Havana Form Chart, Daily Racing Form, 1921-01-27


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HAVANA FORM CHART HAVANaTcUBATwEDNESDAYT JANUARY 26. 1921. OieTTtl ParkT Fifty-straad day. Coba-Amerl- -:in Jockey and Auto Club. Winter M.-eting of loo day- or more. Weather clear: temperature 90 . .Stewards. J. Hachraeist.-r, C. 11. Laasdale and P. .1. Kruen. Starter. James F. Milton. Rachsg Bec- retary, M. Xathaaaoa. Raring starts St 2:90 p. m. Chicago time 1:.",7 p. m.. Indicates apprentice allowance. rT OPTQQ FIRST RACE— 3-8 Mile. Jan. 21, 1916— 3a— 2—113. Purse 00. 2-year-olds. lliatit/O Maidens. Allowances. Net value to winner 50: second, 00: third. S50. Index Horses AWtPPSt 4 n% 34 Str Fin Jockeys Owners ~ ~ HOPS " 52347 BIHCH LARK w 107 :: :: J«* 1 J F Wilson W" R Co. 8 8 « 2 I 52470 ATHGARVEN w il« 8 6 1- P* C Kann-s T Hodge N M M I - 52470-in i:ki:s w 107 I 1 i»t :; .1 Dreyer 1: n Bprtacer 3 1 :: 1 1-1 52470 »TOUT r K SlITK w ■ 112 i ■■ - 4] W atelsay i: Cebrtan 2 I 2 1-5 1-3 52530-l,LNACLi: w 112 4 4 9 V B Keimdyli P Whitney 4-5 4-6 4-5 1-3 1*8 52479 LITTLR BITING * 107 s ; ,;; i;»k J pMn P Powers in 12 12 G 21. 52530 X.WISCd v. 112 7 9 7. 7h J Dawson I ; .lulian 88 M M M E PACHNDA w 115 12 P VI A Tryon .1 Gomel II II U « 1 Aiiista « 11 I 9 R HeDottE C Kaebelkarap 15 15 15 0 3 Time. 24. 3626. Track fast. mataels paid. Birch Bark, 819.50 straight, 89.10 place. .70 show: Athgarrea, slft.lo place. 8.30 show: Byeres. 85229 show. Eqatoralent booking odd- Birch Bark, 875 to loo strahtht 835 to loo puce, ]sr, lo lofi -how: Ath-garveii. 2370 t.. 100 place. Mr. to Iihi -how : Byeres, 198 to loo show. Winner B. 1. by lleii- Belts— Pair Maid, by Orvlete trained by K. K. Karri.k; bred by Mr. w. K. Coe. Went to pool at 2:31. At po-t 3 minute-. Start good and -low. Won easily ; second aud third driving. BIRCH BARK, after racing dose up from the -tart. Baished gamely and wa- going away at the end. ATHGARVKM came through fast on Hi- Inside and oatgamed HVFKFS for second place. The latter -ct a fa-t pace. Put tir.-d after disposing of TOI T DF SCI TF. The latter tired and linished in the middle of the track. PIWACLF dropped back alter entering the stretch and seem- to have been overrated. Scratched — 52530 Cabalta, 110: Anna M. 112. prOfTQd SECOND RACE— 5 1-2 Furlongs. Jan. 24, 1917— l:05l/s— 5— 102. Purse 00. 4-year-t3mm*3*jk olds and upward. Claiming. Net value to winner 50: second. 00: third, 0. indei Horses A Wt lPSt~i4~~* Str KitT" Jockeys ~ Owners O H C P 8 52556*SKMP. STALWARTw S lo?. Slo 7". 1 ! I: 1 , t • r. c Raton J 8 8 1 M 5238H*.MAUTY LOU aB 10 MC£ 9 2 tl 1 1* - B K-nn.ly Ros.-da h- Stable :: :; :; hBfi .■-; 52531 .llANITA 111 w li 1W ". S 2» 2* 2 M 1 Ft. -teller O Tuggh- I R I 5t9-tl*NOBLEMAN waa 9 Mi 7 1 .- 4 :; l N .1 Lines." 1; Leaahan 18 1" 10 4 2 52536 IIATKACK W 4 MS 12 4 V 3| V 5 P Wils-oi 11 A Cotton 3 3 :: f.-r. .,-:. 52205 BIBBLER w IMS i ■ B1 8* 8 B» R M.DottA Losaaia " :: M . 52551 STTLETTO W 5 101 1 I »« 7- 8" V .1 Pitz 1 Shields 10 10 10 4 2 52531 lALoPIN ws 6 IM I :: 4* 8*1 7] v C RhsTirg W G Campbell S I 8 21- n 5 52511 .,iLi :: kkd wut; no io s M* p.- . ■ S3 a Tryon C L Mackey 28 M 20 1 » 52510 BOHER-XA-BXA w 1: 4 Rjf I 12 12 12 12 M4 F Hunt P B Csrpra 12 12 12 :. 2!-52140*i:i.t;.v w ■ :. M8 • 11 Uilll liMC .1 Praacia O L Poster s n s :: -« 52205*SA1.N ROSE w 4 y7 11 . 6 * :• ;10"M2 P Barley T Hodge M M M li •■ t.Mutue! 8efci. Time. 24, 48-5. 1:01J5, 1:073;,. Track fast. sj inntuel- paid. Semper Stalwart, 842,70 vtrahrht, 821.70 place. 89.98 -how: Marty Loii. S7.70 place, .49 -how: .luanita III., 87.29 show. Equivalent booking odd- Semper Stalwart. 2983 to 100 straight, !IV. to 100 place. 993 to 100 show: Marty Lou, 2s." to loo pl.-uc. 170 to loo show: Jnanita III.. 20O to 199 show. Winner - P.. g. by Stalwart .Semper Vicleire. by Louie trained by D. Montour: bred by Mr. Char If 1 W. Moore. Weal to liost at 2:58. At past 8 sslaates. Start good and slow. Won driving: second and third the sane-. SEMPER STALWART closed a gap and. coming with a good burst of speed through the stretch, got up to win in the Baal -tride-. MARTY LOU set a f i-t pace, but tired badly in the last sixteenth. .11 ANITA III. showed -peed and tired, but out-taed NOBLEMAN. IIATKACK began from the extreme outside post position and tired. BIBBLER began slowly and ua- in dose ipiarters in the early running. Overweights Marty Lou. 2c pound-: Elga, 3. PrOCTOrr THIRD RACE— 5 1-2 Furlongs. Jan. 24. 1917— l:05»s— 5— 102. Purse 00. 4-year-*3mi*3*y*3 olds and upward. Claiming. Net value to winner 50: second. 00: third. 0. Index Horse« AWtPPSt % V4 Str Fin "jockeys Owners O "H~~o" P fc 52532 •HUNTRESS w 10 10:: :: :■ 4..1. 4.. jsfc 11 p Wilson J J McCafTerty t~ T r~~ ITiT 52473 xi;im-: w 1; no i 1 l» 21 1 2J A Pickens I! Coops l 1 4-5 2-5 1-5 52532 smith wa 4 Ms] 7 9 7_ ■ V V V. ReandyW H Hall i I 7.7-1 52531 "M.lCIL MAV WH 1 100 9 2 || I1 || 4. R LcasterE Strew bridge s 10 M 4 2 52519 JAKE FELD w i: I 107 4 6 5* :. 5" "- R McDottE J SalHvan I i * S-i :!-.". 52531 DRIPPIELD wsi-. 7 Pis .". I :;■_ ::v V N J B*rnesA C Xiehaua 8 8 8 3 -;. I 3 2 10S MISS WRIGHT a 8 M8 2 :: 8*1 7| 7,; 7: P Hunt H C Woods ir, *8 20 I i 52532 •PRESUMPTION wn 12 TO 8 7 I I t* ** .1 Prapcis N M shields s s s S-6 59939 STILLY NIGHT w 18 IM C 8 8] 8] 9 : .1 PeaalvcrW 11 Padgett 38 R M M 5 Time. 23. 47. 1:00., 1:0645- Track fast. s2 mntoelK paid, Haatreos, 825.80 straight, 89.70 place. 83.70 -how: Nepe, .39 place. 82.70 show; Smite. 89.59 Rhow. lviiiivalcnt I king odd — limine--. 1189 to MM Straight, 235 to 100 plac. sr, to 100 -how: Ncpc, •..". lo loo place. 33 to 100 show: Smite. 75 to 10O show. Winner Ch. in. by Allan -a - Dal. — Mi— Gaaote, by Chorister trained bv M. Scales: bred hv Mr. Thoma- C. McDowell. Went to po-t at 3:20. At post I minute-. Start good and -low. Won ilriing: second and third the same HUNTBE8S followed the leaders close up to the stretch turn, where she was taken to the Oat -id.- and. tini-hing fa-t. got up in the la-t dozen -tride- to win going away. NF.PF. ran well, but tir.-d after disposing of LUCIH MAV. SMITF Closed a big gap and linished with a belated rash. LUCIE MAV set a fa-t pace to the str.-tch and tired. JAKE PELO ran well. Scratched- 1 52428 Thorn Kloom. 113: ."242!* Pokey Jane ! 7: 52531 Dinly Moore. 107. Overweight- -Smite. 3. pounds: Presumption. 1: Stilly Night. 2. prOprQ£» FOURTH RACE— 3-4 Mile. Jan. 8. 1920—1:11—0—102.. Purse 00. 3-year-olds. tlaiUt/U Allowances. Net value to winner 50: second, 00; third, 0. Index Horses AWtPPSt % ffr % Str Fin Jockeys" Owners io H O P 8 52349 MIlONKi w 112 N S 2 1 1 I] R I i.i-t.rl A HeiaThl S-3"s-5 R-5 3-5 1- 52533 DR. LAS WELLS wall! 2 7 I* 9*4*121 W Kelsay X K Beal ". 8 8 2 1 52474 CLACK Top a lo., 7 l |ak fsk 21 3* A Pickens D 8 Fountain ." :. :. 2 1 52300 KAMA w n 112 12 8 8 9*4* B KenndyW C.ohlblatt 2 2 2 4 .*. 2-5 52153 BYGONE WB Ml 4 4"1- 4 1 :: .-J DomickA L Austin ::. t-5 1 1" ■998J9 si.wv DATS wa M9 C 4 I 7 8* 8* F Wilson .1 AV Paxurle 6 8 8 .". 0-5 52100 BLEEP? DEAR w M8 E i U B» 8 7 .1 Francis s T Baxter 20 28 88 $ 4 52100 AUTOMATIC KKD « IM 3 :. 3D 3» 7 8 C Karnes C. K All. n M 31 0 I 4 Time. 23. 47"5. 1:1335. Track fast. miitnels paid. Hsssjsf, 89.50 -traighi. N4.20 place. 98.00 -i-ow : Dr. Charles Well- 88*39 place 94.49 -how: Kla.k Top. |.iH» -how. Liiuival.-nt booking odds lluoneo, 225 to 100 straight. 110 to 100 place. SO to loo -how- Dr Chart! ■ Well-. 21.". to loo place. 129 to loo -how: Batch Top. 143 to loo show. Winner- Br, c. by Bans Aaeedote, by Tom Ochiltree trained by F. A. fJerohl; bred by Mr. Wilii-sharpe K Baser. Went to post at 3:55. At pout 4 minutes. Start good and slow. Wou driving: second and third tin-same. HCONEC moved sp on the out-i.ie m the tir-t eighth and raced into a long lead after rounding the far turn, bat was tiring at the end. DR. CHARLES WELLS closed ■ gap and linished fast after beginning slowly. BLACK TOP set a fast early pace and finished gamely, but tiring. BYGONE met with in. mishaps. KAMA closed a big gup in the last smarter. Scratched— 523 10 Dautzic. 103. Overweights — Bygone, 8 poaada; Black Top, 2, Sleepy Dear. 3: Automatic Ucd, 5. Ck9ekQ7 EIFTH RACE— 1 1-1G Miles. Feb. 3. 1918— 1:44,— 3—92. Purse 00. 4-veax.oUU *JsaftJt-7 4 andupward. Claiming. Net value to winner 50; second, 00: third, 0. Index Horses AWtPPSt ij ; % Str Fin Jockeys Owners o H C P 8 52455-*P.lKKMAN wh 7 192 8 6 4 1 2»1 I« 1 1 A McLhllnE Alvarez 7-107- 107-101-S 1-6 52351 JOSE DE VALES wan 8 Kfi f B : 1 .1 B-raesP Detbarrln 9 M 31 I I 52451 PLANTAREDE waa 5 IM 1 1 » i1 ::» C Kann 1 II W Plain 1 | .1 s -. 4--, 52535 NIGHT WIND WB C IM :: 7 v 7 | 81 I R McDottT 1 ..1. 444- 52535 * IK iMA.M w 7 M8 2 2 1; pa 7** 8] Ej .1 Fran. 1.- . Tug:-]. :, .. | 52535 CON ST A NT INK w I .", MS I 8 7*| I I 7 R Lci-t-rW Sim- M 10 M I »?.-.;■» miss BWBBP a I Ml S 7. I1 l«- ii V 7" .T Pitz G K Ulen S I I : c: I B 84o4 TRUANT «r 6 US 7 4 2" 4 i 4» s I C Hugha * .1 Koernet 23 ZS S l" i ! Time. 24--,. 49, 1:18%, 1:41. 1:47«3- Track fast. 1 S2 mutuels paid. Biemaa, 13.80 tttalght, S3. 10 place, S2.90 show: JOaede Vales, .S27.20 plan-. .S9.G0 i show; Plantarede. .S3. 00 slioi. Equivalent booking nMi nirnaan. so to ioo straight, TO to 100 place, 4.", to loo show; Jose de Vales, : 1SG0 to ioo place, ISO to ioo show: Plaaiarade, so to too show. Winner— Ch. ;:. by Poljrnsehi! — shy Misate, by Kilatarila tralaed by W. .1 Daly; bred in r.ncland by Mr. R. Whit v.rth I. W- nr to p.t at 4:30 At poal 5 minuter. Start u..o l .-mil slow. Won ra*Dj : aecoad mid third driving. P.ll", I! MAN wa* jumping on other borne* be* ls w i i i 1 ■ roandiag the Brsl turn and wa* taken to the outside on the bnckstretch, then raced to the front after rounding the far turn and wax aader restraint. JOSE HI" VALES tthowed a Bash of Kneed on the backatretch and finished gamely, but rooM never yet to the leader. PLANTAREDE ran srell and made ■ gaaie Baiah. NIGHT WINK waa outrun early, bat Saished fast. Miss BWEEP qi t after atakias the pace to the far turn. Overweights — Hemam. t pounds: Truant, .".. frOKOC SIXTH RACE— 1 Mile and 50 Yards. March 6. 1918—1:41—5—117. Pure 00. «.JjC*t!JO 4-year-olds and upward. Calming-. Net value to winner 50: second, 00; third. 0. " index Home* tWtPIW . ■ -Mr Fin Jncfceyn Ownera °_" " 3*470 iTT: DLK LIGHT - h ■ I • , i i 2* I I Wil on K I Baxter i 1 -J . .-..M",:i rilli: I.KLG X II. wi: : ill - I t* P !. _• A Pick na Florida stable 2 Z I -■• 2 " .-•!."»|.- SEA ! RINCE wa 4 1T s 8 8 R R ■"- 3 J Francis H i: Bwan s v s . I : 8£S113DARXLKY MtW "■ 1 i I .1 Greyer P Gsaham ■ t ■ 9 I ■ 38478 FIREWORTH w I M4 I I P • B» .1 Pita II E Davia ft 8 8 3 M fttftlff UTHOLICK wb « IM i » i t«l l* 3 * C1 i: Barn ■ A B Davldaon 28 -0 24 R 4 .7 2.7.74 i;i:rl Y wb 7 w. ■ I t - •■•: k Lcaater rmonia Stable i i l 2-5 ;■ .7L7.77 P1ERRE-A-FEC wn : lit 117 J -7 : s R R MeD-ottE D Springer R R R Time. 23. 47«5. 1:1*%, 1:39%, 1:42. -,. Track fast. IS aiataela paid, raadle Light, so.imi straight. .80 place, 13.441 ahaw; The Belgian II., BS.80 place, S3.40 khow; Bea l*rlace, M nh a i:.iuivalint bookiag «id- Candle I iiit. SSd to tfd atraight, B0 to nw place, to to Hhi show; The Belgiaa II., .» • to kmi place. 70 to hki show; Bea Prhare, US t.. ioo -how. Winn. ■:• f.r. h, by Uglit Brigad. Calaadria, by Bt. Berf trained by R. B. Allea; bred by Mr. Kd-w.ird B. Ml.-ain. W.iu to poal i t 1:45. At poal 1 ntiaate. st::rt good and alow. Won eaaUy; aecoad and third driving. tANlM.i: LIOHT waa aavetl behind the leadern to the last turn, then Moved ap rapidly and raced into an ca-y load in the la t tichth. THE BELGIAN II. forced the pace, bat Hred after going Keren -. ightha and taking the load. BEA PRINCE claaed ■ bi l-:i and Baisbed with a rush. ;IMNI»V waa ■■ore warn gotag to the post and ran a poor race. DABNLEY ran well. LTTHOLICK set a faat pace to i i he atretch and .|iiit hadlj . Scratched 52514 Mather, 10."$: r.o.-,,-,; Aaaericaa s.ddior. km;. Overweight* Flreworth, 1 pound. . 1

Persistent Link: https://drf.uky.edu/catalog/1920s/drf1921012701/drf1921012701_2_7
Local Identifier: drf1921012701_2_7
Library of Congress Record: https://lccn.loc.gov/unk82075800