Fourth Race [Fourth Fair Grounds, Daily Racing Form, 1921-01-27

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! i : "■ ] i - - - - 4 , ! - i - - , • = ■ - - ; - . = I - , i ■ - - l ! - - - X . , - i I ■ - - -!| I E J I r -. •• -■ a 1 g if FOURTH RACE— 5 1-2 Furlongs. 4-year-olds and upward. Claiming. Feb. 19, 1916—1:05 3-5 4 120. HIDDEN JEWEL, b. g. 5 109 By Disguise— Rubia Granda, by Greenan. Trainer. C. Sanford. Owner. J. A. Coburn. ;24H0 K.Cnds lm70y l:41.,last MB 111 1 S 6*1 J J Mney 7 Roiuatu . Tippo Baaib. F. Orient 52415 P.Gnda 8-4 IdSfafaat 12-5 113 2 2 2 2 2* C Ponce 11 T*g-a-Lg, MarieMaxiai, lieliora 52293 P.Gnda 3-4 l:14%faat H-0 114 1 l l l . Ln L l.yke 13 MarieMaxiai, loekScot, Shilling 2110 jef son .;-! 31 122 I 2 2 2 2* L l.yke il Lt. Perkins. Murray. Anticipato 31968 Jefson 6-8 1 :01=r.hvy 7-5 106 1 12 3* 2»| W Uetnch 7 Talisman. Rolo. Allen 31986 Jefson 61 1 l:07,fant 9-0 106 3 2 2 21 2- H King IS Tab. dHoaacar. Toaneed, Tttla .1760 Jefson 3-4 l:10-,hvy 2 109 I 111 V W HetaCh S T. Nephew. AceafAcea, S.Sigh THE NEPHEW, b. g. 4 107 By Uncle— Qualify, by Sir Dixon. Trainer, J. Tigue. Owner. F. St. John. 52648 P.Gnda 3-4 l:12%fast 10 10s 1 :; 1 2" 3-1.1 Roberta 12 MeHora. Pred.tkoGteat, JorkSeot 52486 P.Gnda S-4 12 1 s :; s 9 9- 9*1 J Roberts 12 OreenGotd, JoekScot, M. Maxim 52877 P.Gnda lmMy l:44%faat I ill 2 2 2 6 81 8" K Martin 12 D.ofPeaee, Praapector Frog town 2496 Jefson 2-4 1:14 slow 12 111 3 4 0 81 6*f BJ Martin Hi Trooper, port Light Title 31988 Jer son 6-8 l:H-;-.hvy 10 lit 6 6 6 6J 6« A Collins 7 Talisman. Hidden Jewel. Rolo il799Jeraotl 3-4 l:10-*hvy 4, 141 1 I I 91 " .1 .1 Mney 3 Hid. Jewel. AeeofACes, S.Siclj .1400 Chiirehl ::-4 1 :14%fast 24 M9 I 6 0 0. S*| N Barrett 13 Honor Man. Gipsy Queen, Ruby SANDY H.. ch. c, 4 102 By Harrigan— Beatrice Soule, by P».ep oDay. Trainer, F. Farrar. Owner. F. Farrar. ..2110 3-1 i:i:;-fast 41 Ml i -• S* I. Aron 13 Marphy, Blaine, Mi- Mini..- 34919 Kwrth S-4 1:13 fast 6 96 1 G 6 3 2» I. Aron 8 Diomed. Onieo. Tee the Mark 3C821 Kwrth 01 f 1 ;o: f:,st 2 1o7 I 0 o f, :; i, Aron 12 Taaaahtula. Hidden Ship Sturdee .11713 Kwrth ::-l l:13Vbfast 19-5 103 5 3 2 2- 2" 1, Aron 13 Lonely, Susan M Karne-t 54442 Theliff- 01 f 1:08 fast 3-4 M6 I5 L. Aron 10 Haman. Caller Herria Kleve 39849 Thcliffe 3-4 ld4*«taat 19-S M4 ::J H Aron II Iteekhand. Dancer, Huntress 49607 Windsor 2-11:12 fast 21 1 " a 6 6 4 0Ji, Aron ! • Camflage, Syhnno. Kit stPulIet JOCK SCOT. br. g. 7 114 By Ogden— Frankie, by Kingston. Trainer, M. J. Murphy. Owner. M. J. Murphy 52584 P.Gnda S-4 l:12%fast 11-6115 2 4 6 l H J Rnd*aexl2 Meliera. Pred.tlieGI T Neaaww 0241..; K.Cnds :;-1 1 :l2-fast 41 112 s 6 4 3 2 J Rods/eaRi GweaGeM, M. Maxim. Bey. Dock 32376 P.Gnda S-4 l:13%fast 5 113 t 7 I 2 21 w Heinchli- Apple Jack IL, LaadeeT"., Traaty •23M P.Gnda .".-4 l:14%faat 4 113 I I I 4 . 9 J Rods/ex 12 Man. Maxim. HMJewel Shillg .21::.. Jafaaa S-4 l.l2*jfast 8 lioi 2 0 4 SlSfJ RodB*eal2 Grayson, Itabaay, Daacg8pray 153489 Jef son 6-1 f l:079andfast 7 114 I 7 4 4» 2» II Kunsfd 11 Marmite. PartUght, Brisk ARCHIE ALEXANDER, ch. g, o 114 By Harrigan— Anytime, by Yankee. Trainer, J. Randolph. Owner. E. C. Church. 63598 P.Gnda S-4 l:l2"»fast « l"7 9 M M 14 4* T Ja:vis lit [TltraGeld, CrysUIPcrd Herald 32499 P.Gnda 1 1:49 fast 7 M9 2 1 3 4 4 .VI If Thurb.-r S St. Allan Fixer Botheration 52467 P.Gnda 3-4 1 :12fast 12 18214 4 8 1 6* C Ponce * Cel.Teea, CltraGoM, T dHonr .02416 F.Gnds 3-4 l:12%fast 20 101 6 6 6 4: 3*1 1 Aron 9 Mnhony, Colum.Tenu. St Qntin 52849 Jefson S-4 l:!4--,fast 4 103 4 3 4 in lh F Cltlletti S Bobby Allen. Title Knklux "1906 Jef son 3-4 1:14 15 107 5 6 6 5 4-J C Ponce S Col.TVnn. Lad*sLove, L.sLasMe FORECLOSURE, b. f. 4 97 By Von Tromp— Foul Play, by Foul Shot. Trainer, G. R. Bryson. Owner, E. K. Bryson. 51824 .I.fson 8-4 l.BHsmnd 8 M4 9 8 I *- 7;l s Wida IS Aaaa Gallop, Leaely I.. Mildred il754 Jefson 61 t 1 89%lnj M MS 7 I I :;»!. S* .1 Baerpeta 7 Mis- Krntei . Baca. Annie Kiigar ■10311 How ie 61 f 1:22 fast 19 Ml 6 3 4 7 5*4 C RobsonU OldSinner. Amaefeassin Lghter U470 Howie 6ifi:2l fast 14 Ml 7 9 6 o2 6*1 J SbelepttslS JeeJoe, Snarose, TheBehrianll il42l Pimlico 61 f 1 15 99 11 13 13 lt 14 J S!iel.-i etsl.". T.Portusnese. MayW., Amaekiti ;12S1 Pimlico 3-4 1:14 fast I l»4 6 6 7 51 41 J Ornelsenll Klmont, Loujhlaiid. Fluff 1334 Pimlico 1 l;4f**J*aa* 38 1 h 3 11 1 9 9« J ShelenetslO Verity, Madrono. King Agrippa THE DECISION, b. g, 8 114 By King James— Verdict, by Tyrant. Trainer. W. H. Dauphin. Owner. A. Swenke. 514M Bowie 7-8 l:3J*isk p 8 119 :: 2 : •»! 4*1 J Weaaler 8 Nightstick, BaaaJSach Alberts 51417 Bowl. I l:43%faat 10 M ! 3 4 0 12 11-" . I AV-ssler 14 Sundial II.. King John Veteran" 51321 Pimlico S-4 l:l2**faet U ii I 7 : 8 I* J Weealer 12 Hbdbniee, BonJoar RohbvAHen •1164 I_aurel 3-4 1 :14tsfast I 118 2 3 2 1J 3J W.T OPn ! Manoevre. Bon Jour P of India r.l 082 laurel 1 14 116 511 1 |i I* W J OBn B K.Beverwv. k. U Atkin Chasseur WSJ i.aui- 3 1 l:i:; 41-10 117 2 1 1 1* 2» W J OUn B Bsaliar, Manoerre. Amackassin ROYAL DUCK, br. g. 4 110 By Royal Realm— Duckshot, by Gallmule. fTraiaer, M Lowenstein. Owner. M. Lowenstein. 52588 F.Gnda 3-4 l:l2-tast I IM I 7 I 7. o- i; Stack 10 ritraGoMl, CrystalPcrd HeraM -21:.. K.Cnds ::-4 ;:12,fast M IM S 7 6 01 IJO Stack 12 QrecnGold. JockHcot, M Maxim 52342 P.Gnda S-4 l:l2 M MS 12 11 V 1*4 14*1 O Stack IS PI. Gold. T.dHonnr Stlsitiore 51444 Jefson lni70y l:44%faat 12 14518 8 6 7 7 7"3 C. Stack 8 P. Swain Pizet Danciag Spray 51534 Jer son 2-11:14 fast M M7 9 9 7 7 7*J G Stack S R.Day. Ua.a Lassie A M- xder T32S Churehl 1 1 :::9r-.f:,st lOf M6 6 7 6 S M* M * G Stack 14 Marse.Iohn. RufusRiley, Maxola PORT LIGHT, b. g. 8 109 By Hamburg— Morningside, by Meddler Trainer. R. McGarvey. Owner, W. O. Stoner. :: P.Gnda 3-1 l :l3--fast f IM I 3 7 7 4* M Garner 12 AleJackll.. Jack Scot l...,iis«.v 52292 F.Gnds 3-4 i:i4-! I 112 S 4 2 2» 61 M Garner 12 MarieMaxiai, Hid.JewH JkScot .211.1.. .I-fson 2-4 1:14 slow 13-6 100 4 1 1 Ii 2 T Jarvis 10 Trooper Title bl-tzo 52839 J.-fsoti 01 f 1 :07%fast 13-0 116 1 2 3 3 9ak M tJarner 11 Marmite. Jock Scot Brisk 31998 Jefson 3-1 l:14ysfast 15 108 2 12 6 8*1 A Collins !t Col.Tenn Ladsbove I sLassle -.1626 Jef son 3-11:11 fast 17-10 113 3 3 I 2= 9* M Garner 6 Graaad-SweU, J. Scot. Lancelot BRISK, ch. g, 6 103 By Brummcl— Miss Martha, by Gerolstein Trainer. J. B. Dunn. Owner, J. Kennedy. ..2410 P.Gnda 3-4 1:12. .fast 8 MS I I I lc M*l I- McAtee 11 T"g-a-I/g. Hid. Jewel. M.Maxim 33039 JeP eon 6 f 147*«taat 6 114 6 S 7 a 43 L McAtee 11 Marmite. JockSeot Port Light 31936 Jefson I 4 1 :l.., 0 116 10 7 0 4t 6*1 L McAtee 12 Murp.ty. Jock-Beat, Madrono -il726 Jefson 3-4 l:17-hvy 7 110 2 3 4 3J 3= L McAtee 7 Anticipate. Wild Flower Blaise .1621 Jefson 3-4 1:10 good 6 US 4 4 7 61 0° I. McAtee 7 O. -Swell. Pullux. Toe the Mark 51220 Laurel 8-4 l:14**atop 10 112 0 I 7 «1 4*1 L Morris 11 flags asis. HehmAtkin LouiseV 51MB Laurel 3-4 l:10=;fast a 139 4 2 2 2 1-1 L, McAtee 13 Qlen Well. Foreclosure, LeBalafre LARRY B., ch. g. 5 109 By Dick Welles— Ethel Carr, bv Bannockburn. Trainer. 3. J. Brannon. Owner, B. J. Brannon. 51363 churehl 7-8 1:28 fast il IM 111 1 2U 2 P Smith 11 Anticipate. Blue J, .an- Harloek »1194 Latonia l 1-16 l:54%hvy :;• 112 i 2 o 7 s s-s j u Burke 8 Sbnoaite, Berbiaa, Bombast ".1095 Latonia 3-4 1 :13 .fast 20 IM 2 2 3 8* 3- C Huel 11 Urn McGoe. Serbian Iwiniwin 3095S Latonia 3-4 l:13K-fast 41 112 2 2 2 11« 11" J II Burke 12 Baby. Pvx. Militarr Girl .0786 Latonia 3 4 l:12%faat 21 10S 0 4 7 12 12-- J II Burke 12 GtpsrQneen. ColumbiaTn Rifle I28S4 Latonia 3-4 l:l3%fast 6 Ml I 2 2 2= 1- T Murray 12 Premium. Mnganese, EdC.arson 12677 Latonia 3-4 l:13%fast 17 106 3 2 2 71 111S C Rob"sonl2 H.GoLncky. B. Joe, Impressive DESTROYER, b. g, 4 112 By Assagai— Dimity, by The Commoner. Trainer, G. V. Barnes. Owner, C. W. Clark. 30818 Latonia 3-4 l:ll* 23-0 MB 7 4 6 8* »•« O Willis 10 LouisA.. MakelG., Miss theTima .0708 Latonia 3-4 l:13.-,fast 7 Ml] 4 4 5 4 4: J Roberts .". Ceo. Starr. Out theWay Tacola 0."i;i l.itonia .". 4 l:12iifast 8 100 7 6 6 6i 6*4 8 Wlda » Cot.Blossom. Jeo.Starr IvistCoin 44032 Church1 2-11:16 hvy 4-5 112 2 11 1» 1« O Willis 12 Dolpb, Anticipate, Old Dad TRUSTY, b. g. 7 104 By Broomstick— Loyal, by Loyalist. Trainer. F. Mallory. Owner, C. R. Daly. 52376 P.Gnda 3-4 l:13*ifa*t I 113 7 6 o c ill-: Pool 13 AleJackn.. Jack Seel I uisCT 52039 Jef son 61 f 1 :07;l.-.fa st 20 116 7 5 I 6"k Oi L Mink 11 Marmite. JockSeot Port Light 1687 Bowie .1 f 1:23 hvy i:; no 4 o 4 3* 4"i .1 Mooney 7 Maaoerre, J.Baliant s.Kmblein 14n8 Bowie .: 1 1 :17Vf,slow 12 116 6 7 7 21 7*i D Stirling 13 HdO.Heels. SammvKellv Turf 0288 Pimlico 3-4 l:U%xaat S 117 6. 14 6" 6" J Grueiser. S Alvord, Albert A.. Nightstick .1.2. Laurel 3-1 1:14% alap «f 112 I 2 3 0" 8" J Butwell 11 S.-tcamore, Heh-nAtkin, IouiseV. SHILLING, ch. c. 4 110 By Seth— Alice Commoner, by The Commoner. Trainer. F. Wright. Owner. Anderson Bros.. P-Gnda S-4 l :i2--.r...-t lo 113 7 9 7 71 s-,r RobaoalS Meliora. Pred.tbeOt T.Kentajw 32488 P.Gndi S-4 i:l2 -,fast 10 148 11 lo 10 lo« Hi" M Garner 12 GreeaGoM. JeckScol M Maxim -.2292 P.Gnda S-4 l:14%saat M M9 4 2 6 61 45 n Gregory 12 MarieMaxim, Hid. Jewel JkScot :136 jefson :: 1 1:1 :«-fast M H8 9 9 9 9- 92 J Roberta 12 Graysoa, Maneay, Jock Scot .2H3» Jef son 51 f l:07*ifast 00 110 10 10 9 »- *: .J Roberts 11 Marmite. JockSeot Port Light 18699 Devre ::-4 1:13 hvy 10 110 37 L Gaugel C Coh.Lass. Murray, Cu.Leydecker iUGAR*iINT. b. f, 4 107 By MoGee— Mint Blossom, by Wild Mint. Trainer, C. Knight. Owner. E. P. Summerfie Id. 52342 P.Gnda :;-4 l:l2*«faat M HS I 12. 12 13* 12" F Marphy 13 T.dBonar st Isidore 51939 Jefson 1 1:42 fast 15 M8 0 4 4 6 6 6« M Gamer 7 n— 111Ola.l1. Hladaostaa Lively - 1242 Laurel 1 1 :45*f,good 19-5 109 2 6 6 3 Ink- I. Morris 9 Allivan. Kallipolia M Luckett " ".1101 Laurel 1 1-16 l:48%fast 0 102 4 2 3 4 4* 4;! K Harbne S ioldine, Kallipolis Sandy Mac 59976 Laarel 11:43 fast 6 109 3 3 3 3 I* 1« I. Morris S Allivan. J. Overton, Kallipolis 0879 I.-mrel lm70y 1 :46 fast 11-3 M8 12 2 2 2»ii 3» F Cltilettl 5 Coldine. Kallipolis, Allivan BILL RENDERED, ch. g, 5 M 112 By Marco— Forecastle, by St. Angelo. Trainer, W. Hurley. Owner, E. R. Bradley. 52416 P.Gnda S-4 l:12t-fast 40 113 3 4 S I 8*1 L. Lyk.- II Tc-a-l.s. Hid. Jewel. M.Maxiia 14935 Jefson 3-4 l:10 -fast 20 HS 7 8 s 71 77ij S l;oyle Kl War Garden Saner Mose 12329 Church1 3-4 l:13l«fast 11 113 2 7 7 9 9** L, Gantry 12 War Idol Jori.e Luclnda 12144 Latxton PCl:M%faat 31 IM 7 6 5 f* 6*» L Gantry :i loyalist. LerenaMbae, L v Play FLYING ORB. b. g. 4 107 By Orby— Phenecia, by Txoutbeck. Trainer, L. J. Reinheimer. Owner, C. A. Applegate. 62600 P.Gnda 3-4 1:13 last I 149 1 1 1 2*1 H J McTag*t 9 IaaKay. c.irlims.. DwaaaBeaaa 32518 P.Gnda 3-4 1 :l::-.-,fast 0 10s 1 2 3 4* HiA Collins 13. Cinderella. Midian. RaitafBBj 5237J P.Gnda 3-4 l:U%faat 16 M3 5 0 6 o: 5*1 P IPdatckU AleJackll.. Jack Seal LeaJaeT 30036 Belmt t.;f MC 1:l:" 81 110 I 8 7 7 B»* T Davies 14 CumSaii. LocLeaTes OurNephew 19537 Sartoga 8-4 l:13%fnat M8 8 9 lo 13» 13" T Daviea 14 LadsLove, GaaScbeer, DarklliU 18963 Kmpire Ab 3-4 l:10%slow 4 109 6 5 6 C 6*1 A TtbnannIT Itriak. Badjlll American Eagle ■MSB Lmpire Ah 3-4 1 :l ~fast 8-5 K*S 5 5 0 21 2 P Cltiletti 17 Brisk, ;u Bckeet Tattle

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Local Identifier: drf1921012701_4_2
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