Havana Entries And Past Performances For Sunday, March 20, Daily Racing Form, 1921-03-20


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HAVANA ENTRIES AND PAST PERFORMANCES FOR SUNDAY MARCH 20 WEATHER CLEAR TRACK FAST HiiciiiK starts at 215 p m Chicago time 142 Superior mud runner X Good uiud runner Fair mud runner M Maldeus Apprenticu allowance b lilinkcrs lilinkcrsFirst First Race 34 Mile Mile3yearolds 3yearolds and upwan Claiming ClaimingTrack Track record Jan 8 1920 111 i 102 102Todays Todays Did Horsi AVt Itoe A VtHan 311U 3 Itrigida M 108117 5 10U725 52257 Flip M lpt lKif It 53 720 720532S1 532S1 Sliortys First MlW 115 A 93 715 53179 liLiKht Fantastic 107115 3 98X715 98X715rKU rKU Little Dear 90 114 I 100 715 715VU723 VU723 Major Fisk Ills l15i 4 109X715 109X715r r si iinss K MI 105 liirii 4 ioix7io ioix7io5i27i 5i27i Iokcv 15 M 112114 5 111 705 705527t 527t Voile M 100115 4 KM X 700 5123 Jutland J114 l14if 108X700 108X7005U300 5U300 Urkiiiuui 108 111 1 0 111X700 Second Race 34 Mile 3yearolds and upward Claiming Track record Jan 8 1920 111 102 1025325S 5325S hltamcau 109 l13 f 5 113X725 51973 Legotnl 102 112 5 111 721 53238 Crystal Day Ill 114 108X715 53101 bXobleiuaii 115 112 9 110X715 110X715532K1 532K1 IMaiitagenet 114 l13f 9110X715 53237 = bltoyat 110 114 i 10SX710 10SX71053312s 53312s bUuIdcu Hud M109 114 I 10S7KI 53273 = ItoherXaltrceua M07 114 f 4 104X70H 53284 Scotch Kiss 105 114 7 108 705 53214 bSenator James 114 112 11 110700 53198 ItLoys 104 113 f 5 111X700 111X700Third Third Race 12 Mile MileFirst First Running Cuba Produce Stakes 10000 Added First of lKul1 Krenl x x2y 2y carolds Allowmicos AllowmicosTrack Track reciid March 5 1921 47 2 120 53171 Virgiiiia Cheek JIIOS 1956 110 725 53270 Cuba Encanto M117 5if 113 720 53225 JArtpinisa M 105 50 107 715 53270 Faseiida M 115 50 1107i 53225 fDatilsii M 114J 50 107 710 53209 tDoii Manuel UM117 52lf 113 705 53135 JCaslick M 115 51 113 700 700tArinonia tArinonia Stable and A II Diaz entry entrylt lt Dolz entry entryFourth Fourth Race 5 12 Furlongs 3yearolds and upward Claiming Track record Jan 24 1917 I05y3 5322i = bAvion 100 101 D iJA 532712 Get Em 110 108 3 95X7 53312 San Diego 108 107 4 10IJ720 53315 = Lucie May 112 107 4 101X715 53282s Merry Feast 106 7 108 715 53100 Aunt Dcda 111 107 3 95X710 5 143 Lotta Speed 9li 107 3 95X710 530158 l Marly Lou 105 107 10 104X710 53300 liLu Italafre 113 lllh 5 10SX710 532S4 bFleer 102 107 4 101X703 53205 lilresiiiuptioii 102 107 12 llli705 53020 Pie 103 110 1 112X700 Fifth Race 34 Mile MileIsle Isle of Iincs Handicap Handicap3yoaroIds 3yoaroIds and upward upwardTrack Track record Jan S 11120 1 11 i 102 5272 bSIROCCO IK 111 i 108 750 53212 liMavor House 93 112 5 103X710 side 108 111 7 115 710 53302 bltellc of Elizabeth town 105 1 11 5 117X740 53302 Furbelow Ill 112 4 112X735 WJ Sans Iciir II 110114 5100X730 5100X730Sixth Sixth Race 1 Mile and 50 Yards Yards3yearolds 3yearolds and upward Claiming ClaimingTrack Track record March 1918 141 5 117 53303 Folix M 3 85 7 3313sbTimotliy J HoganlOl 143 i 1007 5331C bScmpcr Stalwart 105 l431f 8 102X715 102X7155331is 5331is bllomam 102 143 103X715 53275 Clilmcrn 108 145 103X710 103X7105331I2 5331I2 bJose de Vales 105 143 111X710 53202 bAttorney Muir 109 143 r 112X70 53317 bltedland 115 144 9 IOS700 53231 bDuke of Shelby 107 144 10 110X700 110X700Seventh Seventh Race 1 Mile and 50 Yards Yards3yearolds 3yearolds and upwirrd Claiming ClaimingTrack Track record March 1918 141 5117 5321 Fireworth 95 143 4 K9X725 532t2bltrcad Line 100 141 4 102 720 53231 My Ada 102 143 4 102X715 t3bKmma J T 100 143 4 102X715 5 Jellison 113 143 f i 110X715 53314 JIiss Hilarilv Hilarilv5292C1 IS 145 3 85 710 5292C1 Taula V 107 143 108X710 532i2 White Haven 103 144 5 108 710 533173 Jake Feld 1081144 4 1K705 53301 Rhymer 111 141 7 112X705

Persistent Link: https://drf.uky.edu/catalog/1920s/drf1921032001/drf1921032001_5_2
Local Identifier: drf1921032001_5_2
Library of Congress Record: https://lccn.loc.gov/unk82075800