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w CARLITA GREAT AUSTRALIAN RACER The Australian mare Carilta, wbeee first foal WOO liis first -tan at Sydney. . s. W.. last month was a smasher in her day. la four reara Carilta won nearly 890.808 at all distances. H.-r greatest performances were in leag distance racing. Here is a record of the mar. s racing career: Carlita. br. 1911. by Charlema-ne III.— Coiironne. by Gipsy Grand. Y"" - 8t». 1st. Id. M. Flip. Amt. ■81 1 -j s 2 :, ,, i s 4 ;4", 1!,: » "; 8 i .-. 4 irflva »"• 4 1« •-. 1 :t 7 82.550 i1" •- ■ 1 1 2 4 ji.T.M Totals 4 .... i- H o in it; ssr» ir,n