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HOT SPRINGS HORSES WORK McClelland, Chinn and Martin Youngsters Getting Barrier Wise— Leonardo II. Doing Well. HOT BPBIXGS, Ark. January ftl. High-priced rouagaters la the John Baaford stable, states! nil of foreign lineage, are begiaaiag to step oal thes mornings at the Oaklawa Park curs., ami within another mouth will he showing ■esaething of vh.n may he expected of them later in the snmmei Reason nhonl the New York tracks. "Hetty" Hughes of Amsterdam. N. Y.. is here I.. nssfad in the training and has taken rnstodj .f half the string, while the other half will eoiitinm- to be in charge of Pres toii ranch. Kiiuh.ill Patters, n. w„,. with James McClelland. is in charge of the Bimma-McCleiland siring here, is not lushing their horses. Leonardo II.. Bon Homme and Mulciber are the three Derby aspirants from this stable. All are going well in their early preparation. Leonardo II.. last years Hopeful winner, of course jr,.|S first attention and deserves iC He gallops soundly and is a grand Individual. "The track was never la better condition." said Mr. Patterson. "We have hen here since Xovem her in. I there has not been a day when we arete deprived of working the horses on account of had litions. if coarse, we ar. only giving the horses healthy exercise at this time." The stables of Phil Chinn and William Martin ar.- also quartered here and the horses are doing w Tl s ■ of the reteraas are being given good gallons The juveniles ar,- being Intioduced to racing with a .-are that is significant. The school ing pre. ess takes place afaatoal .very day at oak lawn. The youngsters are led out throagfa the paddock ami to the barrier and are taught to break into action. They are already accastomed to what is wanted of them. Racing men here followed with interest and eon .em the cm iei i.,n in tie eoarts here dariag t ■• week on ni.isani .• chains of men accused of 1 k inakinu. There had been a sentiment against the hand book, which finally culminated in ccBvictions. Whether it will atop the practice remaiaa to be sen. lint there are many people here who favor lacing and the benefit thai accrues to the resort from the racing Itself, bat who arc outspoken in their sentiments against the hand hooks.