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PARFREMENT LOSES HIS FATHER Tin- noted An-h. Krench steefdoeoose i.clvey l ;r-freiiienl when at Nice was apprised of the death of hi- father, George Parfreaaeot, and immediately returned to Chantilly for the obaeqaies. Iorge Harfreineni wa- an apprentice of W. IAn-on si Malton. and rode with some -iicce-- when -o ar tided. lie then went to Kraiue aa head lad to ;. Mill-, arhea the latter trained for M. M Archdeacon and Jorel. ยป:i the death of Mill-Iaitrenien: assumed charge ..r the horses, leaTing that position to o to Belginm for a time to tram for Count Ribeanconrt. i u returning t.. Prance be had charge of the bursts ..r Coaal Bourbon-Bossy, and prepared Issoudun. which won the Irix de Hruxeiies in I.iui. with his -on. George Parfretaeot, in the saddle.