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THIRD EACE 58 Mile 3yearolds and upward Claiming May 20 1920 59 4 107 ENGLISH LADY ch m 7 93 93Trainer By Diok Welles MHadi Love by Flying Dutchman Trainer V Cloud Owner V Cloud by Wagner 53026 Tijuana 51 f lOSfast 39 301 4 4 7 61 S II Rowe 13 Ringlder CtheWay HgansHr E298S Tijuana 31135 fas 215315 7 5 4 41 S3 M Buxton 10 AuntAnnie Dienero 52929 Tijuana 5S l01mud 3710 9S 1 1 1 1 lll B MariellilS Humma H Princess R MabelRule Shooter 52S49 Tijuana 5S l01fast 42 109 1 2 2 21 2J P Martinezll HuAngleton Ternette Lobelia 52729 Tijuana 5S l02fast 7 301 23 H Rowe 11 Joe Tag July Fly Ely 52GC3 Tijuana 5S l04hvy 15 110 SJ T McCgh 10 Camflagell DFshn LitJnke 52580 Tijuana 5S l05M slow 25 108 2i P Martinez 10 Tillotson Nledovati CMurphy j JOHN JR b g 8 110 By Mart Bant a Maudo Fealy by Ben Strom Trainer J Mannalo Owner Mannale Chapron 3043 Tijuana 34 l15hvy 7 109 C SG 3 = 21 II Saladin 11 HHkwell Sedgegrass EIndian 34 l14fast 115 117 6 7 41 31 M Buxton S Claude Weaver Hen Payne Neg 34 335 slop y 312 7 G 41 3 II Rowe 7 Sedgegrass WMontgy OlaLee 52850 Tijuana Im70y 1 46fast 1110 117 1111 1 = Il X Foden S MikeDaly PinkTenny Honolulu 527M Tijuana 34 114 fast 910 113 G C Whitton 7 Clear Lake Yukon Viva Cuba 5JG32 Tijuana 34 l15slow 1S5 119 2h E Graves 11 Mannchen Neg Don Jose 52438 Tijuana 1 l41 fast 35 115 115FIREPLACE 11 E Graves 10 PinkTenny Yukon MucielsPet FIREPLACE b g 5 100 By Ossary Anna May by King Erio Trainer G W Crippen Owner Beebe Cripnen E2912 Tijuana 51 f lOSslov 21 110 3 23 Gi 6 M SlghterU IlarsIIeir GoldRose PrBaby 52847 Tijuana 5S 101 fast G 112 4 3 33 3 31 3 W Taylor 9 Ed Le Van Crispie Stanley H 5202 Tijuana 51 f l07fapt 107 51 B Mariellill Ixibelin V Welles Hgans Heir 31S97 Heir31S97 Tijuana 5S l01fast 14 105 1 B Mariellill LadySmall GertrdeB LleJaka 51539 Tijuana 51 f 109 fast 5 114 41 R Lowe 12 W Whitaker Neg Merry LS 50215 Reno 51 f lOSHifast fj 106 23 M Mthews S MaudSmith CODoren OlIveD MIKE OlIveDMIKE DIXON br g 5 93 By Banrsdalo Baby Dixon by Sir Dixon Trainer DixonTrainer B E Graham Owner B E Graham 52909 Tijuana Im70y l4G fnst SSt 307 10 9 9 11 12 32 32s = s J Clementslli VonLady Ch Court Ostonbittis r1955 Ostonbittisr1955 Tijuana 34 115 good f 104 10 9 11 11s IP J ClementKl2 Xaniloeh LitPncess AuntAnnie 52931 Tijuana Im70y 152 mud i 107 1 2 2 4 51 Gl J Clements 8 Maudie Lady Josephine Tours 51S9S Tijuana 1 l41fast 12 112 7 = E Haywd S PDrapeau MikeDaly Salgeorge 51802 Tijuana 34 l14 4fast 17 112 9 = E Haywd 9 Mex Chandelier Hevelry JameJ 51763 Tijuana 5S l02 fast Sf in 6s E Haywrdll Velvet Little Gink Lavaga 51G54 Lavaga51G54 Tijuana 51 f 109 fast CO 112 7 C O TaylorlO Tom Goose Yukon Honolulu HonoluluAPPLE APPLE JACK ch g 7 100 By Hurst Park Mescal by Cactui II Trainer W P Cunningham Owner W P 0 nninehntn 529S9 9 Tijuana 4 1J 114 fast 25 332 7 4 3 53 63 W Ti e Striker Quid Nunc 52955 Tijuan i 34 341 115 good 8 113 S C 8 9 93 F ChvettalS amloch LitPncess AuntAnnie 5210 Tijuani 5S 1 152SCO l02sloi 235 110 5 2l 4 i W Taylor S Perch Ringleader Little Jake 52SCO Tijuan v 34 1 152i04 l14fast 43f 117 2 2i n AV Taylor 12 HargansIIeir LewisB Striker 52i04 Tijuana 1 1 142 fast 6 109 S K Taylor S MissParnell Hardora Chantreis 52792 Tijuana 34 1 152GS2 l14fast 27 114 2s W Taylor 10 MManage Delancey LitPhca 52GS2 Tijuana 1 1 1BLANCHITA 145 slow 225109 23 E Taylor 8 K Harriuan Ctress F Nurao BLANCHITA b m 8 105 By Peey oDay Countess Irma by Sir Dixon Trainer V Garjran Owner W Gargan Gargan5i956 5i956 Tijuana 51 f 3f good 32 108 7 8 75 7 j AV Taylor n Porch Mex Clear the Way 52S47 Tijuana 58301 fast 3310 130 2 5 7 = 1 7 R Carter 9 Ed Le Van Crispie Fireplace 52731 Tijuana 34 115 fast IJ 115 23 W Taylor 12 Ringleader PTennyf CCahrieJl 52427 Tijuana 5J f 07fHst 5 10G 51 E Taylor 7 AnuaWpod RLOwen PizSrfd 52362 Tijuana 61 f lOSgood 235 10S 1 E Taylor It Lady Small Riposta Ann S7 52107 Tijuana 51 f 3OS fast S 310 31051S09 4 i W Hinphy 10 SmilMasgle MpveOn HusyBIrd 51S09 Tijuana 51 f lOSfast 1310 112 41 W Hlnphy 10 Pob Baker Trulane Yukon INDIAN BRIGADE ch g 8 95 By Brigade Wild Irish by Pontiao PontiaoTrainer Trainer R Campbell Owner 0 L Fundlngsiand 6S043 Tijuana 34 l15 fhvy 5f 99 3 6 30 8 G J B Parke 11 BBlkwell JohuJr Sedgegrass 52954 Tijuana 34 l15good 11 113 7 50 5 = 5 G Yearginll KIayne MinJim ThriftyThree 52942 Tijuana 51 f l09Sfsow llf 110 4 4 4 5U 5 = 1 It Parke 11 Harslleir Gold Hose 1rBaby 52917 Tijuana 5S l02 slop 24f 105 5 76 41 2s B Parke CAComiskcy LSmall ByGirl 52849 Tijuana 58 l01sfist 31f 107 9 86 7J 73 B Marelll 11 HAngleton BngLady Tcrnette TcrnetteDOTS DOTS b f 4 101 By Fitz Herbert Mabel Strauss by Uncle UncleTrainer Trainer W E Moody Owner Moody Garrity 53002 Tijuana 3m70y l47Tofast 26 305 645 7 8 S8 J Murray S Prince Direct Maudie Ben Levy 62647 Tijuana 51 f 112 mud 225 110 li lh P Martinez 7 MdBacon ML ver SatHBclle 62626 Tijuana 51 f l09slow 4710 107 63 AV Taylor 12 Positano Baby Faust Bed Man Man6245G 6245G Tijuana 58 l03 slop 165 110 43i M Mthews Camflagell GeoJames AnnS B21CS Tijuana 5S 102 fast 4 109 7s M MthewslO Mad Hurry Mistake Krmitana HOOVER ch c 4 103 By Hilarious Ethel Scruggs by Fonso Trainer J C Waddell Owner Waddell Bros 62957 Tijuana 5S f l07sRoo l2T10 103 4 3 32 2 23 4Ji K Taylor 7 DlyFashn Cniclclt SmilMag 52892 Tijuana 5J f l07f t 101 3 4 1 U 4 = 3 G Yeargin Yukon Neg Sedgegrass SedgegrassG 52865 Tijuana 5S lUiifast 4310 106 30 G 5 u 51 1 C Gross 10 Kiposta Walter Mack Joe Tug 62131 Tijuana 34 l13fast 9 1V5 75i G Yeargin 11 KClieutlinin BBaker IkeMillt 52062 Tijuana 51 f 103 fast CJ 105 I1 G Yeargin 11 CnlCnrn Clr thcAVay TDuncan DICKIE W br g 6 105 105Trainer By Dick Finnell Bellegarde II by Bcauclerc Trainer J Hill Owner H W Barnes 5003 Tijuana Im70y 45 fast 31 105 6 624 1 4 4 23 2 = 1 M Slghtcr RDtchiiiaii Electric MonBello 52973 Tijuana 1 141 fast S3 109 144 1444 4 4 3 V Taylor 0 BShilling Don Jose JJMdocb 52942 Tijuana 3 f l09slow llf 110 C 10 10 10s S J W Taylor 11 IlarsHcIr Gold Hose PrBaby PrBaby52S08 52S08 Tijuana 1 116 149 fast 11 109 53J W Taylor S BeesWing LitGink AudreyK 52673 Tijuana 34 l17hvy 25f 112 4J C Thpson Misslurnell PccDirect BilJoe BilJoeCHARMANT CHARMANT ch f 3 100 By The Rascal Linolih by Requital RequitalTrainer Trainer L H Baxter Owner Granger Stable 53022 Tijuana 34 116 fast 7f 113 G 11 i 43 M Buxton 10 Tawaseiitha JkLcdi Sis Polly 52SS9 Tijuana 34 115 fast 27 1 X 4 452S4S 4 5 5l GJ M Slghter Croupier Tawasentha SisPolIy 52S4S Tijuana 58 l01ifast 34 93 4 3 3 4i 4s B Marielli li DyFashion LadySmall Chrome 52791 Tijuana C f J09ttfnst 10 105 105G260S U P Martinezlli JohnLake TheAamp JBaldwin G260S Tijuana 55 f l10slow S 99 9 9IS L Gaugel 10 K Harrigan M Kuretta DotU DotUMADAM MADAM BYNG b m 5 100 By Jack Atkln Dentifrice by St Andrew AndrewTrainer Trainer W Block Owner W J Jordon 52691 FGnds 1 116 IMStsfast 100 106 1 0 S S S S A Gantner 8 Haider J C Stone StGeruiiiin 52522 FGnds 1 116 l47lsfast 40 101 5 2 2 C 9 9 = s A Gauther Plenty LorenaMoss Hit Idea 52199 FGnds 34117 hvy 15 110 S 88 9i 918 M Buxton 10 Back Hay Loys Hope Princess 52114 Jefson Si f l07fast 13 110 11 10 11 11 11 = 8 M Buxton 12 RainbowGirl InaKay Vansylvia 61755 Jefson 5 f l10 fhvy 4 108 1 1 1 I lz E Joslah 7 D of Peace Larghetto VWesl 51648 Jefson 34 l14fast 4 IDS 12 8 S 7s 6 3 M Buxton 12 Itkllay ArchPlottcr DrShafci DrShafciWELGA WELGA br m 8 103 By King James Wealth by Rainbow Trainer C C Emmert Owner Clear lake Stable 52934 Tijuana 34 l15good IS 110 4 II14 H Rowe 11 H Payne MinJiin TliriftyTliroe 52930 Tijuana ImTOy l49smud 42 107 2 1 2 G 6o H Rowe OnrMaid GenI5vns JudgoDarid 52S75 Tijuana 1 l411ifast t 107 1 1 2 6 7 H Rowe 7 Ptoloint PcrIidy Llrineess 52793 Tijuana 34 114 fast IS 109 712 H Rowe 11 SinUMng MerIss HcansHr 52703 Tijuana 5J f ItfSlfast 49 110 2J H Rowe 8 Itiposta Teiupylliincan Tllloison XITTLE TOINTER ch f 3 90 90Trainer By Heno Stiletto by Star Shoot Shootfi7 Trainer 1 H Baxter Owner L H Baxter 52315 Tijuana 51 i f l12 mud 24 97 97S fi7 15 MariellilO Naslcdovati Itivlow Oonia 52456 Tijuana 5S S l03Jyislou 6 300 300i 7 ° M SlBhter CnmfluguII JeoJames AnnS C2423 Tijuana 51 i f 108 fast 51 9T 9Ti8 Gi B Marielllll MabclKule I5eesViiis SisIotly B2337 Tijuana 58 i8 l02ihvy 362 99 99i S12 R Post 8 Ccutter JEIlsortli JGoodniaii C2303 Tijuana 41 i f 53fast 4Cf 96 9lz P Hum 10 JoelMair JnitaFdrick Conictr BROLASKI ch c 3 By Enfield Colusa by Joe Terry Trainer G V Billerman Owner Arnot Stable Cl2CO Tijuana 5 f lOSfaHt 3 101 1015S 5i M SlKliterll Miss Mcclkk li Itird FMoon 52061 Tijuana 5S 102 fast IS 111 3 K Haywd 12 Jackl i Woodrose OldSquirrel G201S Tijuana 34 l157sfnst 5S 115 7SJ J Glass S llasola IIKAsher ISelleFIower E1962 Tijuana 5 f lOS hfast 33 107 5 ° J Glass 15 KItruwn MMcclick Jack 51S16 Tijuana 5 f l10fast 18 110 4s it Slghter 9 Kasola Audrey A I ady Iovitt