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I i i f I t t - r ,. DEMAND FOR HORSES OF ALL AGES LEXINGTON. Ky.. Jaaaary 31. - v.. J. Tranter. president of the Fasig -Tipton Compiiy. arrival hei. last night from New York for the purpose of spend ing the week with the breeders of thoroughbred banes and arranging the schedule of date* foi tie sal,- at Saratoga. Mr. Tranter -ay- the demand for thoroughbred horses of all ages for breeding as well as for racing purposes i- stronger today than it ha- beea a snj tlase within hi- knowledge of tin-sales business Kmil Heras mare, Tripl Crawn, last nigh toahd a ,ol; by Short Ufa-- 11, is i- the third foal, all roll-, at Short Grass Stud Farm.