennay B MJambO, ftightAatrle, WarZone 5174 Havana 5-8 1 :• Hfood r, MC 6 8 I 6 8" . Kenndy " B.oflBtewn, AleaaAee, H.Atkin LACKAWANNA, en. m. 5 97 By King James — Lotowanna, by Trenton. Trainer. W. A. Carter. Owner, Armonia Stable. ";i ■..*, Havana 1 3-18 2:l*Hhvy 7 MM ; 5 • i i- !• 1" Merlmee ~ BreadMan. NishtWind, Cromwl 52051 Havana ir.i". l:43%fast 3 MS 11 M 11 11 7 7" 1 Merlmee 12 Rerron, AttaBoyll., HeteaAtkia 51S8S Havana i i : 106 8 5 •" 5 - •! - i" Merlmee •; Cromwell, Baford, Cnbaalta : is74 Havana 5-8 lHsgood 12 lo: 5 .". :. :. : 6*| A Pickens R B.ofEtowa, AicanAce. H.Atkin M8S31 Havana 1 IS 1 ." "i M8 7 7 6 7 6- f.T2F Merimee 7 Walnut Hall. Legal. HankODay FIREWORTH. br. g. 4 100 By Fireman — Roseworth, by Watercress. Trainer. J. W. Plunkett. Owner, H. E. Davis. S2142 Havana 5J f l l -li v I 109 1 l 2 I- I* C H Miller 7 LeBalafre, B.B.Johnaon, Scar.ll. 62013 Havana 5J t 1 L Ho 7 7 7 41 2* W Cramp !t BibUer, Hentrjr, .lack Dawson MS38 Latonla 3-4 l:14%fast itf 112 12 1- 12 1- l-- V MerimeelS Donaaftoma, DoctorJim, Bimonlte 58344 Reno 3-4 l:i:--.fa-t K loo :. | Perry r PhMoeWard, Preedom, Samllill ; its Reno :: 4 l:13%fast 17-S M 4 J Perry •: Dane.OirL M. Smith. Sniil.Mair. BETTY J., ch. f. 4 108 By Celt — Logistilla, by Locohatchee. Trainer. J. Downey. Owner, T. Hodge. 52348 Havana 1 1:42 fast 6 IM 14 4 ! V 4" C Kam.s 7 Crumly. Bxhorter, Gnamnteed .ilvii Havana ::-4 l:18%h*y 28 108 8 4 4 4?. 4" C F.ames «1 llcrron. Aaser, Aee, Right Angle 51123 Laurel 1 2 109 3 I G ; •" 4"i F Keogh B Belarlo. Flibcihbot. TlreMcGee SM43 Laturel lm70y 13-19 111 12 2 ! -* 2*J F Keogh ■". OhlP.ul. MockOrange, BirenMaid GOSH Laurel 11-16 1:47 fast 9 ill ■* I 1 I 2» 2s L Morris • Mock Orange, Ckoaseor, chief