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THIRD RACE About 58 Mile 3yearolds and upward Claiming PEPPERY POLLY br f 3 107 107Trainer By McGee Mirror by Sir Dlion Trainer W Carr Owner J Leishman 53220 Mobile Ab 5S l01good S5 11 4 1 2 21 23 C Hunt CliParthell XLondon Countess 53158 Shport 78129 fast 12 9S 5 6 G 655 = 53 J McCoy i Assume Horeb Oaklawn Belle 53113 Shport 5 t l08fast 10 101 1 2 2 Si 3 ° G Babin 0 Trusty Back Bay Port Light 5S010 Shport 51 f 110 hvy 1 9 2 2 1 Il I3 L McDott 7 MMoore Parrisli MadGingliam 52975 Shrevept 5 f llShvy 95 97 2 2 2 23 I1 L McDott 7 LadyMildred StJust TySutton 52715 FGnda 51 f l10hvy 20 106 7 746 581 F Smith 7 Doric Wedgwood Julia N 51166 Jefson 34 l18hvy 12 106 11 11D1921 10 10 10 102 lOi F Smith 12 SilSpriugs SCourt LiseWynne D1921 Jefson 5 51 f 108 fast 8 105 9 9513S3 8 9 9 9 F Smith 11 Tan Son Rolo Winchester 513S3 Churchl 34 115 good 36 109 2 7 7 7 7 J F Smith 7 WhiteStar Mlersbg Merrimac 51237 Latonia 31 l15V slow 12 112 8 7 7 6i 5i F Smith 1U Acclaim Undine Oralrggo 51157 Latonia BJ f l08mud 5 115 3 4 4 61 5 N Barrett 9 Pongee Julia N Dimples MICKEY MOORE br g 4 122 122Trainer By Ben Trovatf Africa by Savile Trainer C Smith Owner C Smith Smith532X5 532X5 Mobile Ab 5S 102 mud 95 123 4 1 1 1 = 1 = Ij Mink 5 StJust ValerieAVcst DoctorXab 53212 Mobile Ab 61 f l2GV5fast LJ 120 int L Mink 0 Tiger Rose 1urrisli Susan M 5 74 Shport 5J f l14hvy 4 115 2 2LS050 4 4 3 33i R Holway 7 St Just Mormon JusticcUoulicl LS050 Sir port 51 f 117 hvy 4 105 1 1 1 1 1 = R Holwuy i Firstltillet Cockroach Hopover 53010 Shport 5i f 11C hvy 4 110 5 5E297G 4 2 21 2s II Ericksu 7 PepPolIy Parrisli M Gingham E297G Shrevept 55 f 118 hvy 12 110 1 1 2 2i S ° R Holway 8 Back Bay Mary Fonso Mormon 52710 FGnds 34 l15mud 20 107 11 11 9 S1 ST M Garner 11 Vansylria TNighter LMaudle 52601 FGnda 34 4 l13fast 103 1 8 9 9 912 F Wdsfkll Orlova Cobalt Lass Old Sinner 2322 FGnda 34 4 f 14fast 6 10S 7 10 11 II1 10 H King 13 Midian Loys Old Sinner 52232 FGnda 34 l18hvy 4 101 4 5 3 21 31 C Ponce 13 Burgnyne Keziah Valerie West 52094 Jefson 34 115 slow 10 114 4 2 2TIRST 2 2J 610 J RodgezlS M Maxim PlainBill Trackstai TrackstaiBy TIRST PULLET b m 5 112 112Trainer By Cock o the Walk Kerr by TJncommoa Trainer F Mallory Owner C R Daly 53210 Mobile Ab uS 101 fast 2J 115 C ° l E Smith J ValWest CorkevAV Ol James 53166 Short 51 f 108 fast 7 110 4 5 4 4 3 = 1 E Smith 10 Propagda Slunidon LitMaudie 53154 Shport 51 f lOSifast 21 IOC 7 7 75U122 743 3 = 1 R Holway S LitMaudie StJust SirJVgne SirJVgne5U122 5U122 Shport 7S 130 fast 910 110 2 1 S S530SG 5 31 3 = 1 L McDott Kiuglingll Iloreb FountainFay FountainFay530SG 530SG Shport 51 f l12 = hvy 5 10G 3 1 11 Il 1J E Smith 7 LMaudie LadyMdred DRoma 52050 Shport 5X f 117 hvy 31 9 9UJ j 2 2 252S33 2 2 2s J McCoy 5 Mie Moore Cockroach Hopover Hopover52S33 52S33 FGnda 34 l13 fast 15 103 5 7 77 Gi 4 = J McCoy 13 General Philanderer Moroni 52722 FGnds 34 lGhvy 12 100 1 9 97 7i 7 i J McCoy 11 Resist Marmite Serbian 52600 FGnda 34 113 fast 15 104 8 8 8 5i 5 J J Mney 9 InaKay CarlineS DonnaRoma 52445 FGnda 34 l13fast 5 104 3 7 7 61 G J Roberta 13 Murphy Samly II Blaise BlaiseCOUNTESS COUNTESS ch f 3 105 By Olambala Eeticella by Heywood HeywoodTrainer Trainer D M Cromwell Owner W S Bruce 53220 Mobile Ab 5S lOlMjgood 10 11315 4 3 4i I1 J Scott MSartiitlI PepPolIy XLmidou 52817 FGnds InVTOy l45fast 20 107 422 2 4l 10 = 3 M Garner 12 WothoWp Romper CharlteC CharlteCC2G4 C2G4 FGnds 1 11G 148 fast 10 91 G 4 4 4 C G3 L McDott 8 Bengali CBurus WalTurnbow 52539 FGnds 51 f lOGfast 12 105 12 13 12 12 123E Pool 1U ColLass Oleggo GAgramoute 524 5 FGnds 1141 fast 15 92 5 2 2 2 3 5J L McDott S Corilla Wothe Wisp BlStone 52374 FGnds 34 l15fast 50 10C113 9 9 9J 710 J Gruber 13 SeaCourt SilSpriugs JWhipple JWhippleB1DGG B1DGG Jefson 34 l18hvy 50 100 4 44 Gt 6 J E Pollard 111 SilSprings SCourt LMseWynne 51723 Jeffion 5J f 111 hvy 30 110 9 99 10 10 = 8 H J Burke 0 MaryFonso WalkUp AmnMaid AmnMaidST ST JUST br c 4 117 B BTrainer By St Yolma Mirror Mazo by Masetto Trainer G M Johnson Owner J L Gruber 53233 Mobile Ab 58 102 mud 123 123 3 32 322 2 2 W Dkson MMoore ValAVest Doctor Zab 53210 Mobilo Ab 58 101 fast B 120 531 W Dkt on ValWest CorkoyW Ol James James5316B 5316B Shport 51 f 1OS fast 8 120 S 4 5 Ci 7J F Murphy 10 Propaganda Kliandou FirstPult FirstPult53IT4 53IT4 SirTVgueEM71 Shport 5J f lOSfast 8 120 4 32 2U 2i F Murphy S LitMaudie FPulItt SirTVgue EM71 Shport 51 f l14ihvy S 120 1 1 1 11 I F Murphy 7 Mormon MiekMoore JusGoebl 53019 Shport 51 f l18hvy 115 107 3 31 1U 1 = F Murphy i Philippic Ivanmlst Petrograd Petrograd5S010 5S010 Shport 51 f 116 hvy 10 110 4 G G 6l G = G Babin 7 Pe y Polly MiekMoore Parrish ParrishShrevept Shrevept 51 f l18hvy 7 115 4 3 4 31 Si F Murphy 7 PepPolIy LMidrcd T Sutton Suttoni i uu FGnda 51 f 107 fast 100 117 5 5 10 125 12 W Dkson 13 Pueblo Little Mamlie Circulate 52114 Jefson 51 f l07fast 100 113 7 88 8s S2 W BogskilU RalubowGirl InaKay Vansylvia 51412 Churchl 1 14 207fast 77 107 3 G 8 8 8 8lA Collins S Kimpalong ParisMaid TCStone 51353 Churchl 7S 128 fast 322 112 9 10 10 9 9 9 A Collins 10 Anticipate Larry B Blue Jeans JeansPLAIN PLAIN BILL b g 4 114 By Ivan the Terrible Nantura by St Simonia II Trainer J M Brown Owner Hickey Bros 53234 Mobile Ab 5S 103 mud 75 123 1 1 I1 1s H Kricksn Virse Petroprad Verboten 53145 Shport 51 f ll 7ifast 95 107 3 3 3 3 = 3 1 L McDott Tiger Rose Philippic Dahinda 5311S Shport 51 f 109 fast 12 113 1 2 2 4i 4C R Holway LitMaudie DRoina Xormandie C310G Shport 5 f l03good 15 115 3 3 3 41 4T1 L Mink Assume RoscoeGoose Petrograd 53073 Shport 51 f l13ihvy 3 114 1 1 3 31 381 L Mink SMarcus Propaganda SelmaG 53011 Shport 51 f l17hvy 12 110 2 355 = 5i R Romelll C BitckBay Mormon Donna Roma 52743 FGnds 34 l16hvy 20 llli 7 6 3 3J 3i H HamtnlS Dtroyer B Roberts SJVergnt 52691 FGnda 34 l13fast Q 112 2 489 9 H HamfnlS I mcelot OaklnBelle Marmite 52477 FGnda 34 l13fast 20 111 4 9 9 8H S11 J J Mneyl3 Ina Kay Rbow Girl Calt Lasa 52094 Jefson 34 115 slow 30 114 3 4 4 41 2 C Ponce 13 M Maxim Trackstar OSinner OSinner3y LADY MILDRED ch m 8 112 112Trainer 3y Dick Welles Incendiary by Lamplighter Trainer C S Wilson Owner W F Strauss 33 Mobile Ab 5S 102 mud 121 2 5 5 5 511 J Schlessr 5 Mick Moore St Just ValWest 53154 Shport 51 f lOSfast 10 111 G 56 Cl 0s H Ericksn 8 LitMaudie StJust Fst Pullet 53122 Shport 78 130 fast 5 110 4 4 6 G S1 S15OSG 911 G Babin 0 Kingling II Uoreb First Pullet 5OSG Shport 51 f l12hvy 7 110 2 3 5 4 = SU H EricVsn 7 FPullet LitMaudie DRoma 53032 Shport 5 f llalivy 95 106 1 11 1 J 1 II Ericksn S V West Mormon Mary Fonso 52975 Shport 51 f l18hvy 3 110 1 11 1152S33 11 2li H Ericksn 7 PepTyPolly StJust TonySutton 52S33 FGnda 34 l13fast 20 108 7 65 41 5 = 1 E Pool 13 General Philanderer Moroni 52722 FGnda 34 llGVihvy 20 103 6 88 Si 9I II Thurberll Resist Marmite Serbian 51824 Jef Jefson son 31 l19nud 20 302 7 7 75 5 2i 31 G Babin 10 AnnaGallup Lonely CobaltLasa 51776 Jefson 34 l15fgood 12 102 7 66 66B173G 51 5 = G Babin 9 Vnnslyvia Nebraska Keen Jane B173G Jefson 34 l17hvy 15 107 2 25 25MISS 4 5 i E Martin 1U Mormon Safranor Big Idea IdeaBy MISS KRUTER b m 10 109 109Trainer By Transvaal Lillie Kruter by Orimar Trainer B Hitchcock Owner B Hitchcock 53210 Mobile Ab 5S 101 fast 10 ll S = W Brown II ValWest CorkeyW 01 James 52813 FGnds 51 f 107 fast 20 110 7 4 45 5 71 77J II Gregory It PortLight Assume Ttherslct 52567 FGnds 51 f 107 fast 25 108 2 3 34 4 61 GJ T Jarvis 13 Pueblo Little Maiidie Circulate 52007 Jefson 5f f lOS good 10 102 1 2 5 5519SG 76 75 H GregorylO Vansylvia JticeGocbel General 519SG Jefson 34 llG hvy i5 107 3 4 44 4 41 51 H GrepprylS A Galley Marmite Winneconne 51824 Jefson 34 l19iimud 7 105 3 G 57 7 9s 8JJ H Gregory 10 Anna Gallup Lonely L Mildred MildredBy DOCTOR ZAB b g 8 By Ormondale Roman Gold by Brutus Trainer G Ethington Owner J Wakeman 50233 Mobile Ab 5S 102 mud 7 120 5 234 4 = 4 AV Fnklin Mick Moore St Just ValWest BU210 Mobile Ab 5S 101 fast 10 120 9l 917 J J52S13 Schnger 9 ValWest CorkeyW Ol James 52S13 FGnds 51 f 107 fast SO 107 4 11 12 12 121S J J Mney 12 PortLight Assume TchcrsPct 50170 Dufrin Ab 58 l02 = ifast 20 114 7 J Mulcahy S Virge Baml Stars HAngleton 60084 Dufrin Ab 5S l03Vifast 3 111 4 N Foden 8 AEdgar MabelTrask Juanalll 4S573 Meuvo Ab 58 102 fast 4 110 G5J X Foden 7 ClearLake LHester Juanitalll 4S027 Duff crin Ab58 103 fast 1 115 I1 W Hinphy 4 Safranor WhiteHavcn OldRed 47916 Dufferin Ab58 103 fast V91D 115 in W Hinphy 7 MMallou MMaulsbyMSterlini