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FOURTH RACE 58 Mile 3yearolds and upward Claiming May 20 1920 59 4 107 LONELY b f 4 101 101Trainer By Yon Tromp Isolation by George Kessler Trainer J J Murphy Owner F Dahnkcn 532C9 Tijuana 51 f 1 09 hvy 45 101 4 3 32 2 22 I1 M Slgliter 7 Headman Betsinda Toombeola 5251 Tijuana 51 f lOS islop 7 101 1 3 2 2s 21 M SI ghter 11 Sedgegrass BBlkwell Nstick 53012 Tijuana 58 102 hvy 185 105 5 2 2 2E2904 2 2 = O Willis 7 SliermanA DaneingOirl Yukon E2904 Tijuana 51 f 107 fast 5 104 9 S S S52G71 S1 S9 O Willis 12 DeLand RobtLOwen MyrtleA 52G71 Tijuana 58 l03hvy 35 103 4 J M Slghter G Wallace L Cacambo Shifty CARRIE MOORE b m 5 104 104Trainer By McGee Dutch Barbara by Flying Dutchman Trainer J A Parson Owner J A Parson 53251 Tijuana 5 f lOSslop 25f 104 5 9 G 71 101G D Prible 11 Sedgegrass Lonely B Blkwell 5S044 Tijuana 34 l144ilivy 21 97 2 1 1 2 G i B Marielli 8 liiilgcHllswortli EulahF Liola 53006 Tijuana 51 f lOGfast 31 100 7 G 5 7 7 ° i B Marielli S TothMing AVynnewd PWrd 52971 Tijuana f 107 fast 13f 106 1 1 2 5J 61S O Willis C EulahF TEllsworth JGdman 52904 Tijuana 51 f 107 fast a 107 11 9 9 12 1218 G Yeargin 12 DeLand RobtLOwen MyrtleA MyrtleABASIL BASIL ch h 7 112 By Voter Mintcake by Marcion MarcionTrainer Trainer W F Poison Owner W F Poison PoisonEras Eras Tijuana 34 l14slow 5f 111 5 G 4 41 32 E Taylor 13 MByng OrKing B Bhukwell 51381 Churchl 78 l26ROod 35 112 899 9 9 98 E Graves 9 Tulsa Dr Carmen Bread Man Man507SG 507SG Latonia 34 l12fast 16 10S 11 10 8 8J 85 E Graves 12 GipsyQueen ColumbiaTn Rifle 50561 Latonia 34 l12 fast 28 107 9 999 9 E Graves 9 Cot Blossom GeoStarr LastCoin 48007 Latonia 34 l12fast 16 115 6 G 6 6 414 M Garner G Green Grass Bullion JtHareJr 47893 Latonia 34 l12fast 12 113 11 9 9 G2 612 M Garner 11 Bullion DrCarmen BonJour CLAUDE WEAVER ch h 8 8Trainer 114 By St Swithens Katy Norwood by Grayson Trainer F Samples Owner J S 53013 Tijuana 34 l15hvy 14 110 2 45 11 11 ° C Whitton 11 BBlkwell JohnJr Sedgegrass SedgegrassTC005 TC005 Tijuana 34 l14fast 11 111 1 11 I1 12 C Whitton S Ben Payne John Jr Neg 5907 Tijuana 5S l00fast 105 108 1 33 41 41 D Powell 7 Joe Tag EBrown KCheatham 52830 Tijuana 5S Jfefast 29 94 5 4 o 4l 411 G Yeargin S Ring Corncutter Pyx 52796 Tijuana 51 f 107 fast 7 109 321 D Powell 9 PvtPcat AnRegina CtheWay 52425 Tijuana 5S 100 fast 24 100 45J G Yeargin G PhroneWard Sedan RoyDewey 52283 Tijuana 51 f l07fast 21 111 111GWENDOLA 3l O Willis 8 BobBaker DancGirl ClearLake GWENDOLA ch f 3 9G By Uncle La Pucelle by Esher Trainer W T Anderson Owner San Diego Stable StableE734 E734 Tijuana 1 IMOlfcfast G 93 G5 G Yeargin C Liola Franklin Olympian King King52GSG 52GSG Tijuana 34 l14slov 3910 99 7T3 L Gaugel 9 L in Bck A Wood MANan MANan53S4 53S4 Tijuana 34 113 fast 43 93 56 J Callahan A Wood C Dawn MANoonan MANoonan5r 5r 170 Tijuana 34 l14fast 45 96 1 B Marielli 12 B BlackwtII I Harvey Blazer Blazer520G1 520G1 Tijuana 34 l12fast 3G 100 5 J Clements i Sedan CarrieMoore HamiltonA HamiltonAETHEL ETHEL BROWN b f 3 90 By Leonid Rosiris by Joe Caroy CaroyTrainer Trainer W Singleton Owner A N Holler 5 07 Tijuana 5S lKHfcfast 14 101 7 G 6 2 M Slghter 7 JoeTag KChetham C Weaver WeaverV733 V733 Tijuana 51 f l07fast 225 97 97519G2 G i G Yeargin 7 JIloshor WTlioughts RDewey RDewey519G2 519G2 Tijuana ra f lOSfast 175 99 1 = 1 J Callahan G MMeelick JackLec AudreyA 5012 Reno 4i f G4fast 2 116 1164HSS1 4 i C Gross 8 RoyDewey Lettyltcc Phil Lugo 4HSS1 Reno 12 48fast 1710 101 101MANNCHEN 1 C Gross G RoyDewey Kirkwood LcttyRee MANNCHEN b g 7 114 114Trainer By Olambala Madchen by Knight of the Thistle Trainer C Whyte Owner C Why to toC32G6 WOO Tijuana 58 l02hvy 11 101 2 2 2C295G 2 I I3 B Marielli 7 Joe Tag Cacambo Midia Midiar95C C295G Tijuana 51 f 103 good 195 110 9 7 G G G7i J Clements 9 Perch Mex Clear the Way 5 52934 934 Tijuana 34 liG mud 12 112 4 2 22 23 I2 B Marielli S AuntAnnie CtheWay LPrcess LPrcess5S92 5S92 Tijuana 5 f l07fost 23 115 7 6 6 621 7 W Hinphy 0 Yukon Xeg Sedgegrass Sedgegrass52SG3 52SG3 Tijuana 5S l01fast 2S 116 9 23 41 44J W HinphylO Riposta AValter Mack Joe Tag TagROBERT ROBERT L OWEN ch g 7 114 114Trainer By Blues Lemon Girl by Madstono Trainer W Gargan Owner W Gargan M007 Tijuana I l40fast lit 1 y 4 711 W Gargan S llyanpoin IIorLercli Booneville 52W1 Tijuana 51 f 107 fast Sf IOC 2 1 1 2 W Taylor 12 I Land Myrtle A Priv Peat Peat1s 52755 Tijuana 34 l13fast 1 115 1s W Taylor Neg WdieMontgomery DonJose 2127 Tijuana 5i f l07fcfast 2710 110 110Kjao 23 M M thews 7 Anna Wood Pizarro Applejack Kjao Tijuana DJ 108 good 135 111 4J M Mthows 0 UlcarLaku OrKius WaltMack