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TIJUANA FORM CHART TIJUANA. Mexico, Tuesday, January 25. 1921.— Fifty -third day. Lower California Jockey Club. Winter Meeting of I2." or more day-. Weather clear. Presiding Steward. Francis Nel-011. A--e i. te Steward-. .1. W. Coffroth and Le..n Willi:. Starter. Harrj Morrtssey. Raeiag Secretary. Leon Win;;. Racing -tart- at 1:50 p. 111. Chicago time 3.90. UAOiu *Wi7Q First Race— 5-8 Mile. May 20. 1920— _5»_4_107i Purse 00. 3-year-olds and upward. Claiming. Net value to winner, 50: second. 00: third. 0. Equlv. Odds. Ind. Horse. Wt. Fin. Jockey. Straight. 52525 Daisy X. 14 1" E Taylor Bl"-108 52523*Pretty Baby 107 - B Mariaelll 880-106 5- 525 MiCniiiri no * C Thompson m.o-i a 52544— Perfect Day 108 I M Slaughter 52628 Bd. Tranter 113 5 v. Gravee ::oi-10«j 52505 .M d of Ansel 107 8* C vVbfCington :.! i-ii!0 ; 52525 P. Moody 108 7. II I. Dower 3160-109 1 52507 •Welga 118 B»| H Dow.- 718-188 52540 Lantern 110 H .M Matthews 1320-M8 52456*.1osenia Ml lo J Clesaeata 4729-188 Sltlfl Lit. Mother KM 1! T Mlley IMatael field. S2 imituel- paid. Daisy N.. S.20 straight, ftLM plan, si; 1 Ml -how . Pretty Kaby. S4.20 place. 82.881 show: McCroaa, field. S4.20 show. E niivaleiit boohing add* Daisy N.. sio to KK! straight, 230 to 100 place, 200 to 100 show; Pretty Kaby. 110 to 100 place, 40 to 100 show: McCroan. field. 110 to 100 -how. Time. l:05y5. Track slow. Winner — B. C. Bebaras eh. f, 1. by pentschland Laura F . by Ben Btrsose trained by L. StoweB; bred by Mr. A. Ncall. Went to post at L:0O. At post ."i niinutis. Start i I goad and slow. Won flrivinj:: seeoad and third the 1 i same. Scratched— 52212 Horn Star. 112. 1 Overweight- Eddie Tranter, 1 pound: Maid of Ansel, 4. uiuou KOKOf Second Race— 5-8 Mile. May 20. 1920 _59_4_io7. Purse 00. 3-year-olds and upward. Claiming. Net value to winner. 50: second. 00: third. 0. Equiv. Odds. Ind. Horse. Wt. Fin. Jockey. Straight. 525l7-*Tilb tson 117 1 C Thompson IM-lOO 520«2 Bnglifd LadyM -h P Martinez 2620-14* 52545 *...s|e-vati J .1 ::i: Taylor 1308-1OI 5252H Col. Murphy 107 41 N Pbden 1068 HH1 52S48 Mild. BuretUMS V K McCrann 22a-M0 52485 Mineral Jim 114 V A Zeif.-l.-r 1240-100 1 525 15 -;* loma I I 7*3 II Lou. 7280-100 52514 Alice Carr MM V II B Lower 12580-101 5245«* BarberlOl : ■■ T Kindle T87GO-1O0 52335aiii v. M8 N K.i Baker tMutaeJ Held. sl mataels paid. THIetsoa, 84.20 straight, .80 place. 82.40 -how : Liifilish Lady, .sll.20 place. 89.88 -low: Kasledovati, 83.80 -how. Eqnlvalenl boohlag odds- Titlotsoa, 110 to 10fi straight. 40 to Uk» place, 20 te Ida show: Esgliab Ladj 400 to 1IHI place, 190 to 108 show: Na-ledo-vati, !» l to 100 show. Time, 1:05»5. Track slow. Winner— M. Sander- br. f, i». by Marta Santa— j Klaek Banner, by Masetto 1 trained by P. Flora: bred by Mr. Sanford c. Lyne. Went to post at 2:2s. At post 1 minute. Start j good and slow. Won driving;; second and third the] same. Scratched— 524S8 Dots. 100; B2906 Tom aro. 110. Overweights Ooana, 1 pound; Valll v.. 2. tjtiavx 981 Thir l Race— 5-8 Mile. Mav 20. 1920— 59_4_107. Purse 00. 3-year-olds and upward. Claiming. Net value to winner. 50: second. 00: third. 0. Equlv. Odds. Ind. Horse. Wt. Fin. Jockey. Straight. 52525 Mi- Cornell 188 I- WTavlor 888-181 52457 II. Franklin no 81 a Zetgler SM0-Ml 5254«M- IL -". B MariaoUi lhVMO 5254!l Cn.-pi- 11- I- P Marttoex 170-10t 52545 Perch 188 ."■ R Taylor 2140-101 52528 Squash 10.". 1. N Poden 2840-101 52525 Colonel Matt 11" 7 B l-ator l:n-lo 52237 Little one 107 8 C Taylor 52441 Cold. Flifiht 113 9 T Rae 1 tMutu.l field. 2 niutiiels paid, Miss Parnell. SI 1.00 straight. 80. 10 place, 83.40 ahow; Master lranklin. S20.44I idace. 812.0V show: Mex, .20 show, Bnn|valent booking odds— Miss Parnell, W0 to 100 straight, 238 te Phi place, 70 to loo show; Mastei Franklin, 1220 to 188 place, 5M to 100 show; Mex DO to 100 -how. Time. LOl-j. Trick slow. Wiumr — .. NeaPa ch. f I by Beth — Lady Elizabeth, by Orstni tral 1 by o. Neal; bred by Mr Benjamin A. JoaK ■ 1 to post at 2:50. At post 2 minute-. Start good and slow. Won easily; seeoad and third driving. Scratched 52304«J. .1. Mardoek, 113: 52543 D" Admit. W-: 52457 Rattle McCarty, 112. I 52582 fourth Rno— 1 Mile and 70 Ynls. tF*l . l. 1920 l 431 — . — « — 122.1 Paras 00. 3-year-olds and upward. Claiming. Net value to winner. 50; second, 00; third, 0. Equlv. OddJ. Ind. Ilorse. Wt. FJn. Jockey. Straight. 52548aO. Muehlobhllt 1* M Slnugliter n:,0-10P 52548 Plunger 117 25 C Thompson 240-100 52480 cobrita M4 ::- ft McCrann n7t:o-ioo 525B73*Sabzeore;e ill C B Marinelll 160-100 i.".25IH*P. Prapeanlt E3 K Tnylnr 1W 100 CtSSSProph. j Hi; |s H Rowe 3290-108 ! *500 Paradigm 111 M Matthews 1380-10M 5244S*Baby Olrl HP I D Powell 82 iniiiiiei- paid, Beorge Maehlebach, 829.00 -tiii-.-ln. s.i.tiO plnee. 84.08 -linw : Plunger. 84 2 1 place. .40 -how: Cobrita. *7. Jo -how. I. piival.-nr hooking add* George Maehlehaeh. 1S30 t . 100 straight. 23o to 100 place, UMi t,. 100 Rhow: Plnnger. 110 t.. 100 place, 120 to 100 show; Cobrita, 288 to 100 -how. Time, l-.SOj. Track slow. Winner 1.. A. Melfowlls b. g. .".. by MeO« Stolen Moment*, by Kiagstoa trained by I. McDowell; 1. red by Mt. Chaih-s W. Moore. Wcni to post at 8:18. At post 1 minute. Slut good and slow. Wen ei-ily. second and third driving. Scratched 52500 Inns Star. MM ; .".2."i.",s patents, 112: 52558 s anley B„ 112: 52507 Th.- Oallant, lit;. S2H83 rifth Race— 3-4 Mile. Dec. 20, 1916— 1:11-,— 3— 110. Purse 00. 3-year-olds and upward. Claiming. Net value to winner. 50: second. 00: third. 0. Equiv. Odds. Ind. Horse. Wt. Fin. Jockey. Straight. 52844* J. Hoshor 111 r D Ram 81-188 52559s Audrey A. 118 - A Eeigler 1200-180 521441 Aunt Annie |87 :: O Willis 810-108 52 170 Ik,- Rarvoy IM 1- V Variey 1020-100 523S2*Baiber MS ••- II B Lower :::,-H»i 1 52503 *Hisfr PollyMC 6*3 1 Powell 2820 100 52517 Geo. Je.ines 184 7 II Low. MO-MO 82 niutnel- paid, Join llosbor, 8S.20 straight. .00 place. .00 show: Audrey A.. 87. IO place, .00 -how: Aunt Annie. 84.80 show Ivjiiivalent Looking odd- John Hoshor, 80 to 100 straight, -"it» to 100 place, 90 to 100 -how: Audrej A.. 270 •• HMl plac. so to loo show: Aunt Annie, l in to Ida show . Time. 1:1825. Track slow. * Winner L. A. McDowells b. r. 3. by Light o m Life Imprint, bj Knight of I be Thistle trained by L A. McDowell: bred liy Mr. Buy Gray. W.nt I., nasi at :;:17. At pool 1 mutate, start good and slow. Woa handily, teennd and third driving Scratched -52302 Tawas.-ntha. 100. 52384 Nebulous. ii3: R208OsRungeor|re, 110. rreran :i!t- Anal Annie. 2 pounds; George Jano-. L: Bister Polly, 3. 52 5ft 4 Six,h lj80 I 1-2 Furloiifrs .Tunc 28 1916 — l:05!s— 3— 118. Purse 00. 3-year-olds aud upward. Claiming. Net value to winner. 20: second. 20: third, 0. Bqniv. Odds. Ind. IIcno. Wt. Fin. Jockey. Str.tighL 5254»*Shermn A.17 1" C Whitincton 100-100 t52440Grrrit HawUOl 2l? B M.-irinolli 250-100 5252S,SeddograjM .* 3* •; TearaUi SStt-lon 52122 Harden 98 Is J Majestic 2188-M8 52361 Chow • 6*J H B Boa-er 43SO-180 5252S*Bpiphanea !88 :; M Slaughter 2880-100 -.2 14 1 T. T:oy P*vlte M 7 I Hurti 64»-180 |2 liiiituels paid. Sln-i-niin A.. .08 strnighl. 82.00 place. 82.20 show: Oreal Hawk. 83.80 place. 82.20 -how: Sedgecra--. S2.20 show. Rnairalenl booking wlda Sherman A., 100 to 148 straight, 30 to 100 place, 10 to 100 show: Great Hawk, on lo iiHi place, io to ion -how: Bedgegrasa, 10 to 188 -how. Time. 1:19*4, Track slow. Wiiiicr K. A. .lone- t . g. ." . bj Pea Tromp--Oenna, by Balgowaa trained by B. A. lone-; hre.1 b] Mi Ueorgi w. rnderhill. Weill" lo po-t it 1:09. .t pnat 1 minute, start L-ooii .in d slow, woa easily; second and third ilriv lag. Overweights Bberasaa ... l poaad; Bardbra, 3. UAUua Oft Seventh Race — 1 1-16 Miles. June 24. 1916—145— 3— 110. Purse 00. 3-year-olds and upward. Claiming. Net value t-» winner. 50: second. 00: third. 0. F.piiv. Odd*. Did. Horse. Wt. Fin. Jockey. straight. 5 2550 Veramah IJQ l«J R Taylor SW-100 52523 Commander M8 23 C Thompson 770-100 52550 •Short Stop 1«8 ;-: B Marinelll :,0-10i i 52VJ7 lAiuli-v K. li! 1 I Martini-/ 1000-100 52550 -Cornice K. in; 3akJ Huntamer 72*0-10«t 52480 .ork 118 ■ N Poden iv-ino 5250! Modi-:.- 100 7- M Slaughter 10-100 52507 -Con. Byna no I J Olsaa Uss-lOS 82 inntuel- paid. Y.rniak. 15.80 straight, .80 place, -how: Commander, 83.00 place. SI.2U Short Stop. . lo -how. F.iuivahnt booking odda - Yermak. C.iO to 100 straight, 190 to 100 place, loo to loo show; Commander. 189 to 109 phne. no to loo show; Short Step. JO to lOO -how. Time. 1:52. Track slow. Winner — C. Valls ch. g, B, by Ormondale— Lady Alicia, by sir Dixon trained by S B. Pail; heed by Messrs. .1. o a O. II. Keene. Went to po-t at 4:20. At post 1 minute. Starr good and slow. Won easih : leeond and third • li i nii;. Bcratehed— 525Ti0sVlva Cuba. 104; 525S5*Mldia, 107: 52131 Backhora IL, 1 k». Iv.-rweights Modiste. pound-.