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SEVENTH RACE 1 116 Miles 3yearolds and upward Claiming June 24 1916 1 45 3 110 TROPHY ch h 6 112 112Trainer By Ballot Mls Crittenden by Soyal Fluik m mI2 Trainer W F Poison Owner W F Poison 53308 Tijuana 34 111 fast 4110 118 1 1 1E2SG3 I2 I1 E Haywd 7 Betsinda Poailier Clara Martin E2SG3 Tijuana 5S l01 fast 19f 111 7 S 10 10 10 = II SaladinlO Riposta Waller Mack Joe Tag 51294 Churchl 78 l27slow 7f 110 7 G G 5 HllO E Graves 14 SwgOlance Serbian Approval 51198 Latonia 1 11G l52hvy 87 112 2389 9 925 B Graves 10 Prunes Warlike Zone dArmee 5G736 Latonia 1 18 l54fast 26 109 6457 II1 H22 E Graves 12 HiGear BkNail Cnterbalance EC416 Lexton 1 116 l47fast 7 109 1 3 4 5 Gl CnterbalanceGl 5 ° i E Graves 9 Kingfisher SsBoy DofWcton GOLDIE ROSE b f 4 100 100Trainer By Sir Huon Trappist by The Friar Friar2i Trainer C Irby Owner C Irby 53311 Tijuana 34 114 fast 32 103 5 54 2i 1 B Mariellill LaBNre HgausIIr PDirect 52989 Tijuana 34 114 fast 75 107 10 7 G II S IarCliU strikt r QuidNunc MissSedalia 52942 Tijuana 51 f l03slow 145 106 8 G G 31 23 B Marielhll HarsIIeir PrBaby Busy Bird 52S73 Tijuana 51 f l07fast 1 98 5 53 2 = 1 1 B Mariellill HsTopaz Chat Court BFaust 52804 Tijuana 1 112 fast 17 103 103VIVA 4i BFaust4i J Glass S MissParnell Bardora Chautresa VIVA CUBA b f 4 104 104Trainer By Assagai Arjosy by Cayug Trainer B A Jones Owner B A Jones 5329S Tijuana 34 lllHlow 5f 10G 7 13 12 1 13JIIy A5 OrKing B Blackwell Mjuana 1 1lfi l tthvy 3110 1W 5 4 5 G 7 i C Whitton 7 Midia Orcatllawk Commander Mjuana 1 110 l49slow 2710 109 2444 3 23 M SlghUr 7 OnrMaid WarWinner SwApple 34 111 fast 20 113 ijuana K Vj167 7 Clrikc Yukon Clear theWay viuoi ijuana Im70y 147 slow 910101 I theWayI M Slghter 7 BMouur Cavdourll TGlant TGlantBy CLARA MARTIN br m 6 105 105Trainer By Sain Missy by Midlothian Trainer J G Stadler Owner I Irvin 53OS Tijuana 34 114 fast 11 117 4 4 1 4 Jpuxton 7 Trophy Betsinda Poacher 52906 Tijuana 1 11G 1 MSXfast 2110 107 3545 5 7 il S P ° n Kccs Wlne ikcr SwApple 52SG4 Tijuana 1 18 l51tsfast 115101 2 3 33 l Iar elli G KeVll ° Verdl Ix0n by Sister 52775 Tijuana Im70y l45fast 6 106 31 B Man elli 7 Louis Horace Lereh Bob Baker J71SO Tijuana Im70y l45fast 9 111 ol C Buell G Sam Hill Reydo Miss Stathem PEERLESS ONE br g 6 106 106Trainer By Jack Atkin Sarni Parell U by lrd inoli inolifit Trainer S Polk Owner S Polk 53007 Tijuana 1 l10fast 2 10G S S G 7 fit rt E Fator S Hyanpom IIorLercIi Boonovillo 5232 Tijuana 1 1S l57mud 19 lot f f o r Boonovillor 5 E Fator 5 WarSmoke IIorLercli Coffield 5SWfi Tijuana 1110140 fast 20 93 G 5 G 7 S CoffieldS S B Marielli S TSXPass PWIiack Wnewd 62243 Tijuana 1 18 l53 fast 135 109 5 E Fator 5 Regrcso Horace I rch Darnay E2130 Tijuana 1 110 l4Gfast 105 103 2 E Fator 7 Piedra Peerless One Sea Way 510S2 Tijuana 1 1S 151 fast G 100 G WayG B Fator G Kcgrcso Sam Hill T S N Paaa BABY CAL b g 8 111 111Trainer By Dorante Pepita by Hanover Hanover3S3 Trainer W C Weant Owner W 0 Weant 52811 Tijuana 118154 fust 135114 3S3 P Chlavta 7 IJMntn Cavldonrll Yermak 52774 Tijuana 1 11G 148 fast 110 115 2 N Foden 7 LGink LeDosaure Cli Hollers 62735 Tijuana 1 11C l4Sfast 1310 112 js II Howe 7 Caldonrll TGlant AndreyA AndreyAI1 B2385 Tijuana 1 141 fast 1710 109 109B2281 I1 B Marclll G CIIolters Deckhand PttoPolnt PttoPolnt1J B2281 Tijuana 1 116 147 fast 55 109 1J B Mariclll C Examiner Cork Tillotson Tillotson4J2 E2196 Tijuana 1 116 l46fust 8 107 4J2 AY Perry G Darnay Viva Cuba Minnie II YERMAK ch e 8 115 By Ormondale Lady Alicia by Sir Blxon BlxonTrainer Trainer W L Stanfield Owner Pritchard Jatnes 53297 Tijuana 1 11G l4S45slow 165 lt t5 1 I D Powell 7 Salsoorfje Shortstop Deckhand 53248 Tijuana JmTpy 147 slop G 100 C G GE2S11 Cl M Slgliter Nebulous HorLerch Shortstop E2S11 Tijuana 1 iS 154 fast 7 113 11352GS5 4 i B MaricUi 7 ItMntn CavTdonrll ItyCal 52GS5 Tijuana 1 116 l49slow S US USC25S3 3 = 3 J Glass 7 Ola Lee Horace Lerch Dkhand C25S3 Tijuana 1 116 152 slow 7 107 li E Taylor 8 Conimder Shortstop AudreyK AudreyKBy SWEET APPLE b f 101 Sweet Charlotte 4 By 3 uwCDt Sweep o ool uaitukvD by UJ Ingoldsby Bv Uj UjTrainer Trainer J Eckcrt Owner J Eckert Eckert5S29S 5S29S Tijuana 34 lltslow 5f 102 11 12 13 13 1310 L Gaugel 13 5lltvnu OrKinc It IMackwcll IMackwcllG294G G294G Tijuana 1 116 l49slow IS 101 4 5 5 3 41 4 G Yeargin 7 OurMaid VivaCwba AVarAVinner AVarAVinner5S900 5S900 Tijuana 1 11G l4Sfast 5 101 G 6 5 4 21 3i M Slghter 7 Bccs VinR ItItakcr ClMartiu ClMartiu52S51 52S51 Tijuana Im70y l4Gfast 175f 103 2 3 3 2 It 1 N Foilon S Phelan Dionc Al Wick Wickb2755 b2755 Tijuana 34 l13fast 52 107 9l ° N Fodcn 9 ItLOwen NCR WMontKomery JUDGE DAYIB b h 5 108 108Trainer By McGoe Benedetta by The Popper Trainer J G Stadler Owner F J ORourku 53024 Tijuana 1 1S 1 l55Mfast r r f ast 2310 111 5 542 4 2 2 2 22 D Powell GMuchlcbach Cork ItabySister ItabySisterb2970 b2970 Tijuana 1 110 l49fast 115112 105 5 45 3 15 Marielli UrFavHc FShannoii UUltcrs 52933 Tijuana Im70y IMlMfcmud 11 112 U 4 4 4 3i S3 D Powell OurMaid Gen ItyiiK ItDtchman ItDtchman52S07 52S07 Tijuana 1 116 149 fast 4 112 2 = 1 B MaricUi ittyiiR LcDlnosauro Frivolous 62704 Tijuana ImTOy 147 fast 1G5 114 5S B MaricUi Little Gink Gou Itynj Saner VERDI LOON b f 4 110 By Marathon Bonnie Eloise by Clifford Trainer J J Rice Owner J L Brannon 53025 Tijuana 1 14 209ifast 9 93 0 5 G 64 6 4 53J E JusiuliC29GO Jusiuli S HorLerch AVaterAVillow Itcydo C29GO Tijuana 1 1S l3r l3rgood good 65 107 7 G 5 4 C O10 ° 6 G95 ° 2 II Howe HoweS2SG1 7 AVMgomy LeDaure GunItng S2SG1 Tijuana 1 1S l5Hffast 32 107 5 1 1 1 1 21 23 II Rbwe Itcydo ClaraMartin ItabySister 62650 Tijuana 1 11G l5213mud 9 104 4 410 ° E Fator FatoroiMGl 0 Shortstop JSchas GreatHawk oiMGl Tijuana 1 116 l49slop 1 100 1 in B Maric Marielli 5 II Lerch W AVillow MConnell MIDIA b f 4 106 106Trainer By Rock View Galaxy by Star Shoot Trainer J Mannale Owner V Mannale 5S29S Tijuana 34 l14slow 16 101 1 7 73 B Parke 13 MHyiiK OiKinc It Itlackwell ItlackwellG1 532GG Tijuana 5S l02hvy 45 1G 7 G1 4 B Iarke 7 Maiiuchcn Joe TIIK Cacambo 3046 Tijuana 1 11G l 4 121 B Parke 7 GIIawk Comander Cldourll CldourllG 52973 Tijuana 1 141 fast 27 102 C S G G = S13 M Slghter 9 BShilliw Don Jose JJMdock 52947 Tijuana 6i f lOSslow 157 107 9 7 71 7T B Parke 9 Aniialtegijia Itiposta IJobltaker IJobltakerBy SALGEORGE b g 5 107 107Trainer By Salvation Georgia Girl by Solitaire II Trainer B Suhr Owner B Suhr 297 Tijuana 1 116 l4Sslow 17 106 7 C 4 4 21 2 k AV Taylor 7 Yermak Short Stop Deckhand 3041 Tijuana 1 116 151 hvy 5 01 is w Taylor 11 It Payne C Hollers Audrey K 52941 Tijuana Im70y l47slow 17 112 G G 9 10 10 10 M SlghterlO AAMBaker Dione Pink Tenny 528GO Tijuana 34 l14fast IP 12 ° B Marellil2 HagansHeir ApJack Lewislt 52582 Tijuana Im70y l50slow 41 111 111PIEDRA 4 B Marielli S GItuehlebach Plunger Cobrita CobritaBy PIEDRA b g 6 114 114Trainer By Magellan Premiere March by Childwiok Trainer N S Vail Owner C Vail C3025 Tijuana 1 14 209 fast 1G5 105 6 2 31 4 = E Taylor S HorLerch AVaterAVillow Itcydo Itcydo7i 51P91 Tijuana 1 l40V4fast 5 105 7i C E Taylor 10 ItItaker AV Willow Cavdourll Cavdourll2ti 5287G Tijuana 118158 fast 2ti 2i E Taylor Coffield AVarSmoke AY AVillow AVillow3l 52794 Tijuana 1 141 fast 16 106 3l W Taylor S WarSmoke Coffield OlymKing OlymKing44i 52753 Tijuana 1 11G l4Gfast 3 07 44i G Yeafgln 5 Aeteran Sailor Itegreso ItegresoBy SHORT STOP b g 6 117 117Trainer By Garry Herrmann Little Nell by Cederstromo Trainer C B Irwin Owner C B Irwin 53297 Tijuana 1 116 l4Sslow 95 112 C 1 1 3 5 3J D Hurn 7 Yermak Saljjeorse Deckhand 53248 Tijuana Im70y 147 slop 32 113 2 3 3 3 gnk 3 p Martinez 5 Nebulous HorLerch Uobltakcr 5M46 Tijuana 1 116 l50hvy 21 119 3 1 1 2 21 G ° i P Martinez 7 Midia GreatHawk Commander 62S10 Tijuana 34 l12fast 21f 108 S P Martinez 9 Polythia Edwina Lady InBlack 52753 Tijuana 1 11G l4Gfast 710 114 V610 P Martinez J Acterau Sailor llegreso