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BRUCE LOWE NO. 18 FAMILY *. — , — From It Come Founders of the Important Eclipse Lines. _ Waxy, Whalebone and Whisker of Early Influence — Four Worthy Sires and Two Dams. «I!Y EXILE. Family No. IS ■,«. remarkable, .-specially hMMtt it hi tin- family nf Waxy, through which fivo-eightka of the Kettpae Itae hones trace bark t tin- fountniiihcad. V:iy tin- sire .if Whalebone :iiKl Whisker. iiii I these two laglhu the -in-- of Sir Hercules. Defence, Camel. V:ll-liV Feollom is and The Colonel, each ami every one of them the founder of an lelipse line of their own. Tlie Mai k. o. IS Derhg winner, of 18U, fTaaolraaka, tailed, however, to start a line. Bertram, outside Of Robert the Devil, was a failure, bat the line of the Nit. is Australian Trenton, himself a clinker as ;i nice horse, still goes on. though weakly, 1 fear. Iiy the aid of plodding Tiirpoint. Multiform in Australia attained good suece-s as a. sire and his line carried forward Iiy the aid of his muis. but it logins to look like- the la,sl has bcea MM Of 111 Fsed in the male line in this country, where W.tdsworth also failed to beget a son of his own class. The truth is that outside of Waxy no No. IK horse has attained to lasting success as u progenitor of sires. The Derby winner Ellington also failed in this particular. M did .lock of Oran. Mos- Trooper, loulet and la.wiatot. Just a moment, please. 1 was about to overlook l.e Pompom, tli.- graii.bdrr rrf *a l IlllurpOle and -jr.-Of Hniou. -o that the case of sire progen,. ration for the No. is i-miily is not .|iiite s. forlorn M was at first supposed. Only an occasional first-class winner has come from the No. IS family and no one particular branch of the family is responsible for the production of tbear. ill Ised. Kammenkle, EUand and loulet trace hack to Flleidnle by Laaerceet. wheae half sister. Eller. is the dam of that really good race mare Formosa, to which trace Koitunio and Multiform, and to another half sister. Tanetall Maid by Touchstone. Heauvais and .lock of Oran The foumlation mare of this branch of the family is an uhiiamed daughter of the Matchem liner Tomboy. Muss Trooper and Waxy are members of the Lisette by Snap branch and Payaator trace* lo I.isittes slater, Signora. and another sjster. Mer-liton. is anoe-tres- of the Australian Trenton. All of the above wind up in Miss Windsor |,v n,e ...dolphin Arabian, wheee half ulster by Tarqnin or brother to Tnnpiiu is ain-c-tress of the French hone l.e Ioniponi. Simon Pnser and Bobert the Devils sire Bertram, As to the advisability of purchase of members of the So. is family, indeed I cannot say. for ill it- History tmlj four real sires. Wa Trenton. Multiform and l.e Ionipom. and two good mans in Formosa and Suinmerside have tnmt.