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FOURTH EACE 58 Mile 3yearolds and upward Claiming May 20 1920 59 4 107 107HEX HEX b g 9 103 By Mexican Eastern Shore by The Bard BardTrainer Trainer J A Parson Owner J A Parson 52913 Tijuana 34 11 115 fast S5 112 G u1 J E Taylor ft OlWood KvHanivan Mlarnl Mlarnl5293G 5293G Tijuana CJ f 1OS jood S 110 6 6 G 3 = 2 = i P Marielli 9 Pcrcli Clr tlieWay Misslaineli Misslaineli62G32 62G32 Tijuana 5i f lllmud 2 112 I1 H Rowe 7 Velvet Aunt Annie Kinjileudoi 62381 Tijuana 58 l05slow 1110 112 y B Marlelll 9 MiKsPanicIl MKranklin Crispif 62546 Tijuana 6i f lll mud 5 110 1J B MarielliK Pastime lltrigade MilEurytts WALTER MACK br g 6 110 By Hapsburg Foned by Kingston KingstonGood Trainer W Pinkstaff Owner R H Good c3027 Tijuana 5S l02fast o 1W 4 2 2 2l 3 R Carter S Hush Aiifrleton Plzurro Itiposta 52947 Tijuana 5i f lOSslow 5 llfi 4 2 22 2 3SJ 44i R Carter 9 AniialtoKina Itiposta UobBaker 2SG5 Tijuana 5S lOHfast 3310 113 1 4 42 2 2s 23 R Carter 10 Kipusta Jo Tn Mannclieu 52831 Tijuana 5i f l07 fnst 5 110 4 1 11 1 I2 li R Carter 9 Littlo licacli Xes Deckhand Deckhand2l 62612 Tijuana 5J f l09slow 7 114 2l R Carter 8 WMgojnery LitUeacU IS Joe BILLY JOE ch g 9 100 By Russell Ethel T by Richmond Trainer A Gibson Owner B H Schaefer 51989 Tijuana 34 114 fast 10 117 1 11 i 7s O AVlllis 11 Jyldle Hose Striker Quid Ximc 52955 Tijuana 34 115 Bood 10 30S 11 S C i B1 1 Marlellil Xamloch LitPncess AuntAiinle 52792 Tijuana 34 l14fast 3110 114 711 R McCrnnlO MissManage ApJack Delancej 52673 Tijuana 34 l17hvy 125 11G 33 R McCrnn 9 Mlarnell PceDirect DickieW 52632 Tijuana 34 l15slow 12 lit 8 R McCrnnll Mannclieu John Jr Neg 52612 Tijuana 55 f l09slow 5 114 4 C Thpson 8 AVMgomery AVMack LBeach HERDER br g 6 110 110Trainer By Colin Belgravia by Ben Brush Trainer Z McGregor Owner Z McGregcr 5SOOS Tijuana 4i f 54 54sfiist sfiist 10 112 5 56 Gl G Yeargin 8 Riposta CAComkey Lit Jake 51762 Tijuana 58 l02fast 12 114 1 = 1 AAr Taylor 11 Gertrude B Tambian Kthel 51701 Tijuana 5S l02 fast 27f 112 Ink v Taylor 10 Cal Cttrn Itingleadcr Plunser 51672 Tijuana 58 103 fast 31 110 oJ C Duggan 8 Riposta HAalley BJames 47776 Tijuana 58 l00fast 185105 G J McBride fi HDale LittleIake Ringleader 47743 Tijuana 34 l17slbw 18 110 6 J McBride C EmilyM TomGoose Ringleadei CHRISTIE HOLTERS b m 5 111 111Trainer By Uncle Winifred A by Sir Dixon Trainer F W Ritsch Owner J W Tate 53011 Tijuana 1 1lfi 151 hvy I 110 223 5 Si 31 13 Taylor 11 Salgcorec HiMiPiiyne AudveyK 52970 Tijuana 1 11G l19fast d10 110 G 4 4 3 3 4 E Taylor 7 H Favorite FShuiiuon JDavid 52902 Tijuana Im70y 146 fast 115 115 1 3 3 3 31 li C Gross 7 Sliendoah Sliain Green M Girl 52852 Tijuana 1 1S 155 fast 5 107 5 5 o 6 G5 Gei H Jones 7 Ix Dinosaure Hernice K Cork 62774 Tijuana 1 116 148 fast 5 10S 4 = 1 D Powell 7 LitGink ItabyCal LeDinosaure 5270S Tijuana 34 115 fast 145 112 42 C Whitton S Litltch Camfiacell HsWin RINGLEADER ch g 5 112 By Harrigan Beatrice Soule by Peep oDay Trainer F Rinehart Owner F Rinehart 53026 Tijuana 51 f IrfSvsfnst 175 115 1 15i 1 1 1 = I3 M Buxton 13 CthoAVay HigansHeir Crispie 52972 Tijuana 5i f 103 fast 3J 112 4 45S 2 2 2 = 1 1 = M Buxton 7 SMaggie Tom Goose ThrThree 52916 Tijuana 5S l02 islop 11 107 7 75S 3 3 4 = 2 H Jones S Perch Little Jake Apple Jack 52S4S Tijuana 5S l01fast 2110 109 9 9 S 7i 7 II Jones 11 DyFashiou LndySmall Chrome 52731 Tijuana 34 115 fast 6 112 13 II Jones 12 Blanchita PkTenny CCauncll RUNGEORGE b c 3 M By Runnymede Georgia Girl by Solitaire II Trainer T Proctor Owner E D Kaufman 520SO Tijuana 5J f 108 fast 1110 98 2U J Callahan 9 Pizarro Ola Lee Mabel Hide 51099 Laurel 34 l15 fast 13 100 G 6 11 1150S75 II1 10 ° J Callahan 12 Chin Walsh Hriganna HlackTop 50S75 Laurel 6i f 108 fast llf 115 7 9 10 10 9 J Callahanl LSwilly MMarine Lougliland 50630 Laurel 5J f l09 fast 127 106 7 7 77 7 7s 7J J Callahan 10 Explosive Salesman Aera Wood 46063 Jefson 12 49 = fast 4 112 4 4 61 5ia J Metcalf 7 Vooriri Mackeluainc No Fooling FoolingBy COL MTTRPHY b g 4 103 103Trainer By Theo Cook Harvest Queen by Peep oDay Trainer C H Rowe Owner C H Rowe 52912 Tijuana 51 f l09 slow 10 113 9 77 71 II16 C Gross 11 HarsHcir Goldltose 1rHsiby 1rHsiby52S83 52S83 Tijuana 1 f lOSfast 1710 108 2 21 11 11 C Gross 1U Volima Mannikiiill KathItkln 2668 Tijuana 5S l04hvy 15 108 41 C Thpson 10 Cainflnscll DFshn LitJake 52580 Tijuana 5S l05Vsslow 11 107 4i N Foden 10 Tillotson KngI dy Xledovati 62526 Tijuana 5i f l15yaslop 9 107 Bled R McCrnnll Our Lender Lewis B Velvet VelvetDULY DULY FASHION ch g 7 110 By Rey del Shasta Queen of Fashion by Maxnic Trainer L D Hutchinson Owner Allen Wilkerson 52957 Tijuana 11 1 = 1 1 T Kindle 7 Gertrude SmilMa 52S4S Tijuana 5S 1 01if ast 5 112 G G 4 31 1 Ji McCrnnll I idy Small Chrome Charmaiit Charmaiit5S6G8 5S6G8 Tijuana 58 lOIhvy 3310 113 2t R McCrnnlO Camflagell LJake ColMphy 52457 Tijuana Si f l09 slop 5 109 1 R McCrnn S Pastime HMcCarty Nlcdorut Nlcdorut520S1 520S1 Tijuana 58 l01fnst 70 112 2 O Willis 1L Trulaiie Yukon Dr Kendall KendallHELEN HELEN HAYES b m 5 M 91 By Contestor Grotesque by Freak FreakTrainer Trainer G F Hum Owner G F Hum 52928 Tijuana 51 f lllmud 7 10S 5 3 3 Ink 351 D Powell S I Harvey Headman L Chance 52900 Tijuana 1 l40 ifast 281 101 3 2 2 4 S 8 I Powell 8 Hardora Maud M Miss Manage 52883 Tijuana 51 f l08 l08sfast = sfast 29 105 7 4 G G 6 = 3 D Powell lii Col Murphy Volima Mankiull 52771 Tijuana 34 I13y3fast Gf 108 30 R McCrnnll Arietta TJMdoek BShillins 2628 Tijuana 51 f 103 slow 14f 100 5 = D Hum Y2 Prill Douglas AuStar KdLeVau KdLeVauCRISPIE CRISPIE b m 8 96 By Hapsburg Stannel by Himyar HimyarTrainer Trainer C B Irwin Owner C B Irwint 53026 Tijuana 51 f l08ifast 7f 110 9 764 = 4 I Martinczll Itinglder CtheWay HgansHr 52916 Tijuana frS l02slop 7of 108 4 G 5 51 1 Martinex 8 Perch Ringleader Little Jake 52847 Tijuana 58 101 fast 13 110 3 75 5 = 1 2l P Martinez 9 KdLoVan Fireplace Stanley II 612 Tijuana 5i f l0JVfslow 38 112 7 ° P Martinez S AVMgomery WMack LHeach 52581 Tijuana VS l05 slow 1710 112 4i P Martinez 9 MissParnell MasFranklin Mex MexGERTRUDE GERTRUDE B b m 9 105 By Golden Maxim Notasulga by The Commoner r3C2G Tijuana Cl f lOSfast 22 103 9 9 91 3T1 E Taylor 13 RingPder CtheAVay Hgansllr 52937 Tijuana 51 f l07Sitood 12 103 f 5 4 43 24 B Marielli 7 DulyFashioii SmilMag Hoover 52917 Tijuana 5S l02slop 13 110 S 9 S 71 7 i P Martinez 9 CAComisk I Brigade LRmall 52847 Tijuana 5S 1C1 fast 7 107 1 4 G GJ Gl B Taylor 9 Ed Le Van Crispie Fireplace 52831 Tijuana 51 f l07Vifast 13 109 6 7 77 7 71 GJ P Martinez 9 Walter Mack Little Beach Xes LITTLE JAKE ch g 11 110 110Trainer By Krutsch Stella Perkins by Prophecy Trainer M P Level Owner E M Xercl 53042 Tijuana 5Sll 2 hvy 22 107 6 77 6l 6 K Taylor 7 SlicimiuiA Lonely DaiicingGirl 53008 Tijuana 41 f 54 fast 19 107 8 87 5 3 i E Taylor 8 Itlposta CAComkfv MBarbat 2916 Tijuana 5S l02slop 9 112 1 24 2452S49 3 S A Xeigler 8 Perch Uingleader Apple Jack 52S49 Tijuana 58 l01fast 2910 314 3 G 7 53 5 = 1 A Xeigler 11 HAngleton UngLady Tcrnette 52668 Tijuana 38 l04Vshvy 2310 110 110MAID 3 M MthewslO Camfgell DFaslin ColMhy ColMhyBy MAID OF ANSEL br f 5 91 91Trainer By Flammarion Air Maid by Thicket Trainer W M Mikel Owner AV M Mikel 53027 Tijuana 5S l02fast 73 107 7 77 7 = 1 753 O AVillis S HAngleton Pizarro AValtMack 52379 Tijuana 5S l05Vislow r 107 6 C AVhittonll Daisy N Pretty Baby McCroan 52505 Tijuana 5S 103 hvy 36f 110 411 C AVhittonll Mannchcn Hiimma Divland DivlandE 50861 Chagrin Ab5S 102 good 8 115 Pulled up up50S46 E Smith f MTrak Kasterlide jtniilcyll 50S46 Chagrin Ab3S 103 slow 23 111 111KING 5 3 E Owen 7 DkWinfrcy 1nitaIIL Aigrette KING DICK br h 7 100 100Trainer By Dick Finnell Miss Peggy by Box Trainer G B Cooper Owner G B Cooper Cooper4677S 4677S Tijuana 34 l137iKOOd 13 112 1124C639 1 = 1 C Thpson 10 Burgtiyne Kiiklux Brcnzo BrcnzoI 4C639 Tijuana 5S IzOOrjfast 65 115 I C Duggan 7 J Frederick Curlicue TDuncan 4093 Tijuana 58 107 livy 45 120 2 = 1 15 PInnegr Crispii Curlicue Tiajan 46165 Tijuana 34114 fust 710 lit 1 = 1 B Pinnegr Itcilloc Honolulu Toy Miss MissGS 46337 Tijuana 34 l13 fist 16 111 GS B Pinnegr 8 Freedom Billic B Knklux