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. I . at of . J la . [ « a , I 1; I 1 « I • o of I ,, u t ; is CARLITAS FIRST BORN WINS Filly from Australias Great Race Mare Takes i Her First Purse. The fir-t foal of thai grand old AaatraUao raring mare arlita, I fiily by Lfawere named Linita, won the fir-i tin t askfaag at the Boaehill course . s; dney. N. s. W.. last i tth. Carlita was one of the beat mares thai erer ran Australia, her soecesoos oa the turf Including Victoria Norember Narsery, Victoria Derby, dak-. Champioa stake-. Pisher Plate. Loch Plate, Kings Plate, Au-tr.ilian Jockey club Eaater stakes. Gran-than Stake-. Kandwick Plate, Craven Plate, Rose-bill Gaines and Williamatown Cup. These i••- ! lories abou that Carlita was in the first flight from mile to three mile-. Carlita i- by Charlemagne II. Cooroooe, by -Gipoj Grand tVtroaal, by Medallion. a grand ] -on of the Blighty Mu-Ret. the founder of the treat i line of stayers. Her -ire. Charlemagne II., is by -the peerless st. Simon Perfect Dream, bj Morion i-ou of Borcaldine Rosebud. The : wealth of stayiag blood in Carlita- vein- is fur- ," tier enhanced from the fact that her dam. our ""i-- i- a granddaughter of Grandmaster, the sire " Ensign, Carbines cooqocror in the Victoria " Derby; Highborn, Gibraltar, st. Leger; Paris, two i Canlfield Cups, and Australian Jockey club Metro- f politan, and oilier high-class horses. Besides win : niiiK the Sydney and An-llalian Cups. Highborn won : :■ the Viceroys Cop in India twice, and was perhaps ." Graadmasters greatest stayer, ti gh what Ensign ." would have been had lie not broken a fetlock in tb Melbourne Cup of lsss |,rmi 0 My; ilU, Hje fact thai he was able to boot Carbine in the Derbj .i sofficient recommendation of his merit.