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TIPPITY WITCHET EASILY * _ Has No Trouble in Capturing the Fair Grounds Feature. ♦ ■ Warm Weather Returns, but the Track Is Heavy and Surprises Crop Up. — i — 8 tUX J. I. DKMPSBT. i NKW OHI.FANS. I... . February 2. Tippitv Wit - ehel returned to racing this after ,. after a brief let-up. and showed all his oldtinie gead farm by the bapresaire fashion in which he scored in the mile ,588 feature. Tailor Maid landing in second place and Columbia Teim third, with I In tor furnishing a surprise hv his failure to g-t a portion of the pone. Uppity Witehet was i an oatstaadlag choice, but ptctor did not lack for -Uliporters. ; Th.- lightly weighted Columbia Team dominated he early running, with Ii.tor his closest follower but Karrett had him in the deepest going and tie end ot tbree-qaarten found him done and willing to give ,, ,„,. Ttpplty Wii.het. on the ,tlier hand, alter following under resirainf to the last aaartar moved », .piickly and. taking the lead when an eighth out. had no difficulty in outstaving the faat-: i ■■•iiiing Taih r Maid. IniproMil weather again restored the full attendance this afternoon, but the track was in the worst order it has beea iu during the nccetal racing term. I he sp.nt. however, was interesting, an al.s, n.e ol rough riding and smaller fields bein eoatributiug cans.- t., „ mon. wholesome aspect An outstanding -urprise of the afternoon came twith the running of the Seconal race, in which Me Mora was again a favorite and failed lamentably, landing ontsMe of the placed ones. Hut again her deteat was dl.e to bleeding while the race was in progress. si„. was well in front at the time of the mishap. The winner here turned up j„ the ■uiildi nly Improved Flibbertygjbbot. with Herald in second place and i.reeu Crass in advance of the oth-r-. Jag.,, which was raaalVend prominentlv. iiolted on th,. stret.l, turn, causing his elimination rbe livonte opened anspicionsly bv making Besbl the tarerite for the first race and he won after a sharp drive from Mar.nite. the early leader with Serbian in third place. Hurgovne had a rough race in the sin tch and might have been second but for the interferon..- They had a rieee c.,n j,, the third rare when Bnnaaf. at pnUhittre odds. j„st managed to get ;," ""■• overhaul Johns ,„,„„ ,„,. „„. •■"■■,r " nwrl bis best skill on Baaaaf. bat he was not call,,! ,„, lor much effort to land Honolulu Hoy. th.- winner of the fifth race This horse showed remarkably improved form over his last race and galloped away from the others j„ the slietch to win from Master Hill and Bonce Ioultn.y. winner of the BemoUBt nee vesterdir *"" •" " "" «ri «f Mallions now owwal by the g.vernmeiit. The army offi.ers also took masted, a starter in the Beaseanl race f,..- rbe regulation -u,n and the eight bones that thev bave -i.iired will be -hipped to the It,,,,,,,,,,, depaH ■n roil Ken... Okla.. tomorrow. •bckiA Andy Schuttinger wa- an arrival todnv ":" California, when be put in most of the wiiit.!-. lie i- ben lo join .lame- McClelland Hi will have with him for Hot Springs next Sat-»" ■■ to as-;-, iii L.ettill : ready the extensive ii.inil ..r horses owned by Simms ami MrClellaad will.!, aie wintering al Oaklawi, Trainer Tom Shannon has hegna aeliv,- Iraining "t hi- good colt llnribus and intends t,, have him a starter in the Kentuckv Derby The colt is stabled at Jefferson Park and has been sent aer-eral brief gallops at a -low pace. The program book for the first eight ,Lavs of :raring at Jefferson Park was distributed to owners toda.. Ihc minimum pane i- 87V8, with a si iiimi f- a, tire daily, excepting on Saturd.-n s. „,„.,, ,|„. feature race calls for a purse of .si :, m Rustler which has I ,, barred |r -laning on ■ccounl of bad post bebarier. began well win, the others -tarting in the sixth ran art prored best winning with ease fioni Laadae Wvnne .-,,..1 John Arbor. Jarvis. o„ v..,|k ]1 ,,.,, ,,s „ r.s||,t — ,|jlr involved in a mix-up. Fight Wine, which finished third in the bttw 1 ,;-,m W:IS rtata»ed h-v A- M- Walle for ,388 Ualle was re|,resented in the race by Itluebaiinoek the w inner.