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| i 1 , i ! I j ! ■ : : ; : ■ , . i SEVENTH RACE— 3-4 Mile. 3-year-olds and upward. Claiming. Dec. 20, 1916 — 1:11 2-5—3—110. SWEET APPLE, b. f. 4 107 By Sweep— Swoet Charlotte, by Ingoldsby. Trainer, W. M. Ryan. Owner, H. Tullett. 50180 B.Bonts 1 lShvy M-C Ml I 4 3 I 3- 5"! K Harbne 7 Pierrot. N.Mtleyhright. DragOOM 50117 B.Bon5ts I l:44%aIow 4 9063111*liE Harbnt-11 Trackstar. J. A. Clark. LeBnlufr- 500-24 B.Eonts I l:4l-»sgood"5-10 MB 8 S 7 5 V I -J J Drayaf ■ May W.. Pierrot. Lotaan Man BBB fonght 1 1-M 1 :M%alow 17-M Mill 1 i* 3» J Dreyac n Pit. gyrraan, T T MrManaa DELANCEY, b. g. 8 111 By Rock Sand— Delution. by Meddler. Trainer. B. E. Graham. Owner, B. E. Graham EMU Tijuana i ;i i M -.-low 15 :i7 s1- K Hayu B W.Mgaanery, W.Maek, L.Benek SMM Tiluana B-g l:01" 4. 113 4 V. Ilmihy g OertmdeB., Biposta. TlityScven 52242 Tijuana 1-4 1 IT-fast 25 117 63 K Chiavta 8 John.Ir.. Deefchnad, Privatcp.-at 62171 Tijuana 1 1:11. 21-5 115 ::: B ll.iywd g BnnUaet AaBrtJ K. Mi-.I-nell CONCHA, ch. m. 9 99 By Albula— Miss Freda, by Baliol. Trainer. E. E. Major. Owner, E. E. Major. 52491 Tijuana 1 1:43 fast ll-M 113 7-, N Poden li PteytMng, Manaie, -Mediate 52S78 Tijuana lmTOy l:4£ttfaat 4 Ml q C Whitton 7 St.lcliff. AreyK.. J.Mu.-lilel.a.h 52: lo Tijuana im70y l:M faal ■ 113 A* N Bodea IT flhr aaaBaah. Baner, Baby Slater BBB Tijuana 11:43 fast 7 MB Bn c Whitton ii Eaaawen, BaiWBlaa, MkaWeUa WOODIE MONTGOMERY, ch. g. 8 106 By First Chip— Duchess of Montebello, by Banastar Trainer, J. Nattress. Owner. Rich and Perkins. 1 Tijuana 5i f 1 :0!t-..- low 13-S MS 1 B Taylor -W Mick. Lit. Heach. Killv Joe 5.52 Tijuana 3-4 1.17 slop 14 loti 4- B Tavlor 7 Deckhand, Ola Lee. Yukon 52462 Tijuana 3-4 1.1 5% slop 11 111 4 R Carter 7 Deckhand, Vufc"ii. Bens Wing 52366 Tijuana 5V i 1 M goadH BB I" N Foden » Clenrlaka, Or.King. g/alt.Macfe NEG, blk. g, 6 111 By Orimar— Lulu M., by Maaetto. Trainer. J. Coffey. Owner. T. G. Morrla. PMM TTjnana 3-4 l:16%slov s 111 n Lowe n Mannehen, Joan Jr., Dna Jos.. 52366 Tijuana lf IB good 22-5 111 6*f Rowe g CIcaiLik.-. Or. King. Walt. I Ma k 52282 Tijuana 3-1 1 :1:; 25 1 » 7LM Slghterll Btnidee, May Manl-l.y. Ike MUla 62152 Tijuana 5-S l:ol fast 10 MB 3-J Rowe B J Blair, ncutt.-r. Jiian.Kre.lrU DON JOSE, ch. g, 6 114 By BaUot— Micaela, by Watercress. Trainer, A. Noyes. Owner, A. Noyes. 52633 Tijuana ::-4 1 :K.-:.siov 115 114 1" 1 Powell 11 Mnnnchen, John Jr.. Wg £2283 Tijuana 5J f l:07«5rast 7-5 112 5J B Marielli g BobBaker. Danc.Uirl "Weaver 52151 Tijuana 3-4 1 :12*ifant 8 109 5« H Rettig- g W.Bmoke. OiaiiKing. CaiM.Kire 61983 Tijuana 5-4 1 :13*4fast 31-10 115 1| H Rettig S B.Baker. B.L.Owen. K.Clitham MANNCHEN, b. g. 7 115 By Olambala— Madchen. by Knight of the Thistle. Trainer. C. Whyfe. Owner. C. Whyte. 6M32 Tijuana ::-4 1 :15-.-,.-lov :::-HMl ; 1 W Hinphyll John Jr.. Don Joae 52525 Tijuana 51 f 1:10 slop 2-5 115 i" av Hinphy 10 Chrome, MlasParnell, Pret.Bahy 52.505 Tijuana 5-s 1 :ii2-i3hvy 6-5 lo; l« B MariellilL Htiniui.-i. Divland. Maid of An-. 1 52402 Tijuana 5-8 l :ol -.-.last 8-5 Ml 411 B Marielli it Lit. Jake. H.McCarty, Ed Le Van RAPPY VALLEY, b. h, 6 113 By Plaudit— Top All, by Top Gallant. Owner. J. T. Strite. Owner. L. T. Whitehill. 13 M TUanna IntMy l:44Hfaat 23 Ml s J CaUnhnn B M.Mark. T.S.K.Pnae, .lakes, has 51983 Tijuana 5-4 i :i::»3fast 7 us 5T1 J Lowe B Don Jane, Boh Baker, B.UOwea 51842 Tijuana 3-4 1:15 fast 19-10 113 T- C Whitton 7 Pierrot. Barnav. Yukon 51783 Tijuana 3-4 1 :W,fast 13-10 lit Is C WhittonR! J. J. Mdock, Sr.luller, L.Peesa 61748 Tijuana 5i f 1 :0S fast 17 107 87J O Whittonlo Bees Wing, Miss Orh, N.-g ROBERT L. OWEN. ch. g. 6 115 By Blues— Lemon Girl, by Madstone. Trainer, N. S. Vail. Owner, C. Vail. ."2427 Tijuana 6ft f 1 .07 ■ 27-la 116 27. M Mthews 7 Ann.iWood. PhnUTO, AnpleJaek 5:366 Tijuana 5J f 1 S good 13-5 114 4" M Mthews g ClearLake. Or. King. Wait. Ma. k 522»J Tijuana K t 1:07 fast 11-5 114 I* M Mthews 7 Van. Welles, WerMaek, Bi|x sia 62174 Tijuana 5* f 1:07 10 IM 2- M Mthews S Van. Welles. Bob Baker. Deckhd 61983 Tijuana 3-4 1 :13-»*fast 8 115 3J3 L Gaugel S DonJoae, B.P.aker. K.Cheathani