Seventh Race [7th Tijuana, Daily Racing Form, 1921-03-13

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SEVENTH EACE 1 Mile and 70 Yards 3yearolds and upward Claim ¬ ing Feb 1 1920 1 43 15 6 122 GEORGE MUEHLEBACH b g 5 112 By McGee Stolen Moments by Kingston Trainer J McDowell Owner L A McDownll 52024 Tijuana 1 18 l55fast 51 1123 1 1 1 H 13 M Slighter 7 Judge David Cork liabv Sister 52992 Tijuana 1 116 149 fust IS 112 S 6 5 4 4 t 33 M Slghter 8 Modiste MtnGirl PcrfectLady 2970 Tijuana 1 116 l49fast 14 112 4234 4 5 = G3 M Slghter 7 BFavorite FSliannon JDavid 52582 Tijuana Im70y l50slow 14 114 1 = M Slghter 8 Plunger Cobrita Salgeorge 52548 Tijuana InYTOy I53y3mud 6 112 3 = 1 B MarcllllO PDrapeau Xashotah Plunger 52506 Tijuana 34 118 hvy 34 117 117MODISTE 9 W HInphy 0 Yukon Applejack ChoirMaster ChoirMasterBy MODISTE b f 4 106 By Von Tromp Modesia by Canopui Trainer W H Leonard Owner W A Wright PerfLyCl958 52992 Tijuana 11KMM9 fast 61 10T 1111 1 = 11 C Thpson S MfnGirl GMIcbach PerfLy Cl958 IrishDaisyE293I Tijuana IniiOy 147 goods lOt r 343 3 31 D Powell 8 Sauer RutlaridArms IrishDaisy E293I Tijuana 34 l10Smud 1lf 309 7 77 7 = 6 = P Martinez 8 Mniichcii AuntAnnie CtlieAVay 52585 Tijuana 1 116 152 slow 40 100 713 M Slghter S Ycrmak Commander Shortstop 52509 Tijuana Im70y l Ohvy 37 301 33 M Slghter C Yermak AudreyK ChrisHlfri 52458 Tijuana Im70y l48slop 5 103 13 M SlghterlO Honolulu BusyBird Commander CommanderBARDORA BARDORA b f 4 98 By Bard of Hope Isidora by Isidor IsidorTrainer Trainer S Polk Owner S Polk 5011 Tijuana 1116151 hvy 2310 100 6 5 S C 6 = 1 5 = B Marielli It Salgeorge RcnPivnc CHoltcrs 52916 Tijuana 1 116 l49islow 3 103 7 G 6 G 5 51 E Fator 7 OurMaid AivaCnba AVarAVinner 52900 Tijuana 1 l40 fast 730 97 4 6 4 3 3 = 1 3 B Marielli S Maud M MissManage Ch Court 52804 Tijuana 1 142 fast 1310 303 2 t C Gross 8 MParnell Chantress GoldKose 52707 Tijuana 34 l14VSfast 6 98 Sl G Yeargin 10 OrchidKg BBlkwell IrishMud 52584 Tijuana 51 f l10slow 22 96 43 J Majestic 7 ShermanA GtUawk Sedgcgss SedgcgssBABY BABY EmperorTrainer SISTER br m 10 108 By Lord Esterling Annie Lauretta by Emperor Trainer C B Irwin Owner C J Trrlm 53024 Tijuana 1 1S l553fast 7 113 7 7 7 7 6 = 43 P Martinez 7 GMhlebaeh JndgeDavid Cork 52970 Tijuana 1 116 l49fast S 113 6 6 6 0 = 1 5s I Martinez 7 BFavorite FSliannon JDavid 52920 Tijuana 1 1S l5S slop 12 112 7 G 3 4 2 1 = P Martinez 7 Uutlaud Anns Cork Sadie D 52864 Tijuana 1 1S l34 ifast 13 107 666 6 G 4J P Martinez C Reydo AerdiLoon ClaraMartin 52851 Tijuana Im70y l46fast 14 110 7 7 1 7 5b 5 = P Martinez S Sweet Apple Phelan Dioiie 52SOS Tijuana 1 116 149 fast 13 112 43J P Martinez S BcesAVing LitGink AudreyK AudreyKDIONE DIONE b m 5 107 By Assagai Bradawl by Pessara PessaraTrainer Trainer C C Richards Owner C C Richards Tijuana Im70y Il7 = islow 5 115 9322 2 2s P MartinezlO AVM Baker PTenny Sliendoah Sliendoah5290C 5290C Tijuana 3 116 34Sfast G 130 4 2 2 2 7 7J G Yeargin 7 Pees Wing BBaker SwApple 52831 Tijuana Im70y l463fast 1 112 665 5 31 3l E Fator 8 Sweet Apple Phelaii Al AVick 5JO5 Tijuana Im70y l4GSfast 65 107 31 E Fator S TheGallant Pierrot Cavdourll 51861 Tijuana 58 l00iast 168 105 7i E Fator 7 HiltonA OpianKing HarryD 49101 Kwrth Im70y 146 fast 8 100 6 5 5 3 2 3 3 E Fator 10 Philistine Gourmand Baby Cal MAUDIE blk m 8 107 By The Commoner Niaxus by Charaxui CharaxuiTrainer Trainer C Bustillos Owner C Bustillos Bustillos5G002 5G002 Tijuana 3m70y IMTrifast 11 313 887 4 31 21 M Buxton S Prince Direct Ben Levy Boreas 52970 Tijuana 1 116 l49fast 22 103 7 7 7 7 7 7 J Clements 7 BFavorite PSliaiinon JDavid JDavidE2931 E2931 Tijuana Im70y 152 mud 910105 2753 3 = 1 1 B Marielli S LJoshine Tours Mighty Lever 52828 Tijuana Im70y 146 fast 6 107 51010 9 5 = 31 C Thpson 12 AnnaTackson Sauer Rut Arms 52732 Tijuana ImTOy l47fast 11 105 4i J Clements 10 Frivolous BusyBird WMBakec 52401 Tijuana 1 143 fast 11 113 2h E Taylor 11 Plaything Modiste Ethel EthelMACK MACK ODAY ch h 5 104 By Andrew Mack Light of Day by Phoebus PhoebusTrainer Trainer J A Parson Owner J A Parson 51668 Tijuana lh C Thpson 5 GcnByng Al AVick Chantrcs 50922 Kwrth Im70y 143 fast 171 100 10 10 10 10 S1 G71 AV AVright 10 Frank Monroe HighLad DrItae 50738 Kwrth 51 f 109 fast 27 12011 11 8 71 7 A Brown 11 Gal Groom BigSmoke Clark M 40757 Conght 1116151 slow 9 110 G 7 7 7 S S1S J Barker 8 AVdthsh GoldctBoy TrickrII 15607 AVindsor 34112 fast 97 109 9 999 9 J Barker 10 Camflage Sylvano Firstlullet 16522 Tijuana 34 lll fast 8 116 5 R Lowe 6 BAJones MIssMnage MinJim MinJim61S9 61S9 Tijuana 34 l18slow 5 113 3 = 1 R Lowe 9 G Flush DJose Plantagenet PlantagenetCOM COM GOOSE b g 6 109 By Dick AVellei Miss Doyle by The Commoner CommonerTrainer Trainer R Ripley Owner R Ripley 2172 Tijuana 51 f 1OS fast S 110 3 I 4 4 = 3 = 1 C Thpson 7 ISingldcr Sm Maggie TliThrce TliThrce2t5 2t5 Tijuana 1 f i S gooi3710 110 2 223 = 51 C Tnipson 0 Torch Mex Clear the Vay 2385 Tijuana 1141 fast 32 1 7 5 Rowe f BnbyCal ClcHolterw Deckhand Lady22S3 2339 Tijuana 1 lHhvy lo 21 Rowe 5 Midia Yermak Perfect Lady 22S3 Tijuana 51 f l072ifast fl 112 s l J Robtsn 8 Bobllakcr DancGlrl Weaver Weaver176S 5176S 176S Tijuana 34 115 fast 3S5 112 5 = J R Lowe 7 SmilMaggic Pierrot V Loon 51634 Tijuana 5J f 109 fast 25 113 1 R Lowe 10 Yukon Honolulu GMuchlebach MOUNTAIN GIRL b f 4 98 98Trainer By Martinet Anna L Daley by Llmk Trainer A Gibson Owner B H Schaefer 52992 Tijuana 1 116 149 fast 3 2 2 = O AVillls S Modiste GMlebach PerfLaily 52902 Tijuana Im70y 146 fast 3 102 7 4 4 4 4 4 I Marielli 7 CHolters Shcudoali Sh Grceu 52861 Tijuana Im70y 46faHt 75 93 1 5 4 4 3 lk u Marelltl Maud M Kly AV M Kiikcr 52804 Tijuana 1142 fast 10 105 5J AV Taylor S Misslarneli Bardora ChantreM 52769 Tijuana 61 f l077 = fast llf 105 105ELY 6 AV Taylor li ThriftyTliree KdLcAau Mistake ELY gr g 4 95 95Trainer By Leonid Hands Around by Serpent Trainer AV M Mikel Owner W M Mikel Mikel29SS 29SS Tijuana 34115 fast 14f 102 S 9 10 9 95 51 D Powell 10 AuntAuuie Dienero Mabelllitlc 2957 Tijuana 51 f l07good 44 100 6 665 66552SSS = 5J J Clements 7 DlyFashn GrudeB SmilMa SmilMa52SSS 52SSS Tijuana 1 l41fast 73 102 5 44 4422 2 2 2 M Slghierll BShilling MLever It William William52S61 52S61 Tijuana Im70y l46fast 5310 107 8 1 1 1 1 Si O AVIllis PJ MntnGirl MaudM AVMBaker AVMBakerf2S28 f2S28 Tijuana ImTOy 140 fast 13 107 8 4 4 4 4 551 O Wills It Anna Jackson Saner Mandie MandieE2SOU E2SOU Tijuana 1 l42 fast5 10S 3s E Taylor y MyFuller JWinn BarShillius BERNICE E ch m 6 107 107Trainer By Salvation Bertola by Albert Trainer T J Grant Owner A Lund 53021 Tijuana 1 1S lSf 2faKt 1 110 223 4 4B2902 451 0 II McCrnn 7 GMhlcbach JmlgeDavid fork B2902 Tijuana IniTOy 145 fast 10 107 477 G G G8 II Rnve 7 CHoltprs Sliendoali Sh Green 52891 Tijuana 1 1liJ 147 fast 100 0 5 5 i 5 r l M Slghter d IrishMd Cavdonrll Snmllill 52852 Tijuana 1 1S 1 fast GO 110 7 4 4 4 I 21 R McCrnn 7 Le Dinosaure Cork May worth 52772 Tijuana 1 11G l4Sf fast ISO 112 C n McCrnnl2 15 Sister Lobelia T Ilkenridge 52751 Tijuana Im70y 147 fast 1C 110 110S2G85 8T1 J Lowe 10 Mnywortli Poreas Von Ijiuly S2G85 Tijuana 1 11C l49 = islov 33 102 102NASHOTAH 611 J II tamer 7 Ola Lee Horace Lurch Ycrmak NASHOTAH ch f 4 98 98Trainer By Meelick Modena by Armeath II Trainer J Bishop Owner J Loo Bro Bro5TOOI 5TOOI Tijuana Im70y IMii fast 3310 10 S C 5 C 4 4 C Whitton S JJMdock WMPker Argento 52V4 Tijuana 34 Irloigood 4 10S 11 9 S2i 741 C Gross 11 IlPayne MinJim ThriftyTliree 52SGO Tijuana 34 l14fast 7 112 11 11 9 S1 oS C Gross 12 llaganslleir ApJack Luwisll 52548 Tijuana Im70y l5Vimud fi 110 2 C Gross 10 PDpeau GMuchlebh Plunger 52525 Tijuana 5i f 110 slop 24 110 G11 E Haywd 10 Miiiinchen Clironie MissParnell G2316 Tijuana Im70y 146 fast 3310 110 3J C Gross 7 J David Lewis II L Innocence 62211 Tijuana 1 l42fast 235 10S 10SRUTLAND lat c Gross 10 IrlshDaisy MounGlrl TGallut RUTLAND ARMS b g 7 109 109Trainer By Thrush Luscinia by St Simon Trainer F W Kitsch Owner J W Tatel 52992 Tijuana 1 1116149 I1G 149 fast Li 112 S 316 I C 7 74 7 C Gross S Modiste MtnGirl GMhlcbach 51938 Tijuana Im70y 147 good32 113 151 1 2l 2J C Gross S Sutler Modiste Irish Daisy 52920 Tijuana 1 1S l5S l53slop slop IS 107 3 2 2 1 1 = 2s E Taylor 7 Hiiby Sister Cork Sadie D 2875 Tijuana 1 l41 ifast 175 112 577 5777 7 o1 5 ° C Thpson 7 PtoPoinf PerLady LPrinccsa 52852 Tijuana Im70y 146 fast Gl 112 1 1 1 1 1 5 C Tmpsoh 5 Gcii Pyiig Saner Little Gink Gink52S2S 52S2S Tijuana Im70y 14G fast 145 112 1 S 9 7 6J 43 E Taylor 12 Anna Jackson Snucr Mandie 52793 Tijuana 34114 fast 32 110 C Whlttonll SmilMag MerLss HgansHr HgansHrCANUTE CANUTE b e 5 109 By Sir Huon Binda by The Bard Trainer A P Yeoman Owner Cozad Yeoman YeomanEC004 EC004 Tijuana linOy l40vfast 1C 110 7 7 7 7 71 7IS C Gross S JJMdock WMKker Argonto 511 4l Tijuana Im70v l47r l47rrslow rslow IS 117 G 10 10 9 S3 7IC W Hinphy 10 WMIJakcr Dione Pink Tenny 52772 Tijuana 1 116 l4S fast 12 114 S N Foden 12 IJSistcr Lobelia T ISkenridge ISkenridge52G8S 52G8S Tijuana 1 31G 204 slow 7 112 4 J N Fodcn 5 IC Dinosaure Lit Gink Cork 52630 Tijuana 1 1S 15G slow 7 117 Z N Foden 7 IJDchn WMIVker TBkdge TBkdge5235S 5235S Tijuana 1150 mud lOf 110 1s N Foden 10 LJophine B Flower Oterville

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Local Identifier: drf1921031301_4_4
Library of Congress Record: