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LATEST WORK-OUTS AT NEW ORLEANS 520 Ni;w oki. LANs. i.a. January ftl. Bnadaya training gallops her.- included the following: FAIR GROUNDS. Weather clear: track fast Three-Eighths Mile. 516-Biag Through. .T.. 510-Mose .88 ;.l I D.von te :;!»-., N. K. Baal . , .:«• r,ls Dotta s c.est 514-Ophelia W 37Vs 518-Ernest A 58% 510-Ogarita ftl r.ld-Kannie Kriitei . :t« -, 450 -Princess Lou 518-Grace i: :sr... :i:. 1i.tor :r, , ..lull I.urgo.v in- :;;i ,17 Rosa l.c, :;s ..17 I... velo si :tr. . ,ii: Rnaaal lo La Daine :;«. ,i:; Bbeka -M .".17 Marie Maxim. .87% 518 Btaatp II ■ . Mawrcoruu . ..M :i r,ls Trooper BH Mad Sail ftl1 . 512 Wiaw i oaue . Mt Magic Caathj ftg Half Mile. I ..t.i-Aniia Gallup ... •. 503 Ma ry Brb ....81 : 510-Bombasl M% ..10-Nh.i.e :,| ..lit-P.rickley M 511 -Perplexity 18 .".19-C Leydecker ..58 518-Puzzle 52 .iD.-Doiina Boma .58 518-Bcaeater M ; 517-Dalwoad "._•, 518-Biagrose 52% 508-Doctor Bab ...52 518-gtoto ■• 292-Harvesl M 518-8t. Germain ...88 519-lnqairy 51% 511-T*less Beauty, pi --. 518-Kexiah 52 518-The Boy .".1 Ms l.o.arno 58% ..17 Vulcanize 19% .".17 Mad. Gingham.58% 519-Wlttow Tree ..58 ols-Mavoiirn. en . . IK .. Five-Eighths Mile. 515-Brown Check 1:08% 518-Malva 1 n7 515-By lle.k ....1:04 502-Orlova 1:81 Black Watch l:iiy--, ois-uhi Br ..1:08 489-Banga Buck .1:09 511-PnebM 1:08 888-Gray ..aides .1:02% 518-Bataaa I n7 .".I 1 Crayson . . . . 1 :C, 518-Tie Pin 1:03 ..7 Jeweler 1:11 507-White Star .1:02% .iBi-Kultur 1:08% 568-WBd Plowet IHM B17L»veliness . .1 :04% Three-Quarters Mile. -Ihs Alheiia 1:24% 517-Pepper 1 r.i- 517-B. Bind II 1:18% 518-Poult ney 1:17 518-Bd Stone 1:D :;.-, 513-Philanderer .1:21% M-Mlerald 1:18% ."».. Salute 1:17% ..Ill-Iron Boy ....1:10% :,17 -Stigartniut ..1:18 192 Judge Price 1:18 OS-Ran Marcus l ::m r.iii l.ilierator ...1:18 510 -Tony 1 17 488 Merchant ...1:24% ..h; Tout or ...1:19% 515-Miss Muffins 1:14% 514-Title 1:18% ..llP.pry Polly 1:17% Seven-Eighths Mile. .".17 Lucy Kate .1 89% One Mile. 519-Black Kgtat 1 :V 512-Pindar 1 1 1 ; r.17 Cinderella ..1:17 517-Philippic . . . . 1 : til 518-Charlotte C. 1:48% 511-Rimonite 1:47 519-D. of Peace 111 511 -TOSS l]i ...1:tS 517-Galwaj I:Js 518-Tharoa 1 II ..17- ;. Duncan .14".1-. 514-Voormil . . . . 1 :d"::-.".14-t;. Wingtoti 1:48% 518-Yaphaak ...1:45% 517-Kob-i-asor ..1:48 519-Wths Last 1 : i:. Pictor and Ja.k Hare Jr. both showed fine speed, stamp showed good work. Mawrcoron did a fine work. Wadawortlia Last had an easy gal h.p. Tharoii was under restraint all the way. Itnugfl Back ? ems fit and gvnd. Miss Muffins did n good work with a light hoy oa her. Cla-derella cant. red an easy mile. Charlotte c. i-training w.M. Title was under restraint. Black Knight is takiag regular work In good fashion. Mav . uriieeii ha- h.-r speed. Day of Peace arorked easily. 521 SBW OKI. LANS. i.a.. January 31. Todays work. .ins were .-s follows: FAIR GROUNDS. Weather .dear: track fast Three-Eighths Mile. .".of, A/t.c II-.-, 518-New Orleans ftg% 519-Big Noise 88 515 Boyal Back .88% IM-Bemiia ST% 518-Rafns BBey ..:!s 518-Brkak 88% ..17-Shilling «T% 588-Gorson :tti 519-Baddle King .:i7 518-Coraatalk 89% 518-Th*g-a-Liag . :;.iJ-. Farewell Taps r8% 518-Trasty 88% r04-Hampy to 512-Trp|io Bahib .88% 514JKingiing II 87% 483-White Sock- u-, r.U Lit!.- Mandie... 87% 518-Wade McLere 88 510-Marina Coat 88% 514-War Belief ..8T*j IIP .Maize -41 Half Mile. 514-Adveatare ....51% 511-Land Sail .. ,52% 507 -A. Alexander 52% 514 -Mayor t.alviu 50% ..14-Borheration ...".I"-.-. 519-Misdeal 52% 520-Datwood 50% 512-Ocenn Swell .-hi-i 510-Dr. Carmen ..50 504-ggy c. ...." :! 518-Ph-sl Pullet ..".I 514-Bafferiy 54% .".If. -Hidden Jewel lit .-. :.i:i Saini.ilwoo.i ....49% 517-Jackstraw ....31 817-Kweet Patutie 80 511-Jago 51% ..lit-st. Isidore ...50 511 -Jock Scot .I 519-Ktarter r.J- :.iii-Lazy i.m 51% 517-Tarascon 89 514 -Light Win.- .58 505 The Nephew .88 518 Lord Herbert .~ t ;.-. 518-Yoaneed lit-.-, Five -Eighths Mile. .".U4-B. Ilmpson 1:05% 518-Jno. U Bocbcl:17% 520 P.riekley ....1:21 518-Jeon Bulla nt 1:18% opi-l.iown Bill .1:19 520-Kesiah 1 IT 518-Ballyginen ..1:22% 518-Undcn 1:18 519-BiII Beaderedl:22% 511-L. Lougfellowl :21 olieCohalt I_iss .1:20 515-Mytbology ..1:08% 518-C. Marchmontl:24% 511-Midian 1:18 .".is Captain B. 1 :0". "Ill Magic Castle 1:19 519-Cbesty 1:0..".-. 520-N lobe 1:18 5ie-Corke] W. .1:04% 514-Ptato l :lo 519-Dr. Howard 1:95 518-Petrograd . 1:18" 519-Plyiag Orb ..1:18 510-B. Goose . .1:01 ■■-, 518-E. Bbaeher 1KK % 518-Bdragon II. 1:08% 514-Kscovar 1:22 514-Randj II. ...1:19 519-Pita Brutal .1:21% 517-8aadaria ...1:18% 519-Praak Watersl:20% 518-8qneeler ....1:18% 514-tireea Grass ID.-. 510-gourgeman lal".-- 518-Green Gold .1:18% 511-T. Portncaesel:17 518-Harresl Kingl:18% 518-Vlve McGee..l:16% .".is Honolulu Boy 1:18 ".loiltia o.|. I ..1:17 518-Indolence ...1:19% 508-W. .. t Wpl:06 519-Johaa Cmma.l:02 Seven-Eighths Mile. 518-BeBe Bobertsl:82 518-Goldcrest Boy 1:82 518-Ead Man ...1:81 518-Thuuderbird l :.!o One Mile. 519-Amaae 1:47% .".IIP. ;. King ..i:it; 518-Blae Bannockl :-l!l .".It; Social Star .147 518-Biff Bang ..1:44% 510-8] dster ...1:47% 515-Dr. Jim 1:47 .".lit Tom Brooks 1:50% 520-Ernesl A. ...1:44 510-Toaag Adam 1:51 519-Plibtygibbet 1:49 .".is Tip. Witchet.l :44% 518-Iwiniwin ....1:47% 518-Westa I ...1:45 518-Kew. oNeil 1:45 518-Wankeag ...1:45 .".lit Mandalay ...1:48 518-War Ma-k 1 Is -.".I7-N. K. Real .1:48 Trag-a-Liag was going easily. New Orleans did a good arork. Brink is ready. Trusty seems fit an. I good. Yotineeil acts and looks arell. Hidden Jewel is at his be-t. Johns tmma worked easilv. Ihhlie Ki. k.-nha. her is fresh and good. The 1. rts. -lies,, aras iveu an easj work. Brown Mill worked well Vive M.ii.e is training well. Jean Biillant did his work in easy fashion. Harvest King could have gone fas;.,-. Belle Roberts seems good. Kevvpie OWeil Blld Wcstwooll Wolkel c.lsily. Wall keag ins ai his host. Tippity Witchel ami r.ifi Bang wcie under restraint all the way. Dr. .Inn had a. easj •.all. .p. War Mask is training w.-ll. Ernest A. arorked promising!] . *