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TIJUANA FORM CHART TIJUANA. Mexico. Tuesday. February 1.— 1921.— Fifty-ninth day. Lower California Jockey Ciul, Wint.-r Meeting of Il.i or more da] s. Weather clear. Pi. -iding Steward. Francis Nelson. Associate Stewards. J. W. Coffroth .ni-1 I. .-on Wing. S.irter. Harry Marrisaey. Pacing Secretary. Ke.u Wing. Baling starts at 1:59 p. m. .Chicago tunc 3:30. K07f0 First Race— 3-8 Mile. Jan. 8. 1916— Utoja 353.,— 2— 105. Purse 00. 2-year-olds. Maidens. Net value to winner 50; second. 00: third. 0. K 1 1 1 i v . Odds. tad. Hone wt. Fin Jockey. straight. 529041 Photoplay IM I1 P .Martin-/. .Koine .V.2380- Polly Wal.- ll-i KCaug.l liU-lOO 52212zAahIand 113 ■-■•"■ K D.-nnv -f ." ii0fi Tabloid 110 4-1 J ihtss MO 100 .•.•iir 7 Rogron .lr lis :.i. .1 MaJcaby 2550-100 8284M Candorosa 111 t; w Variey aon-WO 56«7 Em. WtlllamalOT 7- Cross :,:;::■ -in ." -i-KY7 Nellie HarperlM R1 C Wbltnston 1720-100 r»ifi i7 Lot. Loraine -10 Ii 11 Saladln 1520-108 Stilt Toyon ill 19* H Radke S6780 KN 99421 Ahso no II N Foden 180 f iii betting as Nevada Stock Farm entry. mi ii t in Is paid. i vada Stock Farm entry, .40 straight. .99 place, .89 snow; Polly Wale S4.00 place. .80 -h.. Kipiivah nt booking odds Nevada Stock Farm entry. 17" t-. Iiki straight. "• to 109 place, In lo 109 show: Poll] Wale, loo to 199 place, 99 te 190 show . Time. 36. Track fast. Winner n.mi.Ii stock Farms b. f. by Atheling II. Bary, by Keallworth trained by w. s. Heath; bred by Nevada Stock farm. Went to pool .ii 2:09. .i posl .". mlaabta. start good and slow. Won driving; ■ecaad and third the same o .-rw .-igiii - -Toyon. 3 nonada Candorosa, 1. 970 Se.ond Race— 5 1-2 Furlongs. June 28. U4IUU 191G_ 1:05:,— 3— 118. Purse 00. 3-year-olds and upward. Claiming. Net value to winner 50; :ccond. 00: third, 0. Equiv. Odd-Ill. I. Hois.- Wt. im Jockey straight r 52547 *Riposta U« I B Martnelli 70-100 32579* AVelga 1H ■:■•■ II Bow.- I9M » 52849 :Tern. Duncan 101 » P Martin./. svo-imi 32848 *TlllottiOn 11? r C Whlfngton 580-MM 5669 P. .Moody ". :• X Koden T1670-10Q 5-J305 Al Wick 111 8» B Uoritv f 52B26 Cafeteria 106 7 E Fator 52 OSDot ii b-s s r Thompson "To MO tMUtori li. Kl sl inutile!- paid, Ripoata, .40 straight. 83 00 place, .80 show; W. lea. 8.90 .20 show. Tempi Duncan. .80 show. i:.| id bopkiag "dds Rlposta. 7o tn loo straight --H to Itsi place. Ml t.. luo show. Welga 830 i" 1"" Ill-- -•" t" KRJ »ho« J • iji i ■ Duncan , Fill to 101 show. Time. 1:0845. Track fast. Winner -Moore 8 llearya b. m. 7. by Chncta j niiiida- Canastata, by Royal RmMem trained bj 1 I Uenry: bred be Mr. John "anfordl Went to nasi at 2:24. At 1 miante. stmt good and -low Won ridden oat; second and third drii ing. scratched — 52052Mez, 112: 32827 Colonel l|att. 107: :.is77 Vera Wood, 97; ."._,333 .1. B. Sugg. 117. 0eiw. ights. Tempt Biin.aii. l pound. Cafeteria , l. 52 704 Thnd Rare— 1 Mile and 70 Yards. Feb. 1. 1920— 1:43 -,— 6—122. Purse 00. 3-year-olds and upward. Claiming. Net value to winner 50: second. 00: third. 0. Eqniv. 1 1. Ids Ind. Home. Wt. Fin. Jockey. Straight. 52888 LlttK Gink Hi I* E Taylor -hi]- 32585*Ocn. Byng ill _ D Powell 81 M 52 85*Hauer 0"» ::"- II Row. 1:7.1-1111. 52978= Prince Direct M -t ■ R Dority 740-149 .■ ilK«»*.iu.ig-- David in :.- B Marinelll IW .V.M.K-J F.-liiitor 112 C P Martin. / 1209-MMI nintiiels paid. Kittle Gink, 30 straight, .*_. Ml place, 29 show: lea, Byag, .20 place, .40 show: Saner. .80 -how. Bqnlvalenl booking odds Little Gink. 00 lo 109 straight, Kl to 108 place, in lo 189 show; flea. p.yng. loo to 100 place, 7" to inn show : Bauer, mi i,, 109 show. Time. 1:47. Track fast. Winner J. McPbersoas b. g. s. by Tim Payne —La Poela. by Honduras trained by .1. McPher son: bred by Messrs. Lawrence »V toaastock. Went to i ost at 2:50. At post 1 mlaute. star: bid and slow. Won driving: second and third the same Scratched — 52083 Anna Star. Ilu. utiiva KO70K Fourth Race— 1 1-8 Mile.. May 23. 1920—1:53—4—109. Purse 00. 3-, year-olds and upward. Claiming. Net value to winner 50: second. 00: third. 0. 1: iuiv. 0.1. Is Bid. Hois, Wt. Fin Jockey. Straight. 52888 Audrey K. 110 1- V. Marin-Hi 320-108 52498Le DtnosurelSi 2* ti V.-nrgiu 20 1" 520*9 I.ily Inc. nclK ::- li Rettig 1240-108 52582 -* Plunger 118 4; C Wbitington 500-100 ." r»«HH Baby Sister !U ."- V Martin. /. 1.-!» .*»: i3l Gold Plush 108 1 ■ 1 Powell 7288-108 5255©»T. P. McManllS 7" B Taylor 9-188 5- 44» Mike Daly 117 I J Mulcahy 4so Kmi nintiiels paid. Audrey K.. xs.411 straight. .80 place. 99.99 show: I..- Dinosaur.-. .40 place, .99 show: Lady Inaocenee, s.m» show. Bqnlvalenl booking ...Id- Audrey K . 320 to BMt straight, 99 lo loo place. 09 to loo show; Le Bino-s.niie. 70 to Bio place, :;o to loo show: Lady inn.- ceiice. 1 III lo 100 s,i. u . Time. 1:56. Track fast. Winner .1. A. Parson* h. m. 9, by Balktl Captivity, by Goldfinch or Star Knby trained by J. A. Parson: bred by .state of Mr. James B. Hag-gin. Weal t.. post at 8:15. At post 1 ■laate. Star good and slow. Won handily: second and third driving. Bcratcbed— 52889 Rea Levy, 11.".. u£iivj 97 fifi Fifth Race— 1 1-16 Miles. June 24. 1916—1:45—3—110. Purse 00. 3-year-olds and upward. Claiming. Net value to wanner 20; second. S120: third. 0. Bqulv. Odd* Bid. Horse Wt. Fin. lackey. Straight. 52S45 Glen Well 1"L" 1 G Vcargin lsat-100 52885 Louts M - B MarlneUl 530-188 52481 *Wnter WillowlM :: P M.irtinrz 1020-100 52887* Jake Scfaaa lo;, t-: Bj Taylor 119-180 52858 Da may ... "• C Tbompaon . " 19 ."Jfi."! Kf.iph.111. ■-■ im, .; c EB9MM pud Glen W.11. 6.80 straight. 2.20 piece, .90 show: Lead . . 10 place. .20 show: Water Willow. 94.99 show. E-luiviil.-nl booking od.B— Clen Well. 1289 tr. BH sliaiglit. .".10 to Hill place. 350 to lOO show; Louis. _7ii t.. Bhi place, 110 to Phi show: Water Willow. 130 to 100 show-Time. 1:472-,. Track fast. Winner P. Dnhakeas 1.1. .-. 1. hj Dlek Finneii Paradise Wea, by Prince if .Monaco 1 trained by J Murph.: br.-.l by Mi. B. II. Anderson. Weal t.. peal al 8:42. At post 1 miaate. start and sh w. Won .-.isily: MCoal and tliinl driving. Scratched -52651 Phedoden, in:: vviu, 59707 Sixth Race— 3-4 Mile. Dec. 20. 1916 _1.u2_.3_no. pmse 00. 3-year-olds and upward. Claiming. Net value to winner 20: second. 20: third. 0. K.piiv. O.I.I-Bid. Ilors.- Wt. Fin. Joel.,;. Straight 52424Orchid Klnglll 1 .1 Class RO-188 ."r188 1: Blackwell 98 2* B Marinelll 480-l«l ." i4i.* Irish Makl 1".. J* C Tbompaon .lor-im. 52438 Myrtle A. 11- t P Martincx 880-100 52178 War Winner M8 ■"• R Carter 100-198 52811 •Carrie Moore 188 ■: B Taylor 1 70-108 52899 Pj 113 1 1: Graves t .■ !." 8I Bardora 98 »• ; V.-irgin 584-188 52584 *Cho 102 5 : TI Bow. 7_-. 0-UK. r -tHl Sea Way 111 1" R Dority ::iVi-lnii tMutu. I fi.l.l. si. mntaels paid. Orchid King. 928.88 straight. place, .88 -how; Pill Blackwell, .80 place. .88 ruow; Irish Maid, field, 99.40 show Ki|iiivaleiil booking odds Orchid King. 988 I" inn Rtraigkt. Ilu to 100 place. 288 to loo show ; Bill 190 I. XIO place, !H to 100 show : Irish Maid, field, 220 1" loo show. Time. 1:145. Track last. Winner Trowbridge .V Officers ..h. g, 0. by an ir.l Ailin.-. by The Commoner trained by c. W. Officii: bred by Mr. C. . Patrick. Weal io post at 4:09. At post 2 minutes. Start good aid slow. Won eaailj . second and third driving. s. rat. li-.1 52972 Nebulous. 92. Overweight! Pyx. t pounds: Irish Maid. 3; War Winner* l. uaivo 9 708 Seventh Race— 3-4 Mile. Dec. 20. 191G _i:112._3_iio. Purse 00. 3-ycar-olds and upward. Claiming. Net value to winner 50; second. 00; third. 0. BQahr. Bid. Hoi—- Wt. Fin. J. ..-key. Straight. 52812* Little B.-.-u-h 111 P C 7ross BOB lo 52898 *CamTgefI.Ul - II Bow.- B89-IC4 52522 Beea Wing 108 :., E Kator :;se-100 " ■.." .". Chris H lterslll IJ C Whifington 288-100 52848* Limerick 111 ."■• B .Marin. -Hi 8-108 52852* Aunt Annie M 8] G Vearain 1899-108 52832 *T. B. FavritelH 7» P Martlues 4380-101 Croupier HM I X Fo.b n sj.Mi-HO niutuels paid. Kittle Beach. .0 straight .48 place, .88 show: Caniouflag.- II., 98.40 place. .80 show: Beea Wing. 29 show. Equivalent booking odds -Kittle Beach. 288 to 100 straight. 128 t- 1ot» place. 48 to ion show: C maa flage II.. L0 lo 100 place. DO to 100 show : Bees Wing. 00 to 100 show. Time, 1:15. Track fast. Winner— Palter Pros rb. f. I. by Rex Reach Handv Cup. by Hanover framed by J. Palter; bred by Mr. W. H. Aafeey. Went to post at 4:31. At post 4 minutes. Start good and slow. Won driving; second and tiiird the same. Over weights — Croupier, 4 pounds.