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SUMMARY OF TIJUANA RACES FIItST ItACE 12 Mile 12yearolds Maidens Allowances AllowancesHorses Horses Wt Jockey Str PL Sh Fin FinLot Lot Ijoraine 112 Saladin OO 300 240 Won Apricot 110 Hayward 34U 2402nd 2402ndCapt Capt Clover 112 Jones 2103rd 2103rdDewy Dewy Field Aleso Midnight Stones and Sample also ran ranTime Time 49 49No No scratches SECOND RACE 34 Mile 3yearolds and up ¬ ward Claiming ClaimingHorses Horses Wt Jockey Str PI Sh Fin FinStriker Striker 117 Whittington OSO 400 3SO Won 2 S 0 1200 2nd 2ndMiss Miss Dunbar SS Prible 820 rd rdHeadman Headman W C Dooly Dixie Mason Sharp Squill1 Hoyal Irish Katherine Kaiikiu Go On Ijady Enficld Last Chance ami Brown Bee also ran ranTime Time 114 114Scratched Scratched Careen Black Spray THIRD ItACE 1 Mile 3yearolds and upward Claiming ClaimingHorses Horses Wt Jockey Str PI Sh Fin FinBusy Busy Bird IO Josiah 1100 520 3GO Won WonCzardoin Czardoin 11 Marinelli 800 3SO 2nd 2ndPatMack PatMack 112McCulloiigh 480 3rd 3rdSir Sir Oliver Itunecraft Blazer Medforil Boy and Cafeteria also ran ranTime Time 142 142Scnitcheil Scnitcheil Doctor Doorley Little Orphan Art Kick Sadie Stronp FOURTH ItACE 34 Mile 3yearolds and up ¬ ward Claiming ClaimingHorses Horses Wt Jockey Str PI Sh Fin FinAunt Aunt Annie 95 Yeargin 1480 020 4SO AVoa Tawasentha 2 Marinelli 300 3IH1 2nd 2ndShoreacres Shoreacres 107 Gross 320 3rd 3rdErmitana Ermitana July Fly Mike Dixon Apple Jack Maud M Minnie II Little Pointer Indian Bri ¬ gade Welga and May worth also ran Time 114 114Scratched Scratched White Shield AVoodrose FIFTH ItACK 1 110 Miles 3yearolds and up ¬ ward Claiming ClaimingHorses Horses Wt Jockey Str PI Sh Fin FinNebulous Nebulous 04 Yeargin 840 300 210 Won Great Hawk 5 Parke 340 2402nd 2402ndBob Bob Baker 10f Marinelli 200 3rd 3rdWater Water Willow Horace Lerch and Iteydo also ran Time 146 146No No scratches SIXTH ItACK 1 115 Miles 3yearolds and upward Claiming ClaimingHorses Horses Wt Jwkoy Str PI Sh Fin FinGO GO Won WonGen Gen Bvng 115 Powell 740 2802ml 2802mlSasiu Sasiu 110 Josiah 2203rd 2203rdBaby Baby Sister Cork Little Gink and Hickorynut also ran ranTime Time 148 148Scratched Scratched Yukon SEVENTH ItACK 08 Mile 3yearolds and up waid Allowances AllowancesHorses Horses Wt Jockey Str PI Sh Fin FinW W Thoughts 7 MariIH10GO 500 380 AVon Mary Iteigel 17 Gangel 5220 1JI20 2nd 2ndHarry Harry D 112 Gross 4003rd 4003rdItifle Itifle Toombeola 1yx Apropos Epiphanes Lady Mack ami Efficient also ran ranTime Time 100 100Scratched Scratched Louc Pine Cal Curn Pittsburg Tom Caro Mazie Barber Mars Mouse