Second Race [Second Fair Grounds, Daily Racing Form, 1921-01-27

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SECOND RACE— 1 Mile and 70 Yards. 3-year-olds and upward. Fillies = and Mares. Claiming. Feb. 12, 1916—1:42 1-5 1 113. . 1. WILLIGAN. ch. m. 5 103 By Harrigan— Willie T., by Albert. Trainer. G. Cochran. Owner, B. Hitchcock. 1970 ..ef son 11-115 1:70 fast 27 RH I I - i I 8" T Jarvis S Capt. Burns, Cockroach PejJgyC - tlltl JeTsda 1 1 -in LOO hvy M 104 7 7 7 7 7= 7" H Gregory 8 Capt. Burns. L.Ward. X K.Beal M707 Jef son 1 l:44%mud 12 K«;i 7 •; 4 a 6 6= J Roberts 9 Rapid Stride. Prnnea. Podltoe.r S1648 Jefson 11:43 fast 12 14 3 3 2 1 1» 2» H Gregory 7 Miss Nell. Veritv, Keen Jane 51S97 Joffers r: 1 1-16 1:M hvy 8 lev .; r, .7 4 6 t-» II Gregory •: Pa habiali II.. Betav, She Devi , 5153H Jefson 1 i-1 ■"■ 1 MHfait SI Ml 3 . 4 1 J- 5« T Murray 7 Phili ttne, K-Neptune. H.rrchls RAGAZZA. br. f. 4 103 By Hit Majesty— Henpsck, hy Delhi. Trainer. G. Peterson. Owner, G. Peterson. r~ 2bW F.Ghds 0-4 l:13%fast 7 108 2 ", ::; ". r Ponce 13 Cinderella, Midiati. General 5i3H5 F.OndH :;-l 1 M-.fasi 12 112 •: 4 .■ : ■ c Ponce Ll H.Burgeyue. CplrleLasa. T.epev r 92328 F.Gnda 3-4 1:11-, fast R 108 .". 12 7 ti- n C ionce IS Midiati. Loys, Old Hinner S1867 Jefson ::4 1:17 livy 1 103 2 2 1 U 1 " Ponce 1.! Murray, Anticipate, Double Tag S1797 Jefson 6S f l:88%niad lfi-5 H/7 5 7 ., 7- 714 O Ponce »» Talihniati. Lancelot. Ablase n 1 51788 J. fson 3-4 11." ..hvy 7 104 1 ti 7, ti 6 C Ponce 8 II. Jewel, T. Nephew, A. of Arcs PANSY BLOSSOM, br. f. 4 M 102 By Marathon— Auimoity, by Star Ruby. Trainer. T. J. Shannon. Owner. I. B. Bradfield. 63494 FGnda lmTUy 1:17 fast M 11 1 E ! Z Z Z| 3*1 . Heaps! 11 Hopover. Roisterer, Mandalav C2419 F.Gnds 1 1-4 !M%fut MS !»4 6 10 IS 10 16* 10T T .larvis lc Nominee. Lad, Pit 02302 F.Gnds lin70y l:46*4faet M Ml 4 s 11 n 11« S1 N Frrrntt It Iftwii, Outer K.. Roisterer I ;2236 P.Gnda l 1-3 8i4B%hyy M M31 4 2 y U 13* 13»* Ei Kins U Aztec. O. If cKeuna. W. Turnbow I 02113 Jefson l 1:42 fast 12 107 4 o ". 4 3- I* T .larvis 10 Kovdert. Hopover. Maiden Voter !"2026 Jefson 1 1-H; 7 lit I 3 I i 04 6*| W Heinch t Old McKenna. Borden. Old Kose CHARLOTTE C. br. f. 3 93 By Dr. Leggo— Abbas, by Big Chief. Trainer, B. C. Bunbury. Owner, C. J. Brock miller . BB7 P.Gnda lsa?4y 1:46 fast M N 4 4 3 :: :!" S* B McGraw 11 T.PorBer, W.otheWp 52617 P.Gnda S-4 l:13%faat 12 Ml 2 9 » S" 8" 8 McGraw 11 Julia N.. Philanderer. Tout Or 01422 Church 1 11:41 fast 20f Ml 7 8 S 7 61 B»l E Pollard 12 Undine, Lacy Kate, .Mm Daisy 01327 Church I 3-4 1:15 ifast 78 109 I S 10 10J10 » W MorseyU Ktaa Base, Natural. Lucv Kate 01299 Churehl 3-4 l:13%slow JK 106 s 6 9 10 10»J T Murray 12 Natural. Day Lilly Indine 01790 Kwrth 3-4 l:14C,fast 10 1 i4 7 S 7 4 3 P Murphy I Daric, ThornyWay! iluen LOUISE WYNNE, b. f, 3 85 By Golden Maxim— Lady Lexington, by Hasting*. Trainer. M. Olive. Owner, T. H. Wilson". 625M P.Gnda o- f lMi%ttuH 12 1*39 8 9 o; 6 G BaMn 12 OlUcLaaa. Oralso, Goa-Aaas** ! K449 P.Gnda lm7iy l :41 -.last v :.p.ii | |] u ijjj,»- || RctawU14 7. lUmMrr, Roisterer, Big Mat i -■-" • P.Gnda ;;-4 l:l5%s;ood 4 M2| 2 5 7 q I* .i Henpel 13 ktato, Oaaet K.. Tatt EMKJaraoa ::-i 1 :M slew ; M7 1 :: I • 8** A Collina Hi BeaConrt, B.ofGreea, H.P*aceaa 02026 Jefson E t l:09* 31 M7 1 t | 41 !■ A Collins 11 Plnnfoon. MaryPoaeo, Obstinate BMW Jafaaa 1-4 l:18?.-,hvy 0 B 7 5 3 2 3-l P Long 12 SilverSpi int.-. HeaOaart, Daunell UNDINE, br. f , 3 93 By Wrack— The Welkin, by Contra*. Trainer, H. Neusteter. Owner, H. Neusteter. EfSffl P.Gnda 11-1C1:4I fast C Hi 7 7 I 3 l | !•*, L, McDott 8 Iwinhria. Bandy Mac. Betaa i; : i.246.i P.Gnda 11:41 fast I 10l s 3 4 4 4 1*1 J Roberts B Corilla. W.otbe Wisp Kl Stone "■ 233 P.Gnda 11:41 fast If N I t 4 I 4.;. :,.• i. McOntt 7 Paradcr. Pantache, Petrareh 02198 P.Gndl 3-4 1:17 hvy Sj IM I I E 61 6" .1 .1 Mil y !t Day Lilly, Corilla, I.ucy Kate ] E3W4 JaTaOB 3-4 l:I61i,hvy 3 :•: 3 3 3 3 3J L McDott 7 Jhii S..h. Petrarch. Mary Head SUSAN M., b. m. 5 107 By Ogden — Queen Marguerite, by Henry of Navarre Trainer, D. McDermid. Owner. D. McDermid. :■.-• 92 l- c., on 11-4 2:4* f;,st ifi 144 8X4 l i - .i McCoy » ttiebardV.. c Illy. W.Tarabow i 02200 P.Gnda 1 1-M 1:01 hvy x 96 6 I • fi oi 4»« T .larvis 8 Geatga Danraa, Betay, s.-n.ian - 62073 Jcfson lm70y 1 :MJUhvy 4 M41 6 I I 7 I* 4J J Roberts It K.Neptune. Hj-lilM Ulsa Nell - 51889 Jefson 11:42 fast t l 4 9 9 9 8 7» r,".T J MneylO Lt.Perkim, BdyMae 1-a.iyWaro - 61738 Jefson 1 1-16 1 :03U,hvy 4 104 x 7 f. 6 fi 6» s Mitchell B Tnga, Baala, II C Baaca 616HO Jefson lm70y 1 11-5 102 4 3 2 1 1» 1» j Itoberts I H.Brumni111.. Uaucer. T. Brooks - PEGGY C. b. f. 4 105 By Jim Gaffney— Housewife, by Hanover. 4 Trainer. J. S. Ownbey. Owner. G. Knebelkamp. , ."■24V2 P.Gnda I 1-M l:49%faat :o ]i2 6 1 2 9 12 12-1 Lane 12 T.Pgneae Birttefieti I torn 62379 P.Gnda 1 1-M i :4s» 36 MB 3 l Z 1 11 1FW Helncall Ooraaa, Nomina Lad asm P.Gnda l 1-M i :53*mud 16 MS 4 .: l o 11« ll«« p 14 DabahH.. n.r.Bch. Blwaaaca ! 62008 Jefson 1 1-M 1 :00-5Kood 3-1 MB 4 113 f 6" P S lll.Und. HTeyBmarr, LadyWard 61930 Jefson 11-16 1:00 fast 2i 95 3 4 3 4 4 3 P S Capt. Burns Caekraack Mab - 61849 Jefson lm74y 1 :00-r.hvy 8 99 6 3 3 1 14 2H P Lang Id Nebraska Lady Ward. I i.l 517HO Jefson 1 1-M l JBKtaad M 96 3 l l 2 l* i i 7 si..- Uevii. Naenah, B? Tnraa«ft BETSY, b. m. 5 104 By Ballot — Degenerate, by Tenny. Trainer. O. E. Pons. Owner, E. Loh. 52S73 P.Gi is 1 l-M i:47--.fa.-t 59 MM 94 9 M M»» T Brooka 10 Coraaa, Calantl Ut, lwialwla i 62449 P.Gnda lm70y 1 40 100 8 10 6 S 81 S L Aron 14 trim. Rambler. Roistete, It Idea 02378 F.Gnds 1 1-16 1 :47%fast 10 99J 9 8 8 8 8* S" L Aron !t Mab. Capt. Burns Right Wine 02255 P.Gnda 1 1-M IM hvy 10 103 0 7 7 4 2 » 2* C Ponce 8 OaargeDnacan, Serbian. BaaaaM 69299 P.Gnda 1 1-M 1S1 hvy I M4 6 4 4 5 5- 6= C Ponce 8 DoaglaaaS., Serbian QanBlondt - 52072 Jefson lm70y 1 :49"6hvy 5 108 4 3 4 3 2» 2« C Ponce 7 Medusa, KirstiesCub. V.TntK« MISS NELL. b. f. 4 105 By Dick Finnell— Miss Thompson, by Goldcrest. Trainer, C. S. Wilson. Owner. M. Doyle. .2109 Jefson i l-M l:49%fast M N 7M I M 9] 9*18 Mitchell IS Bcnttecatal, BkODay OalJUth 02073 Jefson lm70y POm-hvy 12 103 6 6 2 I 4" 3iE Pollard !t K. Neptune.! BaaaaM 51967 Jefson 3-4 1:17 hvy 20 MS 12 I 7 Sl «»- II CregorylS ISagazza. Munav. Anticipate - 61T49 Jefson lm70yl:49 hvy 12 991 3 2 3 3 *• fi* Q Bmbin 7 B.illvbell. Boanaat Medaaa 01649 Jefson 11:42 fast la 1 » 4 4 4 4 21 1» J .1 M nev 7 Wiliipan. Verity Keen J me EMM Kwrth lm70y l:46%fast 36f Ml 2 4 3 4 73 I" It ThurberlO Refugee, PhilUtine Frank P WH46 Th cllffe 1 1:41 fast 16-5 104 4*1 O Atwell S Ken. Hoy. Deckhand, Baaningdalt OBSTINATE, ch. f, 3 M 90 By The Manager— Wilful, by The Scribe. , Trainer. W. J. Burke. Owner. Maryland Stable. 62444 P.Gnda 3-4 1:14 fast 3" M9 11 10 7 E* E«l P Wdatckll Cat Vp, Yuhanize Plata 62394 P.Gnda 3-4 l:15%faat 26 M9 12 I 9 9* 9" H Moore IS Galiot, Vulcanize Joe Whipple 52321 P.Gnda 3-4 1 :i:.i. 6 10717 7 7 I9 9* W HaiachlS Ninbe. Hapaver, Maaatala I . « 52067 Jefson 61 f l:M%hvy 41 M9 1 Z 3 3i. r,» W HeinchlU Tony Button, Secretary Repent • 52026 Jefson H 1 1 :4t%f a at 30 let 6 0 4 !• 41 H Moore II Plaataaa, I . TTyat. Maijraaai = TIGER ROSE. br. m, 5 109 By Bannockburn— Sebastiana, by Foul Shot. Trainer. J. Robertson. Owner, J. RoVrtscn. E8339 P.Gnda 1 1-M l:4SVfcfaat M MS 2 2 3 s 7» 7n K Martin II firaaa. Nominee Lad 6224 P.Gnda 1 1-16 1:01 --hvy 0 K 12 2 2 3- 1*1 T Jarvis 7 Bond. Verity. Iliirhiaioi Lai ■ E2323 P.Gnda 1 1-M POi-.mud 34 l"7 0 9 8 MU** H E£rickanl4 Dai.ahli H C Bcn Itbaaaaci 619S6 Jefson S-4 l:16«ihvy 10 M4 13 1 1 12 12» M" P I h- 13 A.O.illup. Mirmite WlnnecaBBv - C188j Jefson 3-4 1:10 fast 16 H 3 2 :. Sat »•• T .larvis 8 KxtieaCah. Baqcoyne O.BInaei - 51824 Jefson 1-4 liWmud M MSI i 3 4 4 55 D HApktaalS Anna Callup. f antlj. L. Mildred ; - THUNDERBIRD. ch. f. 4 102 By Star Shoot— Grace G., by Albert. Trainer, M. Bernard. Owner. P. J. Regan,. . 68869 P.Gnda lm70y 1 : M M 97 13 12 M 12 M4! 7*1 L McDottlS Kajeaaaa, Qatcr K Roisterer 0222.1 P.Gnda I-41:19%hvy :.o Ml 12 13 13 IS* 12- K Pollard 13 Knah. TlidayNixbter Trackatai = 4 «87 Jefson lm70y l:47;-fast 7 MS 912 i 9 Kl l*H I nurberl 4 Kih Challenger Ki.iv, losure I 40727 F.Gnds 1 1-16 1 :47%fast 10 84 9 7 1 I II* 11* » J SulllvanM D. ilv. Frank Monroe Ihilistine , - 40667 F.Gnds 3-4 1 :17].5hvy 4 19916 4 7 . 82 8" F Murphy 11 ll.ickamore. Foreclosure Riddle 46478 F.Gnds lm70y IM slow 10 996] 7 7 7 9 9 9» F Murphy 9 Del**, Shenandoah. ioldenDawi

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Local Identifier: drf1921012701_3_3
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