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FAIR GROUNDS FORM CHART __ NEW ORLEANS. LA.. MONDAY. JANUARY 31. 1921. Fair Grounds! Twenty -sixth day. Business Mens lta dug Association. Winter Sleeting of :;:! daya. Weather clear: temperature 75 . Btewards, I:. V. Smith. M. tiacfarlan i A. C. lieble. Judges, .. B. Campbell and .1. McLennan" Starter, A." B. Dade. Raring Secretary. Joseph McLennan. Racing Mart-- at 2:15 p. in. Chicago time 2:15 i . m.i. *Iadk*ates apprentice allowance. fT nnOQ FIRST RACE— 3-S Mile. Jan. 15. 1921—34—2—117. Purse ,000. 2-year-olds. ♦3 aal00 4lF Maidens. Special Weights. Net value to winner S700: second. 00: third. S100. Index Horses AWt~PP~St% Vat % Str Tin Jockeys Owners H C P 8 58418s KYELYN WHITE 1V4U2 6 :: M Buxton J Dundee ::: .1 4 7-5 :-5 5S544aMAWRCOROX w 115 S 5 2 : P CltilettiElwood ll Stb i .-.". 7-511-109-201-5 BLACK TRACK v 112 a 2 33 2- F smith W R Tolmle N 15 15 .". 2J 53311 DEVONITE w 115 I l r P* J Williams. I Jl Lonchheim 30 25 20 8 I ADOPTED DHTER w 112 II 1 6 5* I. McDottJ II Thompson 20 25 20 s I TOM HARE .IK. w 115 12 7 5] f M Greincr C W Clark :;. 7 4 9-5 9-M 53384 SUXDO w 115 10 6 71 7» .1 RodgesHall Broa 34 M 30 N a ["2540 MARYLAND I ir.i.l.Kv, 112 2 9 SJ 8* .1 W.Mphy Maryland stable s N s :; 7-5 .".-.Mil!* BELLE WRACK n 112 1 S I0i 9J I. McAtee KetselandHerndea 20 25 20 R I 83381 MILES S. w 115 :; 11 91 10* T Rowan Bauer Stable 20 25 15 S I 58844 RED TOM v 115 Ii 12 11= 11 N Barrett Daniel 30 30 20 M 5 52443 BULLY BUTTONS « 115 7 10 l- 12 l ConnUyJ II Baker 20 ■ Si I 4 Time, 12. 23-j, 35. Track fast. Winner B. f. by Zens Miss Oertei. by Handsel trained by V. Block; bred by Messrs. White and Garaett i. Went to post at 2:15. At post :. minutes. Start good and slow. Won handily, second and third driving. EVELYN WHITE, away well and mtving ground ou the turns, raced into the lead at osjee and held MAWRCORON sale during the tin:, I drive. MAWRCORON ran a good nice ami made a game linisli. BLACK TRACK raced prominently all the way. BEYONITE was nadier restraint most of the way and Bnished well. TOM HAUL JR. bad scant chance with the loss of ground he sustained by being forced to race extremely wide all the way. Scratched 52010 Who Can Tell. Ill; 52476 Kiltie Warmer, 112; 52010 Carrie linker. 11°; 52380 Dissolute, ur,: Radical. 115. E_*?__Q__ SECOND RACE— 5 1-2 Furlongs. Feb. 19, 1916— 1:05— 4— 120. 1 Purse ,000. 3-year-__«VO l7" olds. Mr.idens. Special Weights. Net value to winner 00: second, 00; third. 00. Index Horses AWtllSt 4 ■ % Str Fin jockeys Owners O H C P 8 52000 s BE SURE wn 114 8 2 1 L Lyke E R Bradley 6-5 S-513-1U2-5 1-5 52444 * VULCANIZE w 114 10 4 Ill- 1« 2- K CltUettiD Gideon : S 6 7-5 3-5 BTOTO wrlll 4 5 4 21 2| ::♦ N Barrett V ii Fletcher :; 4 3 1 1-2 ;V2»;3! L . Mollis . wa MO 3 7 8" U 4 4i .1 Heupel c j Long i M I :; 7-3 5SS84 WIRELESS w 115 1 2 .", s ; B| J Conley Earuum x- Flaer 12 20 IS i 3 58S81 MARTHA GRAY w KKi 2 . 8.7 5 : .1 .i M*neyR P Marakal] 12 15 15 •" 2 .■,-144 ZAINER wiiin ; i 2 J 2* 7i 7s R RomcllU A Diauawi M 20 08 10 4 52500 SHAMRK FLOWER w 114 6 s :" : 8i s: C Rob son J W .McClelland _ 30 20 8 4 FANNIE KRUTER wn 09 7 1" 71 6] : ; 9»« K Smith .1 W Tat • S 12 12 5 2 -5.7-.M SUNNY WAYS w 100 ."» I 1" M 10 10 F WdstkD Denny 50 50 50 -0 and Time, 233: . 47, 1:003.,. 1:07,. Track fast. Winner— B. c, by Beimel — PresaneUa, by Cyllene trained by W. Hurley: bred by Mr. Edward D. Bradley. Went to i»i-t at i;:4l. At post I minute. Start good and slow. Won driving: second and third the same. BE SIllK. bard ridden from the si.-ut. ■niahed resolutely and only got 1 1 1 to win in the last stride. VULCANIZE, showing the moat speed and taring much ground on nil the turns, tired slightly near the end. BTOTO ran ■ tine race and intoned well. DAMORI8 dosed ■ y;;| mar the end. WIRELESS finished with :t rush. Scratched 52030 Trader. Ill: 52000=Britis!i Liner, 11!: 52444. Surmount, 111: BStwi John Arbor. Ill; 522M Elmabetfa May, 100; 51808 Puzzle. 100; 13065 Hazel W.. 100. Orerweightx Wireless, l pound. Kl9fiQ1 THIRD RACE— 3-4 Mile. Feb. 9, 1913— 1 :ll5—y— 116. Purse ,000. 4 -year -olds UaDt/J. and upward. Claiming. Net value to winner 00: second, S200; third, 00. Index Horses AWtPPStA V»~Str Fin Jockeys Owners O H O P 8 C 1040 * "LANCELOT wa S 108 8 1 V 1* 1" 1- J Roberts W Birnie C 10 G -21 t;-5 51! KK OAKLN BELLE wa 8 102 E I ::- 2" 2* :- II ThurberW F Strauss a 12 10 4 2 r.2854*MARMITE wa 5 104 4 :i 61 41 3| ::• P WdatckW W Rawaon 3 4 1 «-" :;-3 r,-i i»l TEACHERS PET v. 1 M 11 T s- i;- i;- 4ak t Jarvle 1 C Denny 5 8 6 2 1 and2S05* VALERIE WEST wa 7 100 8 8 7 :.- 5 6* J ShelepetaJ 1 Lyons :io :x :;o 12 8 .-• « ■•Dii.N.NA ROMA w t .s v :: 2" 3 I ••- .1 McCoy WaMeek Stable 3| 5 .5 2 1 r»2JT5»ANNA GALLUP W 4 104 12 S in . - s V 1 -I MrseyR V Haymaker 8 VI 1" 1 2 5t#7S»»KIRSTIES CUB wa S MO I 5 01 72 7 x- I. McDottC C, Sheldon 8 12 12 5 : ."477 PLAIN HILL w 1112 1 4* KJ 8* 8* II HarafnHickey Braa 10 10 :« 12 6 51MS*LOV.8 LANE II. wa 4 88 Ill SilOl 10J 10* E Josiah W .1 Jordan 28 80 M 12 8 .-.2477 POULTNEY w 5 103 13 13 11- 11- 11" 11 " M SohwtxSder i: Holmes 12 15 M 4 2 R1207 SAX MARCUS w 1108 3 12 13 ii"i":: 12 .1 Heupel E C Lucas M 15 12 5 q and2134 c ELLWANGER wn 6 MO 7 b 12= U 13 13 L Aron .1 G Chaney 100 1 HJ 1W 40 20 Time. 23V5, 47/i, l:13a5. Track fast. Winner B. h, by Trap Rock— Merry Heart, by sir Modred trained by W. Binrie; bred by Mr. George J. Long. Went to post :it :!: is. At Jiost 8 minutes. Start goad Bad slow. Won easily: second and third driving. LANCELOT showed bigb s| d from the start and. racing into ■ good lead at once, set a fast pace and easily held sway throughout. OAKLAWN BELLE raced prominently from the start and outstayed MAKMITE. The latter was away slowly and Bnished fast and gamely. TEACHERS PET closed a gap. VALERIE WEST ran well. DOXXA ROMA tired in Ike stretch. ANNA GALLUP can do much better When lit. Scratched 52567 Si. Just. 106; .72177 Magikon. 10s; 53180 Financial Rooster, 106; 52000 Jeweler. 103. Overweight* Valerie West. 2 pounds; Donna Roma. 2; Anna Gallnp. 2. PT if £»Q* EOURTH RACE— 1 Mile. Jan. 11. 1916— 1:3745— 5— 106. St. Bernard Purse. Purse OOt/M SI, 500. 3-yeaj--olds. Allowances. Net value to winner ,000; second, S300; third, 50: fourth, 0. Index Horses AWtllSt 4 S ••■■ Str Fin Jockeys" Owner* Q~I1 C P 8 52042 MASTER JACK wr. 110 .". 5 :l 3 3= ::i I3 II HamtnJ E Nash 3 41 41 6-5 2-5 53560 CUT CP WB 1! E 8 V 21 2= 2» 2»* I. McDottR I* Marshall 12 12 10 4 7-5 52057*W1LLOW TREE w 8711 1 5* E S 41 -: .1 McCoy M II Fletcher 8 12 12 I 8-5 1 52587 THE FOREIGNER w M4 2 ; S .■ 5*5 l* I- Smith Sunnyld Stable 2. 4 2.. 7-1";-:; r.2602 WHITE STAR w 107 4 2 l«* 1«* 1| V 5« S Wbla C W Clark 6-6 8-5 7-5 1-21-4 526411 ALCATRAZ w 110 3 4 4- 4 4 6 6 .1 .1 MneyC Buxton 12 15 12 4 8-5 Time, Zi%, 48. 1:1345. 1:40. Track fast. Winner B. c, by Zeus Frances, by Singleton trained by J. E. .Nash; bred by Messrs. White A Uarnett I. Went to post at S:41. At post 2 minutes. Btari good and slowfl Won easily; second and third ariv-iag. MASTER JACK bad lo overcome interference iii the stretch, but raced into the lead in the hist seventy yards and won ,,ii; away. ciT IP ran w« ll. but nls,. suffered from repeated Interference and just lasted for second place. WILLOW TREE, after bring bis, to the stretch, came fast near the end. THE FOREIOXEH was forced back sharply on the lir-l turn, where he met interference. WHITE STAR quit in the stretch after s,ttiliU a good pace for three-quarters. Overweights Willow Tree. i._. pounds; The Foreigner, 2 pr r jr»QQ riFTH RACE— 1 Mile and 70 Yards. To*. 12. 1916— 1:42 /5 -4—113. ,000 Added. OmUt/O 3-year-o!ds and upward. Allowances. Net value to winner 00; second, 21; third, 14. Indei Morses AWtPPSt % 4 % Str Fin Jockey Owner* O H C P 8 53510 INQUIRY w 4 871 C 1 21 2 1 1* i klcCoy Waideck Stable 10 15 15 5 2 53500 i.HIs A. wa 4 MO 2 2 6 7 7 :; 2- II ThurberOMeara Un.x 6-5 7-..ll-ldl-2 1-5 f.3664:BAR. SHANNON wa 7 102 1 7 7 6*1 21 23 :: .1 Roberta G Drumhlller I s 8 21 l 52370s TANTALUS WB 5 140 4 5 ::; 4" ::- 4» I- G Stone .1 R Skinker 41 5 6 8-5 1-5 .■.•. .-.7n SAGAMORE w I : :, 3 t 4 3» ." :■ 6J T Jarvls .1 Arthur 10 15 IS 6 2 f.237 7s PROSPECTOR wn 7 102 5 6 r,- ■"■ 81 7 6" F WdstckJ Heffering 10 15 s 3 7-5 .7-. ii4 BONE DKV a-B 1 1kj 7 2 1- v 4i 61 7 F "Itibtti 1 -■ s Pea body 8 S 5 2 1 Time. 2435, 48L, 1:1343, lr40%, 1:44"5. Track fast. "a. f. by Antpelion Scrutiny, by BaUot trained by ,. li. Keene; bred by Messrs. Keene A Schorl -i. Went to i«,st at 4:0.",. At post 1 minute. Star; g 1 and slow. Won driving; second and third the s,ni, . INQCIRV, *-ell up from the start, pa I BONE DRV on the far turn and outstayed LOUIS A. in a game Dnish. The latter was far bach iu the early running, but Bnished with a rush through the stretch. BARRY SHANNON also closed a gap and Bnished well. TANTALUS tired. BONE ! i;v quit badly after getting the pace to the far turn. Scratched 53068sCrysUl Eord, 100; 52588*Herald, 102. Overweight* Inquiry. 2L. pound-: Tantalus. 1. ETOrjQ SIXTH RACE— 1 1-lb Miles. Fob. 13. 1S15— 1 :44 5— 3—104. Purse ,000. 4-year-O-aefOtJ-A oids and upward. Claiming. Wet value to winner S700: second, 00; third. 00. In, bv Horses AWtllSt , i, j£ str Fin Jockeys Owners ~Q H C~ P 8 .•■;«■;:: RAH wu 7 ion :, 7 8 61 :, 1 l ; stach noots 7-r, 2 n-5 7-bF:! 52571 .1 C. STONE w 8 10S 2 7; i 1J 31 V T Jarvia P, L Baker 2.. 4 I 8-5 7-10 52542 ST GERMAIN » tins l 2 51 8«i 2" ."; 3* 1. Aron V Farrar 6 : I 2. l .-■I.-.SX-krKUW w 6 1M S 5 1» l1 II l* 4 .1 .1 Mp.onC W Hall 8 8 3 7-5 7-10 .-■OK-2:; MIDDLEDEE w I 104 7 . b 2 2" 2J :_ V Wdstcl; Ai Goodpaater 20 38 2b 7 X0!M GRAY GABLES w 111 4 :; 2* 51 61 6 6] X Ever tt "" H Cross 41 .", 5 2 1 r 3180*BERLIN wa 7 106 G i 3 7 7: V* 7s* G Rabin Bauer stable 10 12 10 4 2 52532 MADAM BYNG we. .. 1 sj :, 1 6»* 8 8 8 8 A Gant terM .1 .Ionian 100 li"i NO M 20 Time. 24«.,. 49. l:14:l0. 1:4135. l:48»s. Track fast. Winner B. g, by triffel Miphansi, by Raetmrn trained bv II. dots; bred in England by Mr. Fred erick I lardy i. Wn! to post at 4:28. At post 1 minute. Start goad and -low. Won easily; second and third dnv lag. HAIDER begun slowly and aras far back early, but came with ■ rush in the hist quarter aim, i.ikiii the lead In the htsl seventy yards, won going away. -I. c. STONE was also far back in the Irst ■inarter and moved ap fast In the lust half, but tired near tl ml. ST. CERMA1N ran well and Bnished gamely. KIKI.IX set a 8 pace to the last eighth and gave way. BIDDLEDEE tired. GRAY CABLES had a rough race. prO£*Qf SEVENTH RACE— 1 1-8 Miles. March 14. 1908— 1:51*5— 3—122. ,000 Added. 4-year-OOtJO olds and apward. Claiming. Met vaiuc to winner 00: second. S242: third, 28. Index Horses AWtPPSt k % *i Str Fin Jockeys Owners 0 II C ■ | 02425 XiKA.NOEE 1;! i". II ThurberK f Zollicoffer 2 6~ t 0-5 12 I520I41PIT wb - li • 6 I 2 IonmllyJ PbHllpa 2" :; 13-54 ,2-5 53034Sa BOMBAST wn 4 107 5 , 5" ■■■ I 2 :; .1 .1 M neyF P Lettelller 2 3 7-5 1-2 1-4 ..MSI K"ll ! Mini; w 7 105 3 1 1 l" II 8* !«J J McCoy li J King 15 20 20 7 3 52542 SOLID ROCK a v IM I 4 4" 4 5" 6* L Aron W Smith I 2 6-3 535D3* RICHARD V. v. 1108 2 I J"* 31 3* I1 h T Jarvls Sder 41 Holmes 6 8 7 2 1 Time. 25. 50. 1:15. 1:41. 1:54-;,. Track fast. Winner — ih. z. by Lorenzo — Crowborough, by Crowherry trained by W. A. McKinney; bred in England by Alaj. .1 C. Hartley. Went to post at 1:53. AI posl 1 minute. Start uo,„l and sloa-. Won easily; second and third driving. GRANDEE followed Ktll I-Miil clasel] to the stretch, then raced into the bad with ■ rush and outstayed PIT. The latter closed 1 gap and rami with lu customary rush la the stretch. BOMBAST raced well and had no mishaps. KOH l-NOOR 11 hawed improvement and ,-i a s:o,,i pace to the stretch KIC1IARB . tired. SOLID KOCK »uffered from hiterferettcc. Scratch,,! 5200HHentimental, 103; 52021 Light Wine. ! 7: 53044:Astec. 110; 52501 Coryden, 112: 52444 Counterbalance, 112; 53000 Xewel .. In7: 52034 Jachstraw. 105; 52443 Mark West, Hi7: 53542 i:,,i,|,i,-i Boy, 100; 53065 Kingfisher, 112; 52644 George Duucau 110; 53635 Salute, no; 52645 Biienrlenc 11.