Fair Grounds Form Chart, Daily Racing Form, 1921-02-02


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FAIR GROUNDS FORM CHART NEW ORLEANS. LA. TUESDAY. FEBRUARY 1. 1921. Fair Or Is. rwenty-seventa day. Business I Men-. Racine Association. Winter Meeting of :::; days. Weather cloudy: temperature 75 . irds. i: i Smith, M. Macfnrlan and A. C. Mil.. Judges, .1. II Campbell and .1. McLennan. Starter, A. i: Hade. Racing Secretary, .lo-eph M I.entian. Racing -tart- at 2 : 1 "i p. m. Chicago time 2:15 p. m.i. Indicates apprentice allowance. K Or"f/hQ EIRST RACE— 3-S Mile. Jan. 15. 1921— S445— 2—117. Parse ,000. 2-year-olds. OsV 4 J*y Claiming. Net value to winner 00: second. C0 : third. S100. ~ Index Horses AWtPPBI Btr Fin Jockeys Owi 11 ■ 1 s . . 525 10* ST AMP IS Il F CltllettiS A Clopton 4 ii ; and-."» 7-10 7, 52580 LITTLE PATSY will II 2* 2* N Barrett W Daniel s-5 2 11-100-201 -a ."»-. .• *; MAD NELL « MO 7 8 4- 3« L McAtee Maryland Stable in IS 15 I 23 52580:WAR RELIEF « in 2 - J WllllamaJ n Loackhalaa 2| 41 ls-51 2-7. 52910 CARRIE BAKER w M0J ■ I" Murphy R I 20 ZS 26 M 3 .".Mini wHii CAN TELL a m E S 7 8 E Pool .1 Mcpherson 4 8 s 2| l , S2919 LAND SAIL w M7J 3 I * 7- i Jackaon C Van Scboick 20 25 25 M 5 52510 LOTTA *, w 107] 7 I I M Garner II ill Broa 20 30 ■ 12 I Time. 18%, 2433. 3G]5. Track muddy. Winner B. r, l | Oraaondali Post Mark, ! Star Saool trained bj s. A. Clopton; bred by Mr. John I E. Madden. Went to nasi al 2:10. Al past :. miaates. Start ;:u" l and alow. Won easily; second and third driv- : ins;. STAMP, snowing the BMSt speed from the start, raced into a t 1 lead :it once and held LITTLE B PATSY safe thn ugh ih« last eighth. LITTLE PATSY liad no mishaps, ran well and Halshed gamely. MAD SELL closed a big paji In the stretch. WAR RELIEF began slowly and waa far back soon after r the start, bul came with a rash when ridden hard. WHO CAS TELL came wide on the stretch tan. i. i I AKIili; RAKER quit. Scratched 52588:sOne Pin. m . Orerweights Carrie Baker, l"... ptmiids; Land Sail, l"..: L..tta c. : I I - pTQry-g f SECOND RACE— 3-4 Mile. Feb. S. 1918— 1 :11.5— 6—116. Pnrse ,000. 4-year-olds s| tjMi 4 JL" and upward. Claiming. Net value to winner 00: tocond, 3200: .hirdlOO. . [ "liiiVv" !i ,r-r- AWtPPSI :: ■ % Str Fin Jockeys "wners o Fl t i» s ? -.i4l-*V.N"SVI.VIA wn 5 MS 12 l - - 1 i I ■• .1 McCoy P R 5 6 I 2 1 .V241!» Till us. NIGHTRwn 7 102 3 I l» U 21 2 T .l.irvis V .1 Reilly G 8 I .V.-»»;7- LIT. MACDIE wn 5 »7 2 I. McDottJ Arthur S 10 10 4 -J ." ?•.:;." PAUL CONNELY v. c, in M 7 S] i! 4 0 I. Morris II Twyman E C E 2 1 .V.-Mf! REPEATER wn 4 M71 I E I II LunsTdFlorisant Stable 41 I 4] 2 1 StOlO [RON BOY a "ill E . :l 71 7: S* R RomelliJ F Baurdette IS 20 IS n :; 5t001=COBALT LASS wn C MS 7 9 7" i;- i:- 7- .1 Henpel A Paletare 3] I ; 52001 MICKEY MOORE wb 4 107 8 II H- » S 8 M Oarner C Smith 15 20 20 I 4 5 2S99*KEZIAH u I io:: S 12 1 1! Oreffory* Qaaaer 21 M 2S M E .•:. • 7 RAFFERTY w i; Via l 2 8 81M4 10 C Jackaon M F Mount SO 40 30 vi •■ SS040*TARA8CON wb 5 101 E 8 :•• n U ll« .1 .1 MneyS A Clopton 8 IS 1". S 51824 FORECLOSURE a 1100 11 1" 10 12 1 12 .1 ShelpetsE K Bryaon 30 M 30 It « Time. 23-»i. 48,5. 1:16";-,. Trnek muddy. Winner Br. m, hi iTaa the Terrible Sylria Dnnbar, by Orsini trained by V. Tranent; bred by Mr. otto Steifel i. Went to post at -A-. At past - minutes. Start c-""l and slow. W Irlving: second and third the 1. sante. CANSYLVIA. well riddea and faTored bj tiu going, followed THURSDAY SIGHTEB close np ,, and outstayed him through the la-t sixteenth. THURSDAY LIGHTER set a ;: d pace to the stretch h and finished gamely. LITTLE MAUDIE raced forwardly for tl* entire way. PAUL CONNELLY finished a ,1 se up. COBALT LASS began -lowly and closed a gap in the strel li. UEPEATER ran well. Scratched 50251 Brink, 03; 52000 Flying Orb, 102; 52001 Old Sinner. ILL- 52415 BUI Rendered, 107: 33073Kiug V ltiine. 115. Overweights Repeater. *_.■ i sis; Mi k y Moore. L: Kesiah. 2: RafiTerty. -: Tara-con. i. — prOfy-fi -| THIRD RACE— 3-4 Mile. Feb. 9. 1918— 1:11V5— 6— 116. Purse 00. 3-year-olds Is OiW 4 JL JL and upward. Claiming. Net value to winner C0: second. 00: third. 00. _ Index Horses AWtlMStU - ~t Str Kin Jockeys Owners rl C 1 s BSMlstROLO wb 3 IS 2 1 lir IJ s McGraw J A Coburn i: I S 2 1 52041 ABLAZE w 4 las 1 :: 45 3 -. 2" G Stack M ft J Low*ateln 21 -21 U-64-3 2-5 50010 *JAGO wb 5 111 9 2 .- V ■■ • il Gregor; t1 Field 2] 18-53] S-5 3-5 52560 HARVEST KING WB 7 Ul 3 I " I i .1 Gmber .1 H Cnode I 8 S 2 1 52100 LUCY KATE w Z 102 7 s tf 8« "- .1 McCoy R :,.,.. 20 SO :0 I I r-Hiii »TRUSTY w 7 M8 1 S S • 81 T JaTTia C R Daly 2] E t 2 1 |52620UNDINE wi M 8 » 7 7 7! 7 l. McDottJ Neuateter 10 20 IS 6 :: 52821 VERITY " 107 8 7 I 9 9 81 .1 Heupel Booker A WhtonSO M 30 10 5 45101 SADDLE RING a 111 5 5 . " - • W HeinchG Knebelkamp 30 4o 12 I I tDtsqualified for foal. Time. 2345. 40% • l:143i. Track muddy. Winner B. f. by Tony Bonero Abrasion, by Smile trained by M. Loweasteia; bred by Estate of t Mr. Francis J. Pons. Wuit to post at :i:i. Al post 2 minutes. Start ;;o.„I and slow. W a-ily: second and third driv- - Ing. ROLO, showing hiii speed from tli - start, sel a fast pace for the going and held on gaaaely through h the stretch, bul was disqualified for Interfering with ABLAZE and finished bleeding from hi- left hind d leg, where he was cut. ABLAZE saved much ground on all the turn- and finished fast JAGO lost much 1 ground by racing wide on the tarns and tired. HARVEST KIM. finished fast. TRUSTY wa- far hack * all the way. Scratched 32604 Troiius. 1LJ: 52622 Hidden Jewel, 115; 52622 Brisk. 168; 52648 Justice GoebeL Mv 52622sThe Xepliew. Ill; 5i487 Pocatello, m--: 52482 Lady Longfellow, lu:i: 5250S Blue Jeans, 108. Overweight* Harvest King. : pounds: Luej Kate. ■:: ITndine. 5: Saddle Ring, ."!. _. 9 FOURTH RACE— 1 Miie. Jan. 11. 1916— 1 :37 -,— 5—106. i American Remount Asr.or.ia-/mi t" " 5*yS 71 4 J~md tion Purse. Purse $ 1.000. 3-vear-olds and upward. C!a;:.:in;j. Net value to winner S700: second. S200: third. S100. _ _____ Index ~~Hor-.-" AVtPPSI , :_- , str Fin Jockeys own.!- _ O li ~V» s _ 52001 POITLTNEY v. | l» 1* 1" M G der A Hmea S-5 8-5 S-5 1-2 1-4 1 52625 LOWELL wb 5 1 I C 2 ll 2 Z* i~ 2* .1 .1 MneyJ M Kunajnater 2 3 3] 1 a ." •:««»." BROOKLAND ■ I lit - " .1 Heup I D McDermid S 8 0 2 1-5 50478 OLD FAITHFUL wb 3 81 5 E S 6 I] I 4 * L. McDottP Dunne I 8 S B-5 3-6 ■ 52645*KINGLING II. wb 8 107 I 1 -! .1 Roberta J P Mayberry 8 la 10 3 1 52445*GLASTOI w I 103 4 3 4- I- 51 8 8 II Gregory i: Kelly vz 13 li 4 2 Time. 25. 4SS. 1:10, 1:43*5. Track muddy. "Winner -Br. li. b] Kni. Mawr Qabjris, by sr. oti- trained by l». Womeldorn*; bred by Mr. Thomas |v i lydel. u to post al 3:30. Al Bosl 1 aiinute. Start r 1 and slow. vi a easily; second and third driving. POULTNEi raced Into a long lead after going a half mile and won under restraint. LOWELL :■ showed the most earl] speed and was easily second beat today. BROOKLAND came from far back in the last qt irter. OLD FAITH Fl 1. had no mi-hap-. — ErOry-j O FIFTH RACE— 1 Mile. Jan. 11. 1916— 1 :37S— 5—106. Brookdale Purse. Purse ,500. 0 Kt*d 4 JLO 3-year-olds and upward. Claiming:. Net value to winner ,000: second. 00: third, l 50 : fourth. 0. Index Horses AWtPPSI •, Str Fin Jockey* Owners o" "ll C V S — _ 53052 1 ITLE M3 l 1 I 1 I I I Heupel J Brot n 8-6 ■: 1 1-:; 1-8 s .Vi«!L TANTALUS wb 5 Ml I I ! 2j 3 :" G Stone .i R Sklnk r 10 12 8 . " r.2065-FAIB ORIENT wb 8 106 3 3 4* i !■ 3= ■ - E Pool I 1- Baker 4 4 4 1 1-3 5258S GRAYSON w S ltl C 4 3 ; i L Morris : Drumblller ■"• 8 4 6-5 2-6 ."••Jiitil GROVE A. wb 4 MO - ■ " "A Richer* kM ll Hirach M0 MO CO 20 10 52570 BESTHOFF a I 110 5 S 6 I S I C Robaoi i: W Moor.- 8-5 5 5 i -5 ::-5 Time. 24-,. 4S4;,. 1:15. l:42i. Track muddy. . Wilier ch. h. by Trap Rock roucan, by star Ruby trained by F. W. Statoa; bred by Mr. August Belmont I. Went to ]i. -t at 3:56. At p -t 1 minute Btarl a 1 and sloa Won easily; second and third drii :, u.z. TITLE was rushed into a long load at an and easil] held swaj for the entire race. TANTALtS ran a t I race and made a game finish. FAIR ORIENT was going fast al the end. GRAYSON was it the worst part of the track for most of the way and quit. BESTHOFF was badly outrun. Overweights Title, 2 pound-: Tantalus. 1: Grayson, 2; Grove A.. 4: Kestliiiff, I. ETO»r-g A SIXTH RACE— 1 Mile and 70 Tarda. Feb. 12. 191G— ls— 4— 113. SI. 000 Added. «3d 4 A Jt 1- ...r-oldb Bad BBward. Claiming;. Net value to winner S700: iccond. S24 ; third. d. 28. Horses AWtPPsl Btr Fin Jockeys owner- o "ll c" r - — 52604 DR. CARMEN wb 9 111 1 1 1* ll I : . i E Pool K L Baker 6-5 8-5 8-5 3-5 out r 2064 WARSAW iriiHN . T T U Garner I. A Broaddua 2 11-58-6 3-5 out at n-L710 FLU ET wb 4 M8 .44 I 1 : :~ L McDottRobaon ft R del 31 S 3 1-61 52274 FLUZEY w 5 M8 2 2 ■ I • ! I- 1 G Stack M and .1 Lowatein 12 lO 16 i: 2 52043 FRDK THE GRTwb 4 •• 15 5 6 I F CltllettiB A Lane 10 2it V. t: J Time. 25. 492,. 1:15. 1:4235. l:472d. Track muddy. Winnet Ch g. bj r- nerges Ladj Kuightl I, bj Knigbl ol Ellerslie trained by A. Thomas; bred M by Mr. Overton H. Chenault I. . i ■ m it a LL-. At po-t 1 miuut - - a I slow. Won handily: second and third urlr- ,. iiiL-. UK. CARMEN, running w ! lu the going, rushed Into a long lead at one- and easily held sway for ,,,. :!. .iri,; way. WARSAW i ••■•: .a closest pursuit and made a game finish. FLIBBERTYGIBBET rai , la Improvii L.UZE quit. FREDERK K THE GREAT was far bm k all the way. it lied 52623 I! •• Portuguese, 105; 52603 Dark Hill, 108. Overweight* Fliu»ej . I |mmu d er«~ rr-g JT SEVENTH RACE— 1 1-16 Miles. Fab. 13. I9ir— L44—3—104. Purse S1JBO0. 3-year r- -tlW 4 JL O old and upward. Claiming. Net value to winner 00: second. 00; third. 00. Index" 11 ■ AWtPPSI • .-Im J. ..lay- Owners 0 li r y s r.2643 BLAISE M Garr.-r W L Drake 6-5 1 62624SSEACH I. NT 111 iva ; 112 14 .1 CltilettiJ A Coburn *J 1 52542 GOLDCRKS1 BO «r •• 112 I 3 «S I Barrttl I elican Stable S M 5 . 1 .".-.Mil M.m; FONSO wb 3 M 7 4 Il L UcDottHuffman and LaneO 8 7 2 1 : .;.■■ u It BIRTHDAY wn I 111 2 I * iJ i1 5" S ll LunsfdFlori.sant Stable 11 7 t 2 i 5543 ! .i:i BRB wn 3 96J 8 » 8« 8* 8 S N Everett G Peteraon 20 20 8 1 52301 MAYOR GALVIN wn ." 107 I 7 7J 7 I J I» J McCoj I. K I ■ M 0 12 I ."3 182* PEGGY " wb I MO .:;.- v P Lot • I Knebelkamp 20 ISO 30 12 6 52317 TOM ROACH wb 3 : "_•• 9 9 9 9 9 • M - hv C W Hall 20 23 20 8 I Time. 24V 0»H, 1:10%. 1:43-,. 1:51«5. Track muddy. .i • . b] Box— Domino Xoire, by Kingston trained by L. Drake; bred bj Mr. Waltei ,., Shoa alter i . Went to post at I 30. At po-t l Btiantea. Start good and slow. Won driv lag: second and third the if uune. BLAISE, well ridden a*a saved under restraint to the last quarter, where he raced into the lead I with a rash, bat had to be riddea bard near the end to outstay SEARt 11 LIGHT HI. The latter ran i good race and a-as goina ti-t at the end. UOLDCRE81 BOY rame r.i-t through the last eighth. Mi; FONSO Unisl ■ • :: BIRTHDA tireil lie., i sel the part t the far tain ami qui! badly. Scratched :,l..W Will o tls WI p W 52235 i harles A r rne, :i7: :.-j"ti7 Yapltank. Hh : :..:i p; Kec rel ry, BO; 52446 .-!••• I ler, 111; BO: 51180 Mac H ltd 52600 M gne Lmd 1 1 ■.. -I .1 astraw, 112; 52623 alwaj mV; 32130 Pladar, Ki" Overweight is Marj Fouso 2 pouadsj Mar; Brl i1.- Ton Roach J.

Persistent Link: https://drf.uky.edu/catalog/1920s/drf1921020201/drf1921020201_4_1
Local Identifier: drf1921020201_4_1
Library of Congress Record: https://lccn.loc.gov/unk82075800