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FIFTH RACE 34 Mile Republic Handicap 3yearolds and upward Jan 8 1920 1 11 6 102 102DIFFERENT DIFFERENT EYES h h 5 103 103Trainer By The Manager Acushla by Hiier Trainer J D Millin Owner J D Millln 1 2 11 23 AA Kel = ay Fin below Sirocco Mayorllouso 34 l12fast 4 109 2 2 2 31 2 AV Kelsay S Riverside RofKlblown LOiic 53138 Havana 31 113 fast 5 110 1 2 2r 2 31 3J n Lcaster 5 Last One Furbelow Sirocco r 102 Havana 51 f lCG fast 1 111 3 5 5530G9 fi 1 1 R Lcaster 8 AmAce BofKlizatown Tacola 530G9 Havana 34 l12fast 3 109 1 1 13299G 1 1 1 B Kenndy The Belgian II Osxood Salvo 3299G Havana 51 fl05 fast 21 113 2 3 3 4 = 21 J Francis Gratian Military Girl M Feast 32951 Havana 34 l12fast 3 107 1 2 2S294 2 11 1 J Francis 5 TheMiieDuke Ossrool MessKit S294 Havana 51 f lOGfast S5 113 2 2 3 31 31 J Francis 0 MerryKeast BofWar PolarCub 52800 Havana 51 f lOG = fefast 2 JllG 2 221 li B Kenndy 7 MilGirl Assumption SanDlego 52740 Havana GI f l05Vffast G 107 2 2 3 4a 3 E Barnes 8 Guaranteed Koran Sirocco 52678 Havana 5 f lOGfast C5 108 4 2 252GG 4 4t 4 = 1 F AVilson 7 Sirocco Guaranteed Henry G 52GG Havana 51 f lOGfast C5 101 3 1 1TACOLA L 1s 3 1s F AVilson 7 Runnyven Discussion Hush TACOLA ch h 6 107 107Trainer By Transvaal Erla Lee by Hindoo Trainer F Rector Owner 0 B Potts r3102 Hi ana Gi f lwffast 4 10S r 7 7 7S3 fi1 3 J Francis S AmAco BofKlizatown OsRood S3 II ana 34 l12 ifast 12 IDS G 2 21 1 3 G J Francis C Koran Sirocco Atta Boy II Ilj ana 34 113 fast 3 112 5 fi C G G J Pit AViir Zone Herron Henry G GS 52310 Hi ana 51 f 1 07 fast 5 1111 S S 7 7s 7IU AV Crump 8 Frisht RoflOPtown Just Fancy 52090 Hi ana 51 f 112 mud 1 115 Tt 4 44 44509S1 4 510 510 n Garner i Azurita ItofKltown PolarCub 509S1 Latonia 34 l12fast 175 105 7 44 44E070S 4487 T Murray 8 KimjGorin MiuMan BParadise E070S Latonia 31 l13ifast 8 10SJ 1 22 224SG09 223 31 II Lunsfd fi GcoStarr OtheWay Destroyer 4SG09 Latonia 34 lll slow 7 110 2 2 22 22FURBELOW 2 3a 3z C Robson 5 MlIeDzie LdyFPlay G Grass FURBELOW b f 4 114 114Trainer By Peter Pan Frillery by Broomstick Trainer M Goldblatt Owner M Goldblatt 5S20D Ha ana 5 f l0fifast S5 112 4 33 3 I J Francis DifKye Sirocco Mayor House 53138 Ha ana 34113 fast 21 112 5 3 3 2i 23 J Francis 5 LnstOnu DifferentKyes Sirocco 52895 Ha ana 34 l12rfcfast 2 111 G 5 3 3 in U Kenndy 8 GTM Gomez Osgood TBDuke TBDukei i 52S13 Ha ana 51 f I0fiy5fast 85 113 4 4 5 31 35 P Kenndy r M House Riverside Assumption 52799 Ha ana 34112 fast 21 111 6 33 2s 1 B Kenndy I Koran Cromwell TheBlueDuke TheBlueDuke5JC99Ha 5JC99Ha ana 34 lllfast 2i 107 AAheeled B Kenndy S TBDuke Riverside Asmption 2554 Ha ana 34 l13ifast 3 111 8 G 5 21 1 B KenndylO BofKtown SMonev MJumbo 52432 Ha ana 1 1S l55pood 65 107 4 1 1 1 Il 5 i J Francis i Bally Bread Man Docod 52350 Ha ana 1 116 l46fast 2 103 4 4 3 2 lt 1 J Francis 4 Bally War Zone Penelope 32309 Ha ana 1 116 l4Sfast S 1 U 6 3 1 1 11 3 J Francis 7 Lwanna The Pirate Gnmdy 52267 Ha ana 34 l13fast P 107 fi 6 r 5 fi = i AV Kelsay 8 MJumbo Bof Etown Penelope 52207 Ha ana 5i f l09iood 75 109 3 32 2 2s AA Kelsay fi Penelope AValnutllall Cmwell CmwellRIVEBS RIVEBS BE ch g 7 114 By Von Tromp Rosegal by Galveston GalvestonTra Tra ner W A Carter Owner Armenia Stable StableI I 53181 Ha ana 31 i12ifast 5 111 i 4 r 21 1 A Pickens S DifKyes IU fElbtown OnV ItlWSHa OnVItlWSHa aivi 11 1 145 fast 2 115 112 4 3i i A Pickens fi Sea Prince Uanelier AVnutHall 152843 52843 Ha Havanii ana 51 f 106 lOGfast 1 116 3 2 2 21 23 A Pickens M MHouse House Furbelow Assmptlon 52699 Havana 31 I lllfast 1 10S 2 2 2 2 2 A Pickens 8 TPIuke Assumption BettyI 52474 Haviina 1 1139 l3flfast 2 107 2 211 1 1 1s 1 = A Pickens Kxhorter Bally Whippet 52390 Havana 1 140 l4flfast 1 10S 3 1 1 1 1 = 1h h A Pickens 7 Kxhorter Sweep Clean Rama 52052 Havana 1 1401 l40fast CS 107 2 1 1 1112 1 1 = Il F Hunt li FauxCol Zoie Bierman 51890 Havana 34 34115 l15fast 2 1 1 I3 1 F Hunt 7 AcauKaxle Darnley FerEmbry 15314 Havana Im50y 1411 1 fast 2 100 1 1 1 1 1s 1 1 J Carmody 7 Dick Williams Berlin llocnlr GUARANTEEB br f 4 107 By Hilarious Ozel by John F Trainer AV B Finnegan Owner W F Knebclkamp 52895 Havana 31 l12fast 2 108 5 7 7f 7 C 71 If McDott S Furbelow GJMGomez Ossood OssoodS f 2801 Havana 1 116 l45 fast f 11110 9 S 3 3s 4l H McDotti MatIdol MumJumbo FrankAV 52740 Ha ana 51 f l05fast S5 IOC 6 4 2 1 R McDott 8 Koran Different Eyes Sirocco 52678 Ha ana 51 f l0fffast 1M 3 3 5 5s 2 J Pitz 7 Sirocco Henry G Difnt Eyei 52453 Ha ana 34 l14frst 31 104 4 1 1 1s I3 R McDottlO Pie BrotherMaclean JustFancy 52248 Ha ana 1 142 fast 5 103 133 3 3 3 3 F AAilson 7 Grundy Kxhorter Betty J Jfi 52185 Ha ana 51 f 113 hvy S5 105 6 fi i 6 3 2 J Francis i Plazeawny F Fancy Frascuelo 32078 Havana Im30y l43fast G5 101 2 1 1 1 1 ° 1s F Wilson 5 Mather Darnley Sans Peur II