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- . « V Ii a I I. J ■ i . ! ] i : ," " " i f : : :■ ." ." , ; I a t ~, « _ I ■ .1 -1 J 5 -1 ■ I I - 1 j « B t 8 •" 8 •" I s , , , ., a " B HAVANA FORM CHART HAVANA. CUBA, "TUESDAY, FEBRUARY 1. 1921. Oriental Park. Pifty-sereath day. Cuba -American Jockey and Antti club. Winter Meeting of KM days or more. Weather clear: temperature 90 . Stewards, J. Hachmeister, c. n. Laasdale and L. .1. Bruea. starter, .lame- k. Milton. Racing Secretary. M. Nalhan-on. Ka« ins; starts at 2:80 p. m. Chicago time 1:37 p. m.i. Indicates apprentice allowance. frOrjQrj FIRST RACE— 3-4 Mile. Jan. 8. 1920—1:11—6—102. Purse S7C0. 4-year-olds and 0fO«70 upward. Claiming. Net value to winner 50: second, 00: third. 0. ~ ~ " Index Horses AWtPPSt , sir Im Jockeys Owners 11 C 1» S 5SS77*OBGOOD w S 188 * I •• - l"-l J Francis WUlhuns Broa 1-2 1-2 1-2 1-4 1-8 .- II«S II. M STEVENS wa 5 113 E 3 I 41 3" i:1 1 Fletcher G K Allen bi ri 12 I -_ 53332s DUKE RCFP w 5 113 I .". SJ 51 ."•-• 3» A 4 4 4 8-« 52873 SHORTCHANGE w 4 113 1 S I 7 7- I J Ptta M S.if-rt I I s :; 8-5 53834 JANICE LOGAN w 4 188 :: 7 Bl ■■ ■ P Wilson H i; Wo. ids 81 25 23 In •"• 82834 PRINCE OF COMOwa 8 U3 4 I V. :: 41 ,- C Barnes T Hodge 3] ■: :. 1 I-! AL PORTER wa 1 187 7 s 7 v x 7 P Merimee W R Coe N 10 18 I 2 4041« SURECET WB 11 118 - 1 1 V :- 8 P Welti r h G Woods 38 M M M •"• Time, 23, 47-5 1:19. Track fast. paid, Osgood. .88 straight, 83.88 place, 82.40 -how: Harry M. Stevens, place. Sli.7u show: DufYe KulT. 82.B8 show. Btioiraleat booking odds n- I. 83 to 100 straight, 88 to 188 place, uu to 188 -how: Uarrj M Stevens. 741 to inn place. •_:.. to 108 -h..w: Duke Rug, in tn 1»mi show Winner Ch. -a. by Uarry Herrmann- Ostra, by Hanover trained by P. J. Williams: toed by Mr. George I. Widen. II. Weal to post at 2:31. At peal 1 minute. Start good and slow. Won easUy; second and third driving. OSGOOD was mred until . n the la-t turn, where be moved up rapidly and. easily taking the lead iii the la-t eighth, woa in a eaater. HABBY M. STEVENS ran well and toisbed fast on the outside. DUKE lit IK eio-ed .., gap and ooisbed with a rush. PBIXCE OF COMO quit. BUBEGBT showed the most early speed and made the pace ta-t to the stretch. Scratched 52858 Orderly. 105; 52838 Kl oronel. nr- 52182 Senator James. ti:t: 52858 Oarboge, 113. KrOOQfT SECOND RACE— 5 1-2 Furlongs. Jan. 24. 1917— l:0»Vs— 5— 102. Purse 0oT_ 3-year-1J £i3%y 4 olds. Maidens. Claiming. Net value to winner 50: second, 00: third. 0. Index Horses AWtllst , Str Fin Jockeys Owners i n ___ 5281S-FLETWHIGH wa 113 3 7 7". 7 " » 1* F MerimeeP A Bolin a 28 28 8 I 52 5 *JULIEANNE wo M8 1 I 9* 9* • S 1 R l..a.-tr.l Kennelly - - 2 4-6 2-J EXPERIMENT v no B E 8 1 H :: W Kebtay E Ceblian l I 4 8-3 1-5 59913 OUR jack a US ii J I i v i ■• W Crump H blin i lioai ji io io io -i 2 .-.HVVTAl.lAT w no t 3 V V 23 Bl B KenndyM GoldbUtt : 2 2 1-5 2-i 50881 f»A COLA « lo_ i i |M !- i i i. Gordon A I. Austin 10 18 1 t ! r-2813*SHORTT*S FIRST w J8 1 g Bj " V T- F Wilson C K .Moon- 10 10 M 1 ! 52853*KEXTMERE a 87 t 5 S" a Est :i •_ gs f Burns Ktmere Ktn sta C 7 7 -■ 8-S i:i." +.M ISS H1LARITT a 185 8 18 18 18 10 :i- "■ .1 Francis .1 I, Paul 18 1J 11 S -1 52 ."»" I MISS DIXIE v, .10:: io II 11 11 11 in F Hunt .V B Thompson 1!0 2 20 8 4 52458 MISTER JIGGS v 188 7 1 4" ::"..". Pul.up.R McD*tF L Leydecker I M 18 I 2 fMutuel Held. Time. 2245. 47. 1:013-,. 1:08. Track fast. nautoela paid, Plewhigh, 4.40 straight, 3.50 place. .58 show: Jolieaoae, s:;.mi place. .88 show: Lxperinicnt. .98 -how l iiiivaleni bookiag odd- Flewhigh. :;i_n to 100 straight, ln7.". to HH place. :rj:. to 188 show; JuUeanoe., tin to 188 place, :.n to inn show: experiment. 185 to 108 -how Winner B. f. by Assagai -HighBown, by Peep aBay trained by p. A. l.olin: bred by Me-srs. A. I;. Hundley and Son i . Went to post at L.".7. At jio-t 1 miiinte. start K"" and slow. Woo dririag; ucrnod and third Use sain.. PLEWHIGH began slowly, but closed a biu aap and. rachag into Use lead in the la-t sixteenth. Just la-ted Ion;: eUOUgb to win. .11 L1KANNL also dosed a Mr Rap and came agaia al the end after being bumped in a mix -an la the la-t sixteenth. EXPERIMENT anisbed with a rush. MB9TEB J1U :S apiieared to bore been crowded BKalnst the fence, -tumbled and all but fell. Hi. II was pulled up. COCA cola -.t a fast pace and raced TALENT into defeat, tbea Im.Hi quit. Scratched 52575 Helen Lucas. 188. ET«J £»QO THIRD RACE— 5 1-2 Furlongs. Jan. 24, 1917— l:05.Vi— 5—102. Purse 00. 4-year-«3fOt70 olds and upward. Claiming. Net value to winner 50: second. 00; third. 0. Iadex Horses A Wt PP.SI _ , str Km Jockeys Owners II c P s 525.11 A.Hli N EAGLE w t 188 1 ."- 4s* . .. | « i; Barnes B Mock 2 2 2 4-o 2-5 58815s •PERIGOCRDINE w 6 181 1 l 8 V -- 9 T Borna Ktmere F*m Sfa 2] i" i 1 1 :; 32834 5FATT ACCOMPLI wo 4 hM I 3 1- l» I] :- F Hunt i; M Bidge 8 8 S 2J 6-3 52534 IHKNIU w m ill 6 I 7 63 1 P* R Mi D*ottW B Finnegan 8 B I " 8-8 52515PAS DE CHNCEwo 7 1H 4 2 I F Merimee W R Padgett 14 io 10 1 2 52815*KEWESSA waa 11 183 2 4 Bl 7 6] 9* 1. PenmanW L Oliver 15 IS 1". 6 :: 2585* LUCIE MAT ar» 4 .7 7 7 ; 4- 7 7 P Wilson i; Sir. w bride;.. :: :, ",; ii-:, 7-l"i 52838*POMERENE o " M8 S Refoaed to go. R !. • a ■;• rArmonia Stable :; 1 :: l 1-: Time. 23. 46, i:0023. l:064s. Track fast. si muttiels paid. Am.rieaii Eagle, 8.48 straight, si. so puce, .08 -how: Perigoordfaae, .28 place, so. lo -how: Pail Accompli, .08 show. i:.iuiaion; 1 king odd-- American Eagle, Iju to Km straight, I4ii to Kin place. ..ii t,. list show; Perigourdine, 180 to 188 pUce, 7u t«. Kmi show; Pail Accompli, ."n to Kk» -how. Winner h. h, b. The Manager Star Cat, by Star SI t I trained by T. Smith; bred by Mr. Thomas C. McDowefl. Went to pool at 8:25. At pool 1 minutes, start good and slow for all but POMERENE. Won driv-Ing; second and third the same. AMERICAN EAGLE, close np from Hi. start, saved ground oa the lust turn and. in a la-t tmi-h. wen la the la-t stride. PERIGOCRDINE ran a good race and outvalued PAIT ACCOMPLI for second place. The latter -. I a la-t early puce and tired, but held on resolutely. POMERENE wa- fraetiou- al the barrier and refused to start. HOCNIR ran well. LUCIE MAY quit. Scratched .".l.".77 Pirsl Consul, 102; 52513Clark M . 186; 52514 Mather. 108; 52815 Pickle Paacy, Kt9. Overweight- l.u. i - May. - pooads. ftQQ FOURTH RACE— 3-4 Mile. tJan. 8. 1920— 1:11— G— 102. Purse ,000. 3-yearolds and «3 £A3*y*y upward. Allowances. Net value to winner 75: second. 50; third, 5. "InTf.x Horses AWtllst _ . % Str Pia Jockeys Owners " O H C V 8 ~ 52576 THE BLUE DIKEwb i M G 3 I R McDottEl Morro Stable 4 5 5 ~1 I 52474 RIVERSIDE wo 7 188 3 2 2* 2» 2l 2 A Pickens Armonia stable 7-5 7-5 1 1-21-4 52482 ASSUMPTION wa S 188 1 4 1* |s» , 8 .1 DomickJ s Whatb-y 7 7 7 - • -.". 52368 BETTY J. w 1 M 4 6 ! l- I K Wilson l Hodge I 1" 18 I 2 .-,».-.- ! I :. OF ELIZTOWNwa a 111 7 7 I P 1 " .1 Hotfler T Hoffler 3 3 3 1 1-2 .- ■.»;:;; REDSTABT a 6 M8 1 S 64 7 6J ■■_ 8 Boyle J .1 McCafferty 58 58 56 88 M .--i.-»li PIE wo 4 HPJ x l G .."■ 7 7 c. ManganO B Van Winkle ii is 15 i; 3 52554 FURBELOW a I 1 7 G Wheeled. B KenndyM Gohlblutt 1 J .. 4-5 2-5 Time. 222,. 40. 1:1135. Track fast. sl mutuels paid. The Blue Duke, 4.20 straight, 3.18 place, .46 show; Rirerslde, .26 place, tto.uii -how: Assumption, s.YK» show. Equivalent booking odd- The Blue Duke, lHu to Imi strabzht, 555 to 168 place. 230 to 168 show: Riverside, 00 to Kmi place, oil lo 100 shoo ; Assumption, 155 to 108 -how. Winner Ch. k, b. Duke .1 Drmoud Blue Ball, by Hastiags trained W. Browu; bred bj Mr. Joba W. Town-eiKll. Went to |...-t at 3:50. At post :. minute-. Start ■ 1 and slow for all but PUBBELOW. Weo handily; second and third driving. THE BI.lE DlKE raced up to the pacemakers on the stretch turn d, coming la-i through the stretch, ivax ruing awaj at t! ml. RIVERSIDE forced a terriflc pace for Bve eighths and |M___d ASSI MPTION In tlie lost sixteenth. The bitter showed great -peed in noes making, but tired. BETTY J. Bnisbed la-t. BELLE of Ll.IZA L.L I II H»WN begaa slowlj and closed a gap. PI RBELOW win ■!..! when the barriei was sprung. Ovenseights Th Blue Duke, _ pound-. RrOrrhdh FIFTH RACE— 1 Mile and 50 Yard-.,. March 6. 1918 — 1:41—5 — 117. Purse 00. *J *d 4 VrvP 4-year-oids and upward. Claiming. Net value to winner 50: second. 00: third. 0. Iloises A Wt IP SI , , sir 1 in Jwkey Owners u ii i p 8 52618 PUNCTUAL w I 57 2 I F Wilson It D Carter 6 6 6 2 i .- ■!».-»« i ! i PP KWii.i. wa 6 188 i t I 2 i r :-i. i: Barnes R Groves :". .". " i • -.: 52618WILFREDA w i 181 3 3 5» 1 I 3 R Lca terW Fenwlck 6 M I I 52634 AIGRETTE w5M I !» I I. Penman G Price 4 g 5 2 I 52587 BIERMAN wo 7 149 1 5 I 1 I G a R McLhlwE Alvores 8-5 S-o 8-5 3-6 1-: 52578 MISS PBOCTEB we 5 165 E I lI !■* 2» :. G A Ptckena K L Fitagerald 7-5 7-5 84 1-2 1 1 Time. 2335. 47"s. 1:13, l:arfu, 1:4240. Track fast. su n u t n.l- paid, Iun. tuai. 7.68 straight .86 place, .86 -how. Whippoorwill, 16 place 82.88 show : Willi al.i .jn -how . Lliiivah nt km;: -Punctual, 756 to l"w straight, 1". to KKt puce, 85 to Khi -how: Whippoor- will. 109 to Khi place, I". to KMi -how: Wilfreda, •-•;u to Km show. Winner it r bj Payette— Consistent, by Galore trained by B. 1». Carter: bred by Messrs. Morris 6. Waldenl. Went to i.o-t at 1:15. At poat 1 niiniile. Start good and alow. Woo arising; SCCSOd and third the "a IlAi TlAl, was outrun to the stretch turn, but came through fasl on the inside and won in the la-i -tri.h WHIPPO0RW1LL swerved out in the stretch and iierhaps etsald ban v..n had hi- rider bees abb- to keep him straight WlI.FREDA wa- -, r, when going to the post, but Snlahed fastest of all IllERMAN ran p ly. Miss IRlHTEB unit in the la-t .purler alter -ettinu a greal pace to near the last turn. Scratched 52880 Attorney Muir. K 7: 52674 Ubadames Ki7 52834 clan Bvothe, 186. Qverweifhts Wilfreda. 1 pound. Err r7f-g SIXTH RACE-l MUo. March ?3. 1910— 1:3?.-,— 5—105. | Pane 00. 4-year-olds and •3 4*4 I Ul upward. Claiming. Net value to winner ?550: second. 00: third, 0. lnoe liMM-s i !•;■-: Str Fin Jockeys Owyn • li I 1» S 88587 A.LLIVAN « I l".", t 41 lJF Wilson W M Sheedy ! 2 2 4-B 2-6 7.217.. HARLOCK Ml • : 2* U l» II ." • E Barnes .1 11 Moody t i i I I B2577 BYRNE ivtSiM «; 3 8" ." . B Kenndy Ronedale Stable I 4 4 8-5 4 1 5*588 * .li.i: 1. Ill i: .". 107 .".7 7 M i. P Baxter 11-2 B85S7 All SMOKK v. 7 107 1 I • I 8« 7; G Mangan .: Reatle 15 12 i.VClKilAn.A ■ n 4 MS I I l I " ■ F Hum M i: Thompson It 10 8 3 B-s .".." " 7 I K. A a a MS 2 Jt 8J 7 7 6] 7 A Pickens Artnonia Stable t 7 7 38514 ARMISTICE ■ I U3 :■ I I ■ ■■ i i .1 Cmpbell Florida Stable M M 14 i t 58910 POLAR CCB ni: l 105 8 0 4 S 9 9 » H Boyl I D yl 1" M W I J Time. £5. 48!5. 1:19%, 1:39%. Track fast. sj mntuel* paid, Alliran, .80 straight, .10 place, 13.00 -.••„. Harlock, .10 place, .70 show; B] me. 1 1.90 show. Eq nival nl I nking ■ Id Ulirna. 200 to 100 straight, 105 t ■ 100 place, 50 to 100 show; Harlock, 133 i | to 10S place, 83 t-. 100 nbow: Byrne, 143 to 100 Rbo« Winner Br. i. by Radian Washerwoman, bj Baria Mor trained bj ■:. w. Padelferd; bred bj Mr. Heary T. Oxnard. Weal i" pes I al 1:40. Ai post ■" minutes. Start Rood and Mow. Won easily; second and third ilriv- i . inc. ALL1VAN -!ipp. d through on the Inside when entering the stretch and beW HARLOCK safe nil ! through the last sixteenth. The latter set a Fast pace nud Uuaa In the Bnal drive. BYRNE i ran ■ r I race throughout. CANDLE LIGHT tired. ALL SMOKE closed a big rap and Baisaed taal on i I the »»i t-i. I*-. Scratched 52475 Locust Leaves. 08; 52850* Americaa Soldier, 100. Overweights Polar tub, S pounds; Armistice, 2.