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TIJUANA FORM CHART TIJUANA. Mexico. Sunday. January 30. 1921. — Fifty-eighth day. Lower California Jockcj Club. Winter Meeting of 125 or more days. Weather cloudy. Presiding Bteward, Francis Nelscn. Associate Stewards, I. W. Coffroth and Leon Wing. Ktartei Harry llorriswy. Racing Secretary, l.c n Wiag. Racing starts at 1:50 p. m. Chicago time 8:50. 52 681 Filit Rape— 1 Mile. June 17. 191G— 1:38—3—95. Purse 00. 3-year-olds and upward. Claiming. Net value to winner 50: second. 00: third. J50. l-.ipiiv. Odds. Ind. Horse. Wt Kin. lackey. Btrabxbt. 52609 ►Hickory nut 110 1" D Hum 22e-lO0 58888 Brown Bee 110 . B Taylor M9-1O0 .".i ;?8 Bar. Shilling li". J» T McCullough WO-ltSJ 52847 Might LeverlU t W Hinphj 2J6 UKI :HilH Calif Jack 112 J Majestic 1110 100 52008 OldHomcsd 112 8J C Thompson I " . i0!» i;i |; j in 7 u Carter am pm .".•, ; !» Links Lady 186 R T Kindle 52»J Itw .*. l»8 ; Miss Dunbar M " H B Bower : ■ ■» ihi 52559 Sadie Btroup lin « C Whltgton K9i0 lot :,iH~. He, i. is t w in v :, ii ii Jones -io li, kels s ,|,|. sl niiiiiei- paid. Htcfcorynut, 86.40 straight, 88.40 place. . ;;.IM show: Blown Bee, Sl.PO place. show; "Barbara shilling. 83.60 show. Equivalent booking odds Hickoryant. ljo t.. iimi straight, To lo loo place, mi I,, ion show; Brown Bee, Iiki t,, tun pi. i, ,- .... i., inn h,,w . |tai Imru Bhilliag mi i.. luo show. Time, 1:15. Track slow. Winner- B, I. Uarna b. m. T. bj Hessiaa l.yehee Nil. h Su M.,l|e,l Itlailied BJ li f. Hum; brad by Mr, Jamgs B II ..-gini. Weal lo at 1:56. At anal 1 mkrate. start g.M.d and slow. Won diiving; second and third the same. Scratched 52484 Fitzgerald, 11.. Overweights- Miss Dunbar, :. panada; BaaUa sir, up. r.. u*juh FjOCQO Second Race—1 Mile. Jaant 17. 1916— 138—3—95. Purse 00. 3-year- olds and upward. Claiming-. Net value to winner 50: second. S100: third. 0. Rrptiv. Odds. Ind. Horse. Wt. Fin. Jockey. Straight I 58688 . E Tin gn KW 1; B Marin-Hi 180-100 68681*Apple JacklM 2 E Taylor kO-100 58546*Chantreaa -~ V H Rowe WMOO ."i:J5 4 Ktuh Nurse Nl |, .1 Majesth 289-100 58688 Ind. Brigade 114 :, C Thompson 140-109 5267S*Felicitor KC ■- I Hum S989-M9 586?6tJge Vauglm IN T T Miley KI2CO-1O0 58688 Doc.Doormy HK I H Jones tMenl out in entries as Judge David. 82 muiiiels paid, Bvalyn Harrigan, 85.60 straight, 88.40 pine. 82.60 sh-.vv : Apple Jack. 8400 place. SL.SO show; Chain less. .i.s|| show i:.lnivaie-,i booking odds Bvalyn Harrigan. 188 i, loo straight. To to 160 place. 86 to lo show; Apple Jack. KM to loo place, lo to loo show; I inntn as, 90 o loo show. Time. 1:45. Track slow. Winner G. Kellys eh. m. •"•. by Hani-; n , in.-eiia. by Batten trained hy B. I". Wright; bred I y Ml . K C. Marine! i. Weni ... nosl ai -:.o. At p,,-t I minute. Start good and slow. Won driving: second and third the same. Scratched 526tS|Mlss Paraell, 105. 9fi8? Tllh"-1 Race—1 Mile. June 17. 1916— UandvuiJ 1:23—3—95. Purse 00. 3-year-olds and upward. Claiming-. Net value to winner 50; secend, 00: third. 0. Equiv. Odds. Ind Horse. Wt. Fin. Jockey. Straight. 52583 -Audrey A. ■ ■ 1" , Tearain 70-180 .y:.-, ;o T - 112 -- W Hlnphy I849-M8 5S68S*Rifl Sbter 118 C Wblfgton tl648-10n 5S688:Anna SUr 115 ! C Thompson :i .", r » 4 -i •» Col. Xorfor.i ii: R Carter 11580-lon 5S436*B.of the Kn IM 8 H Boa fiOO-lon 58428»Ben Boyal !18 7« B Marinelll IOS0-100 .-ci.-».- 8 Petelua HT R1 E Hayward 7129-Ks ." -it; iivniiia ;• ■"• • J Huntamer . -i."»4."i Tuscan li.. lo R Doiit tMiituel field. |2 mutuels paid. Audrey A.. .40 straight. .00 ph..-. 82.40 show: Tons. 80.46 place. s.-,.oi. show: Blfle si r, fi hi. 85.00 show. Bipiivalenl Isstklng odds Audrey A.. To to 100 straight, 50 to 106 place, jo t. 100 show; Tours, 826 :,, io:i place. i:,o to 100 show; Blfle si ter, field, to 166 sboa . Time. l:444i. Track slow. Wiaacr. Russell « Berrys b. f. 3. by Dtambala L Ahmet te, by KlagBke trained by C. Berry; bred bj Mr. Richard T. Wibma. Went to post at 2:41. A. pest 1 minute. Start -,.s.,i and slow. Won cantering: secoad and third driving. Scratched 52524 Ttajaa, 120; 52358 Tatt, 90. 9RRd Fourth Race—1 Mile. I June 17. 1916— U£tJUi 1:38—3—95.1 Purse 00. 3-year-olds and upward. Claimin?. Net value to winner 50; second. 00: third. 0. Erjuiv. Odds. lad. Horse. Wt. Fin. Jockey. Strati:!.. .V_ .-,f;-; Irish Daisy 119 l« C Whltgton 151 ion ." •:." ;■» Busy Bird ss i" G V.-argiii 140-100 58628 P. Douglas !M V P Martin,/ 890-100 .V-Jfi-K Lavaga ss fl B Marinolli 510-100 58630s* W.M.Baker "05 v- II Rowe WO-100 ."i2.-." 8 Czardom US 6»I W Hlnphy 38SU-100 58488 Laxj Ben IM 7»J R Carter 5D10-100 ."• ;•. : Mar Fuller 188 8 o Willis 2S80-188 ." :J;i8 Black Wiag 112 I • dn. C Tbpaob S750-1O0 SL mutuels paid. Irish S3:,. 10 Straight 813.60 place. ftlO.OO show: Busy Bird, 84-80 place, .s:. -o show; Prince Douglas. 84.46 show. Equivalent booking odds Irish Daisy. 1570 to BHt straight, -".so to 1 in place, too to Bhi slioa . Busy Bird. 100 t,. iihi ph.,-.-. 08 to 109 show: Prince Douglas, 120 to 100 show. Time. 1:44. Track slow. Wilier J. tlreeabows ch. m, 6, h.v Cederstresae Malaspina, hy Bratus trained by J. Greeabnw; bred by Mr. W. J. Tay* n Went to post at 3:01 At post 1 minute. Start ga d and slow. Won drivlag; second and third the same. Overweights Irish Daisy, .5 ponasts; Bam OandRXk With Race—1 1-16 Mile . June 24. U andUOU 1910—1:45—3—110. Purse 00. 3- ycar-olds r.nd v.pward. Claiming. Net valuo to winner ; accord. 00; third. 0. Bqniv. Odds. lad. Horse. Wt. Kin. Joek.v. Straight. 52568* Ola Lee •■ I1 ■ Marinelll 2*-l* 58616* HoraceLercfa IH . D llurn 2*9-100 58585 Vermak Ms .1 Gtase spi-ion .- •»." «.- I, ekiie id IIS !■ C Whltgton 288-190 58688*Sauer 189 .". K Taylor sl0-10n 53676* *Bernic B. 182 6* .1 Huntamer S289-180 *.»4.": U. McCartj NG 7 I! Bo«e ; BO mutuels paid. Ola 1 so. so straight, 84.20 place. 82.80 show: Horace Lerch, 83.60 place, |2.80 show; Vermak. 84.20 s|„,w. Rquivaleal booking odds Ola Lea, 246 to 180 straight, llo to loo place, lo t.. list show: Horace I. ivh. BO to ltitl place. 40 to 108 show; Vermak. 110 to 109 slew. Time. 1:49-,. Track slow. Winner raw for,! A M lys b. f. 4. l.y Assagai Gypsy Adams, by The Cummoaer trained by W*. A. Crawford; bred by Mr. Walter o. Parmer. Went to post at 3:11 At post 1 minute. Start good and slow. Won easilv; second and third d:iv ing. Overweights Hat tic McCarty. 9 ih,iiih|s. 52686 Sixth Raco — 3-4 Mile- First *— **t Los Angeles Highweight Handicap. Value ,500. Dee. 20. 1916—1:11—3—110. 3-year-olds and upward. Net value to winner 61.999; second. 00; third. 00. Eqnlr. Odds. Ind. Iior-e. Wt. Kin. ■ Jockey. Straight. 58311 I.. In Black 112 I B Marinelll tr,7i -l00 58884 Anna Wood 188 V R Denny JlO-100 52439 M.A.Xoonan 115 :;;. t; Veargln 48O-M0 53651 ;.! lk.i;ii,l 107 I, c Thompson 24O-lO0 58611 Hamilton A 116 " E Taylor 1310-19 .Vi."i I -Sedan 117 8] I Martinez f 58884 Gwendola 89 7 I. Gaugel 020-100 SSS64Ike T 1.1 8s X Poden 510-100 58384*Ck ., l.,wn II. :. 0 Willis 381 100 •Coupled iii hotting as C It. Irwin entry. 82 mutuels paid. C. B. Irwin entiv s!:i 10 straight. 84.60 place, .s:,.-jo show; Anna Wo.d. SI so ■ plac-. 93.20 show; Martin A. Noon. in. s 1 96 show. Equivalent booking odds . It. Irwin entry. .".70 to loo straight, 130 to 100 place. 69 to loo show; Anna Wood, 140 to 100 place, 96 c loo show; Martin A. ma, loo t,. loo sboa . Time. 1:14%. Track slow. Winner C. It. Irwins blk. f. -I. hy Boats and Saddle Vankee Tr,,-. by Yankee trained hy c. it. Irwin: hied l.y Mr. Thomas M. Murphy i. Went to post at :!:s. . , |„,.| ] minute. Start -oo I and -low. Won easilv: secoad and third ■ iriv ,i Scratched .".Jells Kratkliii. Ills; 52808 Pyx, 11.".. ov.-i a-elghts 6wi adola, t pounds 5 2 687 sPver»th Race—1 1-1G Miles. Sunshine Handicap. June 24. 1916 — 1:45 — 3— 110. Purse ,000. 3-year-olds and upward. Claiming. Net value to winner 00: second. 00; third, 00. Equiv. Odds. Ind. Horse. Wt. Kin. Jockey. Straight. .v;«. "it .short stop IM l 1- Martines tftO KW 58568 Regreso OK; V B Marinelll t ." -ii." l Sailor MB ■ W Taylor MO M9 52616-Thrifl MG 1 E Taylor 32W-100 53656Jake Schaa 186 :. C Thompson 171 -100 " -;:.ll Veteran 113 i: Hayward 6198 168 3X631 "But. Mountn .■"■ 7- «; Veargrih l-V l»i 52568 Vulcanite ill H i: Graves 1140-10U v eii|,ic.i in betting as c p.. Irwin entry. •VJ matnela paid. C. li. Irwin entry. 83.66 straight, s.i. l i place, 82.60 show: Sailor, M.tW show. lapiiv alent hooking odds — C. It. Irwin entry, so to loo straight. 7o lo loo place, ::o o, loo show; Sailor. Ho to 1 1 Kl show . Time. 2 04. Track slow. Winn, r . It. li wins I, g, ti. b Carry llcrr nana Little Sell, bj tederstnaae tralaed bj . B Irwin; bred bj Mr. -I Howard Lewis. Went P. post .-,i I 12. At posl I in i n ii : .-. Stait good and -low. Wen easily ; s,-. I and third driving Scratched •"■."■•is i raaklta, line ."cyjr, Qlag Well I«7: 53850 Imrnay. W2; r._r 1 f. 1 Water Willow, 85; 53051 Eplpham *, Ml. 52688 Eighth Rare— 1 3-16 Miles. Jali. 1. 1921—2:00- -,—4—107 . i Parse 00. 3-year-olds and upward. Claiming. Net value to winner SS50: IBBBBji. S100: third, 0. Eqnlr. Odd*. In.l. Hor-o. Wt. IiTi. Jockey. Straight. .V2«4!» 1.. Dlno re I.1 I . II Row 53831 Little Utnk lu :• E Taylor " MO St831*Cork M7 B Marlnelli 140-100 58333*Canute 113 t! N Eoden ft 100 S3S8S! 1 ;i I. Slater 106 :• 1 llurn 730-100 andSSS8*Stanley S. M4 U 11 Jones 5161 100 82 mill uii- paid. Le Maasanre, 1. -jo straight. .«:.. in iilaee, s::,mi show; Uttle Link, si mi place, .-•j mi shoa : r,,rk. .40 show. Bnalraleal booking odds i... Dinosanre. 440 t« 100 straight. t7o to loo piaee. ."i i to 100 allow; Uttle Link. Kin to loo place, lo la 100 sao* ; Cork. 20 to 1»m skew. Time, 2:04 ... Track slow. Winner II. Kearney h i . b, 7. by Maximum I Dogma tie. by si. Simon i trained by II. Kearney; ! bred In Prance by Mr. U. II. Iorbiere. in to |»oat at I:.!". At post 1 minute. Start [good and alow. Won driving; second and third the i same.