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ii o ! ii ii 1 ■ ■ o 0 o il o l o 0 1 o 0 ."C 0 7 4 ; ." .". - i 1 40 q! ■ 24 4 ; .!♦ ,- 83 ,3 - t. j .ii 0 1 13 ,o Hi ! ;i in 1 Hi [4 10 hi [."; id M :., i0 510 Si1 7 10 in : l i 10 10 ." i0 ~~ ! IMPORTANT MEETING TODAY Stewards of Jockey Club and Maryland Racing Commission to Hold Conference. BALTIMORE. M.I.. Pehraary 1.- Hew tar the -overeignly of The Jockey Club of New York will be permitted to continue over racing affair- in Maryland will Ik- the broad question under diseu- -ion when the Maryland state Raeiag Commission meets the stewards ..f The lackey Clah in Philadei- phia tomorrow. The Jockey "lull i- getMfaily regarded as the autocrat of racing matter- ia mi- country. The racing c..niiiii--ion is tiie dictator of racing in this -tale. Presaaaabiy, from The Jockey Club"- point of view, the idea! situation would be The Jockey SlClab a- overlord, -nave but poient. iron hand in velvet glove: the racing commission as field-holder. powerful but tacitly admitting, if not openly avow hag, allegiance. This conception does not suit the commission at all. however. :.s it demonstrated when the gauntlet was thrown down in the jockey Shilling incident las! autumn. The commi-sion maintain- that it gets its tenure ami authority, not from The Jockey dab, hal from tin- law- of the saverelga st:lre of Maryland. On the assi. nipt ion I hat The Jockey Club is ab-o- lute on turf matters in this country, it should be absolate on such matter- in the several siilxiivisions of the countrv where the racing is permitted — Maryland among them. But the law make- the racing commission arbiter of racing in thi- State. Hence the qiie-tion: Call thei" be two ahaatete rulers in one state: and. if not. which i- going to be the le— ahagtate, so to -peak. I. Kennedy of the racing commission says that matter- will be adjusted all right. The adjust meat* will be -ought at the meeting in Philadelphia tomorrow The racing ceaaaaiasioa has prepared a code of regulation- to govern racing in this state. This i- one of the duties of the commi-.-ion. a- prescribed by law. This code will be discussed at the eon-It fere ace tomorrow, it is aadtimteed that one of iii articles of the code prevent- a Maryland racing associatioa from paying moneys to any oiganiza tion the atate; though approved payaaeata to The Jockey Clah to aaehrl in keeping up valuable record- might be excepted. The appointment by The Jockey Club of a slew-B ard at Maryland Hacks is one of the specify questions to be ruled upon. Indications are that the Maryland commission will -land firm against such appointing power by The Jockey Club. . A