Havana Form Chart, Daily Racing Form, 1921-02-03


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HAVANA FORM CHART HAVANA. CUBA. WEDNESDAY. FEBRUARY 2. 1921. Oriental Park 1 im eighth day. Caba-A ri- can Jockey and Auto Club. Winter Meeting of Inn d.is or more. Weather clear: temperature 90 . Stewards. J. Haehmeister. C. II Lnaadab. and 1". J. Bnien. Starter. James F. Milton. Racing Secretary. M. Nathansoii. Ba.iiig starts at _.:;i p. m. ii htcago time 1 :.".7 p. in. I. Indicates apprentice allowance. f_r«- r7-| £» FIRST RACE— 3-8 Mile. Jan. 21, 1916— 34*5— 2— 113. Purse 00. 2-year-olds. _ _f 4 JL O Maidens. Allowances. Net value to winner 50: second, 00: third. 0. Index HoTses A wTpPSt U 7~ ~Str"Fii. JoTkey* Owners O II C P S~~ R2588*ATHGARVBN m Kis .". 1 I 1- C Bum T Hoilg.- l l". a 1 i I 52841 nisei IRRON a 11". 3 I P S* C H MilhrW J Daly I E S 2 1 COL CHILE a tli 9 1 I W Hughs Marianao Stable W N 1" 4 . PAC1FIKR w 112 s -. I I A Pickens E L Fitzgerald ! 2 2 4-.".:-." 5249? JUST1NA E. wn lit ■ I ~l 51,k F Wil.soo Q E Ebnener 4 I 4 s-: 1-.*. 52588 SAVI8CO « 112 1 2 fr k R Mc_ ottP G Julian 2$ 29 29 s t f285S*BITTER BITING v- 186 1 7 3 7- J Pit/. P Powers :: 3 :: 6-6 3-5 ."•347 ABTK.MISA v. IU 1 :. .. si J Francis K Uolu ::0 :;0 31 Il •"• 5ia44 NAOMI K. w 112 7 s : :• J Dreyer l G Kurt 29 L" 29 8 1 Time. 24. 36l0- Track fast. niutuels paid. At hg.u veil. S7.K straight. .89 place. . 3. » show; COSCorroa, .8$ place. .10 show : Col Chile. .30 show . Bqniraleat booking odds Athgarven. LSO to loo straight. 115 to Bio place, so to loo show; Coecorron, 240 t.. loo place, 1".". !•■ loo show; Col Chile. 185 lo Bx show. Winner P.. .-. by The Cnrragh Isirose, by Isidor trained by T. Hodge; bred hy Mr. John Stanford . Went t- posl .it 2:81. At post ti minutes. Start good and slow. Won easily; pcroad and third driving. ATHUABVEN set a fasl pace and easily won all .lie way. COSCOBBON raced in closest pursuit, but was tiring and had to be ridden hard to outstay COL CHILE. The latter began from the extreme oiitsi.lo and ran a g I race. P. IFIF.B was fractious at the barrier and began slowly, but finish. -. I fast. Bcratcbed 52593 Tout de Suite. 1VJ. ErQry-i "7 SECOND RACE— 3-4 Mile. Jan. 8. 1820—1:11—0—102. Purse 00. 4-year-olds and t_l ll upward. Claiming. Net value to winner 50: second. 00: third, 0. index Horses AWtP P St t - - i Str Kin Jockeys Owners O 1 1 C P 8 52878 HAMAN w 4 in.". L !• 7= 4 :; 1- A Pickens H Coons 2$ 21 23 1 l-J .".•ii:i." i:iu:ad I.IXK wn l 186 I 18 v V 5 2 B KenndyW C Westland 8-5 8-5 8-5 3-5 1-3 5-Mi 3 8 SMITH WB 4 196 ■ - 1 1 1 J Krai,, is V II Hall 2| 1 3 1 1-2 524S1*FLEER wa 1 191 8 8 I I, 4 ] R LcaxterF Horold 1" M 10 I 2 52883 • FINIS w I :is l 7 2 2s P ■: 1. Penman C E Lenahan 8 8 8 3 8-5 .".J." 31 LADY IUNE wi; t lu7 •". S M N 8* 6 E Buries J 8 Baldwin 28 28 28 8 I ." -. .".«»."» MISS WRIGHT w i: Ilu 7 3 3* 1* ; 7 - B McDOttH C. Woods 38 38 38 10 r. ."•. ." !4 HATRACK w I Hi, a 6s I ; «M 9= F Hum H A Cotton 0 20 28 S I G28S45 PRESUMPTION wa 12 H2 3 1 ".. .". 7- S ■■ S Boyle M M Shields Ij .. 5 L 1 52885 FLYING FROG wb 4 10? 10 I :. •; M m .1 Pita V Leydecker 68 68 68 29 lo Time. 2233. 46*5. 1:13"5. Track fast. in lit in-1- paid. Hainan, ss.30 straight. S3.7 ptace, .59 show: Bread Line. .40 |d.i.e. SL. Ill show; Smite. .70 show. Equivalent booking odds Hainan. 315 to 100 straight, B3 to 188 place, •-•" to 108 show: Bread Line, 7o to 199 place, 29 lo 109 show: Smite. 35 t.. 100 s|„,w. Winner P. g. by Ilorron Sellna Lou. by Kllkerr trained by K. I.. Pitngerakt; bred by Messrs. Talbot Bros.. W.-iii to post at j:.",ii. At post 6 minutes, start good and sh,w. Won easily; »ecoad and third drii ing. IIAMAX moved up rapidly after rounding the far turn and easily need past the tiring pacemaker in the last eighth. BREAD LINE was parted np . t the start, but closed aa Immense gap while working bis way up on the outside and Onisbed with :, rush. SMITE sel a fast pace !•• the last eighth and tired. FLEER ran well and linish.-il rlose up. FINIS null after racing in closest pur-uit to the last eighth. Scratih.d ..LLin Assign, 100; 523X8 Le P.alatr.-. 194. Overweights Fl.-.r. 1 pound: Smite. •".; Bread Line. .!. errUry-j G THIRD RACE— 5 1-2 Furlongs. Jan. 24. 1917— 1:05»5— 5—102. | Purse 00. 3-year-_ mi 4 IO olds. Allowances. Net value to winner 50: second. 0C: third. 0. Index Horses WVtITsi , _. , Mrlm Jockeys Owners o 11 C s~~ 4!58« LAST ONE ~~ wn IM 3 3 1 1 l l [ . Francis J Walters 2 2 71 4*5 2-1 53599 *DR .HAS. W ELLS wi: 110 3 ■- 2 - 2 8S K Walaer N K Beal ; r 1 8*5 1 " 52599s BLACK TOP wa 191 . I ■■ ,|; A Pickers 1 s Poantaln I 8 I 1 52888 KAMA wa IM ~ - 4* I ■ i B Kenn"dj 11 Goldblatt 23 2J 23 1 1-2 .■"i.-».".l MAVEHONA w ilu I I 7 ."• ; I] :•• F Wilson W R iu, :" .. Si 1 : 52687 fans! wa M8 i i • Sj V R K.-ast.i K a Harold i; t; 23 8-5 r.i."!6 BYGONE wp lo 1 i :, 7 7 7 K Gordon A I. Austin lo 10 18 1 i Time. 22-.,. 45.-,. 1:00--. 1:06. Track last. nintiiels paid, Ka-t. One, *.-,.:, ii straight, .00 place, .10 ibow; Dr. Charles Well-. .00 pli..-. .s:;. 10 show; Black Top. .80 show. Equivalent booking odds Last One, 17.". to 100 straight 99 to 199 puce, •"•■"• to 199 s|„,w : Dp, Charles Wells. 100 to Bhi place, 70 to loo show: Black Top, so to ion show. Winner P.. c, by .luiig.- Wright UlenelgH Last, by Bleaelg trained bj 11. Yaa Ry; bred by Mr Tyree Bate. Went to post ;,t 3:28. At p.-t 1 iniiiiit--. Start g I and slaw. Won easily: second and third driving. LAST ONE sprinted int.. a Ions I. -ad in tin- iii -1 iiaarter and s t a tremeadous pace, but tired in tie last eighth. DP. CHARLES WELLS ran a | 1 race, but was tiring at the Oaish. BLACK TOP ran well and 8n lilted gamely. KAMA was running fastest ol all at the end. Bcratcbed 45879 Plus lit im. 113. Overweights Black Top. 1 pounds. CrOry-j Q FOURTH RACE— l 1-16 Miles. Feb. 3. 1918— 1:44.-.— 3—92. i El Dia Handicap."-Purse *J*d 4 A _ ,000. 3-year-old.; and upward. Net value to winner 75: second. 50: third. 5. iniv Horse* A Wt PP. -st , , si. Fin loekeyw OwUers P II C~P s 53451 MATINEE 1DUK wTTrK 3 . 4J 3J 2» 2» 1-, § KenndyM Goldblatt :;. ;; b- - :T ." .Mi7!»-si:. PB1NCB wn i 88 I 4 C 6 ■■ I I. Penman li E Bwan 7-5 7-5 7-5 1 " I I :. Bil« .Ml 1I-.m JCMBO w 7 11 I : l r 3*5 H lloyfc l Doyle 2 l L 1-6 2-3 "■. ;; » sWBKT MlSlC wa I 102 1 ■ 6« •"■ 9* I 1 P Wlfsun VY R io- 3 " :; 1 1 ! .■■: ;;;; JUST FANCY • 1103 5 3 i • ; p Merimc Armonia stable 15 ts l, I 52837- HARAN wa i ri 2 1 I* :" L Gordon E C Griffith 10 jo lo 1 : Time, 24. 48. 1:14. 1:88%, 1 16,. Track a.t uintneis pn.i Matiaee Idol, .70 straight. .20 place, .29 tbow; 8ea Priacc ;;_-.- pBnce, 18 show; Miimbo Jiinibo. S3.! 0 show. Eqnivalenl 1 king odd*— Matiaee Idol, 385 lo 188 straight, llo t,, itto ptace, 98 to Bhi show. 9jm Prince, io to tOO place, 35 to 108 show; Munibo Jumbo. •■•: to Bm» show. Winner— B. g. by All Gold— -Matiaee, bj Broomstick trained bj B. Walters; bred by Mr Harrv Tay in- Whitney ». Went t.. pnal it .: 50 Al paal :. minutes. Stan g..o.l and slow. Won driving; s ,nd and third the name MATINEE IDOL raced dose up tr.,m the st„rt and finished gamely, bat just last.-.i long enough to outstaj ska pbim i: The l r waa in back and badly ridden to the last turn, then Brisked with a belated tush in the nnd.il.- of the track. Ml MP.o JIMlto ran well, but Interfered with tin- winner when In swerved over in front of him in tie- last Bftj yards SWEET Ml sic raced Kamely ll si I AM V and IIARAN showed sp.-.-d. but tired Overweight* Ki : i lacj 5 pounds Pr0r / FIFTH RACE— 1 Mile and 50 Yards. March G. 1918—1:41—5—117. Purs* 00. *JJmt 4 Jmlj 4-year-olds and upward. Claiming. Net vain* to winner 50: recond. 80: third. 0. Index llrsi-v AWt lISt 4 ■■ st r fu Jockey* Owners O II C I S .".2514 MATHER a t 1"? 7 7 F 4. 4:~~ln - p Hunt J S Bartoloraeo 1 1 1 1-3 1-4 .•■•JSJiCAMKlfX SOLDIER w I 10a R I I 21 3?i lS Z B KenndyC K Moore I I 4 s-" 4-fi ~ £dS£*EL CORONEL w 5 102 :; 3 S 4- ::■■ 3 3* . Penman i Tuirgrle I I • t 1 .52658-NK5HT WIND up. t: Hit t 7 7* SI .* ■."■ S ItOyte T Poyle : I •: 2 1 5SS7B* WAR TAX WB P MB I S 2*1". 1 3t V R LeaaterF Delbarrio I t I 4-5 2-5 ."•»." !»7 CON8TANTINE was 5 114 I 1 I I s •;. fi" W MHitnW 81m 83 SI M I I "2676 SWKKtl.LT wr. 5 10.. t. I ." « 7 7- "•"• J Francis G 1! Foley :. II ::0 10 5 -•2*54 WHITE CROWN w» 9 107 ! 2 !■ I* :- s a R McDottEl Morra Stable !5 15 H» 4 2 Time. 23%. •»%, 1:13V*. 1:39%. 1:43. Track fast. si inutucU paid, Mather. 04.30 straight, SUM place. .00 rIm»w; American Soldier, si HI place. s.", Ml show: El Corollel. SI. SO show. Equivalent tooktag adds— Mather. 113 to 100 straight. 00 to IM place. c5» to KMI show: American Soldier. 120 to 100 place. 50 to ICO shew; El Colonel. 140 to 100 show. Winner-I.. a, by Martinet—Lady Bather, by Estorling trainecl liy C. II. Neal: bred by McastB. Williams Bran. iV Holland. Went to pout at 1:1.". At pact 1 minute. Start good anil -low. Won drlTtaa; seeond and third the BUM. MAIIIKK a well link and outpaced in the early runninc. hut linished with a rush on the outride and j."t up to vin in the linal strides. AMERICAN SOLDIER ran well, but tired after racing into tin- lead in the stretch. EL CORONER saved aronnd on all tin- t tun- and linished jjamely. WA1! TAX quit in the hoinestreteh after racing into a clear lead on tie- baek-iretch. Scratele-d - 52838 Mim Swi.p. 111.-.: 5257s My Ada. it:.: 53158 Ptaatandc, 107. Overweights - Sweiidct. 5 pounds: American Soldier. 5. RrtryO-g SIXTH RACE— 1 Mile. March 23. 1919— 1 :38%— 5—105. Purse 00. 4-year-olds and L9+d 4 *ti X. upward. Claiming. Net value to winner 50: second. 00: third, 0. Index lln i -. - A WtTY S t"t~~r~r:i~Str~Kir. "loTkoys Owners" Q H C p S StiTi P.IANCA w ." lor, •• : i.i IP" 8* 4- It* E itarnnii T Daaca :tt 3J 1 S-5 3-5 .526H0* HUNTRESS wlMMC 5 I 2". 2 ;]■ 1* :- F Wilson .1 .1 McCaffcrty S-S 6-5 6-5 1-2 1-4 r*SSM*LITHOLiCK arB « MS 7 I 4"*- 4". _" 2 Sl .1 Francis A B Davidson 4 4 1 S-5 4-5 6t415*NORFOLK BELLE W 4 ::i 2 1 ll l"k 1» ::".. 4" FFeldnianH K Davis f 1-0 JO 20 fc 1 .52.V56-noiP.LKT II. B ! .1 2 2 3* 3* 5| 5* ."• L Gordon V. K Thompson 4 4 4 S-6 -6 .vi .V» » * ROUNDEL wr. S MM l 4 S 1 6»1 4" «• ■ R LeaaterH Shields :: :: :: 1 1-. 5M64*GALOPIN wn S MS I 7 I I 77 71 H Fi- ids w ; OampbeU 25 2S l*.". 10 5 ."2 74*.MLSKKT w si: 6 MS I 5 71 71 S I g L Renin. in W L Oliver LO JO 24 S i Time. 24. 4835, l:M, 1:4015. Track fast. Sl mutuels iaiil. Rianca. .4. so straiffhL .10 place, S3.50 -how: llnntress. s:.lt place, S3. 10 show: I.itholiek. S3. 30 ikaar. luivabnt baakiag odd- Biaaca, CIO to TOO straight. 153 to 100 place. 13 to 100 show; Huntre-s. ,-.:. to ino place, 35 to MB ahaar; LtthaHck, • ■" to IBS show. Winner — 1!. ui. by Assagai Alpaca, by Fremont trained by V. lorterie: bred by Mr. Walter 0. lannerl. Went to poftt at 4:40. At pool ." minutes. Start good and -low. Won driving: second and third the -ame. BIANCA araa Ear back to the but turn, then closed up rapidly and outganied HUNTRESS in the linal drive. HUNTRESS ran a good race and made a g:ini- lini-h. L1THOLICK tire.l badly. ROUNDEL swerved out while going to the lirst turn and ran Wide on the far turn. NORFOLK BELLS set a good pace to the stretch and tired. Scratched— 3SS5S -lack Hill, los: 52*31 Bill Hualey, los. Overweights — Norfolk BeUe, 2 pound-: Gahtpla, 4.

Persistent Link: https://drf.uky.edu/catalog/1920s/drf1921020301/drf1921020301_2_8
Local Identifier: drf1921020301_2_8
Library of Congress Record: https://lccn.loc.gov/unk82075800