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HAVANA ENTRIES AND PAST PERFORMANCES FOR SUNDAY MARCH 13 WEATHER CLEAB TRACK FAST Racing starts at li p m Chicago time 14 Superior mud ruuner X Good mud runner tjJ Fair mud riininT M Mnideiix Apprentice allowance b Hlinker HlinkerFirst First Race 34 Mile MileItyearohls Ityearohls and upward Chiiming ChiimingTrack Track record Jan S 1020 111 H 102 102Todays Todays Horse AWtllan Slaikey 7 10 TriMitino Treadwcll M 110 10S 14f 10 7 110 14 5 IG uriai 4 PO Pokey K DM 112 14 s jnS Tuanorca M Mi17 101 14 14i i 3 i17 blllg Idea 101 13 4 53211 Cockle M 1141117 i 5 Second Race Race3jvnrolrts 34 Mile Mileard 3jvnrolrts and up up1rack ard Claiming 1rack record Jan s VlllS Double Kyi r5J17 bAllah 31lS Sybil Ill llif 7 107 vjnsr crystal Dav 111114 f 107X r3l3i Mildred 107 113 4 10 r 0ir Sunny Days 100 114 If IS 53198 liSjyntry + 101 lis 4 los Third Race Race3yearTOlds 512 Furlongs 3yearTOlds and andTrack upward Claiming Track ncnnj Jan M 1117 l0r5s 10 r Starkidcr r2ir iv etur u 53184 Laughing Kyes 3113 Plbblei 3191 Klixabelh M 1131I9V 7 3205 bFleir 102 107 if 4 53150 Lnma 10S 107 5 3215 Hemlock 9 1 OS 7 Fourth Race Race4yinolils 5 12 Furlongs Furlongsupward 4yinolils ami amiTrack upward Claiming Track record Jan 24 1017 105 a 5 r3U r3U4sblolar 4sblolar Cub 105 1 4 r21i blloncst George lot iii7 5 3215 Orleans Girl 103 105 4 3bliia V 3 d 104 1I7 4 blriiHe of NiiiK NiiiKr2123 Ill 107 f S r2123 liMiss Prcter 103 107 r 53205 liKlyingFnig 112 1CS 4 03120 bStepsuil 110 100 5 Fifth Race 34 Mile Republic IIandicip iycarolds and upward Track record Jan S 1I20 1 11 102 i320 Different Kyes 10 I10i 5 109X 115 l12r 5 107X 53200 Furbelow Ill 112 4 114X1 53181 bRiverside 108 llls 7 7114 114 52855 Guaranteed 10S 113 f 4 107 107Sixth Sixth Race 1 18 Miles First Running Grand Prize Cuba Handicap 15000 Added Added3yearolds 3yearolds and upward upwardTrack Track record Jan 18 1520 150 f 5 105 53127 JAIKEN 3 105 53070 Herron 120 152 4 119 53127 JbGeneral J M Go ¬ mez 3 105X 53182 = iWalnut Hall 10S 151 7 105 53070 bltrcad Man 112 151 if 4 118X 53070 bSweep Clean 10S 1527 4 115 Mil bSweet Music 4102730 5151 tFrank W 10S 152 f 4 101X730 7 tAtta Boy II 4 110X730 110X730MtbMatinee MtbMatinee Idol 115 151 i 1KX7X 20 bMayor House 101 15 5013 The Pinite 4 37 515 Hnonec JO l32 f 3 JI7X7 JI7X7ill5a ill5a KJ5X7M jtaily KJC i3 7 KJ5X7 M ioldblatt entry entryJArmonia JArmonia Stable and X Adan entry entrySeventh Seventh Race 1 Mile and 50 Yards Yards4y 4y iirolds and upward Claiming ClaimingTrack Track record March I01S 141 53202 Dukc Kuff 113 1137 53205 PilI Hmilev Kr i4tx 3183 bPnnctual i7 11 53152 loublet II IIr31W 04 143 4 101X715 r31W Iiaiica 11 143 5 103X710 fi2S5S Hierman 108 142 = 7 0o705 530li7 bSwirl 102 14C 4 103X705 r31S4 Huntress 10 l43 t 10 10CX700